Aspie-quiz evaluation
Quiz versions
Experimental versions
Version I overview related questions
Version II overview related questions referer sites
Version III overview related questions referer sites
Neurodiversity version overview related questions referer sites
Version 5 overview related questions referer sites IQ test
Version 6 overview related questions referer sites ancestry hair-color eye-color
Version 7 overview related questions referer sites ancestry hair-color eye-color
Version 8 overview related questions referer sites hair-color eye-color stims
Version 9 overview related questions referer sites hair-color eye-color ABO Parkinson Alzheimer Cystic fibrosis Hemochromatosis Factor V Leiden
Version R1 overview related questions referer sites
Version R2 overview related questions referer sites
Version R3 overview related questions referer sites
Version R4 overview related questions referer sites AQ test
Version R5 overview related questions referer sites
Version R6 overview related questions referer sites
Version R7 overview related questions referer sites
Version 1
Version S1 overview related questions referer sites image rating
Version S2 overview related questions referer sites score stability image rating
Version S3 overview related questions referer sites score stability SPQ-A test
Version S4 overview related questions referer sites score stability LSAS test
Version S5 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version S6 overview related questions referer sites score stability
Version S7 overview related questions referer sites score stability
Version S8 overview related questions referer sites score stability MDQ test
Version S9 overview related questions referer sites score stability Dr Amen's ADD test
Version S10 overview related questions referer sites score stability Adult Dyslexia test
Version S11 overview related questions referer sites score stability Tourette DCI test
Version S12 overview related questions referer sites score stability Giftedness in Adults test
Version N1 overview related questions referer sites score stability
Version N2 overview related questions referer sites score stability flirt ratings
Version FI overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F1 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F2 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F3 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F4 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F5 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F6 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F7 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F8 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F9 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F10 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F11 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F12 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F13 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F14 overview related questions referer sites score stability ancestry
Version F15 overview related questions referer sites ancestry
Version GE overview related questions referer sites ancestry
Version GE2 overview related questions referer sites ancestry
Version GE3 overview related questions referer sites ancestry
Version 2
Version G3 overview related questions
Version H3 overview related questions
Version H4 overview related questions
Version H5 overview related questions
Version H6 overview related questions
Version H7 overview related questions
Version H8 overview related questions
Version H9 overview related questions
Version H10 overview related questions
Version H11 overview related questions
Version H12 overview related questions
Version H13 overview related questions
Version H14 overview related questions
Version H15 overview related questions
Version H17 overview related questions
Version H19 overview related questions
Version H23 overview related questions
Version H25 overview related questions
Version H26 overview related questions
Version H27 overview related questions
Version H28 overview related questions
Version H29 overview related questions
Version H30 overview related questions
Version H31 overview related questions
Version JE1 overview related questions
Version JE2 overview related questions
Version JE4 overview related questions
Version JE5 overview related questions
Version JE6 overview related questions
Version JE7 overview related questions
Version 3
Version J1 overview related questions
Version J2 overview related questions
Version J3 overview related questions
Version J4 overview related questions
Version J5 overview related questions
Version J6 overview related questions
Version J7 overview related questions
Version K2 overview related questions
Version K3 overview related questions
Version K4 overview related questions
Version K5 overview related questions
Version K6 overview related questions
Version K7 overview related questions
Version K8 overview related questions
Version K9 overview related questions
Version K10 overview related questions
Version K11 overview related questions
Version 4
Version L1 overview related questions group relation
Version L2 overview related questions group relation
Version L3 overview related questions group relation
Version L4 overview related questions group relation
Version L5 overview related questions group relation
Version L7 overview related questions group relation
Version L8 overview related questions group relation
Version L9 overview related questions group relation
Version L10 overview related questions group relation
Version L11 overview related questions group relation
Version L12 overview related questions group relation
Version L13 overview related questions group relation
Version L14 overview related questions group relation
Version L15 overview related questions group relation
Version L16 overview related questions group relation
Version L17 overview related questions group relation
Version L18 overview related questions group relation
Version L20 overview related questions group relation
Version L21 overview related questions group relation
Version L22 overview related questions group relation
Version L24 overview related questions group relation
Version L25 overview related questions group relation
Version L26 overview related questions group relation
Version L27 overview related questions group relation
Version L28 overview related questions group relation
Version L29 overview related questions group relation
Version L30 overview related questions group relation
Version L31 overview related questions group relation
Version L32 overview related questions group relation
Version L33 overview related questions group relation
Version L34 overview related questions group relation
Version L35 overview related questions group relation
Version L36 overview related questions group relation
Version L37 overview related questions group relation
Historic overview
Grouped overview
Averaged group correlations
Averaged PCA-loadings
Grouping of Aspie-quiz
PCA loadings of Aspie-quiz
Correlation between PCA loadings and psychiatric diagnosis
Averaged axis loadings
Detailed axis loadings
Correlation between groups
Score stability between versions
Autism diagnosis correlations
AS/HFA/PDD diagnosis correlations
ADD/ADHD diagnosis correlations
Tourette diagnosis correlations
Dyspraxia diagnosis correlations
Dyslexia diagnosis correlations
Dyscalculia diagnosis correlations
OCD diagnosis correlations
ODD diagnosis correlations
Prosopagnosia diagnosis correlations
Bipolar diagnosis correlations
Schizophrenia diagnosis correlations
Social Phobia diagnosis correlations
Historic groups
Aspie ability / Aspie ability problem, Aspie score correlation: .54
NT ability problem / NT ability, Aspie score correlation: .50
Aspie compulsion / Aspie compulsion problem, Aspie score correlation: .53
NT compulsion problem / NT compulsion, Aspie score correlation: .43
Aspie social / Aspie social problem, Aspie score correlation: .41
NT social problem / NT social, Aspie score correlation: .55
Aspie communication / Aspie communication problem, Aspie score correlation: .51
NT communication problem / NT communication, Aspie score correlation: .56
Aspie hunting / Aspie hunting problem, Aspie score correlation: .34
NT hunting problem / NT hunting, Aspie score correlation: .36
Aspie perception / Aspie perception problem, Aspie score correlation: .49
NT perception problem / NT perception, Aspie score correlation: .47
Environment problem / Environment, Aspie score correlation: .46
Aspie biology / NT biology, Aspie score correlation: .16
Aspie mixed / NT mixed, Aspie score correlation: .00
1. Are you very logical and get surprised or impatient when others aren't?
2. Do you find visualizing easy?
3. Do you get confused by several verbal instructions at the same time?
4. Do you need to see, touch or do things yourself in order to remember them?
5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice?
6. Do you tend to get so stuck on details that you miss the overall picture?
7. Do you find it difficult to generalize?
8. Are you fascinated by dates and/or numbers?
9. Is it easier and more interesting for you to focus on the outer form (e.g. the font and layout of a text) than on the actual content?
10. Are you punctual, conscientious and perfectionist?
11. Do you find concrete things easier to grasp than abstract concepts?
12. Do you have excellent long-term memory in subjects that interest you?
13. Do you have excellent vocabulary and/or a fascination with words?
14. Is it difficult or tiresome for you to talk?
15. Do you have a habit of repeating your own or others' last words, internally or out loud (echolalia)?
16. Do you sometimes mix up pronouns and, for example, say "you" or "we" when you mean "me" or vice versa?
17. Do you use stock phrases or phrases borrowed from other situations or people?
18. Do you have a monotonous voice and/or difficulty adjusting volume and speed when you talk?
19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas?
20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject?
21. Do you enjoy gathering information about categories of things (types of birds, cars etc.)?
22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc?
23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems?
24. Do you have an ability to stick to something that interests you and not give up?
25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests?
26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else?
27. Do you find it hard to multi-task or shift your attention rapidly from one thing to another and therefore need to finish one task before turning to the next?
28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations?
29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first?
30. Do you feel a lot safer if you have a trusted companion with you?
31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age?
32. Do you have a tendency to be passive and not initiate things yourself?
33. Do you prefer the company of those older than yourself to that of your peers?
34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups?
35. Do you have a need for comfort items like a blanket, stuffed animals etc?
36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow?
37. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes or eat the same food many days in a row?
38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time?
39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects?
40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted?
41. Do you self-stimulate ("stim") when bored, restless, nervous or upset, e.g. by bouncing a leg, tapping your fingers, biting your nails, waving your hands, rocking your body etc?
42. Do you look younger than your biological age??
43. Do you have an odd posture, gait and/or difficulties sitting/standing erect?
44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination?
45. Do you have poor gross motor skills (= clumsiness)?
46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed?
47. Do you confuse left and right?
48. Are you hypo- or hypersensitive to physical pain, or even enjoy some types of pain?
49. Do you have unusual sleeping patterns?
50. Do you misjudge how much time has passed when involved in interesting activities?
51. Do you have obsessions or compulsions (repeated irresistible impulses to do certain things)?
52. Are you musically gifted? Do you, for example, have perfect pitch and/or the ability to play one or more instruments?
53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise?
54. Do you have difficulties filtering out background noise when talking to someone?
55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head?
56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light?
57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste?
58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials?
59. Do you have to be particular about what you eat and/or how it is combined on the plate in order to be able to eat?
60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc?
61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch?
62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time?
63. If you have to be touched, do you prefer it to be firmly rather than lightly?
64. Do you have a need for order and neatness?
65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement?
66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone?
67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life?
68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself?
69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange?
70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours?
71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace?
72. Do you have problems with eye-contact?
73. Do you dislike shaking hands with strangers?
74. Are you fairly cool & dispassionate and usually only have feelings when provoked or excited?
75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated?
76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)?
77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about?
78. Do you sometimes not feel anything at all, even though other people expect you to?
79. Are you sometimes so empathic that you feel other peoples' or animals' feelings as your own?
80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous?
81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations?
82. Are you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they are clearly spelled out?
83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations?
84. Do you have difficulties judging unseen limits and other people's personal space unless clearly informed?
85. Do you often talk about your special interests whether others seem to be interested or not?
86. Do you tend to interpret things literally?
87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc?
88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you?
89. Do you have problems recognizing faces (prosopagnosia)?
90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people?
91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships?
92. Are you so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone is?
93. Have you been bullied, abused or taken advantage of?
94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are?
95. Is being honest so natural to you that you often don't notice - or care - if others may find your remarks inappropriate, hurtful or rude?
96. Once you understand how someone feels, do you usually want to express you sympathy, help or cheer that person up if he or she is in distress?
97. Are you usually unaware of/disinterested in what is currently in vogue?
98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time?
99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs?
100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time?
101. Do you have an unusual sensitivity to pain?
102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields?
103. Do you often use peripheral vision?
104. Do you believe in ghosts and / or supernatural phenomens?
105. Do you often get depressed during winter-time?
106. Have you had thoughts of committing suicide?
107. Were you clumsy as a child?
108. Did you learn to crawl as a baby?
109. Did you have speech difficulties as a child?'
110. Do you have a history of bed-wetting past 5 years of age?
111. Did you perceive practical classes like handi-work or gymnasics as hard in school?
112. Do you feel much younger inside than your biological age?
113. Do you find it hard to tell the age of people?
114. Do you perceive moving legs as a signal of nervousness?
115. Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion?
116. Do you sometimes say "we" instead of "I"?
117. Do you mostly talk when you have something concrete to say?
118. Do you find it difficult to read written material unless it is very interesting or very easy?
119. Do you flip letters when you write?
120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects?
121. Do you find it easy to describe your feelings and emotions to others?
122. Are you sometimes very calm in situations that others find stressful?
123. Do you expect other people to know your thoughts, experiences and opinions without you having to tell them?
124. Do you enjoy meeting new people every day?
125. Do you enjoy being in a big crowd, such as a football game?
126. Have you had the feeling of playing a game, pretending to be like people around you?
127. Do you find it natural to keep track of whom owes whom favours?
128. Do you know when you are expected to offer an apology?
129. Do you have difficulty describing & summarising things for example events, conversations or something you've read?
130. Do others often misunderstand you?
131. Is it hard for you to break up from a relationship?
132. Can you often appreciate people without putting demands on them?
133. Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex?
134. Do you find the usual courting behavior natural?
135. Do you find it natural that males take initiatives to start a romantic relationship?
136. Are you homosexual or bisexual?
137. Do you feel like you were born with the wrong gender?
138. Do you have an interest in or have practised BD/SM?
139. Are you asexual?
140. Is you imagination unusual, with unique ideas that others don't have?
141. Do you enjoy figuring out how things work?
142. If you work on more than one project at a time do you seldom finish them?
143. Are you easily distracted and/or bored?
144. Are you impatient and have low frustration tolerance?
145. Do you have irregular eating habits that are adapted to what you are doing right now?
146. Do you have an interest in fashion?
147. Do you enjoy the status of a new car/new stereo/new TV?
148. Do you more often get things because you need them than because others have them?
149. Do your friends mean more to you than hobbies and interests?
150. Is your style and image important to you?
151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream or considered odd?
152. Are you very interested in environmental issues?
153. Do you enjoy gossip?
154. Have you had an urge to try drugs or illegal substances?
155. Do you find the norms of hygiene too strict?
156. Do you think others should have the same friends and enemies as yourself?
157. Do you prefer to go bare footed over using footwear?
158. Did you prefer to sleep in your parents bed rather than in your own room as a child?
159. Do you have an intense dislike for the military?
160. Do you feel an urge to peel flakes off yourself and / or others?
161. Do you like to collect items to make a set?
162. Do you prefer romance/drama films to science fiction/documentary films?
163. Do you frequently misplace things?
164. Do you often find reasons to question authorities?
165. Do you find it easy to organize your daily life?
166. Do you like to be in charge of other people?
167. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction?
168. Do you have money management difficulties?
169. Do you have fair skin that burn easy?
170. Do you have freckles?
171. Are you flat-footed?
172. Do you have crooked teeth or underbite?
173. Do you have fibromyalgia?
174. Do you or others think that you have unusual eating habits?
175. Do you prefer cold weather over warm weather?
176. Do you have psoriasis?
177. Do you have dandruff?
178. Do you squint now or have done in the past?
179. Are you slim and unable to gain in weight?
180. Do you have an interest for the current fashions?
181. Is other people's image of you important to you?
182. Would you offer somebody a favor even if you think it would be unlikely he/she would return it?
183. Is making a career important to you?
184. Is creating a social identity important for you?
185. Are you homosexual?
186. Are you bisexual?
187. Do you like to be naked in private?
188. Do you think leather is sexy?
189. Do you consider yourself a very logical person?
190. Did you have freckles as a child?
191. Do you have a larger head (or hat size) than normal?
192. Do you have brown eyes?
193. Do you have loose joints that have dislocated?
194. Do you have natural black hair color?
195. Are you shorter than what is normal for your gender?
196. Is your forefinger longer than your ringfinger?
197. Do you have a prominent bulge in the rear of your skull (occipital bun)?
198. Do you have a crooked spine (scoliosis)?
199. Do you like animals a lot?
200. Can you easily hear small sounds?
201. Do you dislike touch?
202. Do you need regular eating patterns?
203. Do you see yourself as sensitive?
204. Do you have difficulty hopping, skipping or riding a bike?
205. Do you have a tendency to drop things?
206. Were you quick to learn tasks requiring fine coordination?
207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball?
208. Can you easily handle a ball?
209. Did you enjoy classes like handi-work or gymnasics in school?
210. Do you have a better than average posture?
211. Do you excel in crafts requiring much patience and skill?
212. Do you enjoy playing musical instruments?
213. Are you accident prone?
214. Are you the last one to finish manual tasks?
215. Is it easy for you to interpret body language?
216. Do you think before you speak?
217. Do you speak before you think?
218. Are you good at small talk?
219. Do you lose interest in what others have to say?
220. Do you sense the boundaries of others without being told?
221. Do you understand figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc with ease?
222. Do you miss dishonesty and hidden agendas?
223. Do you easily remember names?
224. Do you read people well?
225. Are you intuitive about what people need from you?
226. Are you often surprised what people's motives are ?
227. Have you taken initiative only to find out it was not wanted?
228. Are your friends mostly co-workers or class-mates?
229. Do you have difficulties with pronunciation?
230. Do you blink or roll your eyes?
231. Do you thrust your tounge at the wrong occassion?
232. Do you sniff involuntary?
233. Do you swear a lot?
234. Do you stutter when stressed?
235. Do you prefer to know a little about many things rather than becoming a specialist in one or a few areas?
236. Do you like having others involved in your activities?
237. Do you have lots of things going on all at once and enjoy doing them simultaneously?
238. Do you have one special talent which you have emphasised and worked on?
239. Do you enjoy learning a little of everything even if it is not something of particular interest?
240. Do you find it very hard to learn things that you are not interested in?
241. Do you prefer being told the bottom line rather than having to find your own way there?
242. Do you enjoy having a variety of choices to make each day?
243. Do you welcome a surprise, even if it means being taken off task?
244. Do you find a little danger in your life energising?
245. Do you cheerfully redecorate or try wearing a different style of clothing?
246. Do you have the need for something new and exciting get motivated?
247. Are you relaxed about whether or not you might have forgotten to do something which normally you would do (locking the door, unplugging an appliance)?
248. Do you like to explore new places and take part in a new activity when somebody else takes the initiative?
249. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first?
250. Are you gracious about criticism, correction and direction?
251. Do you see the value in owning one of a kind?
252. Do you crave order in your home and work environments?
253. Do you have contamination fears of germs, dirt, etc?
254. Do you have phobias?
255. Do you find yourself at ease in romantic situations?
256. Are you energised by being in the company of others?
257. Do you spend more time getting to know others than yourself?
258. Are you comfortable in most social situations and with new people?
259. Do you understand why the loss of a pen can be more devastating than the loss of a relationship?
260. Do you enjoy working to deadline?
261. Do you prefer to talk only when you have something relevant to say?
262. Do you have a good sense for what is the right thing to do socially?
263. Do you see yourself as putting people first, before ideals and objects?
264. Do you see social rejection as an opportunity to grow as a human being?
265. Do you judge a potential mate as most anybody else would?
266. Do people think you have a good sense of humour?
267. Does shaking hands tell you a lot about a person?
268. Do you dislike being hugged when you haven't asked for it?
269. Have you felt different from others for most of your life?
270. Do you often feel overwhelmed when having to work alone?
271. Does it matter how others view you?
272. Do you take pride in your appearance?
273. Do you enjoy standing out and not following the fashions of the day?
274. Are you loyal to certain brands because they are "fashionable" or "must have"s?
275. Do you detest gossip?
276. Will you abandon your friends if your activities or ideals clash?
277. Have you felt kinship and belonging to others for most of your life?
278. Do you forget you are in a social situation when something gets your attention?
279. Can you keep a healthy balance between what you need to do and treating your associates/guests with due attention?
280. Do you enjoy hosting or arranging events?
281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people?
282. Are your views typical of your peer group?
283. Do you enjoy team sports?
284. Are you trying to slow down at work because you run out of things to do?
285. Can you read between the lines?
286. Can you spot hidden agendas with ease?
287. Are you always aware of other things going on around you even when reading or otherwise occupied?
288. Are your dreams and fantasies much like those of others?
289. Do you get the big picture before noticing details?
290. Do you find predictability and constancy mind-numbing?
291. Are you good at party games?
292. Do you prefer troubleshooting to using a manual when technical problems arise?
293. Can you remember a discussion verbatim even days or weeks after?
294. Do you often forget where you put things?
295. Do you miss appointments often?
296. Are you good at remembering birthdays?
297. Do you sometimes show up without the notes you need?
298. Do you have things so well in hand that you've anticipate what will be asked for?
299. Are you the one relied on to remember what needs to be done during a project?
300. Do you take on too much because it is easier to do it yourself than having to explain to others how to do it?
301. Do you often work through lunch or breaks to fix mistakes and get things done on time?
302. Would you rather leave the organising of events to others?
303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed?
304. Are you impulsive/restless?
305. Are you relaxed most anywhere, anytime?
306. Do you have regular periods of high activity interspaced with periods of lower activity?
307. Would you like to sleep all winter?
308. Do you have regular periods of needing more sleep interspaced with periods of needing less sleep?
309. Do your feelings cycle regulary between hopelessness and extremely high confidence?
310. Do you have trouble reading clocks?
311. Do you find it easy to understand calendars?
312. Do find it easy to remember math formulas?
313. Do you fail to carry a number through to the next part of the calculation?
314. Do you find it difficult to calculate change received from a purchase?
315. Do you have difficulty remembering scores during games?
316. Do you find it hard to recognise phone numbers when said in a different way?
317. Are you a slow reader?
318. Do you often make spelling errors?
319. Do you find it difficult to take notes in lectures?
320. Do you work rarely require editing?
321. Do you enjoy reading?
322. Is reading a chore?
323. Do you rely on recording devices rather than notes?
324. Do you always carry a notepad?
325. Do you enjoy games but forget the rules?
326. Do you remember rules of a game but not enjoy playing?
327. Do you primarily read fiction for entertainment?
328. Do you instinctively know what time it is when someone asks you?
329. Are you lefthanded or ambidextrious?
330. Do you look, feel or act younger than your biological age?
331. Do you have extra ribs or vertebrae?
332. Do you have food intolerances?
333. Do you have allergies?
334. Do you have eczema?
335. Do you have glue ear?
336. Are you strong-willed and stubborn?
337. Do you often question authority?
338. Do you trust authorities as long as they have the proper credentials?
339. Do you have a need to confess?
340. Do you require some instruction before solving a problem?
341. Can you easily remember sequences of past events?
342. Do you find it easy to sequence ideas in writing?
343. Do you feel awkward in romantic situations?
344. Do you enjoy working as a partner or team member, with supervision?
345. Do you talk to put others at ease even when you really have nothing to say?
346. Could you care less how others see you?
347. Do you consider yourself fashionable?
348. Hyperlexia
349. Dyspraxia
350. Dyslexia
351. Dyscalculia
352. OCD
353. ODD
354. Synaesthesia
355. Prosapagnosia
356. Dysgraphia
357. Bipolar
359. Have others told you that you have an odd posture or gait?
360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed?
361. Do you become frustrated if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted?
362. Have you experienced stronger than normal attachments to certain people?
363. Do you prefer animals to people?
364. Do you find it easier to understand and communicate with odd & unusual people than with ordinary people?
365. Do you find it easier to communicate online than in real life?
366. Do you feel uncomfortable with strangers?
367. Is a large social network important to you?
368. Do you find it easy to maintain your social network?
369. Are you a better listener than talker?
370. Are you the life of a party?
371. Are you difficult to get to know?
372. Are you a leader?
373. Do you think before you act?
374. Do you rather read a book than watch a movie?
375. Are you easily embarrased?
376. Do you cheer loudly at a sporting event or concert?
377. Do you get bored by silence and stillness?
378. Do you dislike it when people drop by to visit you uninvited?
379. Are you willing to do almost anything to get attention?
380. Do you like to speak in public?
381. Do you have unusual sexual preferences?
382. Do you have odd teeth; e.g. teeth that are crooked or bigger than usual; gaps; overlaps; underbite etc.?
383. Do you tend to shut one or both of your eyes in strong sun-light?
384. Do you have a fascination for caves?
385. Do you instinctively become frightened by the sound of a motor-bike?
386. Are you afraid of thunderstorms?
387. Are you afraid of closed places?
388. Are you afraid of the dark?
389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell?
390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste?
391. Do you usually close one eye in strong sun-light?
392. Do you have difficulty catching a ball?
393. Do you have trouble with math?
394. Are you a fast reader?
395. Do you enjoy make-up?
396. Do you enjoy wearing jewelry?
397. Do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them?
398. Do you dislike eye-contact?
399. Do you roll your eyes involuntary?
400. Do you sniff?
401. Do you talk to yourself?
402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use?
403. Have you been accused of staring?
404. Do you bounce your leg?
405. Do you tap your fingers (e.g. when bored, restless or concentrating)?
406. Do you rock your body?
407. Do you bite your nails?
408. Do you roll your eyes as part of your communication?
409. Do you wear a wrist-watch?
410. Do you have tatoos?
411. Can you whistle?
412. Do you self-injure?
413. Can you sense the feelings of animals?
414. Do you chew on things?
415. Do you have more body-hair than others of your gender?
416. Do you have difficulty writing by hand?
417. Are you pained by the sound of a motor-bike?
418. Have you been hyperactive most of your life?
419. Did you learn to read on your own before you were taught in school?
420. Do you feel shame when you do something wrong?
421. Do you dislike it when people turn up at your home uninvited?
422. Do you click or rub a pen for the fun of it?
423. Do you sing for yourself or for your family?
424. Social phobia
427. Prefers cold
428. Are you good at climbing?
429. Are you good at jumping high?
430. Do you have strong hands?
431. Do you have a good sense for how much pressure to apply when you do someting with your hands?
432. Do you have above average physical endurance?
433. Do you drop things when your attention is on other things?
434. Is climing the social hierarchy important to you?
435. Do you sing for yourself?
436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision?
437. Do you have compulsive sexual behavior, e.g. spend too much time on sex or switch sexual partner frequently?
438. Do you sometimes have an urge to climb?
439. Do you sometimes have an urge to jump over things?
440. Are you superstitious?
441. Do you care if you are right in a discussion?
442. Have you had paranormal experiences?
443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed?
444. Do your hands shake?
445. Do you apologize constantly?
446. Do you have a small mouth?
447. Do you find it easy to talk about feelings?
448. Do you have a fascination for slowly flowing water?
449. Are you instinctively afraid of floods and/or fast running streams?
450. Do you feel sickened by seeing and/or hearing of torture or other cruelty against strangers?
451. Is your second toe longer than your big toe?
452. Do you examine the hair of people you like a lot?
453. Do you lick people you like a lot?
454. Do you prefer to do things on your own even if you could use others' help or expertise?
455. Do you have a bad temper?
456. Likes Neanderthal faces
457. Red hair-color
460. Do you have a strong grip?
461. Are your ears lower set than normal?
462. Do your ears stick out?
463. Do you have difficulty riding a bike?
464. Are you fairly insensitive to physical pain, or even enjoy some types of pain?
465. Do you roll your eyes when frustrated?
466. Do you rehearse inside your head?
467. Are you afraid of heights?
468. Do you like to dig holes in the ground?
469. Do you like to eat liver?
470. Do you like to eat seafood?
471. Do you enjoy travel?
472. Do you feel empathy for people once you understand their feelings?
473. Is it harder for you than for others to get over a failed relationship?
474. Do you refuse to give up on a relationship or potential relationship that others would not bother with?
475. Do you get tears in your eyes when excited?
476. Do you have good intuition about how things work?
477. Do you have psychic abilities?
478. Do you like tongue-kissing?
479. Do you enjoy to snuggle a long time with certain familiar people?
480. Do you use to have diarrhea?
481. Induced birth
482. Premature birth
483. Private religion
484. Short-sighted
485. Visual learner
487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations?
488. Do you tend to say or do things that are considered socially inappropriate?
489. Have you had difficulties fitting into expected gender stereotypes, perhaps having interests and behaviors that are atypical for your gender?
490. Is your image and social identity a important to you?
491. Can you easily remember people's names when you meet new people?
492. If asked to describe yourself, would you do so in a detached way, as if you were describing someone else?
493. Do you tend to be more blunt and straightforward than others?
494. Do you have problems with eye-contact (e.g. preferring to avoid it or staring 'too much')?
495. Do you find it easy to describe your feelings?
496. Were you precocious as a child?
497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids?
498. Are you naturally nocturnal, most alert after midnight?
499. Have you been called a 'know-it-all' because you feel compelled to correct people with accurate facts?
500. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to visualize the place you're going to or rehearse possible scenarios in your mind so as to prepare yourself?
501. Do you self-harm, or have you done so in the past?
502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing?
503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare?
504. Do you have poor night vision?
505. Do you have a well-developed sense of colour?
506. Are you sensitive to weather changes?
507. Do you dislike being touched or hugged unless you're prepared or have asked for it?
508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg?
509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things?
510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class?
511. Do you have problems with ball sports?
512. Do you have difficulties with two-handed tasks, e.g. eating with knife & fork, knitting, typing or playing an instrument?
513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects?
514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands?
515. Do you find it hard to focus on or learn things you are not interested in?
516. Are you somewhat of a daydreamer, often lost in your own thoughts?
517. Do you tend to be hyperactive and restless?
518. Do you tend to be impatient and/or impulsive?
519. Do you have a hyperactive mind?
520. Do have difficulties keeping things tidy ?
521. Do you enjoy snuggling with people you like?
522. Do you find it easy to understand and sympathise with those who function very differently from yourself?
523. Are you sometimes fearless in situations that can be dangerous?
524. Do you dislike shaking hands due to disliking the feel of skin-contact with others?
525. Do you dislike shaking hands due to germophobia?
526. Do you dislike shaking hands because handshakes feel unnatural?
527. Do you dislike shaking hands for other reason?
528. Do you do any of the following when you're thinking, restless or bored: pacing; bouncing leg or foot; tapping fingers, pen or other object; doodling; fiddling with object e.g clicking pen; chewing on something?
529. Do you do any of the following when you're happy: singing, humming or whistling to yourself?
530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue?
531. Do you do any of the following when bored: cracking joints; picking skin or scabs; peeling skin flakes; picking nose; pulling hairs; biting nails or fingertips; pulling cuticle?
532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes?
533. Do you do any of the following for fun: spin in circles; walk on toes; watch a spinning, blinking or glittering object?
534. Do you clap your hands when excited?
535. Do you grind teeth (e.g. when stressed)?
536. Do you clench your fists when angry?
537. Do you suck your thumb for comfort?
538. Do you wobble your hand slightly to indicate so-so?
539. Do you enjoy lying on the ground looking at the sky?
540. Born in autumn
541. Are you good at sneaking up on people or animals?
542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends?
543. Is it or has it been harder for you than for others to find a partner?
544. Have you had a tendency to prefer the company of those who are older or younger than yourself?
545. Are you good at teamwork?
546. Do you have a monotonous voice?
547. Do you tend to talk either too softly or too loudly?
548. Do you have a habit of repeating others' last words (echolalia)?
549. In conversations, do you need extra time to carefully think out your reply, so that there may be a pause before you answer?
550. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, idioms, allegories and a tendency to interpret things literally?
551. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate?
552. Do you prefer to avoid eye-contact?
553. Do you look this way and that while talking to people?
554. Do people sometimes think you are smiling when you shouldn't?
555. Is it easy for you to adopt a polite or socially 'appropriate' facial expression, even if it does not match what you feel inside?
556. Would you rather tell a polite white lie than a potentially painful but informative truth?
557. Are you easily disturbed by sounds/noises that others make?
558. Do you find the sound from a motor-bike, helicopter or tractor painful?
559. Are you a picky eater?
560. Are you extra sensitive to physical pain?
561. Are you fairly non-sensitive to physical pain?
562. Are you sensitive to heat?
563. Are you sensitive to cold?
564. Are you sensitive to wind?
565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure?
566. Do you click or tap a pen?
567. Do you bounce your leg or foot?
568. Do you chew or suck on pencil, toothpick or similar object?
569. Do you doodle (e.g. at lectures or when on the phone)?
570. Do you fiddle with things?
571. Do you crack joints?
572. Do you pace (e.g. when thinking or anxious)?
573. Do you grind teeth?
574. Do you bite your lip, cheek or tongue (e.g. when thinking, when anxious or nervous)?
575. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers?
576. Do you twirl your hair?
577. Do you bite your nails, cuticles or fingertips (e.g. when bored, anxious or nervous)?
578. Do you dig your fingerlails under the nails on the other hand?
579. Do you pick your nose?
580. Do you enjoy spinning in circles?
581. Do you enjoy walking on your toes?
582. Do you enjoy watching a spinning or blinking object?
583. Do you enjoy watching things that shimmer or glitter?
584. Do you enjoy watching or playing with water?
585. Do you like sniffing people or things?
586. Do you enjoy biting people - if they let you?
587. Do you bite yourself (e.g. when frustrated or upset)?
588. Do you flap your hands (e.g. when excited or upset)?
589. Do you tap your ears or press your eyes (e.g. when thinking, when stressed or distressed)?
590. Do you rock back-&-forth or side-to-side (e.g. for comfort, to calm yourself, when excited or overstimulated)?
591. Do you need to finish what you're doing before turning to another task or person?
592. Do you love to collect things?
593. Are you good at sorting, organizing and creating order?
594. Do you love to make lists, diagrams etc for the fun of it?
595. Do you find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed?
596. Do you get frustrated if you can't sit on your favorite seat?
597. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes every day for many days in a row?
598. Do you prefer to eat the same food every day for long periods at a time?
599. Do you feel an urge to correct people with accurate facts, numbers, spelling, grammar etc., when they get something wrong?
600. Do you find it hard to resist picking scabs or peeling skin flakes?
601. Do you feel stressed in unfamiliar situations?
602. Do you find it stressful to go to a new place alone for the first time?
603. Do you have a good memory for dates and/or numbers?
604. Are you good at math?
605. Are you a computer geek?
606. Do you tend to do everything worth doing, more perfect than really needed?
607. Do you try to always be punctual?
608. Do you always give back books, things or money you have borrowed and expect others to do the same?
609. Do you have odd teeth; e.g. that are crooked, bigger than usual; that have gaps, overlaps, underbite or that show extra much gum?
610. Do you have atypical or irregular sleeping patterns that deviate from the 24-h cycle?
611. Is it difficult for you to multitask?
612. Do you tend to procrastinate?
613. Do you need lists and schedules in order to get things done?
614. Are you or have you been hyperactive?
615. Do you tend to be restless?
616. Are you easily distracted?
617. Are you easily bored?
618. Do you have tics?
619. Do you have difficulties swallowing (dysphagia)?
620. Do you have chronic bronchitis?
621. Do you cough even when you don't have a cold?
622. Do you constantly clear your throat?
623. Are you prone to getting depressions?
624. Do you tap your fingers or fiddle with something (e.g. when bored, restless or concentrating)?
625. Do you enjoy spinning in circles and/or walking on your toes?
626. Do you repeatedly bang your head (e.g. when frustrated or upset)?
627. Do you have a habit of sniffing, snorting, coughing or clearing your throat, without it being due to allergy, cold or bronchitis?
628. Do you repeatedly blink or have twitches in eyes or face?
629. Do you have a fascination for water?
630. Have you or have you had a tendency to be hyperactive and/or restless?
631. Does it come more natural to you to think in pictures than in words?
632. Are you affected negatively by high air humidity combined with hot weather?
633. Are you affected negatively by high air humidity combined with cold weather?
634. Are you sensitive to dry air?
635. Do you feel good in mist or fog?
636. Can you sense differences in air-pressure (when the weather changes from low-pressure to high-pressure and vice versa)?
637. Do you enjoy digging?
638. Do you like to relax and do absolutely nothing while pondering on things of interest?
639. Do you like Science Fiction?
640. AQ - I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own.
641. AQ - I prefer to do things the same way over and over again.
642. AQ - If I try to imagine something, I find it very easy to create a picture in my mind.
643. AQ - I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things.
644. AQ - I often notice small sounds when others do not.
645. AQ - I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information.
646. AQ - Other people frequently tell me that what I've said is impolite, even though I think it is polite.
647. AQ - When I'm reading a story, I can easily imagine what the characters might look like.
648. AQ - I am fascinated by dates.
649. AQ - In a social group, I can easily keep track of several different people's conversations.
650. AQ - I find social situations easy.
651. Do you tend to notice details that others do not?
652. AQ - I would rather go to a library than to a party.
653. AQ - I find making up stories easy.
654. AQ - I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to things.
655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue.
656. AQ - I enjoy social chitchat.
657. AQ - When I talk, it isn't always easy for others to get a word in edgewise.
658. AQ - I am fascinated by numbers.
659. AQ - When I'm reading a story, I find it difficult to work out the characters' intentions.
660. AQ - I don't particularly enjoy reading fiction.
661. AQ - I find it hard to make new friends.
662. AQ - I notice patterns in things all the time.
663. AQ - I would rather go to the theater than to a museum.
664. AQ - It does not upset me if my daily routine is disturbed.
665. AQ - I frequently find that I don't know how to keep a conversation going.
666. AQ - I find it easy to 'read between the lines' when someone is talking to me.
667. AQ - I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than on the small details.
668. AQ - I am not very good at remembering phone numbers.
669. AQ - I don't usually notice small changes in a situation or a person's appearance.
670. AQ - I know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored.
671. Do you find it easy to do more than one thing at once?
672. AQ - When I talk on the phone, I'm not sure when it's my turn to speak.
673. AQ - I enjoy doing things spontaneously.
674. AQ - I am often the last to understand the point of a joke.
675. AQ - I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face.
676. AQ - If there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly.
677. AQ - I am good at social chitchat.
678. Do people often tell you that you keep going on and on about the same thing?
679. AQ - When I was young, I used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children.
680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants).
681. AQ - I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else.
682. AQ - I like to carefully plan any activities I participate in.
683. AQ - I enjoy social occasions.
684. AQ - I find it difficult to work out people's intentions.
685. AQ - New situations make me anxious.
686. AQ - I enjoy meeting new people.
687. AQ - I am a good diplomat.
688. AQ - I am not very good at remembering people's date of birth.
689. AQ - I find it very easy to play games with children that involve pretending.
690. Do you have a good sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands?
691. Do you find it easy to imitate & time the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class?
692. Do you seldom fall, stumble or bump into things?
693. Can you make good estimates of distance, height, depth and speed?
694. As a child, was your play more directed towards social games with other kids, than for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart?
695. Do you notice patterns in things all the time?
696. Is it easy for you to make friends?
697. Don't you usually mind unexpected touch or an unexpected hug?
698. Do you feel excited in unfamiliar situations?
699. Do you prefer to eat different food every day?
700. Do you prefer to change cloth every day?
701. Do you prefer the company of those that are the same age as yourself?
702. Are you good at social chitchat?
703. Do you prefer to use others' help or expertise instead of doing things on your own?
704. Do you find it easier to communicate in real life than online?
705. Are you usually aware of/interested in what is currently in vogue?
706. Do you enjoy when people drop by to visit you uninvited?
707. Do you instinctively know when it is your turn to speak when talking on the phone?
708. Do you naturally fit into the expected gender stereotypes?
709. Do you have unusual eating and/or sleeping patterns?
710. Does it come more natural to you to think in words than in pictures?
711. Do you eat almost anything?
712. Have others commented or have you observed yourself that you make unusual facial expressions?
713. Do people understand you?
714. Are you good at interpreting facial expressions?
715. Can you easily remember verbal instructions?
716. Is your sense of humor fairly conventional?
717. Do you intuitively sense boundraries and personal space of others?
718. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations?
719. Do you find it easy to do more than one thing at the time?
720. Do you find it easy to 'read between the lines' in a conversation?
721. Do you find it easy to describe & summarize for example events, conversations or something you've read?
722. Do you easily accept criticism, correction, and direction?
723. Do you have a good sense of what time it is?
724. Do you find it easy to estimate the age of people?
725. Do you easily recognize faces?
726. Can you easily keep track of several different people's conversations?
727. Do you find it natural to wave when you meet people?
728. Do you instinctively point to things of interest?
729. Do you instinctively cross your arms when you are in a closed state of mind?
730. Do you interpret a pat on somebody's head as patronizing?
731. Do you often don't know where to put your arms?
732. Do you dislike unexpected touch or hugs from strangers?
733. Do you enjoy unexpected touch or hugs from friends?
734. Do you enjoy when unexpected things happen in nature?
735. Do you have a good concept of time?
736. Do you usually recognize faces?
737. Do you find it natural to wave or say 'hi' when you meet people?
738. Does it feel natural for you to say 'thank you' and 'sorry'?
739. Do you tend to look a lot at people you like and little or not at all at people you dislike?
740. Do you enjoy meeting new people?
741. Do you find it easy to 'read between the lines' when someone is talking to you?
742. Do you find it easy to understand what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face?
743. If there is an interruption, can you quickly return to what you were doing before?
744. Do you like to drive a car or to watch motor-sports?
745. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others?
746. Do you easily blush?
747. Rating for Aspie male #1
748. Rating for Aspie female #1
749. Rating for NT male #1
750. Rating for NT female #1
751. Rating for Aspie male #2
752. Rating for cat
753. Rating for socker game
754. Rating for stream
755. Rating for cave
756. Rating for tropical beach
757. Rating for NT male #2
758. Rating for NT female #2
759. Rating for Aspie female #2
760. Rating for scandinavian scene
761. Rating for tropical scene
762. Do you believe in God?
763. Do you go to church or religious services?
764. Do you pray to God?
765. Do you often have lots of thoughts that you find hard to verbalize?
766. Are you irritated by inefficiency and do you find it easy to see how things can be done in better ways?
767. Has it been harder for you than for others to keep friends?
768. Do you find it easy to understand when somebody is interested in you as a potential partner?
769. Do you instinctively know how to behave when somebody shows interest in you as a potential partner?
770. Do you pull hair?
771. Do you believe in a higher power from whom you expect favors, especially if you pray and follow the will of the higher power, as revealed in sacred narratives?
772. Rating for NT female #3
773. Rating for Aspie female #3
774. Rating for body-builder
775. Rating for horse
776. Rating for goat
777. Rating for tropical scene #3
778. Rating for scandinavian scene #3
779. Do you prefer the company of those of the same generation as yourself?
780. Have you been in love with more than one person at the same time?
781. Have you have had long-lasting urges to take revenge?
782. SPQ - Do you sometimes feel that things you see on the TV or read in the newspaper have a special meaning for you?
783. SPQ - I sometimes avoid going to places where there will be many people because I will get anxious.
784. SPQ - Have you had experiences with the supernatural?
785. SPQ - Have you often mistaken objects or shadows for people, or noises for voices?
786. SPQ - Other people see me as slightly eccentric (odd).
787. SPQ - I have little interest in getting to know other people.
788. SPQ - People sometimes find it hard to understand what I am saying.
789. SPQ - People sometimes find me aloof and distant.
790. SPQ - I am sure I am being talked about behind my back.
791. SPQ - I am aware that people notice me when I go out for a meal or to see a film.
792. SPQ - I get very nervous when I have to make polite conversation.
793. SPQ - Do you believe in telepathy (mind-reading)?
794. SPQ - Have you ever had the sense that some person or force is around you, even though you cannot see anyone?
795. SPQ - People sometimes comment on my unusual mannerisms and habits.
796. SPQ - I prefer to keep to myself.
797. SPQ - I sometimes jump quickly from one topic to another when speaking.
798. SPQ - I am poor at expressing my true feelings by the way I talk and look.
799. SPQ - Do you often feel that other people have got it in for you?
800. SPQ - Do some people drop hints about you or say things with a double meaning?
801. SPQ - Do you ever get nervous when someone is walking behind you?
802. SPQ - Are you sometimes sure that other people can tell what you are thinking?
803. SPQ - When you look at a person, or yourself in a mirror, have you ever seen the face change right before your eyes?
804. SPQ - Sometimes other people think that I am a little strange.
805. SPQ - I am mostly quiet when with other people.
806. SPQ - I sometimes forget what I am trying to say.
807. SPQ - I rarely laugh and smile.
808. SPQ - Do you sometimes get concerned that friends or co-workers are not really loyal or trustworthy?
809. SPQ - Have you ever noticed a common event or object that seemed to be a special sign for you?
810. SPQ - I get anxious when meeting people for the first time.
811. SPQ - Do you believe in clairvoyancy (psychic forces, fortune telling)?
812. SPQ - I often hear a voice speaking my thoughts aloud.
813. SPQ - Some people think that I am a very bizarre person.
814. SPQ - I find it hard to be emotionally close to other people.
815. SPQ - I often ramble on too much when speaking.
816. SPQ - My "non-verbal" communication (smiling and nodding during a Y N conversation) is poor.
817. SPQ - I feel I have to be on my guard even with friends.
818. SPQ - Do you sometimes see special meanings in advertisements, shop windows, or in the way things are arranged around you?
819. SPQ - Do you often feel nervous when you are in a group of unfamiliar people?
820. SPQ - Can other people feel your feelings when they are not there?
821. SPQ - Have you ever seen things invisible to other people?
822. SPQ - Do you feel that there is no-one you are really close to outside of your immediate family, or people you can confide in or talk to about personal problems?
823. SPQ - Some people find me a bit vague and elusive during a conversation.
824. SPQ - I am poor at returning social courtesies and gestures.
825. SPQ - Do you often pick up hidden threats or put-downs from what people say or do?
826. SPQ - When shopping do you get the feeling that other people are taking notice of you?
827. SPQ - I feel very uncomfortable in social situations involving unfamiliar people.
828. SPQ - Have you had experiences with astrology, seeing the future, UFOs, ESP or a sixth sense?
829. SPQ - Do everyday things seem unusually large or small?
830. SPQ - Writing letters to friends is more trouble than it is worth.
831. SPQ - I sometimes use words in unusual ways.
832. SPQ - I tend to avoid eye contact when conversing with others.
833. SPQ - Have you found that it is best not to let other people know too much about you?
834. SPQ - When you see people talking to each other, do you often wonder if they are talking about you?
835. SPQ - I would feel very anxious if I had to give a speech in front of a large group of people.
836. SPQ - Have you ever felt that you are communicating with another person telepathically (by mind-reading)?
837. SPQ - Does your sense of smell sometimes become unusually strong?
838. SPQ - I tend to keep in the background on social occasions.
839. SPQ - Do you tend to wander off the topic when having a conversation.
840. SPQ - I often feel that others have it in for me.
841. SPQ - Do you sometimes feel that other people are watching you?
842. SPQ - Do you ever suddenly feel distracted by distant sounds that you are not normally aware of?
843. SPQ - I attach little importance to having close friends.
844. SPQ - Do you sometimes feel that people are talking about you?
845. SPQ - Are your thoughts sometimes so strong that you can almost hear them?
846. SPQ - Do you often have to keep an eye out to stop people from taking advantage of you?
847. SPQ - Do you feel that you are unable to get "close" to people?
848. SPQ - I am an odd, unusual person.
849. SPQ - I do not have an expressive and lively way of speaking.
850. SPQ - I find it hard to communicate clearly what I want to say to people.
851. SPQ - I have some eccentric (odd) habits.
852. SPQ - I feel very uneasy talking to people I do not know well.
853. SPQ - People occasionally comment that my conversation is confusing.
854. SPQ - I tend to keep my feelings to myself.
855. SPQ - People sometimes stare at me because of my odd appearance.
856. Are you good at returning social courtesies and gestures?
857. Do people comment on your unusual mannerisms and habits?
858. Do people think you are aloof and distant?
859. Do you find it hard to be emotionally close to other people?
860. Do you prefer to keep to yourself?
861. Do people see you as eccentric?
862. Do you suddenly feel distracted by distant sounds?
863. Do you mistake objects or shadows for people?
864. Do you mistake noises for voices?
865. Are your thoughts so strong that you can (almost) hear them?
866. Do you feel that people are watching you?
867. Do you wonder if people are talking about you behind your back?
868. Do you see a special meaning in the way things are arranged around you?
869. Do you hear a voice speaking your thoughts out loud?
870. Do you see things that other people don't see?
871. Do you dislike it when people stamp their foot in the floor?
872. When you read numbers or single letters, do particular colors or sounds come to mind?
873. LSAS - Fear - Using a telephone in public
874. LSAS - Avoid - Using a telephone in public
875. LSAS - Fear - Participating in a small group activity
876. LSAS - Avoid - Participating in a small group activity
877. LSAS - Fear - Eating in public
878. LSAS - Avoid - Eating in public
879. LSAS - Fear - Drinking with others
880. LSAS - Avoid - Drinking with others
881. LSAS - Fear - Talking to someone in authority
882. LSAS - Avoid - Talking to someone in authority
883. LSAS - Fear - Acting, performing, or speaking in front of an audience
884. LSAS - Avoid - Acting, performing, or speaking in front of an audience
885. LSAS - Fear - Going to a party
886. LSAS - Avoid - Going to a party
887. LSAS - Fear - Working while being observed
888. LSAS - Avoid - Working while being observed
889. LSAS - Fear - Writing while being observed
890. LSAS - Avoid - Writing while being observed
891. LSAS - Fear - Calling someone you don't know very well
892. LSAS - Avoid - Calling someone you don't know very well
893. LSAS - Fear - Talking face to face with someone you don't know very well
894. LSAS - Avoid - Talking face to face with someone you don't know very well
895. LSAS - Fear - Meeting strangers
896. LSAS - Avoid - Meeting strangers
897. LSAS - Fear - Urinating in a public bathroom
898. LSAS - Avoid - Urinating in a public bathroom
899. LSAS - Fear - Entering a room when others are already seated
900. LSAS - Avoid - Entering a room when others are already seated
901. LSAS - Fear - Being the center of attention
902. LSAS - Avoid - Being the center of attention
903. LSAS - Fear - Speaking up at a meeting
904. LSAS - Avoid - Speaking up at a meeting
905. LSAS - Fear - Taking a test of your ability, skill, or knowledge
906. LSAS - Avoid - Taking a test of your ability, skill, or knowledge
907. LSAS - Fear - Expressing disagreement or disapproval to someone you don't know very well
908. LSAS - Avoid - Expressing disagreement or disapproval to someone you don't know very well
909. LSAS - Fear - Looking someone who you don't know very well straight in the eyes
910. LSAS - Avoid - Looking someone who you don't know very well straight in the eyes
911. LSAS - Fear - Giving a prepared oral talk to a group
912. LSAS - Avoid - Giving a prepared oral talk to a group
913. LSAS - Fear - Trying to make someone's acquaintance for the purpose of a romantic/sexual relationship
914. LSAS - Avoid - Trying to make someone's acquaintance for the purpose of a romantic/sexual relationship
915. LSAS - Fear - Returning goods to a store for a refund
916. LSAS - Avoid - Returning goods to a store for a refund
917. LSAS - Fear - Giving a party
918. LSAS - Avoid - Giving a party
919. LSAS - Fear - Resisting a high pressure sales person
920. LSAS - Avoid - Resisting a high pressure sales person
921. Do you avoid going to a party?
922. Do you dislike working while being observed?
923. Do you avoid talking face to face with someone you don't know very well?
924. Do you enjoy wandering through the woods all by yourself?
925. Have you been fascinated about making traps?
926. Do you enjoy mimicking animal sounds?
927. Do you enjoy sneaking through the woods?
928. Do you enjoy watching rodeo-riders?
929. Adopted
930. Satisfied with childhood
931. Biological parent income
932. My income
933. Are you good at judging distances?
934. Are you good at judging speed?
935. Are you good at judging acceleration?
936. Can you easily spot small differences between pictures?
937. Are you good at predicting motion?
938. Are you dissatisfied with how some body-part looks like in yourself?
939. Do you enjoy chasing people or animals?
940. Are you good at keeping track of where people are (for instance in team-sports)?
941. Do you have good precision when throwing things like darts?
942. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you felt so good or so hyper that other people thought you were not your normal self or you were so hyper that you got into trouble?
943. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?
944. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you felt much more self-confident than usual?
945. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you got much less sleep than usual and found you didn't really miss it?
946. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you were much more talkative or spoke faster than usual?
947. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) thoughts raced through your head or you couldn't slow you mind down?
948. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you were so easily distracted by things around you that you had trouble concentrating or staying on track?
949. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you had much more energy than usual?
950. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you were much more active or did many more things than usual?
951. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you were much more social or outgoing than usual; for example, you telephoned friends in the middle of the night?
952. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you were much more interested in sex than usual?
953. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) you did things that were unusual for you or that other people might have thought were excessive, foolish, or risky?
954. MDQ - Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and (while not on drugs or alcohol) spending money got you or your family into trouble?
955. MDQ - If you checked YES to more than one of the above, have several of these ever happened during the same period of time?
956. MDQ - How much of a problem did any of these cause you -- like being unable to work/; having family, money, or legal troubles; getting into arguments or fights?
957. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you did things that were unusual for you?
958. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?
959. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were much more talkative than usual?
960. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and spending money got you or your family into trouble?
961. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were much more social or outgoing than usual?
962. Do you have less body-hair than others of your gender?
963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30.
964. ADD - History of not living up to potential in school or work (report cards with comments such as 'not living up to potential')
965. ADD - History of frequent behavior problems in school (mostly for males)
966. ADD - History of bed wetting past age 5
967. ADD - Family history of ADD, learning problems, mood disorders or substance abuse problems
968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something
969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused)
970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility
971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions
972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things
973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track
974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions
975. ADD - Easily distracted during sex, causing frequent breaks or turn-offs during lovemaking
976. ADD - Poor listening skills
977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out)
978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness
979. ADD - Has to be moving in order to think
980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie
981. ADD - An internal sense of anxiety or nervousness
982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending)
983. ADD - Say just what comes to mind without considering its impact (tactless)
984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails'
985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance
986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment
987. ADD - Frequent traffic violations
988. ADD - Frequent, impulsive job changes
989. ADD - Tendency to embarrass others
990. ADD - Lying or stealing on impulse
991. ADD - Poor organization and planning, trouble maintaining an organized work/living area
992. ADD - Chronically late or chronically in a hurry
993. ADD - Often have piles of stuff
994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living
995. ADD - Poor financial management (late bills, check book a mess, spending unnecessary money on late fees)
996. ADD - Some adults with ADD are very successful, but often only if they are surrounded with people who organize them.
997. ADD - Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started
998. ADD - Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through
999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings
1000. ADD - Spends excessive time at work because of inefficiencies
1001. ADD - Inconsistent work performance
1002. ADD - Chronic sense of underachievement, feeling you should be much further along in your life than you are
1003. ADD - Chronic problems with self-esteem
1004. ADD - Sense of impending doom
1005. ADD - Mood swings
1006. ADD - Negativity
1007. ADD - Frequent feeling of demoralization or that things won't work out for you
1008. ADD - Trouble sustaining friendships or intimate relationships, promiscuity
1009. ADD - Trouble with intimacy
1010. ADD - Tendency to be immature
1011. ADD - Self-centered; immature interests
1012. ADD - Failure to see others' needs or activities as important
1013. ADD - Lack of talking in a relationship
1014. ADD - Verbally abusive to others
1015. ADD - Proneness to hysterical outburst
1016. ADD - Avoids group activities
1017. ADD - Trouble with authority
1018. ADD - Quick responses to slights that are real or imagined
1019. ADD - Rage outbursts, short fuse
1020. ADD - Frequent search for high stimulation (bungee jumping, gambling, race track, high stress jobs, ER doctors, doing many things at once, etc.)
1021. ADD - Tendency to seek conflict, be argumentative or to start disagreements for the fun of it
1022. ADD - Tendency to worry needlessly and endlessly
1023. ADD - Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work)
1024. ADD - Switches around numbers, letters or words
1025. ADD - Turn words around in conversations
1026. ADD - Poor writing skills (hard to get information from brain to pen)
1027. ADD - Poor handwriting, often prints
1028. ADD - Coordination difficulties
1029. ADD - Performance becomes worse under pressure'
1030. ADD - Test anxiety, or during tests your mind tends to go blank
1031. ADD - The harder you try, the worse it gets
1032. ADD - Work or schoolwork deteriorates under pressure
1033. ADD - Tendency to turn off or become stuck when asked questions in social situation
1034. ADD - Falls asleep or becomes tired while reading
1035. ADD - Difficulties falling asleep, may be due to too many thoughts at night
1036. ADD - Difficulty coming awake (may need coffee or other stimulant or activity before feeling fully awake)
1037. ADD - Periods of low energy, especially early in the morning and in the afternoon
1038. ADD - Frequently feeling tired
1039. ADD - Startles easily
1040. ADD - Sensitive to touch, clothes, noise and light
1042. Do you turn words around in conversations?
1043. Do you have a tendency to turn off when asked questions in social situation?
1044. Do you have a tendency to become stuck when asked questions in social situation?
1045. Are you self-centered?
1046. Do you have immature interests?
1047. Do you have trouble with authority?
1048. Do you have good self-esteem?
1049. Do you respond quickly to slights?
1050. Do you find it natural to go through established channels?
1051. Do you follow expected procedures?
1052. Do you prefer to read directions only when all else have failed?
1053. Do you have problems starting and / or finishing projects?
1054. Are you poor at organizing your work and / or life?
1055. Do you like to organize your work and / or life?
1056. DYSLEXIA - Do you find difficulty in telling left from right?
1057. DYSLEXIA - Is map reading or finding your way to a strange place confusing?
1058. DYSLEXIA - Do you dislike reading aloud?
1059. DYSLEXIA - Do you take longer than you should to read a page of a book?
1060. DYSLEXIA - Do you find it difficult to remember the sense of what you have read?
1061. DYSLEXIA - Do you dislike reading long books?
1062. DYSLEXIA - Is your spelling poor?
1063. DYSLEXIA - Is your writing difficult to read?
1064. DYSLEXIA - Do you get confused if you have to speak in public?
1065. DYSLEXIA - Do you find it difficult to take messages on the telephone and pass them on correctly?
1066. DYSLEXIA - When you have to say a long word, do you sometimes find it difficult to get all the sounds in the right order?
1067. DYSLEXIA - Do you find it difficult to do sums in your head without using your fingers or paper?
1068. DYSLEXIA - When using the telephone, do you tend to get the numbers mixed up when you dial?
1069. DYSLEXIA - Do you find it difficult to say the months of the year forwards in a fluent manner?
1070. DYSLEXIA - Do you find it difficult to say the months of the year backwards?
1071. DYSLEXIA - Do you mix up dates and times and miss appointments?
1072. DYSLEXIA - When writing cheques, do you frequently find yourself making mistakes?
1073. DYSLEXIA - Do you find forms difficult and confusing?
1074. DYSLEXIA - Do you mix up bus numbers like 95 and 59?
1075. DYSLEXIA - When you were at school, did you find it hard to learn your multiplication tables?
1076. Do you find it difficult to take messages on the telephone and pass them on correctly?
1077. Do you dislike reading aloud?
1078. Do you have problems finding your way to new places?
1079. Do you have problems filling out forms?
1080. Do you mix up digits in numbers like 95 and 59?
1081. Have you thought of one word but written another?
1082. Do you mix up dates and times and miss appointments?
1083. Are you good at games that require that you remember where several cards or other objects are located?
1084. Do like it when people you are fond of looks a lot at you and continue to do so for several hours without anything else happening?
1085. TS - Do you involuntarily swear or utter obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia)?
1086. TS - Do you involuntarily repeat or imitate observed movements of others (echopraxia)?
1087. TS - Do you repeat vocalizations made by others (echolalia)?
1088. TS - Do you repeat or echo your own spoken words (stuttering, palilalia)?
1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)?
1090. TS - Do you have complex vocal tics (eg talking to yourself, using socially meaningless sentences)?
1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve?
1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane?
1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders
1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above?
1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above?
1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations?
1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time?
1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation?
1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible?
1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them?
1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)?
1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)?
1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them?
1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)?
1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)?
1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics?
1107. TS - If you have tics, do they cause distress?
1108. TS - If you have tics, have you sought treatment or diagnosis?
1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years
1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers?
1111. TS - Do you have an absence of other medical problems that might cause tics (eg prior stimulant therapy, history of encephalitis)?
1112. Do you have a fascination with fire?
1113. Do you crave salt?
1114. GIFTED - Are you a good problem solver?
1115. GIFTED - Do you understand new ideas quickly?
1116. GIFTED - Do you have an extensive vocabulary?
1117. GIFTED - Do you have good long-term memory?
1118. GIFTED - Can you concentrate for long periods of time?
1119. GIFTED - Are you highly sensitive
1120. GIFTED - Are you unusually compassionate?
1121. GIFTED - Are you a perfectionist?
1122. GIFTED - Do you have passionate, intense feelings?
1123. GIFTED - Do you have strong moral convictions?
1124. GIFTED - Are you very curious?
1126. GIFTED - Do you have a great deal of energy?
1127. GIFTED - Do you often feel out-of-sync with others?
1128. GIFTED - Do you feel overwhelmed by many interests or abilities?
1129. GIFTED - Do you have an extraordinary sense of humor?
1130. GIFTED - Are you an avid reader?
1131. GIFTED - Do you often take a stand against injustice?
1132. GIFTED - As a child were you considered mature for your age?
1133. GIFTED - Are you a keen observer?
1134. GIFTED - Do you have a vivid imagination?
1135. GIFTED - Do you feel driven by your creativity?
1136. GIFTED - Do you often question authority?
1137. GIFTED - Do you have facility with numbers?
1138. GIFTED - Do you spend time doing puzzles?
1139. GIFTED - Do you love ardent discussions?
1140. GIFTED - Are you perceptive or insightful?
1141. GIFTED - Do you have organized collections?
1142. GIFTED - Do you need periods of contemplation?
1143. GIFTED - Do you often connect seemingly unrelated ideas?
1144. GIFTED - Do you thrive on challenge?
1145. GIFTED - Do you often search for meaning in your life?
1146. GIFTED - Are you fascinated with paradoxes?
1147. GIFTED - Do you have extraordinary abilities and deficits?
1148. GIFTED - Are you often aware of things that others are not?
1149. GIFTED - Do you set high standards or goals for yourself?
1150. GIFTED - Do you have unusual ideas or perceptions?
1151. GIFTED - Are you a complex person?
1152. Do you often feel out-of-sync with others?
1153. Do you need periods of contemplation?
1154. Do you have an extensive vocabulary?
1155. Do you understand new ideas quickly?
1156. Are you a good problem solver?
1157. Do you have trouble resisting a high pressure sales person?
1158. Is your writing difficult to read?
1159. Do you repeat vocalizations made by others?
1160. Do you find it difficult to work out people's intentions?
1162. Do you have an expressive and lively way of speaking?
1163. Do you have mood swings?
1164. Has there ever been a period of time when you were much more social or outgoing than usual; for example, you telephoned friends in the middle of the night?
1165. Do you avoid urinating in a public bathroom?
1166. Can other people feel your feelings when they are not there?
1167. Do you enjoy throwing things like stones?
1168. If you were single, would you find casual sex (one-night stands) rewarding?
1169. Flirt rating - Jay Feierman #3
1170. Flirt rating - Heather Kuzmich #2
1171. Flirt rating - Jay Feierman #9
1172. Flirt rating - Flirt #1
1173. Flirt rating - Jay Feierman #12
1174. Flirt rating - Jay Feierman #24
1175. Flirt rating - Heather Kuzmich #1
1176. Flirt rating - Jay Feierman #28
1177. Flirt rating - Jay Feierman #31
1178. Flirt rating - Jay Feierman #41
1179. Do you become shy or passive when you see somebody of the opposite sex that you are interested in?
1180. Do you prefer romantic relationships to develop fast?
1181. EAT - Am terrified about being overweight
1182. EAT - Avoid eating when I am hungry
1183. EAT - Find myself preoccupied with food
1184. EAT - Have gone on eating binges where I feel I may not be able to stop
1185. EAT - Cut my food into small pieces
1186. EAT - Aware of the calorie content of foods I eat
1187. EAT - Particularly avoid food with a high carbohydrate content (bread, rice, potatoes, etc.)
1188. EAT - Feel that others would prefer if I ate more
1189. EAT - Vomit after I have eaten
1190. EAT - Feel extremely guilty after eating
1191. EAT - Am preoccupied with a desire to be thinner
1192. EAT - Think about burning up calories when I exercise
1193. EAT - Other people think I'm too thin
1194. EAT - Am preoccupied with the thought of having fat on my body
1195. EAT - Take longer than others to eat my meals
1196. EAT - Avoid foods with sugar in them
1197. EAT - Eat diet foods
1198. EAT - Feel that food controls my life
1199. EAT - Display self-control around food
1200. EAT - Feel that others pressure me to eat
1201. EAT - Give too much time and thought to food
1202. EAT - Feel uncomfortable after eating sweets
1203. EAT - Engage in dieting behavior
1204. EAT - Like my stomach to be empty
1205. EAT - Have the impulse to vomit after meals
1206. EAT - Enjoy trying new rich foods
1207. Do you dislike when people walk behind you?
1208. Do you sometimes lie awake at night because of too many thoughts?
1209. Do you think to much about food?
1210. NEO - Worry about things
1211. NEO - Make friends easily
1212. Do you have a vivid imagination?
1213. NEO - Trust others
1214. NEO - Complete tasks successfully
1215. NEO - Get angry easily
1216. NEO - Love large parties
1217. Do you believe in the importance of art?
1218. NEO - Use others for my own ends
1219. NEO - Like to tidy up
1220. NEO - Often feel blue
1221. NEO - Take charge
1222. Do you experience your emotions intensely?
1223. NEO - Love to help others
1224. Do you keep your promises?
1225. NEO - Find it difficult to approach others
1226. NEO - Am always busy
1227. NEO - Prefer variety to routine
1228. NEO - Love a good fight
1229. Do you work hard?
1230. Do you go on binges?
1231. NEO - Love excitement
1232. Do you love to read challenging material?
1233. Do you believe that you are better than others?
1234. Are you always prepared?
1235. NEO - Panic easily
1236. NEO - Radiate joy
1237. NEO - Tend to vote for liberal political candidates
1238. Do you sympathize with the homeless?
1239. NEO - Jump into things without thinking
1240. NEO - Fear for the worst
1241. NEO - Feel comfortable around people
1242. Do you enjoy wild flights of fantasy?
1243. NEO - Believe that others have good intentions
1244. Do you excel in what you do?
1245. NEO - Get irritated easily
1246. NEO - Talk to a lot of different people at parties
1247. NEO - See beauty in things that others might not notice
1248. NEO - Cheat to get ahead
1249. NEO - Often forget to put things back in their proper place
1250. NEO - Dislike myself
1251. NEO - Try to lead others
1252. NEO - Feel others' emotions
1253. NEO - Am concerned about others
1254. Do you tell the truth?
1255. NEO - Am afraid to draw attention to myself
1256. Are you always on the go?
1257. NEO - Prefer to stick with things that I know
1258. Do you yell at people?
1259. NEO - Do more than what's expected of me
1260. Do you rarely overindulge?
1261. NEO - Seek adventure
1262. NEO - Avoid philosophical discussions
1263. NEO - Think highly of myself
1264. NEO - Carry out my plans
1265. NEO - Become overwhelmed by events
1266. NEO - Have a lot of fun
1267. Do you believe that there is no absolute right or wrong?
1268. NEO - Feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself
1269. NEO - Make rash decisions
1270. NEO - Am afraid of many things
1271. NEO - Avoid contacts with others
1272. NEO - Love to daydream
1273. Do you trust what people say?
1274. NEO - Handle tasks smoothly
1275. NEO - Lose my temper
1276. NEO - Prefer to be alone
1277. Do you not like poetry?
1278. Do you take advantage of others?
1279. Do you leave a mess in your room?
1280. NEO - Am often down in the dumps
1281. NEO - Take control of things
1282. NEO - Rarely notice my emotional reactions
1283. NEO - Am indifferent to the feelings of others
1284. Do you break rules?
1285. NEO - Only feel comfortable with friends
1286. Do you do a lot in your spare time?
1287. NEO - Dislike changes
1288. Do you insult people?
1289. NEO - Do just enough work to get by
1290. Do you easily resist temptations?
1291. NEO - Enjoy being reckless
1292. NEO - Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas
1293. NEO - Have a high opinion of myself
1294. Do you waste your time?
1295. NEO - Feel that I'm unable to deal with things
1296. NEO - Love life
1297. Do you tend to vote for conservative political candidates?
1298. NEO - Am not interested in other people's problems
1299. Do you rush into things?
1300. NEO - Get stressed out easily
1301. NEO - Keep others at a distance
1302. NEO - Like to get lost in thought
1303. NEO - Distrust people
1304. NEO - Know how to get things done
1305. NEO - Am not easily annoyed
1306. NEO - Avoid crowds
1307. NEO - Do not enjoy going to art museums
1308. Do you obstruct others' plans?
1309. NEO - Leave my belongings around
1310. NEO - Feel comfortable with myself
1311. NEO - Wait for others to lead the way
1312. NEO - Don't understand people who get emotional
1313. NEO - Take no time for others
1314. NEO - Break my promises
1315. NEO - Am not bothered by difficult social situations
1316. NEO - Like to take it easy
1317. Are you attached to conventional ways?
1318. Do you get back at others?
1319. NEO - Put little time and effort into my work
1320. NEO - Am able to control my cravings
1321. Do you act wild and crazy?
1322. Are you not interested in theoretical discussions?
1323. Do you boast about your virtues?
1324. NEO - Have difficulty starting tasks
1325. NEO - Remain calm under pressure
1326. NEO - Look at the bright side of life
1327. Do you believe that we should be tough on crime?
1328. NEO - Try not to think about the needy
1329. NEO - Act without thinking
1330. Do you enjoy hanging upside down?
1331. Do you look more at legs or shoulders than hands in a potential partner?
1332. Do you swing your arms back and forth when you walk?
1333. Attwood - Do you show absolute loyalty and impeccable dependability in peer relationships?
1334. Attwood - Are you free of sexist, "age-ist" or culturalist biases and regard others at "face value"?
1335. Attwood - Do you speak your mind irrespective of social context or adherence to personal beliefs?
1336. Attwood - Do you have the ability to pursue personal theory or perspective despite conflicting evidence?
1337. Attwood - Do you seek an audience or friends capable of enthusiasm for unique interests and topics?
1338. Attwood - Do you dislike discussing a topic that may not be of primary interest?
1339. Attwood - Do you listen without continual judgement or assumption?
1340. Attwood - Are you primarily interested in significant contributions to conversation over ritualistic small talk or socially trivial statements and superficial conversation?
1341. Attwood - Do you seek sincere, positive, genuine friends with an unassuming sense of humor?
1342. Attwood - Are you determined to seek the truth?
1343. Attwood - Do you prefer conversation free of hidden meaning or agenda?
1344. Attwood - Do you have an advanced vocabulary and interest in words?
1345. Attwood - Are you fascinated with word-based humor (e.g. puns)?
1346. Attwood - Do you have an advanced use of pictorial metaphors?
1347. Do you have a strong preference for detail over gestalt?
1348. Attwood - Do you have an original, often unique perspective in problem solving?
1349. Attwood - Do you have exceptional memory and/or recall of details often forgotten or disregarded by others, for example: names, dates, schedules, routines?
1350. Do you have an avid perseverance in gathering and cataloguing information on a topic of interest?
1351. Attwood - Are your thoughts persistent?
1352. Attwood - Do you have encyclopaedic or "CD ROM" knowledge of one or more topics?
1353. Attwood - Do you have knowledge of routines and a focused desire to maintain order and accuracy?
1354. Attwood - Are you values/decision making unaltered by political or financial factors?
1355. Attwood - Do you have acute sensitivity to specific sensory experiences and stimuli (e.g. hearing, touch, vision, and/or smell)?
1356. Attwood - Are you good at individual sports and games, particularly those involving endurance or visual accuracy, including rowing, swimming, bowling, chess?
1357. Attwood - Are you a "social unsung hero" with trusting optimism: frequent victim of social weaknesses of others, while steadfast in the belief of the possibility of genuine friendship?
1358. Attwood - Have you attended university after high school?
1359. Attwood - Do you often take care of others outside the range of typical development?
1360. Do you believe in fate when it comes to love?
1361. Do you believe in love at first sight?
1362. Do you hope to meet the "right one"?
1363. Have you and a partner ever had a song of your own?
1364. Do you remember your first kiss?
1365. Would you rather propose / be proposed to at a sunset or waterfall than at a family gathering?
1366. Do you save love-letters?
1367. Do you enjoy a good love story?
1368. Do you prefer a traditional wedding over a simple arrangement at home?
1369. Do you tend to lean towards your partner when you are at a restaurant or party?
1370. Do you become bored when a couple give their wedding wows?
1371. Do you tend to become obsessed with a potential partner and cannot let go of him/her?
1372. Is buying presents important in a relationship?
1373. Are friends of the same gender important to you?
1374. Do you prefer to have friends of the opposite gender?
1375. EQ - I can easily tell if someone else wants to enter a conversation.
1376. EQ - I find it difficult to explain to others things that I understand easily, when they don’t understand it first time.
1377. EQ - I really enjoy caring for other people.
1378. EQ - I find it hard to know what to do in a social situation.
1379. EQ - People often tell me that I went too far in driving my point home in a discussion.
1380. EQ - It doesn’t bother me too much if I am late meeting a friend.
1381. EQ - Friendships and relationships are just too difficult, so I tend not to bother with them.
1382. EQ - I often find it difficult to judge if something is rude or polite.
1383. EQ - In a conversation, I tend to focus on my own thoughts rather than on what my listener might be thinking.
1384. EQ - When I was a child, I enjoyed cutting up worms to see what would happen.
1385. EQ - I can pick up quickly if someone says one thing but means another.
1386. Is it hard for you to see why some things upset people so much?
1387. EQ - I find it easy to put myself in somebody else’s shoes.
1388. EQ - I am good at predicting how someone will feel.
1389. EQ - I am quick to spot when someone in a group is feeling awkward or uncomfortable.
1390. EQ - If I say something that someone else is offended by, I think that that’s their problem, not mine.
1391. EQ - If anyone asked me if I like their haricut, I would reply truthfully, even if I didn’t like it.
1392. EQ - I can’t always see why someone should have felt offended by a remark.
1393. EQ - Seeing people cry doesn’t really upset me.
1394. EQ - I am very blunt, which some people take to be rudeness, even though this is unintentional.
1395. EQ - I don’t tend to find social situations confusing
1396. EQ - Other people tell me I am good at understanding how they are feeling and what they are thinking.
1397. EQ - When I talk to people, I tend to talk about their experiences rather than my own.
1398. EQ - It upsets me to see animals in pain.
1399. EQ - I am able to make decisions without being influenced by people’s feelings.
1400. EQ - I can easily tell if someone else is interested or bored with what I am saying.
1402. EQ - Friends usually talk to me about their problems as they say I am very understanding.
1403. EQ - I can sense if I am intruding, even if the other person doesn’t tell me.
1404. EQ - People sometimes tell me that I have gone too far with teasing.
1405. EQ - Other people often say that I am insensitive, though I don’t always see why.
1406. EQ - If I see a stranger in a group, I think that it is up to them to make an effort to join in.
1407. EQ - I usually stay emotionally detached when watching a film.
1408. EQ - I can tune into how someone else feels rapidly and intuitively.
1409. EQ - I can easily work out what another person might want to talk about.
1410. EQ - I can tell if someone is masking their true emotion.
1411. EQ - I don’t consciously work out the rules of social situations.
1412. EQ - I am good at predicting what someone will do.
1413. EQ - I tend to get emotionally involved with a friend’s problems.
1414. EQ - I can usually appreciate the other person’s viewpoint, even if I don’t agree with it.
1415. Do you value faithfulness in a relationship highly?
1416. Will you abandon a partner if your activities or ideals clash?
1417. Do you want to always be around your partner (or imaginary partner) and do everything together?
1418. Do you prefer to construct your own set of spiritual beliefs rather than following existing religions / belief-systems?
1419. Do you prefer to try to find your own niche in work/life?
1420. Are you highly competitive in your area of expertise?
1421. Would you like an unexpected hug from somebody of the opposite gender?
1422. Do you jump between topics when speaking?
1423. Do you see your own activities as more important than other people's?
1424. Do you say what comes to your mind without considering its impact?
1425. If you see a stranger in a group, do you think it is up to them to make an effort to join in?
1426. Are you argumentative and start disagreements for the fun of it?
1427. Do you skip around while reading, or go to the end first?
1428. Do you frequently search for high stimulation?
1429. Are you more sexually attracted to strangers than to people you know well?
1430. Do you do more than is expected of you?
1431. Do you like to tidy up?
1432. Can you easily tell if someone is interested or bored with what you are saying?
1433. Are you good at predicting how someone will feel?
1434. Can you pick up quickly if someone says one thing but means another?
1435. Can you sense if you are intruding, even if the other person doesn’t tell you?
1436. In a conversation, do you tend to focus on your own thoughts rather than on what your listener might be thinking?
1437. As a teenager, did you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations?
1438. Do others often misunderstand you when you act naturally?
1439. As a teenager, were you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they were clearly spelled out?
1440. Can you quickly and naturally work out people's intentions in conversations?
1441. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate when you are tired, frustrated or when you act naturally?
1442. Are you naturally good at returning social courtesies and gestures?
1443. As a teenager, did you often talk about your special interests whether others seemed to be interested or not?
1444. Do you instinctively know when you are expected to offer an apology?
1445. In a conversation, can you quickly pick up if someone says one thing but means another?
1446. Are you naturally good at interpreting facial expressions?
1447. Are you naturally so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone should be?
1448. Do you think a long-term relationship should start with sex?
- confused
- unsure
- worried
- skeptical
- bemused
- disgruntled
- frustrated
- awkward
- indifferent
- irritated
- smirking
- evil
- happy
- mischievous
- grin
- devious
- angry
- mean
- muahahaha
- naughty
- vengeful
- sadistic
- sarcastic
- evil
- unhappy
- upset
- vengeful
- grumpy
- hate
- mean
- cross
- displeased
- exasperated
- annoyed
- unsure
- apologetic
- embarrased
- something stupid was said
- surprised
- happy
- shocked
- excited
- smiling
- talkative
- cheerful
- oh my
- grin
- wow
- scared
- happy
- playful
- joking
- smiling
- excited
- silly
- friendly
- confused
- unsure
- skeptical
- tired
- happy
- pain
- sad
- ill
- uncomfortable
- worried
- angry
- humph
- disgusted
- pouty
- offended
- no way
- disdainful
- go away
- huffy
- dreamy
- hopeful
- thinking
- bashful
- happy
- in love
- relieved
- wistful
- bored
- satisfied
- winking
- suspicous
- confused
- mean
- nosy
- sad
- skeptical
- sneaky
- cynical
- frustrated
- displeased
- happy
- stupid
- funny
- amused
- grin
- hillbilly
- cute
- dorky
- joking
- staring
- mean
- determined
- mischevious
- sneaky
- angry
- leer
- shy
- hunting
- creepy
- happy
- dancing
- cheery
- celebrating
- excited
- joyful
- proud
- told you so
- triumphant
- well done
- yeah
- fanatical
- stop
- no thanks
- back off
- dismissive
- don't talk to me
- don't want to know
- bye
- busy
- cautious
- overwhelmed
- be quiet
- you
- thinking
- shut up
- wisper
- cautious
- accusing
- requesting
- puzzled
- happy
- smiling
- laughing
- pleased
- sarcastic
- confident
- friendly
- funny
- elated
- mocking
- hiding
- awesome
- sad
- depressed
- unhappy
- upset
- disappointed
- despondent
- hurt
- miserable
- ashamed
- oops
- bashful
- sick
- angry
- uncomfortable
- tense
- sour
- sexual
- disappointed
- afraid
- upset
- angry
- anxious
- doleful
- frustrated
- exhausted
- happy
- smiling
- content
- excited
- satisfied
- evil
- friendly
- funny
- laughing
- cheeky
- creepy
- smirk
- angry over happy
- innocent over sarcastic
- shocked over cheerful
- fake over friendly
- bored over hopeful
- stupid over funny
- staring over mischevious
- you over be quiet
- mocking over friendly
- uncomfortable over bashful
- creepy over content
1705. Do you think that human beings know what is good and what is evil?
1706. Do you think that this life is not but a valley of tears?
1707. Do you think that human beings are born to enjoy life?
1708. Do you think that just behaviour is always rewarded?
1709. Do you think that unjust behaviour is always punished?
1710. Do you think that in this life each one has what one deserves?
1711. Do living in society limit your freedom?
1712. Do you think you should sacrifice your wellbeing for the common good?
1713. Do you feel limited in your actions only by civil law?
1714. Do you think that in this world, there is more than just what can be seen and felt?
1715. Do corruption of customs affect just the ones that corrupt?
1716. Do economic corruption affect just the ones that corrupt?
1717. Do moral corruption affect just the ones that corrupt?
1719. Do you think there is no evil, rather only bad things?
1720. Do you think that if you know what ‘good’ is, then you can do it?
1721. Do you think that human beings have both a material and a spiritual component?
1722. Do you think that the soul is immortal?
1723. Do you think that a human being is just a physical entity?
1724. Do you think that emotions and feelings are just physical-chemical reactions?
1725. Do you think that a mysterious force in the cosmos guides us towards the good?
1726. Do you think that the civil law is enough for humans to do good things?
1727. Do you often behave in a rational way?
1728. Do you feel more compelled to do evil than to do good things?
1729. Do you often have a reason to do good things?
1730. Do you often have a reason to do evil things?
1731. Do you think it is convenient to do good things regardless of whom it is for?
1732. Do you find self-reward in doing your work properly?
1733. Do people work just for money?
1734. Is there something in you that rules you?
1735. Do you think that human beings tend at their own perfection as persons?
1736. Do you sometimes perceive the dark side of reality that leads to evil?
1737. Do you deem yourself as a spiritual person, even if you do not attend religious services?
1738. Do meditation and deep silence give you inner peace?
1739. Do you sometimes feel something transcendent when you look at some landscapes?
1740. Do you think that living beings are connected in a mysterious way?
1741. Do you attend religious services on a regular basis?
1742. Are you a praying person?
1743. Are you a believer or have faith?
1744. Do you try to put your religious beliefs into practice?
1745. Do you feel guilt when people expect you to?
1746. Do you feel shame when people expect you to?
1747. Do you feel regret when people expect you to?
1748. Do you feel gratitude when people expect you to?
1749. Do you feel grief when people die?
1750. Do you feel guilt?
1751. Do you feel shame?
1752. Do you feel regret?
1753. Do you feel gratitude?
1754. Are you more emotional than others?
1755. Are you less emotional than others?
1756. Do you become overwhelmed by emotions?
1757. Do you become emotional over favorite things?
1758. Do you get strong emotions when you succeed with something in your area of expertise?
1759. Do you naturally communicate feelings with animals?
Quiz versions
- R4:157 (647)
- F1:154 (710)
1357 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .68
Final: .63
Chi-square: 473
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .59
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S1:11 (3025)
- F14:2 (831)
- F7:2 (2338)
- S2:11 (4876)
- 8:121 (3863)
- R7:14 (1032)
- S3:11 (2304)
- R4:82 (1714)
- R1:57 (588)
- 5:43 (2230)
- F9:2 (1625)
- 7:106 (2879)
- S11:1 (2464)
- F11:2 (1885)
- F5:2 (2693)
- GE2:1 (4020)
- G5:1 (1003)
- R3:100 (701)
- S4:11 (2995)
- F8:2 (1713)
- F15:2 (392)
- F6:2 (1743)
- N2:1 (4310)
- F10:2 (4128)
- G4:1 (2071)
- G1:1 (2691)
- ND:62 (2482)
- F4:2 (18978)
- GE:1 (1874)
- G2:1 (4838)
- S12:1 (3544)
- S9:1 (2127)
- F13:2 (694)
- III:71 (6003)
- G7:1 (1554)
- F2:2 (2538)
- R2:28 (639)
- N1:1 (4570)
- G6:1 (503)
- S10:1 (1764)
- F1:2 (2465)
- S8:2 (2325)
- R5:17 (819)
- GE3:1 (1224)
- FI:2 (41880)
- G3:1 (756)
- F3:2 (18534)
- S7:22 (2939)
- N3:1 (4877)
- F12:2 (246)
- R6:15 (868)
- I:26 (5476)
- S6:23 (2404)
- 6:41 (4620)
- S5:16 (11242)
- N4:2 (7419)
220316 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Final: .67
Chi-square: 73636
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .58
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .01
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:169 (648)
- F1:166 (711)
1359 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Final: .62
Chi-square: 408
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:52 (5391)
- R5:39 (819)
- S1:36 (3026)
- S2:34 (4910)
- ND:114 (2458)
- 8:45 (3891)
- 5:67 (2205)
- R7:30 (1024)
- S4:34 (2982)
- 7:43 (2916)
- R3:1 (711)
- R6:33 (861)
- S3:34 (2305)
- S10:3 (1770)
- R4:1 (1733)
- S11:3 (2460)
- R1:1 (598)
- S12:3 (3550)
- S9:3 (2133)
- 6:75 (4585)
- N1:3 (4570)
- S8:40 (2340)
- S7:48 (2939)
- S6:51 (2416)
- S5:42 (11225)
73818 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Chi-square: 22498
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 14
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1152. Do you often feel out-of-sync with others? (.62)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.55)
- 542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends? (.54)
- 1127. GIFTED - Do you often feel out-of-sync with others? (.53)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.52)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.52)
- 130. Do others often misunderstand you? (.50)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.49)
- 364. Do you find it easier to understand and communicate with odd & unusual people than with ordinary people? (.49)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.47)
- 861. Do people see you as eccentric? (.47)
- 151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream or considered odd? (.46)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.46)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.46)
Quiz versions
- R3:125 (654)
- S3:15 (2117)
- F13:5 (650)
- S11:7 (2263)
- G3:2 (728)
- F8:5 (1620)
- G6:2 (486)
- F7:5 (2219)
- S4:15 (2776)
- N2:5 (4059)
- R2:30 (621)
- F10:5 (3871)
- R4:104 (1589)
- S9:8 (2007)
- F9:5 (1521)
- S2:15 (4535)
- F6:5 (1656)
- F15:5 (361)
- G4:2 (1996)
- F14:5 (790)
- 8:27 (3815)
- 9:31 (5245)
- F2:5 (2401)
- II:61 (1481)
- III:70 (5847)
- G2:2 (4547)
- FI:5 (38299)
- G1:2 (2526)
- S1:15 (2780)
- F4:5 (18062)
- 7:19 (2832)
- S12:7 (3312)
- G7:2 (1448)
- N1:7 (4270)
- F11:5 (1777)
- ND:59 (2420)
- F1:5 (2335)
- GE:3 (1748)
- G5:2 (972)
- S8:8 (2201)
- F3:5 (17550)
- N3:4 (4624)
- GE3:2 (1167)
- S10:7 (1675)
- F12:5 (230)
- F5:5 (2526)
- GE2:3 (3829)
- S7:28 (2808)
- R6:19 (821)
- 5:42 (2156)
- 6:42 (4493)
- I:23 (5476)
- R7:17 (942)
- R1:46 (557)
- R5:24 (778)
- S6:30 (2306)
- N4:5 (7079)
- S5:23 (10631)
214485 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .59
Chi-square: 55289
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:123 (696)
- R2:29 (636)
- 5:45 (2220)
- F7:4 (2327)
- 9:32 (5408)
- 8:28 (3903)
- III:73 (5986)
- S4:14 (2951)
- 7:20 (2897)
- S11:4 (2445)
- S2:14 (4854)
- R1:47 (580)
- S3:14 (2288)
- R5:22 (819)
- R4:102 (1694)
- R7:16 (1020)
- S10:4 (1747)
- 6:43 (4601)
- F11:4 (1865)
- F10:4 (4103)
- N2:3 (4284)
- S9:4 (2129)
- F2:4 (2522)
- F6:4 (1734)
- F5:4 (2672)
- F12:4 (246)
- ND:60 (2473)
- F13:4 (691)
- F1:4 (2458)
- F4:4 (18925)
- N3:3 (4828)
- S1:14 (3007)
- F14:4 (824)
- GE:2 (1862)
- N1:4 (4553)
- I:20 (5476)
- S12:4 (3505)
- F3:4 (18412)
- S8:4 (2324)
- F8:4 (1695)
- R6:17 (863)
- F9:4 (1607)
- F15:4 (384)
- S7:24 (2921)
- FI:4 (41624)
- S6:28 (2401)
- S5:20 (11178)
- N4:4 (7373)
206011 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .57
Chi-square: 51054
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .02
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1350. Do you have an avid perseverance in gathering and cataloguing information on a topic of interest? (.54)
- 655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. (.50)
- 1352. Attwood - Do you have encyclopaedic or "CD ROM" knowledge of one or more topics? (.50)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.49)
- 21. Do you enjoy gathering information about categories of things (types of birds, cars etc.)? (.49)
- 643. AQ - I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things. (.48)
- 238. Do you have one special talent which you have emphasised and worked on? (.47)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.46)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.45)
- 1379. EQ - People often tell me that I went too far in driving my point home in a discussion. (.44)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.44)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.43)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.43)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.42)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.41)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R4:176 (643)
- F1:173 (707)
1350 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .45
Chi-square: 276
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:194 (644)
- F1:191 (710)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .48
Chi-square: 282
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:127 (5261)
- III:48 (5850)
- II:73 (1454)
- 8:120 (3768)
- 7:41 (2827)
- R7:15 (993)
- 6:71 (4447)
- S1:13 (2918)
- S3:13 (2219)
- S2:13 (4683)
- I:100 (5476)
- R6:16 (840)
- F7:6 (2262)
- S11:6 (2359)
- S10:5 (1709)
- S4:13 (2873)
- F15:6 (377)
- F11:6 (1836)
- F5:6 (2599)
- F9:6 (1561)
- R5:19 (793)
- F14:6 (808)
- N1:6 (4410)
- F6:6 (1679)
- F10:6 (3959)
- F1:6 (2379)
- S12:6 (3395)
- GE:4 (1810)
- F13:6 (669)
- FI:6 (40246)
- S9:5 (2052)
- N2:6 (4146)
- F2:6 (2451)
- F8:6 (1661)
- F4:6 (18439)
- F12:6 (238)
- N3:5 (4732)
- S8:6 (2257)
- S7:26 (2843)
- F3:6 (17901)
- S6:27 (2338)
- S5:19 (10901)
- N4:6 (7176)
193595 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Final: .52
Chi-square: 43286
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .01
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:9 (2011)
- S4:138 (2768)
- S10:9 (1658)
- S7:29 (2826)
- S8:9 (2206)
- S6:26 (2324)
- S5:22 (10657)
24450 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Chi-square: 5842
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.01
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:165 (2207)
- GE2:10 (3350)
5557 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Final: .58
Chi-square: 1115
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:33 (5290)
- III:74 (5862)
- 7:21 (2886)
- II:62 (1487)
- 5:48 (2159)
- 8:30 (3843)
- GE2:5 (3904)
- ND:65 (2417)
- 6:46 (4555)
32403 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Chi-square: 6802
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .10
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:126 (664)
- R6:32 (820)
- R4:106 (1619)
- S2:12 (4646)
- R1:40 (556)
- S1:12 (2864)
- S10:8 (1689)
- S4:12 (2832)
- S3:12 (2198)
- R7:33 (980)
- G6:3 (482)
- G7:3 (1494)
- S9:7 (2012)
- G3:3 (722)
- G1:3 (2552)
- G2:3 (4601)
- G5:3 (968)
- G4:3 (2005)
- S7:25 (2827)
- GE3:3 (1166)
- S6:25 (2320)
- GE2:4 (3864)
- S8:5 (2227)
- S5:18 (10807)
56915 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .52
Chi-square: 12047
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.49)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.47)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.45)
- 542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends? (.44)
- 643. AQ - I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things. (.43)
- 662. AQ - I notice patterns in things all the time. (.43)
- 300. Do you take on too much because it is easier to do it yourself than having to explain to others how to do it? (.42)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.42)
- 656. AQ - I enjoy social chitchat. (-.40)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.41)
- 141. Do you enjoy figuring out how things work? (.41)
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.40)
- 683. AQ - I enjoy social occasions. (-.39)
- 605. Are you a computer geek? (.39)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.39)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:127 (652)
- R7:19 (973)
- R4:109 (1628)
- S1:17 (2865)
- R5:23 (787)
- R1:106 (558)
- S2:16 (4652)
- S3:16 (2194)
- S9:10 (2051)
- S4:16 (2830)
- S10:10 (1706)
- S8:10 (2243)
- R6:18 (830)
- S7:30 (2831)
- S6:31 (2330)
- S5:24 (10808)
39938 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Chi-square: 7505
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:9 (372)
- F13:9 (672)
- G6:5 (486)
- GE2:6 (3978)
- F1:9 (2405)
- F2:9 (2479)
- FI:9 (39769)
- F10:9 (3965)
- F9:9 (1577)
- F4:9 (18532)
- F8:9 (1676)
- F3:9 (18157)
- G1:5 (2623)
- G2:5 (4710)
- F6:9 (1705)
- F14:9 (814)
- GE3:5 (1192)
- F11:9 (1862)
- G4:5 (2051)
- GE:5 (1836)
- G3:5 (739)
- F5:9 (2652)
- N2:9 (4166)
- F7:9 (2325)
- G7:5 (1527)
- N3:8 (4729)
- N1:180 (4445)
- F12:9 (246)
- G5:5 (979)
- N4:9 (7150)
139819 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .53
Chi-square: 30876
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .01
g: .04
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:4 (744)
- G6:4 (492)
- G1:4 (2641)
- F5:168 (2644)
- G4:4 (2040)
- GE3:4 (1196)
- G5:4 (989)
- G7:4 (1506)
- G2:4 (4729)
- GE2:2 (3969)
20950 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .53
Chi-square: 4107
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .01
g: .00
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:124 (692)
- R4:103 (1698)
- R5:26 (814)
- III:76 (5920)
- R7:20 (1018)
- 5:46 (2211)
- F13:7 (694)
- 9:35 (5387)
- R2:31 (635)
- R6:22 (854)
- S1:18 (2989)
- S2:18 (4822)
- 7:22 (2888)
- S3:18 (2270)
- 8:31 (3872)
- GE:6 (1867)
- S11:8 (2415)
- S4:18 (2952)
- ND:66 (2463)
- F9:7 (1605)
- R1:48 (575)
- F5:7 (2668)
- F7:7 (2328)
- F15:7 (381)
- S9:11 (2111)
- N2:7 (4285)
- S12:8 (3511)
- 6:47 (4576)
- F11:7 (1868)
- F4:7 (18868)
- F1:7 (2426)
- F6:7 (1719)
- F10:7 (4092)
- F12:7 (240)
- FI:7 (41561)
- S10:11 (1754)
- F2:7 (2522)
- I:5 (5476)
- F14:7 (824)
- N3:6 (4831)
- S8:11 (2311)
- F8:7 (1690)
- N1:8 (4531)
- F3:7 (18388)
- S7:31 (2928)
- S5:25 (11190)
- S6:32 (2407)
- N4:7 (7384)
205511 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .46
Chi-square: 36380
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .02
g: .01
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:55 (581)
- R2:32 (637)
1218 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 215
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.05
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:147 (2802)
2802 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 506
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .11
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:145 (2861)
2861 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 521
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .11
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:21 (806)
- S1:16 (2935)
- G6:6 (499)
- S4:17 (2944)
- R6:21 (835)
- R7:18 (1002)
- S11:9 (2389)
- F15:8 (383)
- S3:17 (2236)
- S9:12 (2095)
- S2:17 (4791)
- F12:8 (247)
- N1:9 (4479)
- F14:8 (816)
- F7:8 (2298)
- F10:8 (4059)
- G7:6 (1539)
- F5:8 (2662)
- G1:6 (2656)
- F2:8 (2488)
- G3:6 (739)
- G4:6 (2060)
- GE2:8 (3972)
- F9:8 (1590)
- G2:6 (4765)
- S10:12 (1736)
- S12:9 (3483)
- FI:8 (40975)
- N2:8 (4218)
- F4:8 (18776)
- F13:8 (679)
- F6:8 (1719)
- F3:8 (18348)
- GE3:6 (1203)
- F8:8 (1690)
- S8:12 (2299)
- F1:8 (2428)
- F11:8 (1865)
- GE:7 (1824)
- N3:7 (4815)
- G5:6 (992)
- S7:32 (2912)
- S6:33 (2397)
- S5:124 (11166)
- N4:8 (7392)
186202 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .48
Chi-square: 32478
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:22 (1031)
- S2:19 (4931)
- S1:19 (3042)
- R5:27 (827)
- S3:19 (2312)
- R4:99 (1715)
- S4:19 (2998)
- G6:7 (512)
- G2:7 (4862)
- R6:24 (868)
- R3:113 (699)
- G3:7 (759)
- S9:13 (2141)
- S10:13 (1772)
- G7:7 (1569)
- G5:7 (1018)
- G4:7 (2089)
- G1:7 (2701)
- S8:13 (2333)
- S7:33 (2951)
- S6:34 (2427)
- S5:26 (11285)
54842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .48
Chi-square: 9784
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .01
g: .01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:99 (5476)
- R2:34 (629)
- R1:56 (578)
- R3:131 (691)
- R4:108 (1692)
9066 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 1519
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .04
g: .01
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (.59)
- 95. Is being honest so natural to you that you often don't notice - or care - if others may find your remarks inappropriate, hurtful or rude? (.44)
- 92. Are you so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone is? (.41)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.40)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.40)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.38)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.37)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.37)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.37)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.36)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.36)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.36)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.35)
- 499. Have you been called a 'know-it-all' because you feel compelled to correct people with accurate facts? (.35)
- 85. Do you often talk about your special interests whether others seem to be interested or not? (.35)
7 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R4:159 (648)
- F1:156 (708)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .39
Chi-square: 195
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:170 (2663)
2663 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 433
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.03
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:105 (1657)
- R3:133 (692)
- S1:20 (2964)
- R7:23 (1015)
- S10:14 (1734)
- R6:23 (851)
- S2:20 (4778)
- S3:20 (2250)
- S4:20 (2919)
- R5:25 (816)
- S9:14 (2089)
- S8:14 (2292)
- S6:35 (2369)
- S5:27 (11077)
- S7:34 (2898)
40401 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 6603
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .01
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 300. Do you take on too much because it is easier to do it yourself than having to explain to others how to do it? (.55)
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.47)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.44)
- 662. AQ - I notice patterns in things all the time. (.37)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.36)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.36)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.35)
- 20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (.35)
- 651. Do you tend to notice details that others do not? (.35)
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.35)
- 643. AQ - I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things. (.35)
- 655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. (.34)
- 550. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, idioms, allegories and a tendency to interpret things literally? (.34)
- 594. Do you love to make lists, diagrams etc for the fun of it? (.34)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 1012
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (.49)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.45)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.38)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.37)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.37)
- 85. Do you often talk about your special interests whether others seem to be interested or not? (.36)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.36)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.35)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.35)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.35)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.34)
Quiz versions
- 5:47 (2165)
- 8:29 (3857)
- 7:23 (2854)
- G3:8 (742)
- 9:34 (5296)
- GE:8 (1851)
- GE2:9 (3954)
- G6:8 (488)
- G1:8 (2633)
- G7:8 (1524)
- G4:8 (2050)
- GE3:7 (1198)
- G2:8 (4761)
- 6:49 (4502)
- ND:69 (2396)
- G5:8 (987)
41258 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .44
Chi-square: 6410
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .06
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.53)
- 20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (.47)
- 140. Is you imagination unusual, with unique ideas that others don't have? (.40)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.38)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.38)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.37)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.37)
- 1438. Do others often misunderstand you when you act naturally? (.37)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.36)
- 1443. As a teenager, did you often talk about your special interests whether others seemed to be interested or not? (.36)
- 85. Do you often talk about your special interests whether others seem to be interested or not? (.36)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.36)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.36)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.35)
- 1350. Do you have an avid perseverance in gathering and cataloguing information on a topic of interest? (.34)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .46
Chi-square: 126
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:75 (5956)
- 5:50 (2204)
- 7:118 (2863)
- 6:44 (4588)
- I:8 (5476)
- ND:72 (2443)
- R1:51 (586)
24116 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 3679
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .08
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:166 (2576)
2576 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 376
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .05
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:169 (2525)
2525 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .43
Chi-square: 395
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:172 (646)
- F1:169 (708)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .34
Chi-square: 154
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 648. AQ - I am fascinated by dates. (.50)
- 662. AQ - I notice patterns in things all the time. (.48)
- 645. AQ - I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information. (.48)
- 695. Do you notice patterns in things all the time? (.37)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.37)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.37)
- 605. Are you a computer geek? (.36)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.35)
- 594. Do you love to make lists, diagrams etc for the fun of it? (.35)
- 599. Do you feel an urge to correct people with accurate facts, numbers, spelling, grammar etc., when they get something wrong? (.33)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.33)
- 582. Do you enjoy watching a spinning or blinking object? (.32)
- 384. Do you have a fascination for caves? (.32)
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.31)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.31)
3 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- III:77 (5916)
- 7:25 (2877)
- 6:51 (4549)
13342 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 1393
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .03
g: .20
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:122 (683)
- 5:49 (2118)
- 8:32 (3803)
- III:78 (5814)
- R1:45 (559)
- 9:36 (5251)
- I:19 (5476)
- R4:101 (1642)
- R2:35 (617)
- 7:24 (2826)
- ND:68 (2369)
- 6:48 (4481)
35639 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 4317
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .02
g: .14
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:165 (644)
- G3:9 (746)
- F1:162 (708)
- G2:9 (4796)
- G6:9 (502)
- G4:9 (2065)
- G1:9 (2673)
- G7:9 (1552)
- G5:9 (996)
- GE2:7 (3977)
- GE3:8 (1216)
19875 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .41
Chi-square: 2231
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .02
g: .03
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.56)
- 662. AQ - I notice patterns in things all the time. (.48)
- 644. AQ - I often notice small sounds when others do not. (.47)
- 695. Do you notice patterns in things all the time? (.41)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.38)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.38)
- 1347. Do you have a strong preference for detail over gestalt? (.38)
- 645. AQ - I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information. (.36)
- 655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. (.35)
- 606. Do you tend to do everything worth doing, more perfect than really needed? (.35)
- 140. Is you imagination unusual, with unique ideas that others don't have? (.35)
- 100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (.33)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.33)
- 643. AQ - I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things. (.33)
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.33)
12 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R4:162 (643)
- F1:159 (708)
1351 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .33
Chi-square: 150
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:109 (2158)
- ND:148 (2380)
4538 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 553
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 300. Do you take on too much because it is easier to do it yourself than having to explain to others how to do it? (.45)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.33)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.31)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.30)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.30)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.30)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.30)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.29)
- 227. Have you taken initiative only to find out it was not wanted? (.29)
- 37. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes or eat the same food many days in a row? (.29)
Quiz versions
- S12:181 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 46
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:132 (681)
- R2:36 (626)
- ND:147 (2390)
3697 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 425
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .01
g: .05
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 606. Do you tend to do everything worth doing, more perfect than really needed? (.55)
- 301. Do you often work through lunch or breaks to fix mistakes and get things done on time? (.45)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.42)
- 454. Do you prefer to do things on your own even if you could use others' help or expertise? (.40)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.38)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.37)
- 591. Do you need to finish what you're doing before turning to another task or person? (.36)
- 133. Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex? (.35)
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.35)
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.35)
- 595. Do you find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed? (.33)
- 397. Do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them? (.33)
- 39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (.32)
- 594. Do you love to make lists, diagrams etc for the fun of it? (.32)
- 574. Do you bite your lip, cheek or tongue (e.g. when thinking, when anxious or nervous)? (.32)
42 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 706
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 14
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.36)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.31)
- 20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (.31)
- 100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (.31)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.31)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.30)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.30)
- 95. Is being honest so natural to you that you often don't notice - or care - if others may find your remarks inappropriate, hurtful or rude? (.30)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.30)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.29)
- 78. Do you sometimes not feel anything at all, even though other people expect you to? (.29)
- 86. Do you tend to interpret things literally? (.29)
- 99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs? (.29)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.29)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.29)
5 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F5:167 (2675)
2675 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .37
Chi-square: 263
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.05
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:79 (5944)
- 9:38 (5414)
- 8:33 (3898)
- II:63 (1500)
- 7:26 (2901)
- R1:52 (586)
- 6:52 (4586)
24829 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 2402
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: .05
g: .21
introvert: -.14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 189. Do you consider yourself a very logical person? (.43)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.42)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.41)
- 476. Do you have good intuition about how things work? (.39)
- 12. Do you have excellent long-term memory in subjects that interest you? (.37)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.35)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.34)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.33)
- 140. Is you imagination unusual, with unique ideas that others don't have? (.33)
- 20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (.31)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.30)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.30)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.30)
- 100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (.30)
- 151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream or considered odd? (.29)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 9:39 (5389)
- I:12 (5476)
10865 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 1086
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 14
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .16
Neurotypical: .02
g: .12
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:178 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 71
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:180 (658)
- F14:160 (813)
- F15:157 (371)
1842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .35
Chi-square: 183
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .07
g: .05
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:160 (2648)
2648 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .34
Chi-square: 246
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:158 (2510)
2510 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .34
Chi-square: 245
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.09
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:173 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 46
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:130 (699)
- R4:107 (1699)
2398 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 197
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .05
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.39)
- 658. AQ - I am fascinated by numbers. (.36)
- 639. Do you like Science Fiction? (.33)
- 365. Do you find it easier to communicate online than in real life? (.31)
- 20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (.31)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.31)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.30)
- 655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. (.29)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.28)
- 662. AQ - I notice patterns in things all the time. (.28)
- 498. Are you naturally nocturnal, most alert after midnight? (.28)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.27)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.27)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.27)
- 597. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes every day for many days in a row? (.26)
6 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 43
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.04
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:164 (2196)
2196 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .33
Chi-square: 181
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .08
g: .02
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:155 (1973)
1973 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 166
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:54 (2037)
- ND:88 (2328)
- R2:161 (584)
- 8:126 (3549)
8498 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 607
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.00
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 161. Do you like to collect items to make a set? (.39)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.30)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.28)
- 120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects? (.28)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.27)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.25)
- 390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (.24)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 61
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:174 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:174 (708)
- R4:177 (646)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Final: -.29
Chi-square: 87
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 652. AQ - I would rather go to a library than to a party. (-.30)
- 654. AQ - I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to things. (.30)
- 683. AQ - I enjoy social occasions. (.29)
- 656. AQ - I enjoy social chitchat. (.26)
- 686. AQ - I enjoy meeting new people. (.25)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (-.24)
- 384. Do you have a fascination for caves? (-.23)
- 650. AQ - I find social situations easy. (.24)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (-.23)
- 48. Are you hypo- or hypersensitive to physical pain, or even enjoy some types of pain? (-.23)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (-.22)
- 677. AQ - I am good at social chitchat. (.23)
- 367. Is a large social network important to you? (.23)
- 673. AQ - I enjoy doing things spontaneously. (.22)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (-.21)
2 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S12:179 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Chi-square: 20
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:37 (5397)
- R1:49 (594)
- 8:34 (3918)
- 7:27 (2906)
- I:13 (5476)
- 6:53 (4594)
22885 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 1320
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .03
g: .11
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:39 (1495)
- F13:165 (675)
2170 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .25
Chi-square: 132
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: .08
g: .15
introvert: -.17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:182 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .23
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 24
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:162 (2680)
2680 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .21
Chi-square: 90
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.07
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:154 (2302)
2302 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .19
Chi-square: 79
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .02
g: .11
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:176 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.17
Final: -.17
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:177 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:140 (2430)
2430 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 60
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .01
g: .07
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:118 (2388)
2388 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 90
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .01
g: .02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:172 (380)
- F13:181 (680)
1060 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 12
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:165 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:166 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:171 (1002)
- F2:153 (743)
1745 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: .03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:155 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:154 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:164 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:180 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:162 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:199 (709)
- R4:202 (648)
1357 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Final: .10
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.00
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:179 (708)
- R4:182 (647)
1355 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .07
Chi-square: 23
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:139 (2331)
2331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .04
g: .04
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N4:146 (5580)
- ND:108 (2296)
7876 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Chi-square: 49
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:31 (1498)
- R2:138 (633)
- R4:45 (1695)
- 9:128 (5336)
- R3:155 (687)
- 8:123 (3799)
- R7:113 (1020)
- S9:15 (2116)
- III:36 (5932)
- G6:10 (508)
- F6:10 (1744)
- S1:21 (2989)
- F13:10 (689)
- GE2:11 (3991)
- F2:10 (2536)
- S3:21 (2290)
- S2:21 (4847)
- N2:10 (4295)
- S11:10 (2431)
- N1:10 (4545)
- F4:10 (18901)
- S10:15 (1748)
- F3:10 (18470)
- F8:10 (1702)
- GE:9 (1870)
- 7:104 (2886)
- F11:10 (1883)
- G4:10 (2069)
- S8:15 (2310)
- F10:10 (4107)
- F1:10 (2440)
- FI:10 (41304)
- GE3:9 (1218)
- F9:10 (1614)
- S12:10 (3524)
- F15:10 (389)
- F5:10 (2674)
- G1:10 (2672)
- G7:10 (1537)
- F7:10 (2336)
- F14:10 (835)
- ND:181 (2420)
- S4:21 (2977)
- S7:35 (2916)
- G2:10 (4777)
- 6:126 (4550)
- S6:36 (2408)
- 5:99 (2193)
- N3:9 (4854)
- G3:10 (754)
- S5:28 (11196)
- G5:10 (998)
- N4:10 (7400)
- F12:10 (246)
- I:3 (5475)
223234 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .67
Final: .67
Chi-square: 76811
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .59
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:101 (2194)
- 8:118 (3856)
- 7:105 (2877)
- 6:127 (4566)
- ND:150 (2431)
- 9:125 (5377)
21301 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Chi-square: 6821
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.10
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.57)
- 3. Do you get confused by several verbal instructions at the same time? (.54)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.53)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.52)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.50)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.48)
Quiz versions
- R3:151 (681)
- R2:140 (615)
- R4:84 (1674)
- F14:11 (815)
- S12:11 (3468)
- S9:16 (2085)
- F13:11 (683)
- R7:116 (995)
- F9:11 (1598)
- N2:11 (4247)
- F10:11 (4061)
- FI:11 (41069)
- S2:61 (4761)
- N1:11 (4475)
- F4:11 (18666)
- R1:99 (571)
- S8:16 (2286)
- S3:57 (2246)
- S11:11 (2408)
- F3:11 (18231)
- F5:11 (2653)
- F7:11 (2310)
- F11:11 (1852)
- F15:11 (373)
- F6:11 (1707)
- S4:56 (2918)
- R6:117 (821)
- F1:11 (2423)
- S1:63 (2921)
- S10:16 (1725)
- GE:10 (1841)
- S7:36 (2901)
- F2:11 (2488)
- N3:10 (4770)
- F8:11 (1683)
- S6:37 (2390)
- S5:29 (11093)
- R5:116 (801)
- F12:11 (243)
- I:6 (5476)
- N4:11 (7315)
176339 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Final: .64
Chi-square: 55113
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .01
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:124 (1695)
- R3:154 (693)
2388 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Chi-square: 658
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.02
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:13 (834)
- F13:13 (695)
- F15:13 (386)
- 5:37 (2205)
- 6:34 (4592)
- GE2:13 (4004)
- F11:13 (1876)
- F6:13 (1736)
- G4:11 (2081)
- III:40 (5948)
- G3:11 (757)
- F4:13 (18920)
- N1:14 (4556)
- R7:128 (1022)
- F3:13 (18482)
- S7:38 (2937)
- R3:153 (687)
- N2:14 (4283)
- S8:18 (2320)
- S12:13 (3520)
- R4:129 (1694)
- G1:11 (2684)
- F12:13 (252)
- FI:13 (41766)
- F7:13 (2333)
- G6:11 (511)
- F2:13 (2525)
- II:49 (1496)
- G5:11 (1011)
- S11:13 (2433)
- F5:13 (2678)
- F10:13 (4114)
- ND:39 (2460)
- S10:18 (1750)
- R2:96 (625)
- F8:13 (1713)
- G7:11 (1543)
- F9:13 (1615)
- GE:12 (1864)
- S9:18 (2113)
- S4:120 (2962)
- F1:13 (2455)
- GE3:10 (1217)
- R6:125 (828)
- S1:129 (2998)
- S2:125 (4863)
- S3:120 (2297)
- N4:13 (7396)
- N3:12 (4846)
- G2:11 (4820)
- S5:31 (11229)
- S6:39 (2400)
207332 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .59
Chi-square: 52808
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .02
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:141 (629)
- R1:58 (585)
- N2:12 (4280)
- F12:12 (244)
- I:27 (5476)
- N1:12 (4543)
- F9:12 (1602)
- F13:12 (690)
- FI:12 (41464)
- F6:12 (1726)
- F11:12 (1872)
- F10:12 (4082)
- F4:12 (18840)
- F3:12 (18387)
- F8:12 (1702)
- F7:12 (2324)
- F1:12 (2437)
- N3:11 (4814)
- F14:12 (830)
- GE:11 (1850)
- F2:12 (2524)
- F15:12 (385)
- F5:12 (2669)
- N4:12 (7366)
131321 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .57
Chi-square: 33476
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .06
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 671. Do you find it easy to do more than one thing at once? (-.66)
- 591. Do you need to finish what you're doing before turning to another task or person? (.59)
- 676. AQ - If there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly. (-.50)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.49)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.49)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.48)
- 3. Do you get confused by several verbal instructions at the same time? (.46)
- 1388. EQ - I am good at predicting how someone will feel. (-.45)
- 1378. EQ - I find it hard to know what to do in a social situation. (.46)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.45)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.44)
- 1265. NEO - Become overwhelmed by events (.44)
- 649. AQ - In a social group, I can easily keep track of several different people's conversations. (-.42)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.43)
- 1383. EQ - In a conversation, I tend to focus on my own thoughts rather than on what my listener might be thinking. (.43)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 5:105 (2153)
- 8:124 (3784)
- 6:128 (4506)
- R2:143 (615)
- ND:176 (2389)
- I:4 (5476)
18923 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Chi-square: 4797
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:190 (645)
- F1:187 (707)
1352 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.55
Final: -.53
Chi-square: 307
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .08
g: .06
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:103 (679)
- 7:107 (2808)
- R4:85 (1653)
- R7:70 (999)
- G6:12 (487)
- S2:66 (4733)
- R2:122 (615)
- G5:12 (996)
- R5:64 (794)
- S3:63 (2230)
- F12:14 (248)
- F13:14 (674)
- S1:70 (2925)
- F2:14 (2479)
- F10:14 (4020)
- S4:62 (2904)
- GE2:14 (3937)
- G2:12 (4706)
- F11:14 (1853)
- F7:14 (2287)
- F9:14 (1574)
- S9:17 (2094)
- S12:12 (3420)
- N2:13 (4195)
- F8:14 (1668)
- S11:12 (2361)
- F4:14 (18550)
- FI:14 (40441)
- G3:12 (734)
- G1:12 (2622)
- F1:14 (2401)
- F3:14 (18130)
- S10:17 (1726)
- F5:14 (2632)
- GE3:11 (1193)
- GE:13 (1838)
- R6:66 (824)
- F14:14 (815)
- N1:13 (4455)
- F6:14 (1697)
- G7:12 (1507)
- S8:17 (2283)
- G4:12 (2038)
- F15:14 (377)
- S6:38 (2378)
- N3:13 (4749)
- S7:37 (2880)
- S5:30 (11068)
- N4:14 (7282)
189959 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Final: .56
Chi-square: 45599
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Chi-square: 1428
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G6:13 (497)
- F14:15 (832)
- F15:15 (384)
- S1:24 (2996)
- GE2:15 (4001)
- GE:14 (1858)
- F10:15 (4110)
- R7:149 (1028)
- S3:22 (2284)
- S11:14 (2428)
- S2:22 (4852)
- F11:15 (1877)
- S7:39 (2940)
- F13:15 (689)
- F12:15 (247)
- G5:13 (998)
- S10:19 (1751)
- N1:15 (4530)
- S4:22 (2967)
- G2:13 (4783)
- F4:15 (18916)
- N2:15 (4284)
- S9:19 (2113)
- G4:13 (2070)
- F8:15 (1700)
- S8:19 (2314)
- G7:13 (1552)
- GE3:12 (1214)
- G3:13 (745)
- S12:14 (3547)
- F3:15 (18463)
- FI:15 (41767)
- F1:15 (2428)
- F2:15 (2521)
- F5:15 (2686)
- S5:32 (11220)
- F9:15 (1599)
- F6:15 (1722)
- S6:40 (2405)
- F7:15 (2341)
- G1:13 (2670)
- N3:14 (4847)
- N4:15 (7417)
186593 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.52
Final: -.53
Chi-square: 40601
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .17
g: .01
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:158 (707)
- R4:128 (1723)
- R2:37 (636)
- R1:102 (594)
3660 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Chi-square: 817
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .15
Neurotypical: .04
g: .10
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:146 (693)
- GE2:155 (4007)
- F14:146 (831)
- F11:146 (1885)
- F8:146 (1698)
- F6:146 (1735)
- S10:147 (1756)
- G4:146 (2081)
- GE:156 (1864)
- G7:146 (1557)
- S3:134 (2290)
- F1:146 (2462)
- R5:115 (809)
- N2:151 (4286)
- S2:137 (4835)
- F4:146 (18936)
- F2:146 (2523)
- S11:136 (2423)
- F3:146 (18511)
- G1:146 (2669)
- G5:146 (1004)
- N1:177 (4543)
- S1:26 (3001)
- F10:146 (4112)
- GE3:151 (1213)
- R7:139 (1018)
- S8:151 (2327)
- G6:146 (505)
- S7:151 (2932)
- F9:146 (1614)
- S4:128 (2975)
- S12:142 (3520)
- F7:146 (2329)
- G2:146 (4782)
- S9:146 (2125)
- F12:146 (248)
- R6:132 (834)
- F15:146 (385)
- S6:144 (2410)
- FI:146 (41272)
- G3:146 (753)
- N3:137 (4849)
- F5:146 (2693)
- N4:136 (7429)
- S5:139 (11209)
187933 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Final: -.51
Chi-square: 37319
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .16
g: .00
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:111 (633)
- 7:121 (2895)
- 9:131 (5368)
- 5:106 (2218)
- 6:131 (4601)
- 8:132 (3862)
- R7:83 (1039)
- S2:24 (4921)
- F6:16 (1752)
- F9:16 (1621)
- S10:20 (1777)
- G5:14 (1019)
- GE2:16 (4041)
- F10:16 (4154)
- F11:16 (1892)
- F7:16 (2351)
- F2:16 (2553)
- F12:16 (247)
- G2:14 (4865)
- S4:24 (2998)
- S1:23 (3048)
- F8:16 (1724)
- F5:16 (2710)
- GE:15 (1895)
- G7:14 (1563)
- N2:16 (4343)
- R6:80 (850)
- F4:16 (19101)
- S7:41 (2943)
- G1:14 (2705)
- G4:14 (2089)
- F3:16 (13782)
- S3:24 (2314)
- S11:15 (2463)
- G3:14 (761)
- N1:16 (4592)
- ND:71 (2482)
- GE3:13 (1232)
- S12:15 (3567)
- S8:20 (2334)
- F14:16 (840)
- S9:20 (2144)
- R5:77 (820)
- FI:16 (39076)
- G6:14 (507)
- F13:16 (700)
- S6:42 (2421)
- N3:15 (4894)
- F1:16 (2476)
- F15:16 (387)
- S5:34 (11315)
- N4:16 (7463)
204348 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .50
Chi-square: 40440
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .01
g: .03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:166 (686)
- R2:38 (632)
- F13:17 (692)
- N1:17 (4490)
- S11:16 (2405)
- R7:24 (1023)
- N2:17 (4263)
- G6:15 (506)
- F14:17 (821)
- S8:22 (2290)
- G1:15 (2668)
- S1:27 (2978)
- S7:43 (2917)
- F11:17 (1871)
- F3:17 (18384)
- F7:17 (2314)
- GE2:17 (3990)
- F2:17 (2510)
- F6:17 (1726)
- G3:15 (748)
- G4:15 (2057)
- S12:16 (3476)
- F9:17 (1591)
- F4:17 (18825)
- G7:15 (1541)
- GE:16 (1867)
- R6:26 (856)
- FI:17 (41670)
- GE3:14 (1212)
- 9:40 (5365)
- S10:21 (1739)
- 5:85 (2197)
- F5:17 (2669)
- 7:29 (2891)
- F10:17 (4073)
- S9:22 (2111)
- F1:17 (2435)
- 6:101 (4534)
- G5:15 (996)
- F15:17 (383)
- N3:16 (4795)
- S3:26 (2272)
- S2:26 (4823)
- G2:15 (4767)
- F8:17 (1682)
- ND:166 (2405)
- S6:44 (2402)
- F12:17 (246)
- 8:35 (3884)
- S5:36 (11192)
- S4:26 (2936)
- N4:17 (7403)
- R5:30 (809)
210018 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .49
Chi-square: 36504
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.00
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:127 (1705)
- R7:87 (1027)
- G6:16 (510)
- F15:36 (386)
- F13:36 (684)
- R3:163 (696)
- GE2:18 (4021)
- F9:36 (1612)
- S11:35 (2452)
- FI:36 (42056)
- F6:36 (1738)
- S2:25 (4876)
- S1:25 (3009)
- N2:38 (4309)
- G5:16 (1009)
- F10:36 (4122)
- G7:16 (1558)
- N1:41 (4572)
- F11:36 (1882)
- F14:36 (835)
- F3:36 (18526)
- S12:35 (3547)
- S7:42 (2939)
- S3:25 (2287)
- S10:39 (1753)
- F4:36 (18981)
- F2:36 (2538)
- S4:25 (2975)
- F5:36 (2689)
- G4:16 (2077)
- G2:16 (4812)
- G1:16 (2687)
- F8:36 (1724)
- GE3:15 (1223)
- N3:34 (4871)
- S8:21 (2333)
- GE:17 (1875)
- F1:36 (2467)
- S9:21 (2123)
- F7:36 (2349)
- S6:43 (2409)
- S5:35 (11238)
- F12:36 (250)
- N4:35 (7439)
- G3:16 (753)
- R5:74 (809)
190733 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .47
Chi-square: 34705
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .00
g: .02
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:181 (645)
- F1:178 (709)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Final: -.46
Chi-square: 244
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .08
g: .05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:39 (636)
- R1:101 (588)
- R6:27 (862)
- II:65 (1512)
- R5:29 (825)
4423 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 750
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.04
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:166 (375)
- N1:45 (4481)
- II:64 (1483)
6339 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .50
Chi-square: 1057
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.01
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:160 (711)
- R4:163 (647)
1358 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.43
Final: -.45
Chi-square: 217
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:34 (1509)
- 6:100 (4591)
- 9:41 (5404)
- III:43 (5960)
- 8:36 (3911)
- 7:28 (2900)
- ND:174 (2417)
- 5:83 (2208)
28900 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 4195
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.12
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:134 (4795)
- N2:18 (4277)
- S11:17 (2410)
- S3:128 (2255)
- S1:138 (2975)
- F11:18 (1859)
- R7:144 (1007)
- N1:18 (4515)
- S7:104 (2925)
- S4:127 (2946)
- GE:18 (1836)
- S10:94 (1734)
- F2:18 (2502)
- F13:18 (686)
- F4:18 (18737)
- F15:18 (379)
- S12:17 (3484)
- S8:95 (2297)
- GE2:19 (3958)
- FI:18 (41304)
- S9:91 (2096)
- F3:18 (18297)
- R5:137 (799)
- F14:18 (817)
- F9:18 (1605)
- F1:18 (2437)
- F10:18 (4049)
- F8:18 (1686)
- S6:106 (2406)
- F7:18 (2322)
- N3:17 (4795)
- F5:18 (2651)
- F6:18 (1706)
- S5:99 (11115)
- F12:18 (241)
- N4:18 (7337)
171240 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.42
Final: -.41
Chi-square: 27540
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.03
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 829
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:185 (645)
- F1:182 (710)
- G6:17 (504)
- G5:17 (1015)
- GE2:12 (4002)
- G4:17 (2083)
- GE3:16 (1210)
- G2:17 (4812)
- G1:17 (2679)
- G7:17 (1538)
- G3:17 (757)
19955 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.38
Final: -.37
Chi-square: 2339
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .02
g: .07
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:166 (831)
- S10:154 (1770)
- II:91 (1506)
4107 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .43
Chi-square: 443
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.09
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Chi-square: 83
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.04
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:161 (616)
- F6:175 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 264
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.02
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 618
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 7. Do you find it difficult to generalize? (.35)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.32)
- 6. Do you tend to get so stuck on details that you miss the overall picture? (.32)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.32)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.31)
- 4. Do you need to see, touch or do things yourself in order to remember them? (.31)
- 27. Do you find it hard to multi-task or shift your attention rapidly from one thing to another and therefore need to finish one task before turning to the next? (.31)
- 86. Do you tend to interpret things literally? (.31)
- 3. Do you get confused by several verbal instructions at the same time? (.29)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.29)
- 9. Is it easier and more interesting for you to focus on the outer form (e.g. the font and layout of a text) than on the actual content? (.29)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.28)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.28)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.27)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.27)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.34
Chi-square: 77
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.01
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .32
Chi-square: 60
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:176 (378)
- S10:165 (1734)
- GE2:51 (3960)
- GE:51 (1829)
- GE3:48 (1189)
9090 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .38
Chi-square: 513
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:182 (4511)
4511 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Chi-square: 254
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.03
introvert: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:21 (4566)
- 6:108 (4542)
- N2:20 (4294)
- ND:164 (2438)
- 5:97 (2200)
18040 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Chi-square: 791
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.06
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:169 (2400)
2400 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 65
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.13
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:195 (2304)
- 5:98 (2043)
4347 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Chi-square: 132
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:146 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.17
Chi-square: 30
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:193 (2375)
2375 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 75
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.13
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:161 (2942)
2942 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Chi-square: 47
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .19
Neurotypical: .11
g: .09
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:145 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Chi-square: 26
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:115 (2395)
2395 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 36
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.13
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:157 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:170 (2275)
2275 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.09
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:175 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:172 (993)
- F2:173 (741)
1734 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:103 (2870)
- 6:114 (4552)
7422 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Chi-square: 176
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .09
g: .20
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:161 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:149 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 25
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:170 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 28
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:171 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:92 (2223)
- ND:168 (2465)
4688 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Chi-square: 12
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: .07
g: .12
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:163 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:181 (4537)
4537 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Chi-square: 23
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .11
g: -.00
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:148 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.02
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:147 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:52 (2218)
- II:69 (1504)
- I:40 (5476)
- III:80 (5975)
15173 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .70
Chi-square: 5867
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .62
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.06
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.59)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.56)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.55)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.53)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.53)
- 303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? (.53)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.53)
- 249. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first? (.52)
Quiz versions
- R3:120 (689)
- R2:139 (619)
- 8:127 (3781)
- II:36 (1498)
- I:77 (5476)
12063 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .68
Chi-square: 4610
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .62
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.09
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:101 (695)
- R7:65 (1033)
- S2:58 (4884)
- S1:61 (3010)
- R2:121 (624)
- 9:114 (5344)
- G5:18 (1001)
- F12:19 (244)
- F11:19 (1877)
- 7:119 (2858)
- F6:19 (1738)
- R4:81 (1714)
- S4:53 (2988)
- S10:23 (1761)
- 6:50 (4547)
- G4:18 (2070)
- G3:18 (744)
- R5:60 (812)
- GE2:20 (4009)
- F5:19 (2671)
- 8:107 (3858)
- F7:19 (2339)
- S9:25 (2133)
- F4:19 (18925)
- G1:18 (2677)
- G7:18 (1532)
- F10:19 (4115)
- S12:18 (3526)
- G6:18 (509)
- F1:19 (2438)
- F2:19 (2531)
- N2:21 (4305)
- F9:19 (1614)
- S11:18 (2438)
- S3:54 (2294)
- G2:18 (4819)
- S8:1 (2311)
- GE:19 (1867)
- F3:19 (18491)
- R6:64 (836)
- F8:19 (1703)
- S7:21 (2934)
- N1:22 (4551)
- N3:18 (4850)
- FI:19 (41823)
- GE3:17 (1215)
- I:25 (5476)
- F15:19 (385)
- F13:19 (686)
- S6:22 (2403)
- S5:15 (11242)
- F14:19 (827)
- N4:19 (7405)
213682 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Final: .67
Chi-square: 72169
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .58
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.54)
- 361. Do you become frustrated if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.54)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.51)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.50)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.49)
- 1379. EQ - People often tell me that I went too far in driving my point home in a discussion. (.49)
- 655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. (.49)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.48)
- 643. AQ - I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things. (.48)
Quiz versions
- R2:123 (632)
- 7:89 (2867)
- 6:54 (4590)
- 8:104 (3870)
- 9:111 (5379)
- R1:60 (590)
17928 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Chi-square: 5786
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.04
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:49 (629)
- R1:65 (572)
- R6:68 (841)
- R5:63 (810)
2852 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Chi-square: 865
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:125 (628)
- 5:55 (2220)
- 6:58 (4578)
- 8:108 (3863)
- ND:83 (2464)
- III:82 (5983)
- N1:23 (4576)
- I:38 (5476)
- R1:63 (578)
- 9:115 (5358)
- 7:87 (2883)
38607 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Chi-square: 12318
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.09
g: -.03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:78 (1025)
- G4:22 (2072)
- F13:23 (691)
- G6:22 (511)
- G5:22 (1008)
- R3:110 (691)
- F10:23 (4116)
- R4:93 (1698)
- GE2:24 (3998)
- FI:23 (42067)
- F3:23 (18536)
- G1:22 (2683)
- GE3:21 (1219)
- F7:23 (2339)
- G2:22 (4820)
- N1:29 (4558)
- F4:23 (18942)
- S9:31 (2128)
- S3:68 (2297)
- F5:23 (2683)
- S4:66 (2970)
- S12:24 (3540)
- F6:23 (1730)
- G7:22 (1558)
- S2:72 (4894)
- S7:110 (2941)
- N2:27 (4314)
- F9:23 (1616)
- F11:23 (1891)
- S1:75 (3017)
- S11:24 (2444)
- S10:29 (1755)
- S8:30 (2331)
- GE:23 (1872)
- F1:23 (2445)
- S5:106 (11237)
- N3:23 (4846)
- F2:23 (2527)
- R6:77 (831)
- S6:113 (2414)
- F8:23 (1704)
- N4:23 (7431)
- G3:22 (756)
- F12:23 (250)
- F14:23 (830)
- F15:23 (382)
- R5:65 (816)
191424 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .61
Chi-square: 53281
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.01
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:95 (1710)
- R3:112 (697)
- R6:37 (849)
3256 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Chi-square: 873
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.05
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:124 (626)
- 7:92 (2853)
- R7:68 (1011)
- 6:61 (4534)
- F7:20 (2319)
- S1:64 (2999)
- S2:62 (4852)
- S4:57 (2954)
- F5:20 (2667)
- GE:20 (1858)
- 5:57 (2186)
- ND:84 (2452)
- S11:19 (2430)
- G3:19 (751)
- F6:20 (1729)
- G1:19 (2656)
- F13:20 (687)
- F11:20 (1883)
- F10:20 (4082)
- GE2:21 (3990)
- F9:20 (1607)
- G6:19 (500)
- F4:20 (18791)
- G7:19 (1542)
- F14:20 (824)
- S12:19 (3519)
- S3:58 (2260)
- G5:19 (1009)
- S10:24 (1749)
- F3:20 (18410)
- S8:25 (2319)
- G2:19 (4785)
- F2:20 (2518)
- S7:105 (2908)
- N2:22 (4259)
- FI:20 (41730)
- N1:24 (4502)
- S9:26 (2111)
- F12:20 (245)
- F1:20 (2441)
- F8:20 (1708)
- G4:19 (2070)
- GE3:18 (1215)
- S6:108 (2403)
- N3:19 (4832)
- S5:101 (11179)
- F15:20 (378)
- N4:20 (7389)
198722 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .61
Chi-square: 54152
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Chi-square: 1679
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.53)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.53)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.47)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.46)
- 30. Do you feel a lot safer if you have a trusted companion with you? (.46)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.45)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.45)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.44)
- 31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age? (.43)
Quiz versions
- R3:111 (701)
- R4:94 (1705)
- R6:39 (854)
3260 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Chi-square: 834
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:126 (634)
- R7:35 (1032)
- 5:51 (2223)
- III:81 (5996)
- G4:20 (2075)
- 6:57 (4603)
- 8:106 (3870)
- II:68 (1502)
- F12:21 (246)
- S11:20 (2462)
- G1:20 (2688)
- F14:21 (835)
- 9:113 (5386)
- N2:23 (4345)
- F5:21 (2713)
- F1:21 (2481)
- G7:20 (1562)
- S4:59 (2988)
- 7:86 (2897)
- F13:21 (691)
- GE3:19 (1226)
- G2:20 (4835)
- N1:25 (4584)
- S1:66 (3045)
- S12:20 (3575)
- I:37 (5476)
- F11:21 (1891)
- GE2:22 (4023)
- S2:64 (4915)
- G5:20 (1009)
- F7:21 (2355)
- F10:21 (4144)
- S10:25 (1769)
- GE:21 (1877)
- F9:21 (1622)
- FI:21 (42172)
- F2:21 (2554)
- F4:21 (19069)
- S8:26 (2335)
- F8:21 (1720)
- S3:60 (2310)
- S7:106 (2936)
- F3:21 (18605)
- F6:21 (1749)
- S9:27 (2142)
- R1:64 (583)
- N3:20 (4874)
- S5:102 (11272)
- G3:20 (756)
- S6:109 (2418)
- G6:20 (510)
- F15:21 (386)
- N4:21 (7450)
221416 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Final: .59
Chi-square: 59236
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .01
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:51 (5476)
- III:85 (5939)
- 6:62 (4524)
- 7:94 (2838)
18777 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Chi-square: 4804
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.09
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects? (.47)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.44)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.44)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.44)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.44)
- 39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (.43)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.43)
- 41. Do you self-stimulate ("stim") when bored, restless, nervous or upset, e.g. by bouncing a leg, tapping your fingers, biting your nails, waving your hands, rocking your body etc? (.42)
Quiz versions
- F1:175 (708)
- R4:178 (647)
1355 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.57
Final: -.57
Chi-square: 335
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .04
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:55 (4599)
- 7:88 (2896)
- S1:67 (3042)
- S2:65 (4915)
- S10:26 (1772)
- R6:67 (848)
- R7:69 (1025)
- S3:61 (2320)
- F6:22 (1748)
- F11:22 (1890)
- S4:60 (2996)
- 8:105 (3894)
- S9:28 (2145)
- S11:21 (2464)
- 9:112 (5398)
- F5:22 (2700)
- F10:22 (4147)
- G2:21 (4856)
- F7:22 (2344)
- N2:24 (4352)
- S12:21 (3565)
- GE:22 (1888)
- F9:22 (1623)
- G7:21 (1568)
- G5:21 (1014)
- G1:21 (2709)
- F4:22 (19084)
- G6:21 (507)
- GE3:20 (1230)
- GE2:23 (4034)
- F1:22 (2472)
- F2:22 (2560)
- F13:22 (696)
- G4:21 (2091)
- F12:22 (252)
- F15:22 (392)
- N1:26 (4580)
- S8:27 (2327)
- F8:22 (1719)
- F3:22 (18653)
- G3:21 (760)
- S7:107 (2936)
- FI:22 (42226)
- N3:21 (4892)
- F14:22 (836)
- S6:110 (2418)
- S5:103 (11259)
- N4:22 (7451)
206093 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .59
Chi-square: 56777
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 13
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .00
g: .03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:85 (2437)
- III:86 (5918)
- II:37 (1500)
9855 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Chi-square: 2430
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.08
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:127 (623)
- 5:58 (2153)
- 6:59 (4517)
- F12:25 (243)
- R3:108 (690)
- III:84 (5897)
- R7:71 (1017)
- 7:90 (2837)
- S3:65 (2292)
- S1:72 (3027)
- R4:90 (1692)
- 9:118 (5254)
- S4:64 (2984)
- S2:69 (4860)
- F5:25 (2674)
- I:36 (5476)
- G4:24 (2083)
- FI:25 (41791)
- F10:25 (4105)
- F6:25 (1735)
- F11:25 (1883)
- F7:25 (2331)
- G5:24 (1004)
- R5:67 (810)
- S9:30 (2122)
- GE3:23 (1228)
- R1:59 (583)
- F14:25 (822)
- 8:110 (3789)
- G1:24 (2688)
- F4:25 (18968)
- G7:24 (1536)
- F9:25 (1614)
- G2:24 (4818)
- F3:25 (18499)
- S10:28 (1749)
- N1:28 (4564)
- GE:25 (1866)
- S11:23 (2437)
- S12:23 (3529)
- S8:29 (2319)
- N2:26 (4309)
- F1:25 (2450)
- ND:78 (2433)
- F2:25 (2533)
- GE2:26 (4008)
- S6:112 (2406)
- F8:25 (1719)
- R6:70 (835)
- F13:25 (692)
- G3:24 (755)
- G6:24 (508)
- N3:24 (4860)
- S5:105 (11216)
- S7:109 (2937)
- N4:25 (7430)
- F15:25 (382)
224582 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .57
Chi-square: 55839
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.00
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:72 (1014)
- R4:96 (1680)
- R2:128 (635)
- R3:118 (692)
- S2:67 (4845)
- S4:63 (2961)
- III:83 (5986)
- S3:64 (2288)
- G3:23 (758)
- S1:68 (2994)
- 8:109 (3870)
- S11:22 (2429)
- G1:23 (2668)
- F5:24 (2683)
- F9:24 (1613)
- F6:24 (1731)
- 6:63 (4522)
- F7:24 (2334)
- N2:25 (4283)
- G4:23 (2071)
- R5:66 (804)
- G6:23 (501)
- GE2:25 (4008)
- F13:24 (694)
- 7:93 (2856)
- S10:27 (1740)
- I:39 (5476)
- GE:24 (1856)
- G2:23 (4800)
- F10:24 (4110)
- 9:117 (5329)
- R6:69 (839)
- G5:23 (1008)
- S9:29 (2114)
- S12:22 (3528)
- G7:23 (1545)
- FI:24 (41621)
- F4:24 (18921)
- GE3:22 (1216)
- F14:24 (828)
- F3:24 (18445)
- F12:24 (245)
- N1:27 (4533)
- F15:24 (391)
- F2:24 (2531)
- F11:24 (1879)
- F8:24 (1702)
- R1:62 (569)
- S7:108 (2935)
- S8:28 (2321)
- F1:24 (2451)
- N3:22 (4839)
- S5:104 (11209)
- S6:111 (2411)
- N4:24 (7418)
219730 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .56
Chi-square: 51643
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects? (.51)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.50)
- 35. Do you have a need for comfort items like a blanket, stuffed animals etc? (.48)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.48)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.47)
- 592. Do you love to collect things? (.46)
- 1757. Do you become emotional over favorite things? (.46)
- 51. Do you have obsessions or compulsions (repeated irresistible impulses to do certain things)? (.43)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.43)
- 655. AQ - I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. (.43)
- 598. Do you prefer to eat the same food every day for long periods at a time? (.43)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.42)
- 602. Do you find it stressful to go to a new place alone for the first time? (.42)
- 596. Do you get frustrated if you can't sit on your favorite seat? (.42)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.41)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R7:21 (1012)
- R4:83 (1702)
- R3:102 (693)
- N1:30 (4549)
- S11:25 (2434)
- S2:77 (4858)
- S4:70 (2958)
- S3:72 (2287)
- S10:30 (1749)
- S1:84 (2994)
- S12:25 (3528)
- S8:31 (2320)
- S6:114 (2412)
- S9:32 (2117)
- S7:111 (2922)
- S5:107 (11212)
- R5:20 (820)
- R6:20 (865)
51432 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Chi-square: 12155
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:152 (712)
- R4:155 (648)
1360 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Final: .55
Chi-square: 299
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .53
Chi-square: 168
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:44 (2223)
- III:72 (5990)
- 7:85 (2884)
- R2:129 (628)
- 9:116 (5349)
- 8:111 (3863)
- I:22 (5476)
- R1:54 (583)
- ND:67 (2469)
- 6:45 (4589)
34054 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Chi-square: 6700
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:104 (691)
- R4:87 (1684)
- R1:61 (575)
- 9:119 (5298)
- 8:112 (3826)
- R2:130 (628)
12702 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Chi-square: 2516
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.52)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.50)
- 606. Do you tend to do everything worth doing, more perfect than really needed? (.47)
- 10. Are you punctual, conscientious and perfectionist? (.47)
- 591. Do you need to finish what you're doing before turning to another task or person? (.45)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.42)
- 594. Do you love to make lists, diagrams etc for the fun of it? (.42)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.40)
- 593. Are you good at sorting, organizing and creating order? (.40)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.40)
- 39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (.40)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.40)
- 6. Do you tend to get so stuck on details that you miss the overall picture? (.39)
- 397. Do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them? (.39)
- 599. Do you feel an urge to correct people with accurate facts, numbers, spelling, grammar etc., when they get something wrong? (.39)
2 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:105 (690)
- R4:89 (1694)
- R7:88 (1023)
- R6:84 (836)
- R5:79 (815)
5058 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Chi-square: 975
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:139 (4452)
- R6:57 (807)
- 7:124 (2803)
- ND:74 (2424)
10486 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Chi-square: 1943
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.02
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:56 (1028)
- G6:25 (505)
- G5:25 (1012)
- R3:109 (699)
- F6:26 (1742)
- S1:89 (3025)
- R4:92 (1700)
- S3:78 (2307)
- F10:26 (4108)
- GE:26 (1875)
- F11:26 (1889)
- G2:25 (4839)
- F9:26 (1611)
- F13:26 (696)
- S12:26 (3539)
- S11:26 (2451)
- S2:83 (4889)
- F4:26 (18996)
- S9:33 (2126)
- G4:25 (2074)
- N2:28 (4308)
- FI:26 (41992)
- F3:26 (18544)
- G7:25 (1552)
- F2:26 (2535)
- F14:26 (830)
- F7:26 (2352)
- F8:26 (1698)
- S4:76 (2977)
- GE3:24 (1222)
- S10:31 (1754)
- F12:26 (248)
- F5:26 (2690)
- G1:25 (2681)
- GE2:27 (4024)
- G3:25 (748)
- R5:52 (814)
- F1:26 (2453)
- N1:31 (4555)
- S8:32 (2334)
- N3:25 (4870)
- S7:112 (2922)
- S5:108 (11251)
- F15:26 (386)
- N4:26 (7416)
- S6:115 (2411)
- R6:50 (847)
191525 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .52
Chi-square: 37859
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:87 (5930)
- ND:87 (2435)
- II:89 (1489)
9854 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Chi-square: 1787
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .01
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:35 (5476)
- R3:119 (698)
- 5:56 (2183)
- R2:131 (631)
- 6:60 (4552)
- 7:91 (2873)
- ND:79 (2466)
- R1:67 (580)
19459 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 3571
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.09
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (.48)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.42)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.42)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.40)
- 433. Do you drop things when your attention is on other things? (.40)
- 120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects? (.39)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.38)
- 589. Do you tap your ears or press your eyes (e.g. when thinking, when stressed or distressed)? (.37)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.37)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.36)
- 45. Do you have poor gross motor skills (= clumsiness)? (.36)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.35)
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.35)
- 575. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers? (.35)
Quiz versions
- F5:171 (2639)
2639 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .49
Chi-square: 463
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:158 (1522)
1522 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .49
Chi-square: 270
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .00
g: .01
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Final: -.46
Chi-square: 135
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:143 (1033)
- R3:160 (687)
- S1:28 (3026)
- FI:27 (41790)
- F13:27 (690)
- S2:27 (4869)
- G5:26 (1015)
- GE2:28 (4026)
- S3:27 (2297)
- F11:27 (1895)
- G6:26 (506)
- G3:26 (748)
- S12:27 (3533)
- G4:26 (2081)
- R4:91 (1681)
- F14:27 (830)
- F5:27 (2668)
- F10:27 (4105)
- N2:29 (4305)
- F4:27 (18889)
- G1:26 (2677)
- F3:27 (18478)
- G2:26 (4811)
- F12:27 (248)
- GE:27 (1865)
- F8:27 (1697)
- F7:27 (2343)
- F9:27 (1608)
- S11:27 (2440)
- G7:26 (1545)
- F2:27 (2526)
- S9:143 (2129)
- N1:32 (4572)
- GE3:25 (1224)
- N3:26 (4869)
- S4:27 (2969)
- S8:146 (2327)
- F1:27 (2435)
- S10:146 (1749)
- F6:27 (1737)
- S5:132 (11249)
- F15:27 (387)
- N4:27 (7404)
- R5:134 (809)
- S7:143 (2916)
- R6:143 (838)
- S6:138 (2406)
190932 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 32943
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .03
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:88 (1695)
- R3:107 (698)
2393 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 382
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:97 (2398)
2398 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 346
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .41
Chi-square: 114
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:193 (708)
- R4:196 (647)
1355 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .42
Chi-square: 175
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:89 (2425)
2425 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 286
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .04
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.37)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.35)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.35)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.35)
- 249. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first? (.30)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.29)
- 161. Do you like to collect items to make a set? (.29)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.29)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 662
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.40)
- 10. Are you punctual, conscientious and perfectionist? (.39)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.39)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.37)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.35)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.32)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.32)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.32)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.30)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.30)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.30)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.30)
- 99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs? (.28)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.28)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.28)
6 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- ND:73 (2318)
- 5:110 (2089)
- R2:162 (596)
5003 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 459
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:10 (5476)
- R1:53 (583)
- II:70 (1507)
- R2:134 (632)
- N1:33 (4554)
- N2:30 (4289)
17041 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 942
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .05
g: .05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.47)
- 64. Do you have a need for order and neatness? (.39)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.35)
- 595. Do you find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed? (.31)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.29)
- 300. Do you take on too much because it is easier to do it yourself than having to explain to others how to do it? (.28)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.28)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.27)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.26)
- 1. Are you very logical and get surprised or impatient when others aren't? (.26)
- 99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs? (.25)
- 506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (.25)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.25)
- 24. Do you have an ability to stick to something that interests you and not give up? (.25)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.24)
34 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S12:152 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:172 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 24
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:16 (2377)
2377 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 79
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 21
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .11
g: .02
introvert: -.16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 29
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.07
introvert: -.18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:173 (947)
- F2:258 (739)
1686 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:168 (1759)
1759 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .07
g: .02
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 23
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:1 (685)
- F12:1 (249)
- GE2:53 (4019)
- F15:1 (387)
- F2:1 (2522)
- F10:1 (4095)
- F14:1 (827)
- G2:27 (4793)
- F11:1 (1883)
- F4:1 (18912)
- F6:1 (1735)
- F9:1 (1609)
- F7:1 (2345)
- F5:1 (2686)
- F8:1 (1709)
- GE:53 (1864)
- F1:1 (2448)
- N2:139 (4267)
- G6:27 (506)
- G7:27 (1546)
- G3:27 (757)
- F3:1 (18488)
- G4:27 (2071)
- N1:179 (4529)
- FI:1 (41116)
- G1:27 (2680)
- G5:27 (1006)
- N3:127 (4841)
- GE3:50 (1227)
- N4:1 (7373)
143175 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .70
Final: .71
Chi-square: 56976
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .63
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:27 (1035)
- II:41 (1518)
- S2:31 (4886)
- S3:32 (2296)
- S1:32 (3021)
- III:45 (5971)
- F8:41 (1716)
- S4:32 (2993)
- F13:41 (695)
- S10:102 (1766)
- R5:33 (821)
- S12:40 (3537)
- S11:40 (2453)
- I:70 (5476)
- FI:41 (42015)
- F6:41 (1737)
- S9:99 (2133)
- N2:43 (4320)
- F4:41 (18978)
- N1:50 (4578)
- F11:41 (1887)
- F10:41 (4132)
- F3:41 (18555)
- GE:55 (1879)
- F1:41 (2466)
- F9:41 (1625)
- F5:41 (2670)
- F2:41 (2531)
- R6:30 (860)
- F7:41 (2343)
- N3:38 (4875)
- S7:46 (2921)
- S8:102 (2324)
- F14:41 (831)
- N4:39 (7438)
- S5:40 (11226)
- S6:47 (2419)
- F15:41 (387)
- F12:41 (251)
183565 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Final: .63
Chi-square: 57157
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 283. Do you enjoy team sports? (-.67)
- 545. Are you good at teamwork? (-.57)
- 511. Do you have problems with ball sports? (.58)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.53)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.53)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.52)
- 542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends? (.51)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.51)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.49)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.49)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.49)
- 650. AQ - I find social situations easy. (-.47)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.48)
- 1241. NEO - Feel comfortable around people (-.47)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.48)
7 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S12:158 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Chi-square: 134
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.53
Final: -.53
Chi-square: 196
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.51
Final: -.51
Chi-square: 172
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .51
Chi-square: 166
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:69 (2149)
- 8:48 (3755)
- 9:54 (5254)
- R2:61 (610)
- ND:138 (2325)
- 7:42 (2791)
- 6:72 (4417)
21301 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Chi-square: 4281
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.01
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:67 (5326)
- ND:93 (2467)
- 8:63 (3812)
- R7:55 (1021)
- 5:66 (2186)
- R5:57 (810)
- 6:78 (4506)
- 7:48 (2877)
- R6:52 (839)
- S6:149 (2393)
- S7:67 (2929)
29166 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Chi-square: 5289
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.08
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:19 (700)
- R2:66 (604)
- ND:63 (2433)
3737 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.48
Chi-square: 706
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.05
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:60 (1022)
- R2:67 (625)
- II:45 (1505)
3152 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Chi-square: 633
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 14
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .19
g: -.07
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:138 (4887)
- ND:130 (2448)
- S1:56 (3033)
- 8:61 (3874)
- R7:54 (1042)
- 9:66 (5368)
- R1:18 (592)
- S3:130 (2307)
- 5:68 (2208)
- 7:49 (2893)
- 6:80 (4562)
- G6:28 (513)
- GE2:55 (4017)
- G7:28 (1557)
- G4:28 (2078)
- G2:28 (4845)
- G1:28 (2694)
- G3:28 (754)
- GE3:61 (1222)
- G5:28 (1014)
51908 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Final: -.37
Chi-square: 8680
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.02
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:143 (687)
- R2:59 (626)
- 9:68 (5287)
- I:97 (5476)
- S2:48 (4821)
- 8:56 (3823)
- S1:52 (2967)
- S4:45 (2944)
- R4:116 (1674)
- S11:30 (2405)
- N1:36 (4471)
- S3:45 (2245)
- N2:33 (4208)
- R7:48 (1013)
- S10:34 (1732)
- S12:30 (3462)
- S8:33 (2287)
- S7:113 (2893)
- S9:36 (2088)
- N3:29 (4738)
- S5:55 (11146)
- S6:64 (2392)
- N4:30 (7136)
80521 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 12739
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .03
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 180. Do you have an interest for the current fashions? (-.54)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.44)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.41)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.40)
- 219. Do you lose interest in what others have to say? (.40)
- 597. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes every day for many days in a row? (.39)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.39)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.39)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.38)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.38)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.37)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.37)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.37)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.36)
- 150. Is your style and image important to you? (-.35)
7 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F15:29 (365)
- R7:57 (973)
- R6:56 (765)
- S2:52 (4586)
- S4:46 (2801)
- S3:49 (2157)
- S1:53 (2836)
- G1:29 (2523)
- S11:29 (2309)
- S10:33 (1668)
- F6:29 (1652)
- F9:29 (1517)
- R5:58 (766)
- F1:29 (2315)
- GE2:30 (3839)
- F8:29 (1627)
- N1:35 (4310)
- S9:35 (2009)
- N2:32 (4052)
- S8:58 (2186)
- N3:28 (4596)
- F7:29 (2201)
- F13:29 (641)
- G7:29 (1447)
- F10:29 (3866)
- F2:29 (2404)
- S12:29 (3335)
- G5:29 (958)
- R2:65 (587)
- G4:29 (1969)
- G2:29 (4515)
- S7:64 (2792)
- ND:129 (2314)
- F4:29 (17936)
- F11:29 (1772)
- F14:29 (785)
- F5:29 (2544)
- GE:29 (1772)
- GE3:27 (1149)
- S6:63 (2295)
- F3:29 (17556)
- G3:29 (719)
- FI:29 (39255)
- G6:29 (470)
- S5:56 (10682)
- N4:29 (7022)
- F12:29 (235)
181073 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.45
Final: -.46
Chi-square: 32546
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .14
g: .02
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:59 (782)
- S4:52 (2874)
- S7:69 (2877)
- R6:53 (816)
- S6:71 (2363)
- S1:59 (2894)
- S3:53 (2221)
- S2:56 (4716)
- S5:63 (10996)
- ND:123 (2368)
- R7:58 (996)
33903 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.41
Chi-square: 5315
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:47 (3868)
- 9:53 (5378)
- 6:111 (4564)
- S6:152 (2394)
- S7:169 (2938)
19142 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.40
Chi-square: 2345
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R6:142 (806)
- R7:137 (999)
- F15:133 (375)
- S2:131 (4700)
- R5:75 (790)
- GE2:31 (3915)
- S1:133 (2913)
- S11:88 (2339)
- GE:30 (1791)
- G7:30 (1511)
- S9:37 (2063)
- F13:133 (666)
- N2:100 (4165)
- S3:126 (2219)
- G3:30 (733)
- S4:125 (2875)
- S10:93 (1698)
- G2:30 (4669)
- G4:30 (2025)
- G1:30 (2582)
- F8:133 (1654)
- S12:90 (3397)
- F14:133 (810)
- F7:133 (2261)
- F6:133 (1682)
- N1:110 (4416)
- F4:133 (18396)
- F11:133 (1808)
- F1:133 (2373)
- F2:133 (2442)
- FI:133 (40001)
- S8:61 (2263)
- G5:30 (975)
- GE3:28 (1174)
- F5:133 (2607)
- F9:133 (1546)
- N3:144 (4082)
- F10:133 (3957)
- S7:68 (2880)
- F3:133 (18007)
- F12:133 (237)
- S5:61 (10987)
- S6:69 (2376)
- G6:30 (492)
- N4:143 (5678)
180335 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.40
Final: -.39
Chi-square: 23897
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .13
g: .02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:20 (709)
- S2:57 (4868)
- S1:60 (3014)
- 6:97 (4544)
- 8:72 (3845)
- 9:75 (5333)
- R2:75 (625)
- R4:17 (1682)
- R7:61 (1033)
- S11:31 (2422)
- R1:15 (586)
- S12:31 (3516)
- S10:35 (1757)
- 7:59 (2862)
- S9:38 (2132)
- S7:114 (2929)
- N1:37 (4560)
- S6:153 (2402)
- S8:34 (2317)
51136 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.39
Chi-square: 6356
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.05
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R6:60 (776)
- R5:44 (776)
1552 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Chi-square: 171
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.01
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.35
Final: -.35
Chi-square: 76
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.35
Final: -.35
Chi-square: 76
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:38 (4579)
- N2:34 (4303)
- S11:32 (2440)
- S8:36 (2323)
- S9:40 (2125)
- S12:32 (3547)
- S7:117 (2941)
- S10:36 (1742)
- ND:117 (2451)
- S6:160 (2423)
- N4:31 (7411)
- N3:30 (4859)
41144 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.32
Chi-square: 3212
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .15
g: .00
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:81 (2127)
- III:63 (5782)
- 8:73 (3742)
- 6:91 (4477)
- 9:77 (5244)
- 7:60 (2784)
- S6:157 (2349)
26505 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.31
Chi-square: 2167
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .17
g: -.12
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:21 (693)
- R1:19 (581)
1274 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.31
Chi-square: 132
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .18
g: -.02
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:82 (2439)
2439 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.29
Chi-square: 162
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.03
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Chi-square: 52
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Chi-square: 52
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:83 (3794)
- 9:76 (5297)
- S6:159 (2408)
11499 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Chi-square: 748
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.07
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:76 (2205)
- II:74 (1506)
- 7:62 (2895)
- 6:89 (4577)
11183 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.27
Chi-square: 662
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.15
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:80 (5375)
- F7:31 (2351)
- S7:115 (2946)
- F2:31 (2524)
- G6:31 (511)
- 8:75 (3871)
- F8:31 (1716)
- III:56 (5992)
- F5:31 (2702)
- F12:31 (250)
- F13:31 (692)
- F1:31 (2472)
- F11:31 (1896)
- G4:31 (2088)
- F4:31 (19069)
- F15:31 (390)
- F14:31 (837)
- G2:31 (4845)
- G1:31 (2699)
- F6:31 (1746)
- F3:31 (18616)
- F9:31 (1619)
- G3:31 (760)
- G7:31 (1557)
- S6:155 (2421)
- FI:31 (42183)
- F10:31 (4139)
- GE:32 (1885)
- G5:31 (1006)
- GE3:29 (1221)
- GE2:32 (4044)
144423 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Final: -.27
Chi-square: 8828
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.00
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Chi-square: 48
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:64 (2453)
2453 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Chi-square: 185
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.01
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:66 (2179)
- F15:32 (367)
- F1:32 (2363)
- F4:32 (18205)
- F8:32 (1653)
- F2:32 (2416)
- F6:32 (1664)
- F9:32 (1524)
- F3:32 (17828)
- F7:32 (2241)
- F10:32 (3963)
- GE:35 (1774)
- GE2:35 (3865)
- FI:32 (40482)
- F11:32 (1815)
- GE3:31 (1168)
- F14:32 (807)
- F13:32 (654)
- F5:32 (2588)
- F12:32 (233)
107789 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Final: -.27
Chi-square: 6302
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .12
g: .01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:117 (4537)
4537 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Chi-square: 259
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.11
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:36 (581)
- R2:77 (619)
- 6:93 (4504)
- ND:198 (2406)
- 7:67 (2865)
- 5:79 (2172)
- S6:161 (2377)
15524 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Chi-square: 990
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .11
g: -.11
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:76 (627)
- 9:79 (5335)
- F15:33 (387)
- 8:76 (3849)
- II:81 (1494)
- 6:92 (4563)
- III:58 (5944)
- F12:33 (251)
- N2:35 (4295)
- S11:33 (2432)
- F7:33 (2341)
- F5:33 (2672)
- N1:39 (4569)
- 5:78 (2206)
- GE:33 (1870)
- S9:39 (2123)
- 7:64 (2886)
- F9:33 (1609)
- G1:32 (2682)
- S12:33 (3548)
- F1:33 (2465)
- S10:37 (1753)
- F10:33 (4121)
- F4:33 (18974)
- G6:32 (503)
- F6:33 (1733)
- G7:32 (1568)
- F2:33 (2543)
- G5:32 (998)
- F13:33 (688)
- G4:32 (2073)
- N3:31 (4843)
- S7:116 (2946)
- S8:35 (2318)
- S6:156 (2415)
- F3:33 (18504)
- G2:32 (4816)
- FI:33 (42090)
- G3:32 (751)
- GE2:33 (4010)
- F14:33 (828)
- F11:33 (1891)
- GE3:30 (1220)
- F8:33 (1723)
- N4:32 (7424)
188881 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Final: -.25
Chi-square: 11564
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.01
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:77 (2463)
- S6:164 (2398)
4861 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.24
Chi-square: 261
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.11
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:90 (1463)
- III:57 (5797)
- 7:61 (2796)
- 6:138 (4402)
- S6:163 (2334)
16792 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.24
Chi-square: 690
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.17
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:81 (5367)
- 5:77 (2214)
- II:78 (1492)
- 8:78 (3856)
- 7:63 (2891)
- 6:90 (4571)
- S6:166 (2420)
- III:55 (5989)
28800 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.23
Chi-square: 1337
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.12
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:74 (3783)
- II:94 (1481)
- 9:78 (5310)
- S6:162 (2390)
- S7:118 (2930)
- S8:37 (2307)
18201 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.23
Chi-square: 1023
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .10
g: .01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:86 (5352)
- S7:119 (2935)
- S8:38 (2305)
- 8:81 (3853)
- 7:69 (2863)
- S6:165 (2396)
19704 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Chi-square: 816
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.10
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:83 (5347)
- III:60 (5979)
- 5:82 (2206)
- 8:79 (3867)
- 7:66 (2883)
- 6:95 (4569)
- S6:167 (2414)
27265 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.21
Chi-square: 1103
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.13
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:159 (1642)
1642 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.21
Final: -.21
Chi-square: 73
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.10
g: -.04
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:158 (1862)
1862 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.21
Final: -.21
Chi-square: 75
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 12, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.13
g: -.01
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.21
Final: -.21
Chi-square: 41
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:167 (246)
246 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Final: .20
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .06
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:82 (4992)
- F15:135 (368)
- II:56 (1411)
- F8:135 (1594)
- 8:77 (3651)
- F13:135 (648)
- F14:135 (790)
- S7:149 (2776)
- F9:135 (1487)
- F5:135 (2528)
- F1:135 (2287)
- F2:135 (2331)
- F10:135 (3840)
- 6:141 (4299)
- F6:135 (1658)
- F4:135 (17804)
- F3:135 (17320)
- N4:152 (5605)
- F7:135 (2185)
- F11:135 (1756)
- FI:135 (39523)
- S6:173 (2276)
- F12:135 (237)
121366 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.19
Final: -.19
Chi-square: 4981
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .11
g: .00
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:76 (2429)
2429 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.17
Chi-square: 75
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.06
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:200 (2429)
2429 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.17
Chi-square: 61
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.09
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:75 (1487)
- 9:84 (5333)
- 7:65 (2866)
- 8:80 (3844)
- III:59 (5931)
- 6:94 (4512)
- S6:168 (2393)
26366 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.16
Chi-square: 722
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .11
g: -.10
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:95 (2356)
- 5:80 (2083)
- S6:172 (2288)
6727 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Chi-square: 220
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.10
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:165 (613)
- II:76 (1492)
- S5:155 (10755)
12860 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 217
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .07
g: .08
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 300. Do you take on too much because it is easier to do it yourself than having to explain to others how to do it? (.23)
- 33. Do you prefer the company of those older than yourself to that of your peers? (.23)
- 22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (.22)
- 4. Do you need to see, touch or do things yourself in order to remember them? (.22)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.22)
- 492. If asked to describe yourself, would you do so in a detached way, as if you were describing someone else? (.21)
- 14. Is it difficult or tiresome for you to talk? (.21)
- 489. Have you had difficulties fitting into expected gender stereotypes, perhaps having interests and behaviors that are atypical for your gender? (.21)
- 530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue? (.21)
- 291. Are you good at party games? (-.20)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.20)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.20)
- 493. Do you tend to be more blunt and straightforward than others? (.20)
Quiz versions
- S6:169 (2393)
- 6:96 (4556)
- III:62 (5938)
12887 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Chi-square: 307
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.02
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:68 (2844)
- S6:170 (2377)
- 8:82 (3797)
9018 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Chi-square: 116
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.16
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:150 (1003)
- N4:147 (5816)
6819 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Chi-square: 88
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.11
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:116 (2463)
2463 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Chi-square: 23
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.11
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:137 (2299)
2299 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:80 (2421)
2421 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Chi-square: 50
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.08
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Final: -.08
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:119 (2443)
2443 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 30
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.09
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:100 (2886)
- 6:120 (4519)
7405 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.02
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.16
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:147 (2791)
- 9:85 (5226)
- II:47 (1459)
9476 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Chi-square: 92
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:118 (4217)
- 7:102 (2865)
7082 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Chi-square: 59
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.15
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:33 (997)
- G3:33 (744)
- G7:33 (1539)
- G4:33 (2071)
- GE2:97 (3958)
- GE:165 (1267)
- G2:33 (4751)
- G1:33 (2637)
- G6:33 (498)
- GE3:95 (1204)
19666 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .70
Final: .70
Chi-square: 7155
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .60
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:139 (663)
- GE2:36 (3880)
- G3:34 (738)
- F15:139 (373)
- F14:139 (808)
- F9:139 (1555)
- F1:139 (2374)
- G1:34 (2592)
- 6:67 (4488)
- F4:139 (18409)
- G6:34 (485)
- F5:139 (2604)
- G2:34 (4686)
- G4:34 (2007)
- F7:139 (2264)
- F2:139 (2464)
- F8:139 (1643)
- F11:139 (1833)
- F3:139 (17970)
- F10:139 (3974)
- G5:34 (987)
- G7:34 (1523)
- GE:36 (1809)
- F6:139 (1703)
- FI:139 (40417)
- F12:139 (237)
- GE3:33 (1173)
- N4:153 (5683)
129342 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Final: .63
Chi-square: 38061
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.03
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:46 (622)
- F15:3 (382)
- F13:3 (682)
- 9:62 (5318)
- S2:60 (4818)
- R7:66 (1018)
- R4:111 (1672)
- F12:3 (249)
- S4:55 (2954)
- S11:2 (2420)
- F7:3 (2306)
- F14:3 (816)
- II:79 (1483)
- N2:2 (4238)
- 8:60 (3832)
- R3:136 (690)
- R1:43 (584)
- S3:56 (2281)
- F9:3 (1587)
- N1:2 (4517)
- S1:120 (2987)
- F2:3 (2515)
- G3:35 (746)
- S9:2 (2112)
- F8:3 (1687)
- S10:2 (1742)
- F5:3 (2660)
- GE2:37 (3990)
- F1:3 (2439)
- F6:3 (1725)
- F10:3 (4078)
- G7:35 (1524)
- S12:2 (3495)
- F4:3 (18796)
- F11:3 (1856)
- GE:37 (1849)
- G2:35 (4746)
- G1:35 (2636)
- S7:23 (2917)
- N3:2 (4812)
- G4:35 (2046)
- S8:3 (2304)
- FI:3 (41396)
- GE3:34 (1199)
- G5:35 (991)
- S6:24 (2390)
- F3:3 (18364)
- S5:17 (11142)
- G6:35 (503)
- N4:3 (7396)
199512 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .58
Chi-square: 51306
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:6 (686)
- R4:9 (1690)
- N2:157 (3700)
- R2:72 (615)
- R1:14 (578)
7269 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Chi-square: 1702
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.03
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:175 (687)
- R6:85 (839)
- R5:76 (812)
2338 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Final: .62
Chi-square: 559
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:140 (675)
- R2:14 (619)
- G5:36 (999)
- GE:38 (1848)
- G7:36 (1519)
- G6:36 (499)
- R7:81 (1016)
- F8:140 (1674)
- F7:140 (2282)
- N1:169 (4487)
- GE2:38 (3951)
- S10:141 (1741)
- G1:36 (2631)
- F5:140 (2643)
- S9:139 (2093)
- F11:140 (1854)
- N2:144 (4223)
- S12:136 (3501)
- F1:140 (2394)
- S11:132 (2406)
- F6:140 (1713)
- S4:73 (2923)
- F3:140 (18261)
- G3:36 (743)
- F4:140 (18696)
- F15:140 (373)
- S3:75 (2270)
- F9:140 (1572)
- GE3:35 (1194)
- S7:141 (2896)
- R3:141 (689)
- F2:140 (2496)
- G4:36 (2056)
- S8:143 (2294)
- F10:140 (4046)
- F14:140 (818)
- FI:140 (41406)
- S6:136 (2372)
- N3:131 (4817)
- III:20 (5934)
- S5:127 (11056)
- G2:36 (4733)
- S1:85 (2959)
- F12:140 (242)
- ND:15 (2408)
- S2:80 (4796)
- N4:132 (7342)
194160 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Final: .56
Chi-square: 44006
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:73 (4167)
- ND:135 (2060)
- F15:168 (310)
- R6:46 (696)
- N4:145 (4884)
12117 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.51
Final: -.49
Chi-square: 2385
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.09
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:144 (594)
- R3:144 (671)
- R4:117 (1611)
- 9:130 (5017)
- II:54 (1430)
- F13:132 (637)
- GE2:39 (3742)
- R5:70 (754)
- F2:132 (2325)
- 7:54 (2745)
- F7:132 (2128)
- G1:37 (2485)
- N2:156 (3494)
- G3:37 (702)
- F1:132 (2257)
- 8:130 (3636)
- F5:132 (2489)
- F6:132 (1623)
- G7:37 (1441)
- 6:86 (4316)
- F14:132 (766)
- F10:132 (3783)
- F9:132 (1479)
- R6:71 (731)
- G4:37 (1950)
- GE:40 (1708)
- N3:142 (3935)
- F3:132 (17242)
- GE3:36 (1121)
- G2:37 (4419)
- F4:132 (17532)
- FI:132 (39054)
- F11:132 (1743)
- F8:132 (1567)
- F15:132 (355)
- G5:37 (938)
- G6:37 (465)
- N4:141 (5602)
- F12:132 (225)
148712 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .51
Chi-square: 29995
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 489. Have you had difficulties fitting into expected gender stereotypes, perhaps having interests and behaviors that are atypical for your gender? (.47)
- 1438. Do others often misunderstand you when you act naturally? (.43)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.43)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.41)
- 364. Do you find it easier to understand and communicate with odd & unusual people than with ordinary people? (.40)
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.40)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.40)
- 381. Do you have unusual sexual preferences? (.39)
- 219. Do you lose interest in what others have to say? (.39)
- 269. Have you felt different from others for most of your life? (.39)
- 151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream or considered odd? (.39)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.39)
- 265. Do you judge a potential mate as most anybody else would? (-.37)
- 745. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others? (.38)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.38)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F15:34 (391)
- R5:73 (818)
- R3:146 (702)
- R6:75 (849)
- R2:149 (636)
- S2:75 (4924)
- S11:34 (2464)
- F14:34 (832)
- R4:110 (1710)
- R7:77 (1034)
- F13:34 (695)
- S4:68 (3007)
- G3:38 (759)
- GE2:40 (4055)
- F9:34 (1631)
- F7:34 (2358)
- GE3:37 (1235)
- S3:70 (2317)
- GE:39 (1892)
- F5:34 (2707)
- S1:79 (3056)
- S12:34 (3575)
- N2:36 (4350)
- G5:38 (1012)
- S9:138 (2146)
- R1:103 (592)
- F6:34 (1750)
- S10:38 (1769)
- G1:38 (2706)
- F2:34 (2565)
- F4:34 (19118)
- G4:38 (2087)
- F10:34 (4155)
- G2:38 (4863)
- F1:34 (2480)
- G7:38 (1564)
- G6:38 (509)
- S8:140 (2325)
- N1:40 (4600)
- F3:34 (18684)
- S7:137 (2948)
- F8:34 (1724)
- FI:34 (42316)
- F12:34 (250)
- N3:32 (4880)
- F11:34 (1889)
- S6:131 (2427)
- S5:120 (11307)
- N4:33 (7470)
194133 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .52
Chi-square: 42232
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: .02
g: .03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:40 (747)
- G1:40 (2673)
- GE3:39 (1215)
- G2:40 (4772)
- GE:41 (1849)
- F14:171 (828)
- G7:40 (1536)
- GE2:42 (3953)
- G6:40 (505)
- G5:40 (999)
- G4:40 (2062)
- F15:162 (383)
21522 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .50
Chi-square: 3992
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .00
g: .01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:130 (1694)
1694 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Chi-square: 301
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.01
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:182 (2399)
- S9:190 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .50
Chi-square: 240
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:49 (5476)
- III:19 (5957)
11433 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 2106
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .01
g: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 174. Do you or others think that you have unusual eating habits? (.60)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.39)
- 50. Do you misjudge how much time has passed when involved in interesting activities? (.38)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.38)
- 41. Do you self-stimulate ("stim") when bored, restless, nervous or upset, e.g. by bouncing a leg, tapping your fingers, biting your nails, waving your hands, rocking your body etc? (.38)
- 48. Are you hypo- or hypersensitive to physical pain, or even enjoy some types of pain? (.36)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.36)
Quiz versions
- GE2:43 (3997)
- F15:155 (384)
- GE3:40 (1213)
- G4:41 (2069)
- G3:41 (759)
- F14:158 (825)
- F13:174 (692)
- G5:41 (999)
- G1:41 (2672)
- G2:41 (4807)
- G7:41 (1552)
- R2:119 (629)
- GE:43 (1866)
- G6:41 (511)
- ND:156 (2406)
25381 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .49
Chi-square: 4477
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:117 (780)
- GE2:156 (3903)
- G2:147 (4610)
- G4:147 (2021)
- G3:147 (721)
- G7:147 (1477)
- G1:147 (2578)
- G5:147 (963)
- GE3:152 (1169)
- R6:78 (783)
- G6:147 (498)
- R7:84 (955)
20458 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.48
Final: -.47
Chi-square: 3570
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:159 (2399)
- S9:167 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .49
Chi-square: 227
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.70)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.68)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.67)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.67)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.65)
- 972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things (.59)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.59)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.57)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.57)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.56)
- 973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (.55)
- 1033. ADD - Tendency to turn off or become stuck when asked questions in social situation (.55)
- 1031. ADD - The harder you try, the worse it gets (.53)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.53)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.53)
30 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F13:151 (673)
- G7:39 (1498)
- G4:39 (2019)
- F11:162 (1820)
- G5:39 (984)
- GE2:41 (3902)
- G1:39 (2592)
- F15:151 (372)
- GE:42 (1787)
- GE3:38 (1196)
- G3:39 (719)
- G2:39 (4669)
- F14:151 (811)
- G6:39 (487)
23529 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .48
Chi-square: 4069
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 136
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.03
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:35 (387)
- S11:36 (2470)
- GE2:46 (4031)
- N1:42 (4576)
- N2:37 (4324)
- F9:35 (1626)
- S12:36 (3566)
- FI:35 (42171)
- F3:35 (18660)
- F2:35 (2551)
- G3:42 (766)
- G7:42 (1553)
- F4:35 (19086)
- G2:42 (4850)
- GE3:41 (1230)
- GE:46 (1884)
- G4:42 (2078)
- F8:35 (1721)
- F13:35 (699)
- F7:35 (2357)
- G1:42 (2691)
- S10:166 (1766)
- F10:35 (4149)
- F1:35 (2471)
- F5:35 (2690)
- F11:35 (1892)
- F14:35 (835)
- F6:35 (1754)
- G5:42 (1015)
- N3:33 (4882)
- G6:42 (513)
- N4:34 (7474)
- F12:35 (252)
152970 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 27393
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .01
g: .06
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:3 (688)
- R4:3 (1653)
- S7:162 (2867)
5208 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 815
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .03
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:156 (2399)
- S9:164 (442)
2841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 219
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.79)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.67)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.66)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.64)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.63)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.59)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.57)
- 964. ADD - History of not living up to potential in school or work (report cards with comments such as 'not living up to potential') (.57)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.56)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.55)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.55)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.55)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.54)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.54)
- 973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (.54)
6 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S9:206 (441)
- F7:198 (2399)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .46
Chi-square: 214
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:40 (1747)
- S9:154 (2104)
3851 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 636
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .02
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:125 (2305)
- F12:143 (245)
- N1:168 (4400)
- N2:146 (4118)
- S12:135 (3407)
- F13:143 (665)
- F14:143 (798)
- F15:143 (365)
- F11:143 (1810)
- F6:143 (1683)
- F7:143 (2248)
- F10:143 (3965)
- F5:143 (2583)
- F8:143 (1637)
- F9:143 (1537)
- S10:159 (1664)
- F4:143 (18325)
- FI:143 (40260)
- F3:143 (17886)
- F2:143 (2422)
- F1:143 (2383)
- N3:133 (4737)
- N4:134 (7277)
126720 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .46
Chi-square: 20155
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:162 (2399)
- S9:170 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .47
Chi-square: 266
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.65)
- 973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (.61)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.57)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.57)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.55)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.54)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.53)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.52)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.51)
- 1028. ADD - Coordination difficulties (.50)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.50)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.50)
- 1031. ADD - The harder you try, the worse it gets (.49)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.49)
- 1033. ADD - Tendency to turn off or become stuck when asked questions in social situation (.49)
54 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F7:164 (2399)
- S9:172 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .47
Chi-square: 235
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:96 (892)
- S8:133 (2086)
- R2:114 (547)
- S2:86 (4222)
- F11:170 (1663)
- R6:89 (704)
- S3:80 (2004)
- 9:143 (4819)
- S4:78 (2608)
- S1:93 (2641)
- S6:126 (2182)
- S9:131 (1900)
- S10:134 (1551)
- S7:130 (2672)
- S5:115 (10094)
- R5:84 (695)
41280 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .47
Chi-square: 6888
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:142 (690)
- GE2:47 (4017)
- R4:115 (1686)
- GE3:44 (1213)
- G3:45 (746)
- G1:45 (2673)
- R1:42 (583)
- G6:45 (506)
- R2:158 (627)
- G5:45 (1002)
- G4:45 (2068)
- G7:45 (1536)
- R6:144 (830)
- G2:45 (4788)
- 6:140 (4513)
- GE:47 (1872)
- II:83 (1493)
- F15:156 (383)
- F14:159 (826)
32052 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .44
Chi-square: 4918
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:158 (381)
- G6:43 (509)
- G3:43 (749)
- G5:43 (1005)
- G4:43 (2068)
- F14:163 (831)
- G1:43 (2687)
- GE3:42 (1216)
- GE2:44 (4019)
- G7:43 (1555)
- GE:44 (1873)
- S11:135 (2397)
- G2:43 (4787)
- S10:160 (1751)
25828 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .46
Chi-square: 3905
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:157 (2399)
- S9:165 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .46
Chi-square: 231
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.03
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.79)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.68)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.65)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.63)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.61)
- 998. ADD - Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through (.57)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.57)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.56)
- 972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things (.55)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.55)
- 997. ADD - Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started (.55)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.55)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.54)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.54)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.54)
48 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R2:155 (612)
- II:67 (1492)
2104 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 320
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.02
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:37 (389)
- N2:40 (4309)
- N1:46 (4563)
- F9:37 (1621)
- F6:37 (1743)
- F8:37 (1721)
- F3:37 (18583)
- FI:37 (42119)
- F13:37 (695)
- F1:37 (2471)
- F10:37 (4114)
- F4:37 (19018)
- F2:37 (2552)
- F7:37 (2344)
- F14:37 (831)
- N3:35 (4872)
- F5:37 (2698)
- F11:37 (1896)
- N4:36 (7436)
- S10:167 (1755)
- F12:37 (246)
125976 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 19470
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .06
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:62 (698)
- R4:52 (1697)
2395 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 338
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R6:94 (804)
- F13:152 (683)
- 9:134 (5233)
- S11:126 (2378)
- S9:132 (2062)
- S8:134 (2260)
- F11:173 (1836)
- S7:131 (2873)
- 6:64 (4458)
- S3:84 (2215)
- S4:83 (2883)
- R5:87 (784)
- S10:135 (1722)
- S6:127 (2367)
- S5:116 (10985)
- S2:89 (4730)
- S1:94 (2906)
- R7:90 (986)
52165 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .47
Chi-square: 7630
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:167 (2399)
- S9:175 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 205
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.65)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.61)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.49)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.49)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.48)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.48)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.47)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.46)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.45)
- 973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (.45)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.45)
- 981. ADD - An internal sense of anxiety or nervousness (.44)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.44)
- 572. Do you pace (e.g. when thinking or anxious)? (.43)
- 1033. ADD - Tendency to turn off or become stuck when asked questions in social situation (.43)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- G3:44 (745)
- R4:114 (1691)
- GE2:45 (3983)
- G1:44 (2660)
- GE:45 (1856)
- G5:44 (1000)
- GE3:43 (1207)
- G4:44 (2064)
- R3:140 (697)
- G2:44 (4770)
- G7:44 (1543)
- G6:44 (511)
22727 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .42
Chi-square: 3198
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:172 (2399)
- S9:180 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .44
Chi-square: 202
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:174 (2399)
- S9:182 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .44
Chi-square: 229
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.57)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.57)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.54)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.54)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.54)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.52)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.52)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.52)
- 1011. ADD - Self-centered; immature interests (.50)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.50)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.50)
- 1010. ADD - Tendency to be immature (.50)
- 989. ADD - Tendency to embarrass others (.49)
- 983. ADD - Say just what comes to mind without considering its impact (tactless) (.49)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.49)
66 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F14:170 (824)
824 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .42
Chi-square: 117
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.08
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:159 (388)
- G5:46 (1018)
- GE2:48 (4038)
- G3:46 (764)
- G6:46 (509)
- GE:48 (1888)
- G2:46 (4867)
- G1:46 (2710)
- F14:165 (836)
- G4:46 (2087)
- GE3:45 (1232)
- G7:46 (1572)
- N4:158 (5884)
27793 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .44
Chi-square: 3960
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.09
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:19 (4292)
- II:93 (1498)
- N1:19 (4555)
- R2:40 (631)
10976 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.41
Chi-square: 1476
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .16
g: .03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:28 (819)
- II:92 (1476)
- R6:25 (850)
- F15:174 (390)
3535 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .34
Chi-square: 473
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .01
g: .07
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:174 (440)
- F7:166 (2399)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .41
Chi-square: 159
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.62)
- 979. ADD - Has to be moving in order to think (.61)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.57)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.55)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.54)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.51)
- 981. ADD - An internal sense of anxiety or nervousness (.50)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.49)
- 972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things (.49)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.48)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.47)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.47)
- 997. ADD - Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started (.46)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.46)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.46)
36 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 70
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.15
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:165 (2399)
- S9:173 (443)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .41
Chi-square: 170
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.64)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.63)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.60)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.59)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.58)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.57)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.55)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.54)
- 981. ADD - An internal sense of anxiety or nervousness (.52)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.52)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.52)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.52)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.52)
- 1010. ADD - Tendency to be immature (.52)
- 1011. ADD - Self-centered; immature interests (.51)
22 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R1:85 (565)
- N2:158 (3723)
- 9:30 (5324)
9612 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 1159
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .10
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:144 (4884)
- F11:169 (1705)
6589 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .36
Chi-square: 752
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.01
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:179 (358)
358 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .39
Chi-square: 43
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 10, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.11
g: .00
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:153 (814)
- F13:154 (667)
- F11:174 (1819)
- II:84 (1445)
- F15:153 (378)
5123 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .42
Chi-square: 587
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:170 (2399)
- S9:178 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .40
Chi-square: 153
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:213 (443)
- F7:205 (2399)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .38
Chi-square: 147
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:155 (2371)
2371 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 262
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:47 (759)
- G6:47 (505)
- F11:167 (1885)
- GE3:46 (1221)
- S8:126 (2316)
- S11:118 (2411)
- GE2:49 (4002)
- S3:136 (2283)
- S10:127 (1754)
- G1:47 (2681)
- G2:47 (4790)
- S5:138 (11227)
- S6:119 (2409)
- S9:124 (2121)
- G4:47 (2074)
- S7:123 (2922)
- G7:47 (1546)
- S4:85 (2950)
- GE:49 (1872)
- F14:152 (834)
- G5:47 (1001)
- F15:152 (382)
- F13:153 (690)
54635 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .38
Chi-square: 6334
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.00
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Final: -.37
Chi-square: 90
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:168 (2399)
- S9:176 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .40
Chi-square: 157
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:168 (442)
- F7:160 (2399)
2841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .35
Chi-square: 130
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.59)
- 991. ADD - Poor organization and planning, trouble maintaining an organized work/living area (.57)
- 993. ADD - Often have piles of stuff (.57)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.55)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.54)
- 998. ADD - Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through (.52)
- 997. ADD - Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started (.52)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.52)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.52)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.51)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.50)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.50)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.49)
- 973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (.49)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.49)
24 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F7:161 (2399)
- S9:169 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .39
Chi-square: 143
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.61)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.55)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.54)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.52)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.51)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.49)
- 972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things (.49)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.48)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.48)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.47)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.47)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.47)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.47)
- 998. ADD - Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through (.46)
Quiz versions
- F7:187 (2399)
- S9:195 (443)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .38
Chi-square: 144
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.04
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 95
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .05
g: .02
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:155 (684)
- 8:147 (3779)
- F11:171 (1850)
- 9:96 (5241)
- N1:93 (4456)
16010 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .40
Chi-square: 1696
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.06
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:194 (443)
- F7:186 (2399)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .36
Chi-square: 134
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:179 (2399)
- S9:187 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .37
Chi-square: 139
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 79
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:48 (715)
- GE:50 (1750)
- GE2:50 (3839)
- F13:134 (656)
- F6:134 (1660)
- F14:134 (787)
- G6:48 (493)
- F5:134 (2561)
- G1:48 (2522)
- G7:48 (1453)
- F9:134 (1496)
- F7:134 (2230)
- G4:48 (1987)
- FI:134 (39622)
- GE3:47 (1153)
- F11:134 (1781)
- G5:48 (973)
- F15:134 (365)
- F1:134 (2297)
- N2:159 (3606)
- F4:134 (18000)
- F10:134 (3903)
- G2:48 (4526)
- F8:134 (1618)
- F2:134 (2408)
- F3:134 (17709)
- F12:134 (232)
- N4:144 (5685)
- N3:145 (4090)
- 9:121 (5198)
- 7:96 (2807)
- 8:115 (3724)
- 6:123 (4465)
146311 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 13398
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 71
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:189 (2399)
- S9:197 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .36
Chi-square: 123
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:156 (2076)
2076 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Chi-square: 187
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 995. ADD - Poor financial management (late bills, check book a mess, spending unnecessary money on late fees) (.50)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.49)
- 957. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you did things that were unusual for you? (.36)
- 1023. ADD - Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work) (.34)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.34)
- 958. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments? (.33)
- 988. ADD - Frequent, impulsive job changes (.32)
- 518. Do you tend to be impatient and/or impulsive? (.32)
- 996. ADD - Some adults with ADD are very successful, but often only if they are surrounded with people who organize them. (.31)
- 959. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were much more talkative than usual? (.31)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.31)
- 961. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were much more social or outgoing than usual? (.30)
- 967. ADD - Family history of ADD, learning problems, mood disorders or substance abuse problems (.29)
- 972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things (.29)
- 1005. ADD - Mood swings (.29)
26 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F14:161 (820)
- N1:20 (4546)
- II:96 (1492)
6858 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .42
Chi-square: 605
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.06
introvert: -.15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:151 (2425)
2425 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 220
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.13
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? (.40)
- 217. Do you speak before you think? (.34)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.31)
- 294. Do you often forget where you put things? (.28)
- 309. Do your feelings cycle regulary between hopelessness and extremely high confidence? (.27)
- 120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects? (.27)
- 305. Are you relaxed most anywhere, anytime? (-.25)
- 336. Are you strong-willed and stubborn? (.26)
- 3. Do you get confused by several verbal instructions at the same time? (.26)
- 205. Do you have a tendency to drop things? (.26)
- 306. Do you have regular periods of high activity interspaced with periods of lower activity? (.26)
- 297. Do you sometimes show up without the notes you need? (.26)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.26)
- 130. Do others often misunderstand you? (.26)
- 308. Do you have regular periods of needing more sleep interspaced with periods of needing less sleep? (.25)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- I:24 (5476)
- F15:165 (385)
5861 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .18
Chi-square: 600
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.04
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:158 (2399)
- S9:166 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .35
Chi-square: 125
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.67)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.65)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.63)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.59)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.55)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.55)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.53)
- 972. ADD - Frequently misplaces things (.52)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.51)
- 973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (.51)
- 998. ADD - Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through (.51)
- 1001. ADD - Inconsistent work performance (.50)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.50)
Quiz versions
- F14:176 (781)
781 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .33
Chi-square: 67
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.17
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:178 (672)
- F14:154 (813)
1485 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .33
Chi-square: 119
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .01
g: .01
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:184 (2399)
- S9:192 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .35
Chi-square: 159
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:211 (2399)
- S9:219 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .34
Chi-square: 94
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:152 (2399)
- S9:160 (443)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .34
Chi-square: 111
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.57)
- 965. ADD - History of frequent behavior problems in school (mostly for males) (.55)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.55)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.54)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.50)
- 998. ADD - Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through (.48)
- 1001. ADD - Inconsistent work performance (.48)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.47)
- 1002. ADD - Chronic sense of underachievement, feeling you should be much further along in your life than you are (.47)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.47)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.47)
- 997. ADD - Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started (.46)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.45)
- 991. ADD - Poor organization and planning, trouble maintaining an organized work/living area (.45)
- 995. ADD - Poor financial management (late bills, check book a mess, spending unnecessary money on late fees) (.44)
52 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F7:151 (2399)
- S9:159 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .34
Chi-square: 128
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.66)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.61)
- 971. ADD - Trouble listening carefully to directions (.56)
- 964. ADD - History of not living up to potential in school or work (report cards with comments such as 'not living up to potential') (.55)
- 970. ADD - Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility (.53)
- 965. ADD - History of frequent behavior problems in school (mostly for males) (.52)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.50)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.50)
- 976. ADD - Poor listening skills (.50)
- 996. ADD - Some adults with ADD are very successful, but often only if they are surrounded with people who organize them. (.48)
- 614. Are you or have you been hyperactive? (.47)
- 973. ADD - Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track (.47)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.47)
- 967. ADD - Family history of ADD, learning problems, mood disorders or substance abuse problems (.47)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.46)
17 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S9:232 (440)
- F7:224 (2399)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .32
Chi-square: 101
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:181 (2399)
- S9:189 (442)
2841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .33
Chi-square: 118
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:176 (2399)
- S9:184 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .34
Chi-square: 129
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.46)
- 989. ADD - Tendency to embarrass others (.44)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.44)
- 995. ADD - Poor financial management (late bills, check book a mess, spending unnecessary money on late fees) (.42)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.41)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.41)
- 1001. ADD - Inconsistent work performance (.40)
- 1023. ADD - Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work) (.39)
- 987. ADD - Frequent traffic violations (.39)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.39)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.39)
- 999. ADD - Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings (.39)
- 1031. ADD - The harder you try, the worse it gets (.39)
- 1005. ADD - Mood swings (.38)
- 1010. ADD - Tendency to be immature (.38)
Quiz versions
- S9:193 (442)
- F7:185 (2399)
2841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .30
Chi-square: 125
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:139 (701)
- R2:27 (619)
- R1:41 (584)
1904 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 179
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .05
g: .01
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:143 (2813)
- F15:169 (379)
3192 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .29
Chi-square: 228
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.13
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:190 (2433)
2433 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 196
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:179 (664)
- F14:169 (818)
- F15:161 (368)
1850 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 128
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:180 (2399)
- S9:188 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .32
Chi-square: 97
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.05
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 30
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:175 (331)
- S10:163 (1469)
1800 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.29
Final: -.42
Chi-square: 140
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .10
g: .03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:183 (2399)
- S9:191 (443)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .31
Chi-square: 81
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:188 (2399)
- S9:196 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .31
Chi-square: 110
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 39
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:153 (2399)
- S9:161 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .31
Chi-square: 121
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:171 (439)
- F7:163 (2399)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .29
Chi-square: 85
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:191 (4513)
4513 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 294
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.09
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:222 (2399)
- S9:230 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .31
Chi-square: 91
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.05
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:154 (2447)
2447 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Chi-square: 154
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 308. Do you have regular periods of needing more sleep interspaced with periods of needing less sleep? (.31)
- 309. Do your feelings cycle regulary between hopelessness and extremely high confidence? (.26)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.24)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.23)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.22)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.22)
Quiz versions
- ND:189 (2440)
2440 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Chi-square: 163
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .01
g: .02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:36 (2454)
2454 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Chi-square: 191
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.11
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:152 (1680)
- R6:98 (833)
- F14:168 (831)
- R5:93 (804)
- S5:147 (11212)
15360 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .30
Chi-square: 1138
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .02
g: .05
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:135 (632)
- 8:113 (3842)
- II:58 (1495)
- 6:122 (4542)
- III:64 (5940)
- 7:95 (2854)
- 9:120 (5299)
24604 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Chi-square: 1562
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.27
Final: -.27
Chi-square: 47
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:155 (2399)
- S9:163 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .30
Chi-square: 77
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:64 (675)
- R4:56 (1649)
- N1:162 (4448)
6772 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 383
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Chi-square: 57
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:39 (375)
- F13:39 (678)
- R3:159 (681)
- F9:39 (1575)
- F5:39 (2638)
- F10:39 (3978)
- FI:39 (39829)
- F7:39 (2328)
- F14:39 (822)
- F12:39 (246)
- F1:39 (2354)
- F2:39 (2477)
- F6:39 (1699)
- F4:39 (18515)
- F3:39 (18025)
- F11:39 (1827)
- F8:39 (1688)
99735 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .26
Chi-square: 6070
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .08
g: .09
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:186 (439)
- F7:178 (2399)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .26
Chi-square: 94
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:208 (2399)
- S9:216 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Final: .27
Chi-square: 65
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.41)
- 1021. ADD - Tendency to seek conflict, be argumentative or to start disagreements for the fun of it (.41)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.40)
- 1023. ADD - Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work) (.40)
- 1018. ADD - Quick responses to slights that are real or imagined (.40)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.40)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.39)
- 1019. ADD - Rage outbursts, short fuse (.38)
- 984. ADD - Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of 'read the directions when all else fails' (.38)
- 979. ADD - Has to be moving in order to think (.37)
- 977. ADD - Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) (.37)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.37)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.37)
- 1017. ADD - Trouble with authority (.37)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.36)
33 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Final: -.25
Chi-square: 45
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:171 (379)
- II:14 (1479)
- 6:143 (4475)
6333 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .35
Chi-square: 289
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.06
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:52 (1389)
- F15:170 (357)
1746 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .15
Chi-square: 93
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:172 (1766)
- 8:116 (3736)
5502 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .29
Chi-square: 255
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.09
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:160 (371)
- F14:167 (813)
- S10:164 (1674)
- N4:151 (5657)
8515 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.23
Final: -.30
Chi-square: 419
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.14
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 24
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N4:159 (5827)
5827 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 244
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.16
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:173 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Chi-square: 78
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:174 (974)
- F2:171 (739)
1713 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 39
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.20
Chi-square: 38
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:97 (2811)
- II:57 (1457)
- 8:114 (3783)
- 9:122 (5219)
13270 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Chi-square: 434
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:175 (2399)
- S9:183 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .22
Chi-square: 70
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .21
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:167 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:179 (1000)
- F2:240 (741)
1741 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Final: .20
Chi-square: 50
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: .04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:157 (633)
- F11:160 (1652)
2285 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Final: .20
Chi-square: 94
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.07
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:174 (826)
826 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .19
Chi-square: 25
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.14
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Final: -.18
Chi-square: 32
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:123 (5084)
- II:59 (1424)
- III:67 (5678)
12186 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 319
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .01
g: .07
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:210 (2507)
- S6:184 (2456)
- S5:176 (11475)
- S1:146 (3123)
- S2:145 (5031)
- S12:186 (3646)
- S3:215 (2366)
- S9:241 (2184)
- S11:180 (2509)
- S7:188 (2997)
- S4:202 (3069)
- S8:177 (2384)
- S10:193 (1805)
- N1:198 (413)
45965 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 1180
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:158 (657)
- F14:155 (806)
- F11:178 (1785)
3248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .18
Chi-square: 111
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:191 (2382)
2382 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.16
Chi-square: 73
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .17
Chi-square: 31
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:160 (670)
- II:86 (1425)
2095 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .26
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.10
introvert: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:177 (1005)
- F2:220 (742)
1747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 47
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: .03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:162 (1508)
1508 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 41
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.06
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 20
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 16
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:35 (2478)
2478 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Chi-square: 96
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .07
g: .13
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N4:148 (5858)
- II:82 (1505)
7363 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 101
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.13
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:66 (5801)
5801 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 93
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:68 (5911)
- F13:159 (681)
6592 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .13
Chi-square: 145
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:26 (608)
- II:87 (1466)
- F15:177 (375)
- N4:155 (5580)
8029 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .27
Chi-square: 190
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.06
introvert: -.20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:180 (374)
374 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.09
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:148 (3793)
3793 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 53
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.12
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:178 (996)
- F2:231 (741)
1737 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Final: -.11
Chi-square: 28
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:159 (2942)
2942 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 29
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .08
g: .10
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:172 (1187)
1187 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:161 (3687)
- F11:164 (1783)
5470 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 80
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .05
g: .00
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:69 (5863)
5863 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 58
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .07
g: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:65 (5915)
5915 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 57
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:147 (3837)
- F13:163 (629)
4466 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .00
Chi-square: 125
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Final: .08
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:151 (1800)
1800 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Final: .08
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.08
introvert: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:168 (1816)
- F13:161 (674)
- S3:135 (2199)
4689 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .08
Chi-square: 52
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:162 (603)
- F11:166 (1677)
- S11:149 (2133)
4413 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .11
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.02
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:176 (925)
- F2:201 (741)
1666 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:163 (2838)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 21
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:152 (1793)
1793 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.08
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S1:149 (1375)
- S2:164 (2820)
4195 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Chi-square: 67
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:160 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:153 (1790)
1790 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 10, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.11
g: .01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F2:175 (742)
- G5:175 (1003)
1745 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Final: -.01
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:157 (1722)
1722 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.05
introvert: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:154 (1720)
1720 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .04
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.11
introvert: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:117 (3715)
- II:26 (1485)
- III:46 (5853)
- I:90 (5476)
16529 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .79
Chi-square: 8007
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .70
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.12
g: .05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:49 (5315)
- 8:43 (3836)
- 5:61 (2206)
- ND:127 (2415)
13772 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .77
Chi-square: 6301
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .68
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.09
g: .05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:40 (691)
- S11:39 (2438)
- G5:49 (1006)
- F11:40 (1879)
- GE2:52 (3999)
- F6:40 (1727)
- F10:40 (4109)
- F5:40 (2685)
- F7:40 (2329)
- F9:40 (1616)
- GE:52 (1872)
- F4:40 (18904)
- F3:40 (18455)
- GE3:49 (1220)
- S12:39 (3524)
- F15:40 (382)
- N1:49 (4548)
- F1:40 (2450)
- G4:49 (2068)
- F2:40 (2526)
- F14:40 (825)
- N2:42 (4300)
- G1:49 (2683)
- F8:40 (1693)
- G3:49 (748)
- G7:49 (1541)
- G6:49 (507)
- FI:40 (41651)
- G2:49 (4809)
- S10:157 (1753)
- F12:40 (245)
- N3:37 (4851)
- N4:38 (7401)
151435 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .72
Final: .73
Chi-square: 58749
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .62
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:51 (1500)
- 6:70 (4547)
- 9:51 (5377)
- ND:128 (2423)
- 8:46 (3887)
- 5:62 (2202)
- R2:43 (639)
- III:49 (5974)
- 7:40 (2898)
- I:91 (5476)
- R1:4 (588)
35511 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .69
Chi-square: 13184
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .61
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .05
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.59)
- 487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (.58)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.58)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.56)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.56)
- 343. Do you feel awkward in romantic situations? (.53)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.53)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.52)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.52)
- 269. Have you felt different from others for most of your life? (.52)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.50)
- 130. Do others often misunderstand you? (.50)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.50)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .68
Chi-square: 196
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .58
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .13
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:156 (1720)
1720 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .67
Chi-square: 648
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .61
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.08
g: .06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:33 (4874)
- R3:2 (705)
- S1:34 (3012)
- R7:31 (1022)
- R4:2 (1730)
11343 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .67
Chi-square: 4005
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .59
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .16
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:161 (710)
- R4:164 (646)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.64
Final: -.67
Chi-square: 453
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .58
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:188 (711)
- R4:191 (646)
1357 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.64
Final: -.68
Chi-square: 434
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.63
Final: -.63
Chi-square: 246
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .58
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:44 (583)
- I:69 (5476)
6059 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Chi-square: 2157
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .60
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .12
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.59)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.59)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.58)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.54)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.53)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.53)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.51)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.51)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.51)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.50)
- 78. Do you sometimes not feel anything at all, even though other people expect you to? (.49)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.47)
- 72. Do you have problems with eye-contact? (.47)
- 82. Are you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they are clearly spelled out? (.47)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.47)
2 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 5:60 (2181)
- ND:196 (2395)
- 6:69 (4470)
9046 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Chi-square: 2716
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .08
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:64 (5377)
- R2:47 (633)
- 7:108 (2883)
- 8:69 (3869)
12762 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Chi-square: 3896
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.01
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:71 (5358)
- I:72 (5476)
10834 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Chi-square: 3395
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.09
g: -.09
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 398. Do you dislike eye-contact? (.81)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.51)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.49)
- 73. Do you dislike shaking hands with strangers? (.49)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.47)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.47)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.47)
- 366. Do you feel uncomfortable with strangers? (.47)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.46)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.46)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.46)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.46)
Quiz versions
- 9:65 (5391)
- II:43 (1514)
- R3:36 (705)
- ND:98 (2465)
- R2:50 (630)
- 8:62 (3884)
- R4:27 (1722)
- I:98 (5476)
- 6:81 (4565)
- 7:50 (2904)
- 5:70 (2213)
- R1:30 (587)
32056 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Chi-square: 9796
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .09
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 656. AQ - I enjoy social chitchat. (-.63)
- 677. AQ - I am good at social chitchat. (-.58)
- 218. Are you good at small talk? (-.54)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.54)
- 683. AQ - I enjoy social occasions. (-.52)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.53)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.50)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.50)
- 650. AQ - I find social situations easy. (-.48)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.49)
- 542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends? (.49)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.49)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.49)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.48)
- 661. AQ - I find it hard to make new friends. (.47)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:15 (708)
- 7:47 (2922)
- 8:50 (3897)
- 9:55 (5423)
- R2:48 (637)
- 6:79 (4594)
- R1:11 (602)
- I:81 (5476)
- N1:53 (4613)
- III:54 (6018)
- R4:4 (1743)
36633 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Chi-square: 11980
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 15
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .15
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .04
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:221 (2399)
- S9:229 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Final: .63
Chi-square: 423
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.62
Final: -.62
Chi-square: 227
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:194 (711)
- R4:197 (648)
1359 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.61
Final: -.61
Chi-square: 397
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:56 (4020)
- S11:45 (2445)
- F5:43 (2689)
- F13:43 (691)
- S10:47 (1760)
- S8:43 (2317)
- F15:43 (390)
- N2:46 (4324)
- G7:50 (1545)
- N1:55 (4570)
- F8:43 (1713)
- F11:43 (1881)
- G4:50 (2085)
- F14:43 (829)
- S12:49 (3542)
- F9:43 (1611)
- F7:43 (2334)
- F1:43 (2460)
- F10:43 (4123)
- G5:50 (1018)
- G6:50 (508)
- F4:43 (18951)
- G2:50 (4817)
- G1:50 (2676)
- GE3:52 (1216)
- F6:43 (1743)
- S9:43 (2137)
- FI:43 (41962)
- GE:56 (1867)
- G3:50 (753)
- F3:43 (18520)
- F2:43 (2534)
- S7:51 (2926)
- N3:40 (4843)
- S5:166 (11228)
- F12:43 (244)
- S6:49 (2409)
- N4:41 (7434)
173115 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Final: .63
Chi-square: 51053
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .04
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:54 (4588)
- R4:37 (1715)
- R3:44 (705)
- S11:43 (2441)
- S8:51 (2324)
- S10:45 (1761)
- S1:40 (3036)
- S4:38 (2991)
- S9:42 (2132)
- S12:43 (3538)
- S2:39 (4912)
- S3:38 (2298)
- R6:40 (851)
- S7:156 (2932)
- R7:38 (1030)
- S5:45 (11217)
- R5:36 (814)
49285 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Chi-square: 14775
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:175 (646)
- F1:172 (710)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Final: .62
Chi-square: 386
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:53 (5895)
- 9:58 (5218)
- I:68 (5476)
- 8:53 (3751)
20340 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Chi-square: 5931
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .04
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.58)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.53)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.47)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.47)
- 78. Do you sometimes not feel anything at all, even though other people expect you to? (.47)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.47)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.46)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.46)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.45)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.45)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.45)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.44)
Quiz versions
- 9:60 (5314)
- 8:57 (3859)
- 7:55 (2854)
- R2:51 (622)
- R3:37 (702)
- 6:68 (4526)
- R1:27 (582)
- R4:28 (1699)
20158 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Chi-square: 5602
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:193 (1778)
- S3:179 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Final: .63
Chi-square: 717
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:167 (708)
- R4:170 (646)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.60
Final: -.61
Chi-square: 379
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .06
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:100 (2217)
- ND:12 (2446)
- 8:52 (3859)
8522 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Chi-square: 2480
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.08
g: .04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:176 (709)
- R4:179 (645)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Final: .63
Chi-square: 372
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:9 (705)
- 5:63 (2211)
- 9:56 (5374)
- II:8 (1515)
- R7:28 (1035)
- S2:32 (4887)
- S1:33 (3028)
- 7:45 (2899)
- III:47 (5990)
- I:66 (5476)
- 8:49 (3877)
- R6:31 (856)
- R2:45 (636)
- R5:35 (816)
- S3:33 (2309)
- S4:33 (3002)
- F13:44 (695)
- FI:44 (41967)
- G6:51 (504)
- S12:42 (3545)
- G1:51 (2680)
- GE:57 (1883)
- G2:51 (4800)
- F1:44 (2464)
- R1:8 (592)
- S11:42 (2450)
- ND:94 (2483)
- GE2:57 (4016)
- F5:44 (2687)
- F10:44 (4133)
- F11:44 (1883)
- F14:44 (833)
- G7:51 (1553)
- F9:44 (1616)
- F6:44 (1737)
- F4:44 (18999)
- F2:44 (2538)
- F3:44 (18551)
- G3:51 (755)
- R4:14 (1713)
- G5:51 (1012)
- 6:74 (4562)
- N2:45 (4315)
- G4:51 (2089)
- F8:44 (1715)
- F15:44 (386)
- S9:41 (2132)
- F7:44 (2344)
- N3:41 (4861)
- N1:52 (4579)
- GE3:53 (1225)
- S10:44 (1768)
- S8:39 (2321)
- F12:44 (250)
- N4:42 (7406)
- S6:50 (2415)
- S7:47 (2927)
- S5:41 (11235)
227235 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Final: .60
Chi-square: 66624
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.54)
- 1276. NEO - Prefer to be alone (.53)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.53)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.51)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.51)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.51)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.50)
- 1153. Do you need periods of contemplation? (.50)
- 1241. NEO - Feel comfortable around people (-.48)
- 1152. Do you often feel out-of-sync with others? (.49)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.48)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.48)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.48)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.47)
- 1216. NEO - Love large parties (-.46)
15 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F13:166 (655)
- R3:45 (684)
1339 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .61
Chi-square: 383
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .04
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .60
Chi-square: 211
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:46 (1818)
- GE2:58 (3919)
- G3:52 (740)
- S11:48 (2359)
- F14:46 (810)
- F1:46 (2376)
- F15:46 (370)
- N2:48 (4176)
- S9:50 (2076)
- F9:46 (1576)
- F5:46 (2615)
- F12:46 (241)
- F10:46 (3979)
- F2:46 (2466)
- GE:58 (1804)
- G1:52 (2612)
- S4:135 (2877)
- F3:46 (17976)
- F4:46 (18400)
- S12:45 (3399)
- G4:52 (2024)
- F13:46 (666)
- F6:46 (1677)
- S8:44 (2269)
- G6:52 (486)
- F8:46 (1661)
- G7:52 (1509)
- G2:52 (4650)
- S10:50 (1705)
- N3:43 (4699)
- GE3:54 (1175)
- FI:46 (40175)
- N1:57 (4433)
- F7:46 (2266)
- S6:52 (2332)
- G5:52 (969)
- S7:52 (2867)
- S5:46 (10769)
- N4:44 (7139)
170060 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .61
Chi-square: 47512
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .03
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:65 (2185)
- 8:55 (3837)
- ND:113 (2445)
- 9:59 (5358)
- 7:46 (2902)
- 6:77 (4555)
21282 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Chi-square: 5415
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:157 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .60
Chi-square: 67
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .15
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:66 (695)
- G6:54 (506)
- R4:54 (1704)
- S11:44 (2454)
- S2:37 (4892)
- F7:45 (2349)
- S4:37 (2995)
- R2:52 (637)
- R1:83 (584)
- F1:45 (2456)
- G4:54 (2078)
- G1:54 (2687)
- R7:32 (1030)
- F6:45 (1742)
- F4:45 (19013)
- G5:54 (1008)
- GE:59 (1877)
- GE2:59 (4023)
- S3:37 (2311)
- G3:54 (766)
- S10:46 (1766)
- N2:47 (4327)
- FI:45 (42133)
- F10:45 (4138)
- G2:54 (4819)
- S1:37 (3028)
- F11:45 (1890)
- N1:56 (4577)
- S12:44 (3549)
- F2:45 (2551)
- GE3:56 (1219)
- S9:48 (2121)
- F9:45 (1617)
- F12:45 (249)
- F8:45 (1717)
- G7:54 (1555)
- F5:45 (2701)
- F3:45 (18570)
- S8:41 (2332)
- F13:45 (692)
- N3:42 (4855)
- S7:49 (2933)
- S5:44 (11254)
- F14:45 (838)
- S6:54 (2410)
- N4:43 (7445)
- F15:45 (387)
191480 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Final: .60
Chi-square: 52112
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:41 (4849)
- S11:139 (2447)
- N2:152 (4307)
- F8:147 (1697)
- F9:147 (1604)
- F6:147 (1735)
- S4:129 (2985)
- S1:44 (3027)
- S10:149 (1752)
- S7:154 (2931)
- F7:147 (2334)
- R7:42 (1024)
- F15:147 (378)
- S3:41 (2278)
- F1:147 (2436)
- F4:147 (18931)
- F11:147 (1895)
- F14:147 (828)
- F10:147 (4105)
- GE:157 (1865)
- N1:173 (4554)
- F13:147 (688)
- F3:147 (18480)
- F5:147 (2653)
- FI:147 (41875)
- R3:24 (701)
- N3:138 (4834)
- S8:153 (2323)
- S12:138 (3537)
- S9:148 (2118)
- F2:147 (2534)
- R5:50 (812)
- R4:20 (1716)
- S6:146 (2415)
- S5:143 (11208)
- R6:42 (847)
- N4:137 (7423)
- F12:147 (246)
172372 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.58
Final: -.59
Chi-square: 47225
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 13
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .20
g: -.02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:43 (705)
- G5:55 (1012)
- GE2:61 (4028)
- GE3:57 (1213)
- G6:55 (500)
- R4:36 (1700)
- N1:60 (4557)
- G4:55 (2070)
- F6:48 (1734)
- II:72 (1511)
- F7:48 (2320)
- F13:48 (689)
- R7:37 (1018)
- F10:48 (4107)
- F4:48 (18931)
- S8:42 (2315)
- G2:55 (4815)
- F3:48 (18528)
- N2:50 (4320)
- G1:55 (2685)
- F1:48 (2452)
- R2:108 (628)
- S12:48 (3526)
- S2:38 (4866)
- N3:45 (4861)
- S5:48 (11231)
- FI:48 (41823)
- G7:55 (1536)
- S4:39 (2976)
- S10:49 (1759)
- S3:39 (2297)
- S11:47 (2440)
- S7:50 (2922)
- N4:46 (7446)
- F11:48 (1880)
- F5:48 (2687)
- S1:39 (3028)
- F9:48 (1615)
- F2:48 (2529)
- S9:49 (2114)
- S6:58 (2407)
- GE:61 (1867)
- I:73 (5476)
- G3:55 (756)
- F8:48 (1718)
- F14:48 (834)
- F15:48 (389)
- F12:48 (244)
197065 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Final: .60
Chi-square: 54107
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:47 (836)
- S10:51 (1765)
- G3:53 (757)
- S11:49 (2456)
- F11:47 (1875)
- F1:47 (2459)
- F6:47 (1745)
- F7:47 (2340)
- F13:47 (694)
- G2:53 (4799)
- F10:47 (4129)
- N2:49 (4336)
- S4:136 (2985)
- F12:47 (245)
- F2:47 (2542)
- F4:47 (19050)
- F9:47 (1623)
- F8:47 (1711)
- S7:61 (2939)
- S12:46 (3552)
- G4:53 (2081)
- N1:58 (4565)
- GE2:60 (4016)
- G1:53 (2688)
- G6:53 (508)
- GE:60 (1871)
- S9:53 (2127)
- G7:53 (1549)
- F5:47 (2702)
- G5:53 (1014)
- F15:47 (386)
- FI:47 (42046)
- S8:53 (2320)
- F3:47 (18572)
- N3:44 (4877)
- GE3:55 (1232)
- S5:47 (11241)
- S6:55 (2416)
- N4:45 (7415)
176464 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Final: .60
Chi-square: 47819
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .05
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:56 (1524)
- GE2:104 (4000)
- G1:56 (2679)
- G4:56 (2062)
- G5:56 (1002)
- G2:56 (4758)
- GE:166 (1266)
- G6:56 (500)
- G3:56 (747)
- GE3:103 (1203)
19741 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.58
Final: -.58
Chi-square: 5066
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .00
g: .07
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .58
Chi-square: 192
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:87 (1604)
- S9:52 (2112)
- S10:48 (1747)
- F14:87 (828)
- F7:87 (2322)
- F11:87 (1860)
- S8:52 (2298)
- S4:133 (2950)
- S7:60 (2925)
- F5:87 (2657)
- F1:87 (2429)
- N2:91 (4263)
- F4:87 (18797)
- S11:46 (2419)
- F2:87 (2501)
- GE:106 (1845)
- F8:87 (1695)
- F6:87 (1726)
- F10:87 (4062)
- N1:59 (4537)
- S12:47 (3497)
- F3:87 (18356)
- S6:100 (2390)
- N3:83 (4801)
- S5:94 (11155)
- F13:87 (683)
- FI:87 (41222)
- F12:87 (242)
- N4:85 (7354)
- F15:87 (381)
155658 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.57
Final: -.59
Chi-square: 40077
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 14
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .21
g: -.01
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:57 (628)
- R3:4 (697)
- I:67 (5476)
- R4:5 (1725)
- R1:3 (593)
9119 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Chi-square: 2528
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .15
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.56)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.56)
- 542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends? (.55)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.53)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.53)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.53)
- 32. Do you have a tendency to be passive and not initiate things yourself? (.51)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.51)
- 487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (.50)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.49)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.49)
- 650. AQ - I find social situations easy. (-.47)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.48)
- 34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups? (.47)
- 269. Have you felt different from others for most of your life? (.47)
23 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F1:197 (711)
- R4:200 (647)
1358 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.56
Final: -.58
Chi-square: 328
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .06
g: .05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:45 (4828)
- 9:69 (5312)
- S1:47 (2982)
- R6:49 (842)
- R7:46 (1015)
- 6:98 (4475)
- 7:56 (2856)
- 8:68 (3808)
26118 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.56
Chi-square: 6833
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:161 (1778)
- S3:147 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .58
Chi-square: 613
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:71 (5476)
- R2:55 (635)
- 7:52 (2910)
- 6:83 (4581)
- R1:7 (594)
- III:52 (6011)
- 8:70 (3886)
- 5:72 (2210)
- ND:100 (2473)
28776 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Chi-square: 7428
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 15
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .17
Neurotypical: .02
g: .14
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.59)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.53)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.53)
- 34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups? (.49)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.48)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.47)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.47)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.47)
- 454. Do you prefer to do things on your own even if you could use others' help or expertise? (.46)
- 72. Do you have problems with eye-contact? (.46)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.45)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.45)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.43)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.42)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.42)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 8:58 (3821)
- F15:154 (378)
- F14:156 (817)
- R6:48 (833)
- GE2:62 (3976)
- 6:66 (4529)
- 7:57 (2836)
- R5:51 (800)
- F13:167 (683)
- GE:62 (1847)
- GE3:58 (1204)
21724 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .56
Chi-square: 4979
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:53 (818)
- GE2:63 (4050)
- N1:61 (4589)
- N2:51 (4349)
- R7:47 (1041)
- S4:42 (3006)
- 7:58 (2899)
- GE3:59 (1224)
- 9:72 (5382)
- S2:43 (4927)
- S1:46 (3056)
- 6:88 (4576)
- S3:43 (2319)
- 8:67 (3875)
- S5:52 (11313)
- R6:47 (859)
58283 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Chi-square: 15141
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .07
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Final: .55
Chi-square: 177
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:165 (709)
- R4:168 (645)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.54
Final: -.56
Chi-square: 311
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .05
g: .05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:169 (2794)
- S1:154 (1254)
4048 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.54
Chi-square: 959
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:58 (626)
- ND:38 (2456)
3082 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Chi-square: 694
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .03
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:70 (5371)
- ND:96 (2469)
- R1:17 (592)
- 8:64 (3871)
- R3:18 (705)
- R6:51 (848)
- R2:56 (635)
14491 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.54
Chi-square: 3531
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:161 (1751)
1751 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Final: .55
Chi-square: 390
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .04
g: .04
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:164 (1251)
- GE2:103 (3974)
5225 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.53
Chi-square: 1113
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:112 (4532)
4532 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Chi-square: 989
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .14
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:43 (2986)
- R5:45 (811)
- S2:47 (4884)
- R6:45 (854)
- S3:44 (2289)
- S7:161 (2945)
- S1:49 (3005)
- S6:61 (2403)
- S5:53 (11257)
- R7:39 (1022)
32456 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.53
Chi-square: 7710
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .17
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:37 (821)
- S7:158 (2947)
3768 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.53
Chi-square: 839
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .15
g: .05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Final: .54
Chi-square: 195
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:167 (1778)
- S3:153 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .55
Chi-square: 553
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:39 (5865)
- II:33 (1481)
- F13:168 (665)
8011 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .31
Chi-square: 1696
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .10
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:151 (627)
- R3:25 (700)
- R4:21 (1722)
- I:14 (5476)
- R1:23 (591)
9116 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Chi-square: 2108
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .07
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:188 (1757)
- S4:187 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .54
Chi-square: 386
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:212 (443)
- F7:204 (2399)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .51
Chi-square: 288
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:221 (1778)
- S3:207 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .53
Chi-square: 531
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:172 (1757)
- S4:171 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .55
Chi-square: 425
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:196 (711)
- R4:199 (647)
1358 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .57
Chi-square: 315
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:196 (1778)
- S3:182 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .53
Chi-square: 519
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:8 (698)
- R5:54 (793)
- R2:152 (627)
- F11:175 (1841)
- GE:63 (1845)
- F13:169 (682)
- I:34 (5476)
- R1:5 (587)
- R4:11 (1706)
14255 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .52
Chi-square: 3156
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 14
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .16
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:163 (708)
- R4:166 (643)
1351 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .55
Chi-square: 272
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:187 (1757)
- S4:186 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .54
Chi-square: 400
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:148 (2884)
- 8:54 (3856)
- R2:60 (633)
7373 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Chi-square: 1432
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .07
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:46 (4879)
- S11:28 (2452)
- GE:28 (1878)
- F13:28 (696)
- R7:64 (1032)
- G4:58 (2081)
- S1:48 (3036)
- G2:58 (4814)
- GE3:26 (1219)
- G6:58 (508)
- F11:28 (1896)
- N2:31 (4329)
- F5:28 (2693)
- F1:28 (2462)
- F6:28 (1739)
- F14:28 (829)
- F12:28 (247)
- F4:28 (19005)
- S8:56 (2328)
- S12:28 (3550)
- F10:28 (4113)
- F2:28 (2537)
- S10:32 (1756)
- G7:58 (1554)
- G1:58 (2682)
- G5:58 (1002)
- FI:28 (42196)
- N1:34 (4569)
- F3:28 (18568)
- S7:160 (2942)
- F8:28 (1707)
- F9:28 (1608)
- S9:56 (2135)
- GE2:29 (4018)
- F7:28 (2360)
- N3:27 (4882)
- F15:28 (388)
- G3:58 (753)
- N4:28 (7424)
168867 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.50
Final: -.50
Chi-square: 34782
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .17
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:174 (1757)
- S4:173 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .54
Chi-square: 380
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:171 (1757)
- S4:170 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .53
Chi-square: 415
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:137 (3000)
- S7:54 (2933)
- S6:57 (2407)
- S5:50 (11295)
19635 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Chi-square: 3952
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:53 (632)
- 9:61 (5363)
- 8:149 (3831)
- S2:40 (4898)
- R4:86 (1706)
- R6:41 (855)
- S1:41 (3024)
- R3:5 (705)
- G7:57 (1558)
- R7:40 (1015)
- S3:40 (2314)
- F11:49 (1892)
- G6:57 (509)
- S10:52 (1761)
- S4:40 (2996)
- G2:57 (4863)
- S11:50 (2453)
- N2:52 (4321)
- F10:49 (4140)
- F5:49 (2685)
- G4:57 (2075)
- F12:49 (247)
- S12:50 (3568)
- GE:64 (1876)
- F13:49 (694)
- F4:49 (19055)
- F1:49 (2458)
- F6:49 (1746)
- F7:49 (2361)
- G1:57 (2699)
- G3:57 (755)
- S8:45 (2319)
- N1:62 (4573)
- S9:51 (2137)
- FI:49 (42003)
- F2:49 (2542)
- F8:49 (1713)
- F3:49 (18577)
- GE2:64 (4032)
- F9:49 (1627)
- F14:49 (836)
- F15:49 (390)
- S6:59 (2408)
- G5:57 (1009)
- S7:53 (2948)
- GE3:60 (1232)
- S5:49 (11241)
- N3:46 (4867)
- N4:47 (7438)
200947 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .50
Chi-square: 40676
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .01
g: .04
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:183 (1778)
- S3:169 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .50
Chi-square: 476
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Chi-square: 122
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.10
g: -.08
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:53 (692)
- ND:37 (2441)
- S6:150 (2424)
- R1:37 (589)
6146 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Chi-square: 1309
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.09
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:185 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Final: -.49
Chi-square: 46
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 13, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.14
g: .04
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:163 (1757)
- S4:162 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .51
Chi-square: 362
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:201 (1778)
- S3:187 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .51
Chi-square: 474
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:173 (1757)
- S4:172 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .52
Chi-square: 366
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.07
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:49 (4792)
- R7:53 (1007)
- S4:44 (2932)
- S3:46 (2257)
- R2:62 (620)
- ND:75 (2452)
- S1:50 (2967)
- S7:55 (2895)
- S8:46 (2288)
- S6:62 (2392)
- S5:54 (11106)
35708 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.48
Chi-square: 6504
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:122 (2341)
2341 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 408
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:195 (1757)
- S4:194 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .51
Chi-square: 303
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:59 (2168)
- ND:92 (2400)
- S2:42 (4680)
- 6:65 (4489)
- R7:44 (995)
- 9:50 (5282)
- S1:43 (2889)
- S11:85 (2372)
- 8:44 (3792)
- R5:49 (790)
- S10:90 (1692)
- N2:95 (4157)
- F14:91 (808)
- GE:112 (1814)
- 7:39 (2830)
- F2:91 (2439)
- F11:91 (1812)
- G1:59 (2602)
- S7:157 (2863)
- GE2:111 (3915)
- N1:104 (4418)
- G7:59 (1504)
- F12:91 (243)
- F1:91 (2360)
- S9:54 (2045)
- F8:91 (1658)
- S12:87 (3388)
- R6:43 (817)
- F7:91 (2272)
- G2:59 (4649)
- F5:91 (2601)
- F4:91 (18434)
- F15:91 (375)
- G4:59 (2017)
- S8:54 (2253)
- G5:59 (976)
- F10:91 (3947)
- F3:91 (17892)
- F13:91 (669)
- F9:91 (1547)
- GE3:107 (1187)
- F6:91 (1679)
- N3:87 (4664)
- G3:59 (723)
- FI:91 (40572)
- G6:59 (478)
- N4:89 (7199)
185356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.47
Final: -.46
Chi-square: 34818
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.01
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:154 (1757)
- S4:153 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .50
Chi-square: 378
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:10 (704)
- R2:71 (617)
- GE:65 (1865)
- F10:51 (4107)
- G4:60 (2071)
- F1:51 (2438)
- G2:60 (4804)
- 6:119 (4520)
- F6:51 (1734)
- S1:55 (3012)
- FI:51 (42069)
- S12:52 (3521)
- S2:51 (4883)
- G7:60 (1549)
- F4:51 (18930)
- R7:51 (1035)
- G6:60 (504)
- F3:51 (18459)
- F7:51 (2338)
- GE2:65 (4009)
- F9:51 (1616)
- F14:51 (829)
- G1:60 (2680)
- G5:60 (1001)
- S10:55 (1751)
- F13:51 (687)
- F8:51 (1699)
- S4:47 (2975)
- S3:48 (2294)
- N2:54 (4290)
- F2:51 (2542)
- R4:13 (1723)
- F5:51 (2664)
- GE3:62 (1222)
- S11:52 (2423)
- F11:51 (1876)
- R1:9 (582)
- S9:44 (2118)
- F12:51 (242)
- S8:47 (2305)
- F15:51 (386)
- G3:60 (751)
- S6:66 (2405)
- S5:57 (11188)
- N3:47 (4849)
- N1:64 (4567)
- N4:48 (7409)
- S7:56 (2919)
195162 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .49
Chi-square: 35127
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .07
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:153 (1757)
- S4:152 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .51
Chi-square: 421
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:179 (1778)
- S3:165 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .48
Chi-square: 439
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:106 (2347)
- 8:66 (3608)
5955 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Chi-square: 941
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.07
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:164 (11313)
11313 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 1936
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .17
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:135 (4913)
- S3:129 (2302)
- S7:165 (2948)
- S1:140 (3040)
- R7:62 (1027)
14230 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Chi-square: 2562
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .19
g: .05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:138 (616)
- F6:152 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 433
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:152 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 43
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.08
g: .02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:142 (4557)
- S7:166 (2947)
- II:38 (1508)
9012 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Chi-square: 1559
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.02
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 104
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.09
g: -.03
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:77 (1463)
- S2:55 (4752)
- R2:68 (617)
- 5:74 (2134)
- 8:71 (3732)
- R7:59 (1001)
- S3:52 (2206)
- 6:84 (4432)
- S4:51 (2870)
- S1:58 (2928)
- ND:121 (2382)
- 7:53 (2797)
- R1:16 (563)
- S8:49 (2243)
- S7:58 (2855)
- S5:62 (10940)
- S6:70 (2356)
50271 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Chi-square: 7842
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.06
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:216 (1778)
- S3:202 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .48
Chi-square: 420
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:144 (616)
- F6:158 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .44
Chi-square: 415
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:54 (4898)
- S4:48 (2981)
- S3:50 (2312)
- N2:55 (4322)
- S11:53 (2446)
- R6:147 (838)
- G7:61 (1543)
- F7:52 (2339)
- F11:52 (1890)
- F6:52 (1742)
- G2:61 (4816)
- F1:52 (2462)
- S7:66 (2939)
- R7:50 (1029)
- F14:52 (829)
- N1:65 (4571)
- F8:52 (1703)
- F12:52 (247)
- GE3:63 (1222)
- S12:53 (3533)
- F13:52 (690)
- G3:61 (758)
- F5:52 (2683)
- S1:57 (3028)
- F9:52 (1613)
- GE:66 (1877)
- G4:61 (2088)
- S10:56 (1762)
- F10:52 (4101)
- F2:52 (2551)
- F4:52 (18959)
- S8:60 (2335)
- G5:61 (1009)
- N3:48 (4855)
- F15:52 (388)
- F3:52 (18513)
- S9:58 (2133)
- G1:61 (2674)
- S6:67 (2416)
- G6:61 (500)
- GE2:66 (4011)
- FI:52 (41958)
- S5:58 (11233)
- N4:49 (7432)
188229 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Final: -.47
Chi-square: 31411
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .16
g: .00
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:150 (628)
- R3:147 (692)
- S11:54 (2432)
- R4:122 (1697)
- I:32 (5476)
- S4:49 (2986)
- S2:50 (4862)
- R1:97 (583)
- R7:49 (1025)
- S1:51 (3006)
- S8:48 (2311)
- N1:66 (4556)
- S12:54 (3533)
- S9:45 (2110)
- S7:57 (2937)
- S6:68 (2402)
- S10:57 (1760)
- S3:47 (2280)
- S5:60 (11245)
56521 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 9916
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:166 (1757)
- S4:165 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .48
Chi-square: 270
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:164 (1757)
- S4:163 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .46
Chi-square: 266
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:174 (616)
- F6:188 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .44
Chi-square: 388
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G6:62 (509)
- G7:62 (1553)
- G2:62 (4843)
- G1:62 (2696)
- G5:62 (1016)
- S10:58 (1769)
- G4:62 (2083)
- S8:148 (2326)
- S7:146 (2942)
- G3:62 (761)
- S9:46 (2134)
- S6:139 (2424)
- S5:165 (11280)
36336 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .50
Chi-square: 6415
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 13
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:196 (1757)
- S4:195 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .46
Chi-square: 245
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:165 (1757)
- S4:164 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .47
Chi-square: 268
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:217 (1778)
- S3:203 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .46
Chi-square: 403
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:44 (1494)
- S7:167 (2921)
- S6:151 (2394)
6809 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.44
Chi-square: 1070
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .16
g: .03
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:152 (2422)
- R2:70 (623)
- F15:173 (376)
3421 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.43
Final: -.33
Chi-square: 519
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .11
g: .02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (-.43)
- 125. Do you enjoy being in a big crowd, such as a football game? (.43)
- 923. Do you avoid talking face to face with someone you don't know very well? (-.36)
- 258. Are you comfortable in most social situations and with new people? (.36)
- 623. Are you prone to getting depressions? (-.35)
- 707. Do you instinctively know when it is your turn to speak when talking on the phone? (.36)
- 367. Is a large social network important to you? (.36)
- 487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (-.35)
- 34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups? (-.34)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (-.34)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (-.34)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (-.34)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (-.33)
- 303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? (-.33)
- 743. If there is an interruption, can you quickly return to what you were doing before? (.33)
6 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 901
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 78. Do you sometimes not feel anything at all, even though other people expect you to? (.47)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.45)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.40)
- 98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (.40)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.39)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.39)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.39)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.39)
- 72. Do you have problems with eye-contact? (.38)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.38)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.36)
- 82. Are you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they are clearly spelled out? (.35)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.35)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.33)
- 97. Are you usually unaware of/disinterested in what is currently in vogue? (.33)
5 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S7:168 (2939)
- 8:142 (3839)
6778 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.43
Chi-square: 1044
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:48 (798)
- R6:58 (817)
- S8:62 (2266)
- S7:164 (2863)
6744 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.43
Chi-square: 1031
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .12
g: .01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:169 (1757)
- S4:168 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .43
Chi-square: 239
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:170 (1757)
- S4:169 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .44
Chi-square: 216
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:201 (2399)
- S9:209 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .43
Chi-square: 173
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:167 (1757)
- S4:166 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .46
Chi-square: 230
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.04
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:159 (4226)
- S10:177 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .43
Chi-square: 655
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .08
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:192 (1757)
- S4:191 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .44
Chi-square: 209
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:73 (594)
- ND:173 (2311)
2905 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 358
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:193 (1757)
- S4:192 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .45
Chi-square: 305
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:156 (1778)
- S3:142 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .44
Chi-square: 343
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:85 (4557)
- ND:103 (2459)
7016 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 944
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .15
introvert: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:165 (1858)
- N3:146 (4185)
6043 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .47
Chi-square: 864
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.11
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .41
Chi-square: 107
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N4:149 (5851)
- R6:61 (837)
6688 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 908
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.22
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:177 (1757)
- S4:176 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .44
Chi-square: 280
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:168 (1757)
- S4:167 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .44
Chi-square: 177
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:160 (1757)
- S4:159 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .43
Chi-square: 223
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:56 (4297)
- N1:67 (4561)
- S11:142 (2435)
- F6:53 (1745)
- GE:67 (1873)
- F5:53 (2690)
- F15:53 (386)
- F13:53 (691)
- F7:53 (2334)
- GE3:64 (1229)
- F1:53 (2455)
- F4:53 (18950)
- F14:53 (818)
- GE2:67 (4012)
- F10:53 (4117)
- FI:53 (41809)
- F11:53 (1883)
- F12:53 (249)
- F3:53 (18547)
- N3:49 (4861)
- F9:53 (1608)
- S12:55 (3530)
- F2:53 (2514)
- N4:50 (7450)
- F8:53 (1710)
136754 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .40
Chi-square: 16848
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:151 (616)
- F6:165 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .37
Chi-square: 299
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.03
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:179 (1757)
- S4:178 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .41
Chi-square: 197
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:191 (1757)
- S4:190 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .41
Chi-square: 187
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.39
Chi-square: 95
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.05
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:186 (1778)
- S3:172 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .42
Chi-square: 303
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:151 (1757)
- S4:150 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .41
Chi-square: 291
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:197 (1757)
- S4:196 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .43
Chi-square: 230
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:180 (1757)
- S4:179 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .40
Chi-square: 179
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:197 (2363)
2363 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.38
Chi-square: 294
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:58 (4212)
- N1:68 (4455)
- S10:158 (1716)
10383 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 1303
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:184 (709)
- R4:187 (647)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.38
Final: -.40
Chi-square: 153
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .06
g: .03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:171 (689)
- 6:116 (4562)
5251 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .46
Chi-square: 643
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .02
introvert: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 601. Do you feel stressed in unfamiliar situations? (.43)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.42)
- 1044. Do you have a tendency to become stuck when asked questions in social situation? (.41)
- 549. In conversations, do you need extra time to carefully think out your reply, so that there may be a pause before you answer? (.39)
- 366. Do you feel uncomfortable with strangers? (.39)
- 923. Do you avoid talking face to face with someone you don't know very well? (.39)
- 487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (.38)
- 765. Do you often have lots of thoughts that you find hard to verbalize? (.37)
- 731. Do you often don't know where to put your arms? (.37)
- 1152. Do you often feel out-of-sync with others? (.37)
- 34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups? (.35)
- 167. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction? (.33)
- 343. Do you feel awkward in romantic situations? (.33)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.32)
- 767. Has it been harder for you than for others to keep friends? (.32)
21 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F8:181 (1757)
- S4:180 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .40
Chi-square: 185
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.06
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Final: -.37
Chi-square: 127
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:184 (4494)
- N2:57 (4202)
8696 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 936
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:192 (4591)
- F13:170 (697)
5288 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .34
Chi-square: 560
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:193 (616)
- F6:207 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .38
Chi-square: 292
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:152 (1757)
- S4:151 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .38
Chi-square: 190
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:61 (2428)
- 9:74 (5090)
7518 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Chi-square: 768
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .11
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:159 (1757)
- S4:158 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .40
Chi-square: 193
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:56 (811)
- R6:59 (839)
- S6:171 (2387)
4037 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Chi-square: 502
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.09
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:178 (1757)
- S4:177 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .40
Chi-square: 252
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.04
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:174 (1778)
- S3:160 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .37
Chi-square: 257
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.05
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:154 (1511)
1511 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.35
Final: -.35
Chi-square: 148
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 18, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.19
g: -.03
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:190 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.35
Final: -.35
Chi-square: 25
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .11
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:182 (1757)
- S4:181 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .38
Chi-square: 168
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:194 (1757)
- S4:193 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .40
Chi-square: 238
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .35
Chi-square: 86
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.34
Chi-square: 77
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.03
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:157 (1757)
- S4:156 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .36
Chi-square: 266
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:110 (570)
- S7:170 (2897)
3467 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.33
Chi-square: 306
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .13
g: .00
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:157 (875)
- F8:158 (1757)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .32
Chi-square: 219
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:198 (1757)
- S4:197 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .36
Chi-square: 133
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:191 (1778)
- S3:177 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .36
Chi-square: 221
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:153 (4226)
- S10:171 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .34
Chi-square: 404
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .06
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:151 (2942)
- S6:185 (2456)
- S5:177 (11475)
- S11:181 (2509)
- S8:178 (2384)
- S7:189 (2997)
- S4:203 (3069)
- S9:242 (2184)
- S12:187 (3646)
- S1:147 (3123)
- S2:146 (5031)
- S10:194 (1805)
- S3:216 (2366)
- N1:199 (1044)
47031 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 4169
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:155 (1757)
- S4:154 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .36
Chi-square: 205
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.32
Chi-square: 69
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:185 (1757)
- S4:184 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .37
Chi-square: 142
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:30 (691)
- F12:30 (249)
- ND:126 (2429)
- F2:30 (2539)
- F14:30 (837)
- F9:30 (1627)
- F8:30 (1711)
- F5:30 (2671)
- F1:30 (2457)
- F7:30 (2333)
- GE:31 (1847)
- F4:30 (18922)
- F6:30 (1729)
- F15:30 (386)
- S6:154 (2404)
- F10:30 (4104)
- F11:30 (1875)
- F3:30 (18457)
- FI:30 (41813)
109081 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.32
Final: -.33
Chi-square: 9774
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.08
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:141 (5348)
5348 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.31
Chi-square: 422
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:190 (1757)
- S4:189 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .34
Chi-square: 135
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:218 (1778)
- S3:204 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .36
Chi-square: 189
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:154 (647)
- F1:151 (712)
1359 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.31
Final: -.26
Chi-square: 202
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .07
g: .03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 66
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:156 (1757)
- S4:155 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .34
Chi-square: 183
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:113 (4533)
- 7:98 (2865)
7398 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.30
Chi-square: 565
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.01
introvert: -.16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:202 (1778)
- S3:188 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .34
Chi-square: 191
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.06
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:189 (1757)
- S4:188 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .33
Chi-square: 109
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:74 (593)
- 8:131 (3610)
- II:60 (1427)
- N2:160 (3594)
- F13:172 (654)
9878 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .26
Chi-square: 756
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:148 (4918)
4918 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.30
Chi-square: 340
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .12
g: .04
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:186 (1757)
- S4:185 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .35
Chi-square: 118
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:59 (4315)
- 6:121 (4563)
- N1:69 (4584)
- 7:99 (2899)
16361 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.29
Chi-square: 1135
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .11
g: -.03
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:162 (1757)
- S4:161 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .30
Chi-square: 90
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:212 (1778)
- S3:198 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .30
Chi-square: 172
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:178 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Final: -.28
Chi-square: 16
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.09
g: .06
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:185 (616)
- F6:199 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .29
Chi-square: 165
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:175 (1757)
- S4:174 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .30
Chi-square: 143
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:52 (2399)
2399 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 151
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .05
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:169 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .28
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .16
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:223 (1778)
- S3:209 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .28
Chi-square: 161
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.06
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.27
Final: -.27
Chi-square: 60
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:176 (1778)
- S3:162 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .31
Chi-square: 142
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Final: -.26
Chi-square: 71
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:156 (1502)
1502 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .27
Chi-square: 88
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .01
g: .17
introvert: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:161 (1757)
- S4:160 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .27
Chi-square: 92
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:109 (552)
- S6:158 (2383)
2935 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Chi-square: 156
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:112 (2374)
2374 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Chi-square: 141
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.05
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Chi-square: 38
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:184 (1757)
- S4:183 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Final: .28
Chi-square: 94
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:176 (1757)
- S4:175 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .25
Chi-square: 94
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:153 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .14
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 47
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:183 (1757)
- S4:182 (875)
2632 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .25
Chi-square: 69
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.04
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:204 (1778)
- S3:190 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .26
Chi-square: 109
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.19
Chi-square: 26
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .11
g: -.03
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:110 (4476)
- 7:101 (2823)
7299 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 333
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .03
g: .14
introvert: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:149 (5115)
5115 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.19
Chi-square: 169
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .11
g: .01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .09
g: .01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:155 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 38
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:70 (2448)
2448 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.17
Chi-square: 78
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:183 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .09
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:189 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Final: -.15
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 10, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.11
g: .10
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:175 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.12
g: .06
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.02
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.03
introvert: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:54 (374)
- GE2:68 (3950)
- G3:63 (742)
- F12:54 (245)
- G5:63 (1001)
- F14:54 (812)
- G1:63 (2640)
- S9:59 (2095)
- F8:54 (1682)
- N1:70 (4508)
- N2:60 (4244)
- G4:63 (2048)
- S7:71 (2891)
- F13:54 (679)
- S11:55 (2395)
- F10:54 (4077)
- S12:56 (3487)
- GE:68 (1850)
- F9:54 (1586)
- F6:54 (1717)
- F11:54 (1850)
- F4:54 (18729)
- F1:54 (2414)
- F7:54 (2311)
- F5:54 (2652)
- F2:54 (2485)
- F3:54 (18253)
- S8:64 (2288)
- FI:54 (41123)
- S10:59 (1723)
- S5:66 (11063)
- G2:63 (4724)
- S4:134 (2917)
- S6:74 (2381)
- G7:63 (1510)
- N3:50 (4805)
- GE3:65 (1188)
- G6:63 (494)
- N4:51 (7351)
173284 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .65
Final: .66
Chi-square: 55438
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.04
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:56 (690)
- F12:56 (246)
- G3:64 (760)
- F15:56 (382)
- GE2:70 (4026)
- F14:56 (829)
- F9:56 (1624)
- G5:64 (1009)
- S10:61 (1769)
- F7:56 (2342)
- N2:62 (4316)
- G2:64 (4838)
- GE3:67 (1224)
- G4:64 (2076)
- F4:56 (19035)
- S11:57 (2454)
- S8:65 (2329)
- S9:61 (2128)
- F6:56 (1741)
- G1:64 (2689)
- S7:72 (2932)
- S4:88 (2977)
- F5:56 (2701)
- F11:56 (1884)
- F2:56 (2545)
- G7:64 (1555)
- F1:56 (2461)
- S12:58 (3537)
- G6:64 (504)
- F3:56 (18565)
- GE:70 (1880)
- S2:154 (1982)
- N1:72 (4569)
- F10:56 (4129)
- F8:56 (1713)
- FI:56 (41993)
- S3:87 (2304)
- S5:65 (11277)
- N3:52 (4857)
- S6:72 (2409)
- N4:53 (7436)
180717 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Final: .66
Chi-square: 57739
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:34 (705)
- F13:137 (692)
- F6:137 (1731)
- S11:129 (2433)
- R6:34 (855)
- F5:137 (2673)
- S2:36 (4851)
- F1:137 (2453)
- S12:132 (3537)
- F2:137 (2519)
- GE2:100 (4015)
- N1:165 (4556)
- R4:25 (1703)
- F14:137 (827)
- R7:29 (1024)
- S3:36 (2292)
- N2:142 (4302)
- F11:137 (1876)
- S1:38 (2998)
- F4:137 (18898)
- S4:36 (2980)
- G4:65 (2076)
- F10:137 (4109)
- F3:137 (18494)
- G1:65 (2672)
- G3:65 (757)
- F15:137 (387)
- F8:137 (1704)
- G2:65 (4803)
- GE:101 (1861)
- G6:65 (509)
- F9:137 (1604)
- F7:137 (2332)
- FI:137 (41773)
- S9:136 (2119)
- S10:139 (1759)
- S8:138 (2311)
- N3:129 (4825)
- G7:65 (1547)
- GE3:98 (1222)
- R5:34 (819)
- G5:65 (1010)
- S5:43 (11201)
- F12:137 (249)
- S6:53 (2403)
- S7:134 (2921)
- N4:130 (7404)
190791 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Final: .63
Chi-square: 56274
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:47 (664)
- R4:31 (1590)
2254 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Chi-square: 602
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.05
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:27 (1484)
- R2:95 (617)
- 9:108 (5233)
- 8:102 (3788)
- I:43 (5476)
16598 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Chi-square: 4747
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.04
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:59 (806)
- G3:67 (733)
- GE2:72 (3913)
- R7:99 (945)
- S2:96 (4454)
- F15:59 (376)
- F9:59 (1556)
- S12:62 (3441)
- G1:67 (2599)
- F12:59 (241)
- GE:72 (1820)
- N2:66 (4172)
- F4:59 (18465)
- S11:61 (2376)
- F5:59 (2603)
- G6:67 (497)
- S8:69 (2253)
- G4:67 (2037)
- F10:59 (3997)
- F8:59 (1661)
- FI:59 (40641)
- F7:59 (2257)
- S3:91 (2221)
- F6:59 (1693)
- G5:67 (989)
- F11:59 (1834)
- F3:59 (18092)
- F1:59 (2390)
- G2:67 (4663)
- F2:59 (2462)
- S9:65 (2062)
- N3:56 (4748)
- S1:102 (2758)
- N1:76 (4443)
- S10:65 (1710)
- S7:76 (2874)
- F13:59 (678)
- R5:105 (727)
- S4:90 (2854)
- S5:68 (10972)
- GE3:69 (1175)
- R6:99 (780)
- N4:57 (7288)
- G7:67 (1504)
- S6:77 (2366)
183126 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Final: .59
Chi-square: 49067
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:57 (686)
- G5:66 (997)
- G7:66 (1529)
- N1:73 (4516)
- R7:80 (1013)
- GE2:71 (3961)
- F7:57 (2315)
- S11:58 (2405)
- F14:57 (818)
- S8:66 (2302)
- GE:71 (1843)
- S6:76 (2396)
- S12:59 (3500)
- F5:57 (2650)
- S1:77 (2963)
- N2:63 (4247)
- S9:62 (2070)
- G2:66 (4781)
- F9:57 (1592)
- F10:57 (4047)
- S2:94 (4814)
- F11:57 (1871)
- G3:66 (752)
- F12:57 (241)
- G4:66 (2048)
- F6:57 (1713)
- F4:57 (18730)
- S10:62 (1737)
- S7:74 (2886)
- S3:90 (2268)
- G1:66 (2654)
- S4:91 (2959)
- S5:69 (11161)
- F3:57 (18319)
- R6:79 (823)
- F8:57 (1692)
- FI:57 (41623)
- F15:57 (384)
- F2:57 (2515)
- G6:66 (500)
- GE3:68 (1202)
- N3:53 (4812)
- F1:57 (2440)
- R5:144 (788)
- N4:54 (7374)
186937 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .59
Chi-square: 47993
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:219 (1778)
- S3:205 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .60
Chi-square: 642
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:58 (694)
- GE:73 (1855)
- GE2:73 (3985)
- S11:59 (2426)
- G3:68 (741)
- F11:58 (1872)
- N2:64 (4283)
- S2:73 (4823)
- R3:27 (693)
- F2:58 (2516)
- S9:63 (2101)
- R4:23 (1694)
- F10:58 (4075)
- R5:121 (800)
- S1:76 (2976)
- S12:60 (3507)
- G5:68 (988)
- R7:123 (1014)
- G4:68 (2060)
- N1:74 (4532)
- F9:58 (1598)
- S3:89 (2264)
- F7:58 (2314)
- F5:58 (2677)
- S4:89 (2968)
- F4:58 (18802)
- G7:68 (1536)
- G1:68 (2657)
- F14:58 (827)
- F6:58 (1712)
- F3:58 (18443)
- S8:67 (2301)
- F8:58 (1687)
- GE3:70 (1213)
- FI:58 (41622)
- G2:68 (4771)
- S10:63 (1740)
- F1:58 (2448)
- R6:124 (832)
- F15:58 (382)
- S6:75 (2392)
- S7:73 (2908)
- S5:67 (11159)
- N3:54 (4827)
- G6:68 (505)
- F12:58 (246)
- N4:55 (7367)
189833 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .58
Chi-square: 48554
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:41 (5476)
- 6:40 (4600)
10076 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Chi-square: 2369
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.03
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.47)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.47)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.43)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.43)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.43)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.42)
- 51. Do you have obsessions or compulsions (repeated irresistible impulses to do certain things)? (.42)
- 85. Do you often talk about your special interests whether others seem to be interested or not? (.41)
Quiz versions
- F15:60 (381)
- R3:46 (695)
- GE2:74 (3952)
- F5:60 (2631)
- G4:69 (2058)
- R4:38 (1671)
- GE3:71 (1202)
- G6:69 (502)
- G5:69 (1000)
- F12:60 (246)
- F1:60 (2422)
- S8:68 (2290)
- GE:74 (1835)
- 8:85 (3827)
- G7:69 (1524)
- S3:92 (2264)
- F13:60 (673)
- F9:60 (1575)
- G1:69 (2632)
- S11:60 (2403)
- F6:60 (1717)
- S4:92 (2927)
- S10:64 (1742)
- R7:79 (1016)
- N2:65 (4239)
- R2:78 (623)
- F14:60 (814)
- F2:60 (2513)
- N1:75 (4522)
- S12:61 (3502)
- F10:60 (4065)
- F4:60 (18747)
- F7:60 (2293)
- S7:75 (2898)
- F3:60 (18300)
- G2:69 (4756)
- G3:69 (752)
- S6:78 (2393)
- S2:95 (4790)
- F8:60 (1695)
- N3:55 (4793)
- S9:64 (2105)
- F11:60 (1873)
- R6:76 (831)
- FI:60 (41248)
- S5:70 (11109)
- 9:88 (5295)
- S1:80 (2990)
- R5:72 (794)
- 7:115 (2841)
- N4:56 (7358)
201324 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .58
Chi-square: 50049
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:70 (739)
- F13:61 (671)
- GE2:75 (3959)
- GE:75 (1840)
- S6:79 (2372)
- S3:93 (2243)
- S8:70 (2284)
- N2:67 (4224)
- N1:77 (4499)
- N3:57 (4760)
- R2:99 (618)
- F8:61 (1677)
- F15:61 (377)
- R7:132 (988)
- F14:61 (812)
- S9:66 (2092)
- 6:32 (4364)
- F12:61 (246)
- G1:70 (2628)
- R1:86 (548)
- GE3:72 (1181)
- F11:61 (1859)
- R6:130 (774)
- F2:61 (2482)
- F10:61 (4044)
- S2:97 (4571)
- S1:82 (2822)
- S7:77 (2891)
- G5:70 (988)
- F4:61 (18626)
- F1:61 (2406)
- G4:70 (2043)
- S11:62 (2404)
- F3:61 (18230)
- S12:63 (3487)
- F7:61 (2301)
- FI:61 (41408)
- F6:61 (1708)
- F9:61 (1581)
- F5:61 (2642)
- G6:70 (495)
- S5:71 (11100)
- S4:93 (2926)
- S10:66 (1738)
- N4:58 (7308)
- G2:70 (4683)
- G7:70 (1515)
- R5:127 (749)
190903 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .56
Chi-square: 45524
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:80 (626)
- R1:122 (566)
1192 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Chi-square: 285
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.14
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:147 (629)
- R7:76 (1017)
- 9:136 (5309)
6955 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Chi-square: 1701
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 13
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:164 (1778)
- S3:150 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Final: .56
Chi-square: 556
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:78 (3965)
- S6:82 (2399)
- F9:63 (1583)
- R7:105 (1016)
- S8:72 (2291)
- S11:65 (2425)
- FI:63 (41269)
- F14:63 (810)
- G3:72 (743)
- GE:78 (1835)
- F4:63 (18665)
- S7:79 (2909)
- S12:66 (3478)
- G5:72 (1003)
- N1:80 (4503)
- F3:63 (18299)
- R3:99 (679)
- G1:72 (2669)
- G4:72 (2038)
- F13:63 (684)
- F5:63 (2653)
- S5:74 (11132)
- F7:63 (2289)
- G7:72 (1507)
- N2:70 (4244)
- N3:60 (4785)
- R4:73 (1666)
- F1:63 (2431)
- S3:99 (2275)
- F15:63 (374)
- S1:107 (2952)
- S10:68 (1727)
- F2:63 (2503)
- F6:63 (1722)
- S2:103 (4779)
- G2:72 (4753)
- S9:68 (2095)
- GE3:75 (1204)
- R6:105 (827)
- S4:98 (2939)
- F10:63 (4056)
- N4:60 (7363)
- F8:63 (1704)
- F11:63 (1852)
- G6:72 (498)
- F12:63 (244)
- R5:98 (806)
188643 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Final: .53
Chi-square: 42184
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:63 (2422)
- GE2:76 (3973)
- F14:62 (823)
- S7:78 (2919)
- G3:71 (748)
- R7:100 (1013)
- G6:71 (495)
- F6:62 (1727)
- F13:62 (692)
- G5:71 (1001)
- F9:62 (1605)
- S6:80 (2395)
- N1:78 (4540)
- S4:95 (2946)
- R3:84 (686)
- F5:62 (2648)
- S8:71 (2303)
- F2:62 (2507)
- F15:62 (383)
- F4:62 (18771)
- S2:99 (4823)
- S12:64 (3512)
- F10:62 (4093)
- N2:68 (4290)
- F7:62 (2307)
- F3:62 (18397)
- GE:77 (1860)
- S9:67 (2099)
- G1:71 (2656)
- F11:62 (1872)
- G7:71 (1538)
- S3:95 (2274)
- GE3:73 (1213)
- G4:71 (2066)
- S1:105 (2974)
- R4:63 (1683)
- R6:101 (828)
- N3:58 (4816)
- G2:71 (4784)
- FI:62 (41662)
- S10:67 (1755)
- S5:72 (11142)
- F1:62 (2435)
- F8:62 (1699)
- N4:59 (7333)
- R5:96 (805)
- F12:62 (247)
189760 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .54
Chi-square: 40036
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:65 (353)
- F6:65 (1577)
- GE2:79 (3711)
- N1:82 (4272)
- R2:79 (582)
- G4:73 (1929)
- N2:71 (3998)
- F5:65 (2488)
- R4:78 (1588)
- F2:65 (2327)
- F1:65 (2288)
- S9:92 (1970)
- F3:65 (17219)
- R7:102 (961)
- F13:65 (628)
- 9:91 (4979)
- R3:30 (657)
- S7:80 (2752)
- F10:65 (3779)
- G1:73 (2472)
- S3:98 (2106)
- F4:65 (17629)
- G5:73 (933)
- GE:79 (1707)
- S8:73 (2202)
- F14:65 (751)
- S5:75 (10710)
- FI:65 (39161)
- S6:83 (2285)
- S11:89 (2267)
- F11:65 (1733)
- F7:65 (2126)
- N4:62 (7010)
- F8:65 (1571)
- G3:73 (694)
- N3:61 (4576)
- S12:68 (3296)
- F9:65 (1477)
- G2:73 (4443)
- GE3:76 (1128)
- 8:88 (3615)
- S10:95 (1608)
- R6:102 (770)
- S1:106 (2780)
- 7:114 (2716)
- S2:102 (4450)
- G7:73 (1397)
- S4:99 (2752)
- G6:73 (465)
- F12:65 (234)
- R5:99 (745)
189867 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .53
Chi-square: 41484
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:85 (628)
- R1:120 (576)
1204 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Chi-square: 253
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 528. Do you do any of the following when you're thinking, restless or bored: pacing; bouncing leg or foot; tapping fingers, pen or other object; doodling; fiddling with object e.g clicking pen; chewing on something? (.49)
- 531. Do you do any of the following when bored: cracking joints; picking skin or scabs; peeling skin flakes; picking nose; pulling hairs; biting nails or fingertips; pulling cuticle? (.46)
- 414. Do you chew on things? (.43)
- 115. Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion? (.41)
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.41)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.41)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.40)
- 278. Do you forget you are in a social situation when something gets your attention? (.40)
- 466. Do you rehearse inside your head? (.39)
- 405. Do you tap your fingers (e.g. when bored, restless or concentrating)? (.39)
- 402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (.39)
- 43. Do you have an odd posture, gait and/or difficulties sitting/standing erect? (.38)
- 230. Do you blink or roll your eyes? (.38)
- 25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed when focusing on your special interests? (.38)
- 133. Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex? (.37)
3 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F13:67 (681)
- F15:67 (383)
- R3:98 (683)
- GE2:82 (3951)
- S9:70 (2084)
- F8:67 (1672)
- S11:67 (2384)
- S8:75 (2277)
- FI:67 (41300)
- S3:102 (2235)
- F3:67 (18215)
- F5:67 (2626)
- G4:75 (2053)
- G6:75 (497)
- N1:83 (4495)
- R4:72 (1666)
- F9:67 (1568)
- F12:67 (242)
- F4:67 (18657)
- F2:67 (2480)
- F14:67 (821)
- S2:106 (4754)
- F10:67 (4028)
- S7:82 (2897)
- R6:104 (812)
- G5:75 (988)
- S4:101 (2904)
- G7:75 (1510)
- F6:67 (1705)
- F11:67 (1844)
- N2:73 (4222)
- G1:75 (2638)
- S6:85 (2379)
- F7:67 (2290)
- N3:63 (4759)
- S12:69 (3482)
- F1:67 (2426)
- R7:108 (1011)
- S1:112 (2952)
- GE3:78 (1188)
- G2:75 (4748)
- GE:82 (1830)
- G3:75 (731)
- N4:65 (7341)
- S10:70 (1715)
- S5:77 (11088)
- R5:97 (810)
188022 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .51
Chi-square: 36755
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:66 (378)
- R2:104 (611)
- S9:69 (2086)
- R7:101 (1004)
- N2:72 (4216)
- S8:74 (2286)
- F9:66 (1585)
- F6:66 (1701)
- F5:66 (2638)
- F7:66 (2263)
- N1:81 (4487)
- N3:62 (4778)
- III:41 (5849)
- S6:84 (2369)
- F14:66 (808)
- S11:66 (2400)
- F3:66 (18201)
- F4:66 (18606)
- F10:66 (4026)
- S12:67 (3467)
- FI:66 (41043)
- S3:100 (2251)
- S10:69 (1710)
- S5:76 (11066)
- S4:100 (2899)
- F2:66 (2500)
- F12:66 (241)
- F11:66 (1842)
- S2:104 (4773)
- F13:66 (676)
- S1:109 (2950)
- S7:81 (2900)
- F1:66 (2397)
- GE:81 (1814)
- F8:66 (1666)
- N4:64 (7302)
- I:15 (5476)
177265 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .51
Chi-square: 35535
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.06
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:61 (1704)
- R5:101 (803)
- R6:107 (841)
3348 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Chi-square: 624
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .01
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:157 (1778)
- S3:143 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .49
Chi-square: 467
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:222 (1778)
- S3:208 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .51
Chi-square: 430
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:58 (698)
- R4:46 (1713)
- 5:4 (2236)
- F15:64 (383)
- I:55 (5476)
- R5:11 (825)
- ND:3 (2452)
- 7:3 (2894)
- R1:72 (588)
- F7:64 (2328)
- S1:86 (3027)
- F9:64 (1621)
- R2:12 (641)
- R6:9 (867)
- S2:98 (4879)
- S11:64 (2444)
- F6:64 (1746)
- 8:4 (3903)
- R7:10 (1023)
- S10:143 (1747)
- S4:94 (2975)
- GE:80 (1873)
- F4:64 (18966)
- F10:64 (4118)
- S3:94 (2300)
- F5:64 (2690)
- F13:64 (689)
- S12:65 (3538)
- N2:69 (4308)
- G7:74 (1557)
- S9:141 (2125)
- 6:3 (4639)
- III:8 (5981)
- F12:64 (249)
- F14:64 (834)
- F2:64 (2533)
- N1:79 (4565)
- F11:64 (1892)
- G2:74 (4837)
- F3:64 (18552)
- S7:139 (2935)
- S8:144 (2328)
- GE2:80 (4022)
- FI:64 (42034)
- F8:64 (1714)
- S6:134 (2409)
- G4:74 (2082)
- G5:74 (1009)
- F1:64 (2471)
- G1:74 (2684)
- GE3:77 (1216)
- S5:123 (11283)
- G3:74 (760)
- G6:74 (504)
- N3:59 (4859)
- N4:61 (7453)
220475 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .49
Chi-square: 42400
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.44)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.42)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.40)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.40)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.38)
- 557. Are you easily disturbed by sounds/noises that others make? (.38)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.38)
- 466. Do you rehearse inside your head? (.38)
- 41. Do you self-stimulate ("stim") when bored, restless, nervous or upset, e.g. by bouncing a leg, tapping your fingers, biting your nails, waving your hands, rocking your body etc? (.38)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.37)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.37)
- 584. Do you enjoy watching or playing with water? (.37)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.36)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.36)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.36)
7 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- GE2:81 (3917)
- G3:76 (732)
- GE3:79 (1190)
- G1:76 (2611)
- G4:76 (2028)
- G6:76 (494)
- N1:186 (4443)
- G7:76 (1495)
- G2:76 (4674)
- G5:76 (985)
22569 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .47
Chi-square: 3918
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:95 (5343)
- 7:149 (2873)
- 8:87 (3856)
12072 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 2050
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:71 (817)
- G3:79 (751)
- GE2:86 (3990)
- 5:10 (2162)
- F11:71 (1869)
- 6:8 (4585)
- 8:9 (3843)
- N2:79 (4290)
- S6:90 (2382)
- F9:71 (1584)
- GE:87 (1857)
- GE3:83 (1212)
- F10:71 (4058)
- F4:71 (18756)
- F13:71 (678)
- S8:80 (2306)
- R3:28 (701)
- F15:71 (379)
- F3:71 (18282)
- S11:73 (2422)
- G4:79 (2059)
- FI:71 (41630)
- N1:89 (4531)
- F7:71 (2302)
- R2:153 (617)
- F5:71 (2645)
- F1:71 (2432)
- R6:88 (830)
- G5:79 (1000)
- S12:75 (3499)
- F8:71 (1680)
- N3:69 (4826)
- F6:71 (1704)
- S7:87 (2912)
- ND:58 (2422)
- G2:79 (4734)
- G7:79 (1527)
- N4:71 (7356)
- S3:106 (2277)
- S5:82 (11203)
- S4:106 (2937)
- G1:79 (2662)
- F2:71 (2502)
- S2:110 (4830)
- S9:75 (2105)
- R7:93 (1023)
- R4:140 (1672)
- S1:97 (2992)
- S10:75 (1745)
- G6:79 (502)
- R5:85 (797)
- F12:71 (246)
- R1:25 (586)
203709 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .48
Chi-square: 35325
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.02
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.37)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.37)
- 1088. TS - Do you repeat or echo your own spoken words (stuttering, palilalia)? (.36)
- 1044. Do you have a tendency to become stuck when asked questions in social situation? (.35)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.35)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.35)
Quiz versions
- 8:89 (3766)
- 9:93 (5256)
- 7:130 (2849)
11871 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 2068
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.08
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:26 (1680)
- R6:82 (815)
- R3:35 (700)
- S11:69 (2414)
- F11:69 (1867)
- F7:69 (2304)
- F13:69 (685)
- F14:69 (816)
- F9:69 (1575)
- F6:69 (1741)
- S9:72 (2104)
- F15:69 (382)
- GE:84 (1858)
- S12:71 (3500)
- F10:69 (4061)
- F2:69 (2507)
- F5:69 (2650)
- S10:72 (1738)
- III:44 (5911)
- N2:75 (4238)
- F8:69 (1664)
- F4:69 (18727)
- F1:69 (2429)
- S8:77 (2307)
- S4:103 (2929)
- N1:85 (4520)
- F3:69 (18341)
- S2:105 (4809)
- R5:80 (803)
- I:17 (5476)
- R2:105 (625)
- S6:87 (2397)
- S1:90 (2987)
- S3:101 (2269)
- R7:86 (1014)
- S7:84 (2922)
- FI:69 (41540)
- N3:65 (4811)
- S5:79 (11147)
- F12:69 (249)
- N4:67 (7383)
182895 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .50
Chi-square: 32045
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 550. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, idioms, allegories and a tendency to interpret things literally? (.40)
- 1159. Do you repeat vocalizations made by others? (.39)
- 1438. Do others often misunderstand you when you act naturally? (.37)
- 1388. EQ - I am good at predicting how someone will feel. (-.34)
- 41. Do you self-stimulate ("stim") when bored, restless, nervous or upset, e.g. by bouncing a leg, tapping your fingers, biting your nails, waving your hands, rocking your body etc? (.35)
- 1439. As a teenager, were you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they were clearly spelled out? (.35)
- 1287. NEO - Dislike changes (.35)
- 554. Do people sometimes think you are smiling when you shouldn't? (.34)
- 118. Do you find it difficult to read written material unless it is very interesting or very easy? (.34)
Quiz versions
- F15:68 (376)
- F13:68 (679)
- F14:68 (813)
- S11:68 (2416)
- R7:103 (1019)
- S2:100 (4817)
- S3:96 (2283)
- N2:74 (4230)
- GE:83 (1864)
- S9:71 (2106)
- G3:77 (743)
- F10:68 (4079)
- G6:77 (491)
- S10:71 (1741)
- G1:77 (2668)
- G2:77 (4742)
- R3:78 (688)
- F7:68 (2322)
- S4:96 (2958)
- GE2:83 (3981)
- S1:103 (2978)
- F9:68 (1598)
- S12:70 (3528)
- F4:68 (18748)
- N1:84 (4550)
- F2:68 (2513)
- F5:68 (2672)
- G7:77 (1535)
- F1:68 (2425)
- S8:76 (2318)
- S7:83 (2941)
- F3:68 (18326)
- G5:77 (991)
- F8:68 (1684)
- F11:68 (1859)
- GE3:80 (1212)
- F6:68 (1721)
- G4:77 (2053)
- S6:81 (2403)
- FI:68 (41438)
- N3:64 (4839)
- S5:73 (11239)
- N4:66 (7327)
- F12:68 (244)
186158 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .48
Chi-square: 32192
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:70 (378)
- R6:106 (824)
- R7:107 (1009)
- S11:70 (2392)
- S3:103 (2242)
- S9:73 (2081)
- F14:70 (815)
- R4:68 (1642)
- GE2:85 (3967)
- N1:86 (4492)
- F13:70 (677)
- S12:72 (3458)
- S2:107 (4759)
- R3:80 (682)
- F10:70 (4016)
- S7:85 (2904)
- S1:108 (2917)
- S4:102 (2925)
- F5:70 (2637)
- FI:70 (40877)
- G3:78 (743)
- GE:86 (1840)
- F7:70 (2309)
- F9:70 (1579)
- N2:76 (4194)
- F1:70 (2397)
- G6:78 (490)
- F4:70 (18565)
- F8:70 (1673)
- G4:78 (2053)
- S10:73 (1735)
- F11:70 (1851)
- G7:78 (1527)
- F2:70 (2473)
- F3:70 (18150)
- R5:102 (786)
- G2:78 (4707)
- G1:78 (2648)
- N3:66 (4762)
- S8:78 (2300)
- F6:70 (1708)
- S6:86 (2383)
- G5:78 (990)
- N4:68 (7237)
- GE3:82 (1198)
- S5:78 (11144)
- F12:70 (241)
187377 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .46
Chi-square: 30474
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:220 (1778)
- S3:206 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .46
Chi-square: 425
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:11 (2829)
- R4:48 (1657)
4486 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 685
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.02
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:72 (780)
- GE:88 (1761)
- G3:80 (710)
- F7:72 (2216)
- F10:72 (3899)
- F5:72 (2554)
- F9:72 (1514)
- GE2:87 (3796)
- G2:80 (4575)
- F13:72 (660)
- S8:147 (2175)
- S4:81 (2812)
- F2:72 (2386)
- S10:145 (1668)
- G7:80 (1455)
- F4:72 (17976)
- G4:80 (1962)
- S12:73 (3330)
- G5:80 (959)
- S2:111 (4582)
- GE3:84 (1146)
- S11:71 (2304)
- F6:72 (1655)
- S9:144 (2000)
- F15:72 (368)
- F3:72 (17525)
- S3:107 (2145)
- R7:63 (977)
- G6:80 (480)
- G1:80 (2525)
- F1:72 (2321)
- F8:72 (1638)
- N2:77 (4073)
- S6:140 (2257)
- N1:87 (4301)
- F11:72 (1785)
- S1:111 (2828)
- FI:72 (40097)
- S7:144 (2767)
- S5:135 (10632)
- N3:67 (4612)
- F12:72 (243)
- N4:69 (7103)
177552 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .48
Chi-square: 28237
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:83 (689)
- F13:73 (683)
- GE2:88 (3990)
- R7:106 (1028)
- R4:62 (1695)
- F14:73 (828)
- F15:73 (388)
- GE:89 (1854)
- G1:81 (2675)
- F2:73 (2530)
- S11:72 (2434)
- F6:73 (1735)
- S2:108 (4847)
- F9:73 (1601)
- G3:81 (751)
- F5:73 (2677)
- F4:73 (18886)
- S9:74 (2117)
- N2:78 (4277)
- S8:79 (2309)
- G6:81 (505)
- G4:81 (2057)
- F10:73 (4090)
- S12:74 (3518)
- N1:88 (4547)
- F3:73 (18477)
- R6:100 (835)
- F7:73 (2328)
- S1:110 (3000)
- FI:73 (41759)
- G7:81 (1541)
- G2:81 (4786)
- F1:73 (2450)
- F8:73 (1709)
- R5:95 (812)
- S10:74 (1750)
- F11:73 (1868)
- GE3:85 (1202)
- S7:86 (2930)
- S3:104 (2272)
- G5:81 (1007)
- S6:88 (2412)
- N3:68 (4811)
- S5:80 (11202)
- S4:104 (2960)
- N4:70 (7392)
- F12:73 (244)
190458 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .46
Chi-square: 29560
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:90 (3930)
- G3:84 (746)
- F14:75 (804)
- F15:75 (379)
- F3:75 (18155)
- FI:75 (41086)
- F13:75 (678)
- N3:72 (4747)
- 5:107 (2159)
- F2:75 (2494)
- N4:74 (7342)
- F4:75 (18561)
- F11:75 (1853)
- G6:84 (496)
- G4:84 (2017)
- N1:92 (4472)
- F10:75 (4022)
- G1:84 (2621)
- GE3:88 (1183)
- F1:75 (2402)
- F5:75 (2615)
- ND:47 (2407)
- G5:84 (992)
- F6:75 (1695)
- F8:75 (1678)
- N2:82 (4221)
- F7:75 (2266)
- G2:84 (4695)
- F12:75 (235)
- III:42 (5842)
- G7:84 (1497)
- 9:133 (5232)
- I:16 (5476)
- F9:75 (1574)
- GE:91 (1797)
- R6:95 (808)
- 6:137 (4476)
- R5:91 (791)
- 7:127 (2813)
171257 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .45
Chi-square: 27210
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.06
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:81 (634)
- 7:129 (2884)
- R3:73 (704)
4222 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 616
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:76 (829)
- GE2:91 (4013)
- F13:76 (688)
- F11:76 (1879)
- GE:92 (1870)
- FI:76 (41994)
- F3:76 (18516)
- F9:76 (1615)
- F7:76 (2337)
- F6:76 (1734)
- R6:146 (828)
- R3:29 (703)
- F4:76 (18965)
- F8:76 (1698)
- N2:81 (4298)
- F2:76 (2535)
- N1:91 (4551)
- F1:76 (2452)
- R4:139 (1703)
- F5:76 (2685)
- ND:53 (2448)
- F15:76 (384)
- N3:71 (4863)
- F10:76 (4122)
- GE3:89 (1225)
- N4:73 (7447)
- R2:157 (631)
- F12:76 (250)
- R5:136 (811)
138074 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 20720
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.03
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:82 (716)
- G6:82 (481)
- 5:111 (2169)
- G5:82 (957)
- GE3:86 (1172)
- G1:82 (2586)
- 9:132 (5128)
- G2:82 (4563)
- G4:82 (1997)
- 8:13 (3798)
- III:16 (5779)
- 7:10 (2870)
- G7:82 (1468)
- ND:180 (2400)
- II:88 (1447)
- 6:134 (4486)
- R2:22 (618)
42635 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .46
Chi-square: 6166
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:208 (1778)
- S3:194 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .46
Chi-square: 370
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:79 (1665)
1665 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 233
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:146 (2354)
2354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Chi-square: 351
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .01
g: .15
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:109 (1036)
- R3:82 (694)
- R2:83 (637)
- 8:84 (3886)
- F8:74 (1728)
- S1:113 (3040)
- S11:74 (2452)
- GE:90 (1893)
- F15:74 (392)
- R5:104 (809)
- S2:109 (4919)
- R4:65 (1714)
- GE2:89 (4022)
- S12:76 (3563)
- F12:74 (248)
- G6:83 (503)
- F5:74 (2702)
- 7:113 (2888)
- S3:105 (2314)
- N2:80 (4337)
- F7:74 (2349)
- FI:74 (42289)
- 9:89 (5384)
- F6:74 (1754)
- G3:83 (758)
- F2:74 (2552)
- GE3:87 (1235)
- G7:83 (1558)
- F3:74 (18614)
- F9:74 (1612)
- S4:105 (2997)
- N1:90 (4609)
- G2:83 (4863)
- F10:74 (4146)
- S10:76 (1770)
- G5:83 (1013)
- G1:83 (2697)
- F14:74 (830)
- F1:74 (2475)
- F4:74 (19095)
- R6:108 (846)
- S9:76 (2142)
- G4:83 (2093)
- N3:70 (4893)
- S7:88 (2955)
- F11:74 (1898)
- R1:116 (590)
- S6:89 (2428)
- S5:81 (11290)
- S8:81 (2339)
- N4:72 (7451)
- F13:74 (696)
205998 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .43
Chi-square: 30128
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:90 (5134)
- 7:110 (2800)
7934 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Chi-square: 1091
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:128 (2863)
- 9:97 (5323)
- 8:86 (3805)
11991 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Chi-square: 1595
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:110 (982)
- R2:82 (615)
- 5:8 (2138)
- 8:5 (3692)
- ND:54 (2363)
- S1:114 (2869)
- 6:6 (4397)
17056 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 2284
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.05
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 712. Have others commented or have you observed yourself that you make unusual facial expressions? (.43)
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.42)
- 405. Do you tap your fingers (e.g. when bored, restless or concentrating)? (.39)
- 530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue? (.38)
- 178. Do you squint now or have done in the past? (.38)
- 528. Do you do any of the following when you're thinking, restless or bored: pacing; bouncing leg or foot; tapping fingers, pen or other object; doodling; fiddling with object e.g clicking pen; chewing on something? (.36)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.36)
- 575. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers? (.35)
- 402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (.35)
- 589. Do you tap your ears or press your eyes (e.g. when thinking, when stressed or distressed)? (.35)
- 582. Do you enjoy watching a spinning or blinking object? (.35)
- 570. Do you fiddle with things? (.34)
- 232. Do you sniff involuntary? (.34)
- 403. Have you been accused of staring? (.33)
- 14. Is it difficult or tiresome for you to talk? (.33)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 5:13 (2111)
- 8:12 (3719)
- 6:12 (4377)
- ND:56 (2348)
12555 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 1733
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.07
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.36)
- 402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (.35)
- 230. Do you blink or roll your eyes? (.34)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.33)
- 403. Have you been accused of staring? (.32)
- 406. Do you rock your body? (.32)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.32)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.32)
- 433. Do you drop things when your attention is on other things? (.31)
- 43. Do you have an odd posture, gait and/or difficulties sitting/standing erect? (.31)
- 231. Do you thrust your tounge at the wrong occassion? (.31)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.30)
Quiz versions
- S8:82 (2231)
- S9:77 (2022)
- S6:91 (2320)
- S10:77 (1691)
- S3:108 (2191)
- S2:113 (4581)
- S7:89 (2825)
- S4:107 (2825)
- S1:115 (2852)
- R1:126 (563)
- S5:83 (10834)
- R6:112 (817)
- R5:109 (787)
36539 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 4896
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:88 (636)
- R1:118 (588)
1224 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 175
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.02
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:141 (616)
- F6:155 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .38
Chi-square: 314
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.02
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:80 (1654)
- R5:106 (779)
2433 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 317
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.06
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:200 (1778)
- S3:186 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .41
Chi-square: 319
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:139 (3833)
- R2:84 (620)
- 9:92 (5302)
9755 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 1223
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.07
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S3:159 (616)
- F6:173 (1778)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .39
Chi-square: 311
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.03
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:109 (2723)
- R5:107 (764)
3487 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 355
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.09
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 73
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue? (.46)
- 528. Do you do any of the following when you're thinking, restless or bored: pacing; bouncing leg or foot; tapping fingers, pen or other object; doodling; fiddling with object e.g clicking pen; chewing on something? (.37)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.33)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.33)
- 529. Do you do any of the following when you're happy: singing, humming or whistling to yourself? (.31)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.31)
- 143. Are you easily distracted and/or bored? (.30)
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.30)
Quiz versions
- R2:86 (625)
- 7:139 (2871)
3496 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 375
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.10
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:96 (687)
- R6:110 (832)
- R4:75 (1686)
- R5:108 (795)
4000 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 414
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.11
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:74 (1656)
- R3:97 (671)
- R6:111 (831)
- R5:110 (792)
3950 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 420
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.09
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:114 (700)
- S10:78 (1758)
- R4:98 (1692)
- R5:88 (800)
- S9:78 (2123)
- R6:90 (831)
- S2:91 (4887)
- R7:98 (1030)
- S1:99 (3003)
- S3:85 (2303)
- S7:148 (2930)
- S8:150 (2319)
- S4:84 (2977)
- S6:143 (2419)
- S5:137 (11289)
41061 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 4585
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .01
g: .01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:31 (687)
- R4:147 (1652)
- II:32 (1485)
- R2:159 (618)
4442 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 474
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 581. Do you enjoy walking on your toes? (.31)
- 15. Do you have a habit of repeating your own or others' last words, internally or out loud (echolalia)? (.30)
- 636. Can you sense differences in air-pressure (when the weather changes from low-pressure to high-pressure and vice versa)? (.30)
- 548. Do you have a habit of repeating others' last words (echolalia)? (.29)
- 590. Do you rock back-&-forth or side-to-side (e.g. for comfort, to calm yourself, when excited or overstimulated)? (.29)
- 402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (.28)
- 500. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to visualize the place you're going to or rehearse possible scenarios in your mind so as to prepare yourself? (.28)
- 115. Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion? (.28)
- 82. Are you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they are clearly spelled out? (.28)
- 278. Do you forget you are in a social situation when something gets your attention? (.28)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.28)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.28)
- 229. Do you have difficulties with pronunciation? (.27)
- 492. If asked to describe yourself, would you do so in a detached way, as if you were describing someone else? (.27)
Quiz versions
- R4:64 (1686)
- R1:125 (576)
- R2:87 (621)
2883 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 301
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 536. Do you clench your fists when angry? (.35)
- 414. Do you chew on things? (.32)
- 575. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers? (.31)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.30)
- 530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue? (.30)
- 574. Do you bite your lip, cheek or tongue (e.g. when thinking, when anxious or nervous)? (.30)
- 506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (.29)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.29)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.27)
- 15. Do you have a habit of repeating your own or others' last words, internally or out loud (echolalia)? (.27)
Quiz versions
- F6:184 (1778)
- S3:170 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .39
Chi-square: 273
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 78
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.10
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:173 (779)
- F15:163 (366)
1145 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 118
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 101
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.00
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:76 (1688)
1688 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Chi-square: 163
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 587. Do you bite yourself (e.g. when frustrated or upset)? (.41)
- 590. Do you rock back-&-forth or side-to-side (e.g. for comfort, to calm yourself, when excited or overstimulated)? (.35)
- 501. Do you self-harm, or have you done so in the past? (.34)
- 589. Do you tap your ears or press your eyes (e.g. when thinking, when stressed or distressed)? (.32)
- 588. Do you flap your hands (e.g. when excited or upset)? (.28)
- 402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (.28)
- 625. Do you enjoy spinning in circles and/or walking on your toes? (.28)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.27)
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.27)
- 439. Do you sometimes have an urge to jump over things? (.27)
- 130. Do others often misunderstand you? (.26)
- 646. AQ - Other people frequently tell me that what I've said is impolite, even though I think it is polite. (.26)
- 575. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers? (.26)
- 551. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate? (.26)
- 572. Do you pace (e.g. when thinking or anxious)? (.26)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F13:156 (611)
- R5:142 (741)
1352 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .45
Chi-square: 127
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.02
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:133 (2776)
- R6:113 (802)
3578 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 268
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.11
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 62
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.11
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N4:150 (5842)
- 7:137 (2872)
- R2:120 (626)
9340 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 865
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.09
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 70
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .07
g: .01
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:90 (3618)
- 7:111 (2819)
- ND:55 (2256)
8693 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 700
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.11
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:153 (239)
- F9:154 (1663)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .28
Chi-square: 140
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:166 (1778)
- S3:152 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .32
Chi-square: 176
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S1:141 (557)
- S2:112 (4689)
- F11:163 (1821)
7067 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .26
Chi-square: 434
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .00
g: .04
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 259
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.10
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.09
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:161 (10875)
- R5:141 (784)
11659 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 763
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.08
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:152 (239)
- F9:153 (1663)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .27
Chi-square: 118
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1088. TS - Do you repeat or echo your own spoken words (stuttering, palilalia)? (.46)
- 15. Do you have a habit of repeating your own or others' last words, internally or out loud (echolalia)? (.44)
- 1086. TS - Do you involuntarily repeat or imitate observed movements of others (echopraxia)? (.43)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.36)
- 864. Do you mistake noises for voices? (.36)
- 1090. TS - Do you have complex vocal tics (eg talking to yourself, using socially meaningless sentences)? (.36)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.34)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.31)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.31)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.30)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.29)
- 402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (.29)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.28)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.28)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.28)
30 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S2:159 (1985)
1985 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Chi-square: 118
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Chi-square: 50
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.05
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:88 (695)
- R4:66 (1697)
2392 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Chi-square: 160
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .01
g: .08
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Chi-square: 46
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Chi-square: 28
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.17
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.32)
- 536. Do you clench your fists when angry? (.30)
- 533. Do you do any of the following for fun: spin in circles; walk on toes; watch a spinning, blinking or glittering object? (.29)
- 517. Do you tend to be hyperactive and restless? (.28)
- 518. Do you tend to be impatient and/or impulsive? (.28)
- 530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue? (.27)
- 529. Do you do any of the following when you're happy: singing, humming or whistling to yourself? (.26)
- 389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (.25)
- 390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (.25)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.25)
- 512. Do you have difficulties with two-handed tasks, e.g. eating with knife & fork, knitting, typing or playing an instrument? (.25)
- 506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (.24)
- 535. Do you grind teeth (e.g. when stressed)? (.23)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.23)
- 178. Do you squint now or have done in the past? (.23)
16 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:156 (1663)
- S11:155 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .26
Chi-square: 106
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .06
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:152 (1663)
- S11:151 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .25
Chi-square: 98
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .05
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1087. TS - Do you repeat vocalizations made by others (echolalia)? (.43)
- 1088. TS - Do you repeat or echo your own spoken words (stuttering, palilalia)? (.36)
- 1085. TS - Do you involuntarily swear or utter obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia)? (.36)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.36)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.36)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.35)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.34)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.34)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.34)
- 1090. TS - Do you have complex vocal tics (eg talking to yourself, using socially meaningless sentences)? (.33)
- 864. Do you mistake noises for voices? (.31)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.30)
- 1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics? (.29)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.29)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.29)
28 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 7:131 (2892)
2892 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 129
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:79 (689)
- R4:67 (1696)
2385 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 105
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .04
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:155 (1663)
- S11:154 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .24
Chi-square: 83
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 28
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.08
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:175 (1663)
- S11:174 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .23
Chi-square: 82
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .09
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.67)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.66)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.62)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.61)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.60)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.59)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.59)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.58)
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.56)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.56)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.55)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.54)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.51)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.50)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.48)
3 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:164 (1663)
- S11:163 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .23
Chi-square: 77
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .09
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.67)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.63)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.61)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.60)
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.59)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.58)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.57)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.57)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.56)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.56)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.53)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.53)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.49)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.49)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.49)
5 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:161 (1663)
- S11:160 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .22
Chi-square: 69
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .07
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.60)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.55)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.49)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.48)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.47)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.46)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.45)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.45)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.44)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.44)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.43)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.40)
- 1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics? (.40)
- 1090. TS - Do you have complex vocal tics (eg talking to yourself, using socially meaningless sentences)? (.40)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.39)
6 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Chi-square: 164
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.05
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 24
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.08
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:162 (1663)
- S11:161 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .20
Chi-square: 61
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .08
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.62)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.61)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.59)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.58)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.56)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.55)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.55)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.54)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.53)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.53)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.53)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.49)
- 1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics? (.49)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.49)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.48)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 7:112 (2880)
- ND:57 (2450)
5330 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 151
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.07
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:167 (1663)
- S11:166 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .20
Chi-square: 57
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.53)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.50)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.50)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.49)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.48)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.48)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.47)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.47)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.47)
- 1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics? (.45)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.44)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.44)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.43)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.42)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.42)
9 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:157 (1663)
- S11:156 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .20
Chi-square: 59
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .08
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.61)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.56)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.56)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.55)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.51)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.51)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.50)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.49)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.48)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.47)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.47)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.45)
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.45)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.45)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.44)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:169 (1663)
- S11:168 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .19
Chi-square: 54
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .08
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.62)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.56)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.56)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.54)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.54)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.54)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.52)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.50)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.50)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.50)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.50)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.48)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.48)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.46)
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.45)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:163 (1663)
- S11:162 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .21
Chi-square: 54
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .09
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.63)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.60)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.59)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.58)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.58)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.58)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.55)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.54)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.53)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.51)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.51)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.50)
- 1107. TS - If you have tics, do they cause distress? (.50)
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.49)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.48)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:166 (1663)
- S11:165 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .20
Chi-square: 57
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .08
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.63)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.59)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.58)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.57)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.55)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.52)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.51)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.50)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.48)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.48)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.48)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.47)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.46)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.45)
- 1107. TS - If you have tics, do they cause distress? (.43)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:176 (1663)
- S11:175 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .19
Chi-square: 53
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .08
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.66)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.60)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.59)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.56)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.56)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.56)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.53)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.53)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.52)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.51)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.50)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.49)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.48)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.47)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.45)
17 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:158 (1663)
- S11:157 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .19
Chi-square: 48
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .08
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.58)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.58)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.58)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.55)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.54)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.53)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.53)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.51)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.50)
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.48)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.47)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.45)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.43)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.40)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.38)
5 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:159 (1663)
- S11:158 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .19
Chi-square: 45
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .08
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.55)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.53)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.52)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.51)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.51)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.51)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.51)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.50)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.50)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.49)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.45)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.44)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.42)
- 1099. TS - If you have tics, are they voluntarily suppressible? (.42)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.42)
9 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:171 (1663)
- S11:170 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .17
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .08
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.56)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.54)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.53)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.53)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.53)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.52)
- 1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics? (.50)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.49)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.47)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.46)
- 1107. TS - If you have tics, do they cause distress? (.46)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.46)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.45)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.44)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.43)
9 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:160 (1663)
- S11:159 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .17
Chi-square: 35
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .07
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.62)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.60)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.53)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.51)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.49)
- 1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics? (.49)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.49)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.48)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.46)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.45)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.45)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.44)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.42)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.41)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.38)
10 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S11:167 (239)
- F9:168 (1663)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 39
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.54)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.47)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.47)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.46)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.46)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.46)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.45)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.45)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.44)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.43)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.43)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.42)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.42)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.42)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.42)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F9:170 (1663)
- S11:169 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 36
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:165 (1663)
- S11:164 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .15
Chi-square: 36
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.63)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.59)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.56)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.49)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.48)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.45)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.45)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.44)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.42)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.41)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.41)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.40)
Quiz versions
- R1:128 (552)
- S5:156 (11075)
11627 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 147
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.02
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Final: -.08
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 10, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.11
g: -.09
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:150 (2898)
2898 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.10
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:77 (696)
- F14:77 (831)
- G5:85 (990)
- S11:75 (2451)
- G6:85 (508)
- N2:83 (4317)
- GE2:92 (4010)
- G4:85 (2068)
- R2:44 (639)
- G3:85 (757)
- F8:77 (1706)
- F1:77 (2452)
- R6:29 (862)
- F10:77 (4121)
- F9:77 (1617)
- F5:77 (2699)
- F6:77 (1743)
- F3:77 (18534)
- F4:77 (18965)
- S2:30 (4896)
- G7:85 (1552)
- S4:30 (2985)
- G1:85 (2698)
- F7:77 (2329)
- N1:94 (4568)
- GE3:90 (1222)
- S10:79 (1761)
- S12:77 (3517)
- R7:26 (1029)
- S8:83 (2330)
- F2:77 (2530)
- F11:77 (1887)
- S7:90 (2932)
- GE:93 (1866)
- N3:73 (4857)
- S9:79 (2122)
- G2:85 (4810)
- S6:92 (2408)
- S1:31 (3026)
- F12:77 (247)
- S5:84 (11228)
- S3:30 (2306)
- FI:77 (42043)
- R3:13 (710)
- R5:32 (825)
- F15:77 (387)
- R4:6 (1728)
- N4:75 (7426)
- R1:12 (590)
192781 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .75
Final: .76
Chi-square: 81310
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .65
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:162 (1232)
1232 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .74
Chi-square: 506
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .64
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:23 (1490)
- F14:78 (807)
- F15:78 (372)
- F13:78 (678)
- III:27 (5955)
- F10:78 (4037)
- 6:19 (4570)
- F11:78 (1843)
- F9:78 (1564)
- S8:85 (2292)
- F5:78 (2617)
- S2:115 (4751)
- N1:96 (4489)
- F2:78 (2497)
- N2:85 (4215)
- F6:78 (1687)
- G6:86 (501)
- G3:86 (740)
- S11:77 (2385)
- R3:33 (697)
- F4:78 (18597)
- F3:78 (18117)
- G5:86 (1002)
- F1:78 (2396)
- 5:23 (2212)
- 8:92 (3818)
- ND:29 (2435)
- R7:112 (1010)
- F7:78 (2300)
- GE2:93 (3969)
- S4:109 (2920)
- 9:99 (5304)
- S12:79 (3472)
- GE:94 (1827)
- G7:86 (1530)
- 7:70 (2858)
- S3:110 (2253)
- G4:86 (2062)
- N3:75 (4747)
- S7:92 (2888)
- S9:81 (2094)
- FI:78 (40497)
- F8:78 (1682)
- R6:114 (821)
- R4:24 (1678)
- S1:117 (2963)
- R2:90 (624)
- S10:81 (1737)
- G1:86 (2663)
- S5:86 (11054)
- G2:86 (4751)
- I:83 (5476)
- GE3:91 (1204)
- S6:94 (2377)
- N4:76 (7241)
- F12:78 (246)
- R5:113 (800)
- R1:26 (591)
222403 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .74
Final: .75
Chi-square: 92999
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .65
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.08
g: .01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:91 (627)
- II:24 (1511)
- III:26 (5968)
- R3:39 (692)
- R4:30 (1690)
- R1:31 (585)
- I:88 (5476)
16549 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .72
Chi-square: 6698
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .64
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.12
g: -.03
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:81 (671)
- F6:81 (1713)
- S7:133 (2889)
- GE2:96 (3932)
- R2:137 (616)
- F15:81 (381)
- S8:136 (2293)
- G3:89 (739)
- F14:81 (810)
- S9:134 (2074)
- F7:81 (2280)
- R7:114 (1012)
- G4:89 (2041)
- G6:89 (496)
- F12:81 (242)
- N3:77 (4767)
- F4:81 (18553)
- F3:81 (18121)
- F2:81 (2488)
- G1:89 (2618)
- N1:163 (4460)
- F10:81 (4039)
- F5:81 (2638)
- N2:140 (4227)
- F9:81 (1567)
- G5:89 (990)
- G7:89 (1507)
- GE:97 (1829)
- S11:127 (2388)
- F8:81 (1679)
- S2:116 (4748)
- GE3:94 (1193)
- FI:81 (40944)
- S6:129 (2386)
- R4:10 (1670)
- R3:16 (685)
- 8:125 (3749)
- G2:89 (4727)
- S3:111 (2256)
- S10:137 (1714)
- F1:81 (2413)
- ND:124 (2384)
- S5:118 (11071)
- S12:130 (3460)
- F11:81 (1845)
- S4:110 (2912)
- S1:118 (2912)
- 6:29 (4550)
- 5:29 (2191)
- 7:79 (2820)
- R6:115 (831)
- N4:79 (7303)
- R5:114 (798)
203622 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .70
Final: .72
Chi-square: 77950
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .62
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:87 (721)
- GE2:94 (3900)
- F13:80 (673)
- F14:80 (806)
- F15:80 (371)
- F12:80 (235)
- F7:80 (2256)
- N2:86 (4139)
- F9:80 (1549)
- G5:87 (971)
- G4:87 (2022)
- G1:87 (2588)
- G2:87 (4641)
- S10:136 (1683)
- S2:92 (4620)
- GE:95 (1784)
- S9:133 (2050)
- G7:87 (1471)
- S12:80 (3391)
- S11:78 (2328)
- F10:80 (3939)
- F11:80 (1802)
- F4:80 (18284)
- F2:80 (2428)
- F6:80 (1676)
- F8:80 (1647)
- S8:135 (2225)
- S7:132 (2815)
- S4:86 (2850)
- S6:128 (2351)
- GE3:92 (1184)
- S1:101 (2856)
- F5:80 (2589)
- S3:86 (2190)
- N3:76 (4690)
- F1:80 (2360)
- F3:80 (17853)
- N1:97 (4419)
- G6:87 (482)
- S5:117 (10878)
- FI:80 (39788)
- N4:78 (7163)
178668 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .70
Final: .72
Chi-square: 66585
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .61
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.04
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:126 (5337)
- R7:111 (1025)
- R4:33 (1692)
- ND:33 (2471)
- S10:80 (1742)
- 8:119 (3858)
- S2:114 (4835)
- R3:48 (697)
- II:50 (1507)
- 7:74 (2879)
- S8:84 (2296)
- G1:88 (2671)
- GE2:95 (4004)
- G6:88 (507)
- G5:88 (1000)
- S11:76 (2434)
- S3:109 (2293)
- F12:79 (248)
- S1:116 (2990)
- F7:79 (2331)
- R2:136 (625)
- III:38 (5961)
- N2:84 (4292)
- F9:79 (1598)
- S4:108 (2960)
- F13:79 (693)
- 6:24 (4605)
- S12:78 (3525)
- 5:28 (2228)
- S7:91 (2924)
- G2:88 (4816)
- GE:96 (1856)
- F11:79 (1877)
- G4:88 (2067)
- S9:80 (2119)
- F2:79 (2520)
- F6:79 (1715)
- F4:79 (18908)
- G7:88 (1541)
- F15:79 (382)
- G3:88 (747)
- F10:79 (4095)
- N1:95 (4525)
- F3:79 (18407)
- F1:79 (2455)
- F8:79 (1706)
- F5:79 (2687)
- F14:79 (824)
- GE3:93 (1217)
- S6:93 (2384)
- S5:85 (11126)
- FI:79 (41702)
- N3:74 (4834)
- N4:77 (7370)
218108 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .70
Final: .71
Chi-square: 84605
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .62
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.00
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:183 (706)
- R4:186 (647)
1353 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .69
Final: .71
Chi-square: 499
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .61
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:29 (5919)
- II:42 (1486)
- N2:89 (4262)
- F14:82 (820)
- F1:82 (2419)
- F8:82 (1693)
- S8:87 (2305)
- F11:82 (1876)
- F5:82 (2672)
- F4:82 (18754)
- F13:82 (688)
- F15:82 (388)
- F2:82 (2513)
- F3:82 (18367)
- F6:82 (1730)
- F7:82 (2314)
- N3:80 (4808)
- N1:99 (4523)
- F12:82 (246)
- F10:82 (4082)
- F9:82 (1582)
- S9:83 (2096)
- S6:97 (2393)
- S10:83 (1724)
- S12:82 (3474)
- S7:94 (2909)
- I:82 (5476)
- S11:80 (2405)
- S5:89 (11136)
- N4:82 (7361)
- 7:76 (2854)
- S4:112 (2924)
- GE:98 (1857)
- S3:113 (2268)
- 6:25 (4569)
- FI:82 (40905)
- S2:118 (4806)
- R6:119 (825)
- R7:118 (1002)
- ND:32 (2435)
- S1:123 (2938)
- 5:27 (2188)
191992 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .67
Final: .70
Chi-square: 69268
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .60
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:90 (734)
- G7:90 (1520)
- G6:90 (500)
- G4:90 (2047)
- GE2:98 (3929)
- G5:90 (992)
- GE3:96 (1193)
- G2:90 (4688)
- GE:163 (1246)
- G1:90 (2622)
19471 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Final: .66
Chi-square: 6421
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:161 (1271)
1271 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Chi-square: 417
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Chi-square: 2030
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .61
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:176 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.64
Final: -.64
Chi-square: 87
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .59
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.12
g: .13
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:160 (646)
- F1:157 (707)
1353 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .65
Final: .63
Chi-square: 451
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .58
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.07
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:84 (818)
- N2:87 (4238)
- F13:84 (681)
- F10:84 (4060)
- F9:84 (1589)
- F7:84 (2311)
- F1:84 (2419)
- F4:84 (18843)
- F12:84 (244)
- F6:84 (1722)
- F5:84 (2661)
- F3:84 (18334)
- N1:187 (4464)
- F11:84 (1860)
- F8:84 (1692)
- F2:84 (2503)
- GE:99 (1854)
- F15:84 (370)
- N3:78 (4780)
- FI:84 (40743)
- N4:80 (7322)
123508 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .65
Final: .67
Chi-square: 39705
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:38 (690)
- R4:29 (1683)
2373 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .65
Chi-square: 773
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:92 (587)
- S11:56 (2305)
- F15:55 (363)
- GE2:69 (3832)
- S8:63 (2221)
- G4:91 (1999)
- S9:60 (2040)
- G5:91 (963)
- N2:61 (4078)
- F2:55 (2421)
- N1:71 (4335)
- F11:55 (1773)
- G6:91 (489)
- S7:70 (2806)
- F12:55 (234)
- F1:55 (2341)
- F13:55 (655)
- III:35 (5744)
- F9:55 (1522)
- F10:55 (3930)
- G7:91 (1465)
- F14:55 (791)
- F5:55 (2576)
- F6:55 (1643)
- F4:55 (18101)
- G1:91 (2548)
- S4:87 (2808)
- R6:118 (784)
- G3:91 (720)
- S10:60 (1656)
- F3:55 (17690)
- GE:69 (1774)
- II:29 (1412)
- S3:88 (2154)
- S2:93 (4550)
- GE3:66 (1156)
- F8:55 (1623)
- F7:55 (2237)
- N3:51 (4664)
- FI:55 (39503)
- S5:64 (10714)
- 6:38 (4420)
- R7:117 (962)
- S6:73 (2319)
- S12:57 (3353)
- G2:91 (4577)
- S1:122 (2821)
- R5:118 (768)
- N4:52 (7195)
191622 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Final: .65
Chi-square: 60501
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.05
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:30 (5904)
- 6:20 (4598)
- F15:83 (384)
- F12:83 (243)
- 5:34 (2174)
- S11:79 (2390)
- S2:117 (4745)
- 7:71 (2845)
- F13:83 (685)
- F11:83 (1858)
- ND:31 (2424)
- I:86 (5476)
- S3:112 (2241)
- F5:83 (2663)
- S4:111 (2935)
- F10:83 (4049)
- R7:115 (1002)
- GE:100 (1839)
- N1:98 (4473)
- F4:83 (18643)
- F7:83 (2306)
- S1:119 (2927)
- F14:83 (815)
- N2:88 (4210)
- N3:79 (4788)
- R6:116 (820)
- S12:81 (3454)
- S9:82 (2098)
- G6:92 (503)
- F9:83 (1586)
- F2:83 (2506)
- F8:83 (1684)
- F3:83 (18248)
- 8:95 (3754)
- F1:83 (2425)
- F6:83 (1710)
- FI:83 (40592)
- S8:86 (2277)
- S7:93 (2907)
- S10:82 (1732)
- 9:102 (5261)
- G1:92 (2640)
- G5:92 (990)
- G4:92 (2060)
- G2:92 (4757)
- S6:95 (2390)
- G7:92 (1525)
- S5:87 (11106)
- N4:81 (7297)
- GE3:97 (1195)
- G3:92 (741)
- GE2:99 (3939)
216814 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Final: .64
Chi-square: 67743
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:198 (646)
- F1:195 (711)
1357 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Final: .63
Chi-square: 430
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.06
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:32 (5885)
- R7:122 (991)
- S8:90 (2281)
- S5:91 (11053)
- 6:35 (4498)
- S9:86 (2076)
- S7:98 (2881)
- S2:121 (4712)
- S6:99 (2374)
- S3:116 (2220)
- S1:125 (2892)
- I:84 (5476)
- 5:39 (2155)
- S10:84 (1715)
- S4:114 (2914)
- ND:41 (2390)
56513 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Chi-square: 18338
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.09
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:107 (3974)
- G5:93 (1000)
- G3:93 (754)
- G1:93 (2658)
- G6:93 (509)
- G7:93 (1532)
- G4:93 (2057)
- F1:189 (711)
- GE3:99 (1215)
- G2:93 (4768)
- R4:192 (647)
19825 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Final: .63
Chi-square: 5566
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .01
g: .03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:122 (4819)
- S11:140 (2429)
- ND:104 (2425)
- N2:153 (4295)
- GE2:157 (3994)
- F14:148 (825)
- S4:116 (2958)
- S6:56 (2399)
- S8:154 (2319)
- S7:96 (2925)
- F8:148 (1711)
- 9:101 (5301)
- F5:148 (2666)
- F9:148 (1610)
- F2:148 (2521)
- S9:149 (2118)
- F1:148 (2436)
- S1:126 (2994)
- S12:139 (3504)
- S3:117 (2280)
- F13:148 (686)
- F4:148 (18892)
- S10:150 (1747)
- F15:148 (385)
- F10:148 (4090)
- N3:139 (4835)
- 7:73 (2846)
- 5:25 (2194)
- N1:174 (4539)
- F6:148 (1726)
- R7:120 (1026)
- GE:158 (1848)
- F3:148 (18416)
- R5:120 (804)
- 6:21 (4558)
- S5:92 (11203)
- F7:148 (2326)
- FI:148 (41447)
- 8:94 (3784)
- R1:21 (580)
- F11:148 (1871)
- F12:148 (246)
- N4:138 (7393)
- R6:121 (826)
194797 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.61
Final: -.62
Chi-square: 58011
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .20
g: .00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:164 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.61
Final: -.61
Chi-square: 76
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 14, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.15
g: .05
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:96 (1012)
- G1:96 (2682)
- G2:96 (4822)
- G4:96 (2066)
- F12:162 (248)
- G6:96 (511)
- G3:96 (753)
- GE2:105 (4019)
- G7:96 (1548)
- GE3:101 (1227)
18888 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Final: .62
Chi-square: 5171
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:94 (740)
- 6:27 (4528)
- R7:119 (974)
- 8:93 (3748)
- S4:113 (2857)
- S2:119 (4647)
- S11:81 (2331)
- S1:124 (2902)
- S3:114 (2198)
- G1:94 (2594)
- ND:50 (2394)
- S9:84 (2042)
- S10:85 (1726)
- R2:94 (609)
- S12:83 (3399)
- G4:94 (2040)
- 7:75 (2825)
- 9:100 (5254)
- N1:100 (4410)
- 5:32 (2160)
- G6:94 (479)
- G2:94 (4688)
- R6:120 (815)
- S8:88 (2269)
- S7:95 (2885)
- S6:96 (2373)
- G7:94 (1498)
- S5:88 (10975)
- G5:94 (982)
81342 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Final: .60
Chi-square: 23418
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:63 (5275)
- R5:40 (812)
- S4:58 (2936)
- S11:128 (2403)
- S2:63 (4775)
- S9:135 (2103)
- 6:87 (4479)
- R6:35 (835)
- 8:59 (3803)
- R7:34 (994)
- III:51 (5899)
- S10:138 (1739)
- F15:136 (379)
- 7:51 (2841)
- S7:135 (2886)
- S1:65 (2966)
- S3:59 (2253)
- I:78 (5476)
- N2:141 (4241)
- S12:131 (3475)
- F7:136 (2308)
- F9:136 (1602)
- F2:136 (2493)
- F5:136 (2665)
- N1:164 (4476)
- ND:109 (2424)
- F13:136 (679)
- GE:103 (1845)
- S8:137 (2283)
- F11:136 (1857)
- F4:136 (18739)
- F6:136 (1724)
- S6:130 (2380)
- F8:136 (1702)
- F10:136 (4067)
- F1:136 (2431)
- F14:136 (821)
- FI:136 (41066)
- 5:75 (2156)
- F12:136 (244)
- F3:136 (18322)
- S5:119 (11095)
- N3:128 (4770)
- N4:129 (7319)
200038 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .58
Chi-square: 52990
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .02
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.54)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.51)
- 1386. Is it hard for you to see why some things upset people so much? (.50)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.49)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.49)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.48)
- 74. Are you fairly cool & dispassionate and usually only have feelings when provoked or excited? (.47)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.47)
- 859. Do you find it hard to be emotionally close to other people? (.46)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.45)
- 1438. Do others often misunderstand you when you act naturally? (.45)
- 1382. EQ - I often find it difficult to judge if something is rude or polite. (.45)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.44)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.44)
- 745. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others? (.44)
2 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Chi-square: 163
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:30 (1488)
- III:37 (5908)
- R7:126 (1007)
- 5:33 (2195)
- ND:34 (2438)
- 8:101 (3765)
- 6:23 (4579)
- R2:97 (618)
- I:18 (5476)
- 9:106 (5267)
- 7:82 (2817)
- R1:24 (585)
36143 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Chi-square: 10315
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.09
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:85 (382)
- R7:73 (1002)
- N2:90 (4240)
- S9:85 (2110)
- F14:85 (825)
- R4:35 (1662)
- S11:82 (2408)
- S3:62 (2278)
- F1:85 (2432)
- N1:101 (4531)
- S7:97 (2910)
- S2:68 (4822)
- S4:61 (2907)
- F8:85 (1686)
- S8:89 (2294)
- S12:84 (3493)
- F11:85 (1863)
- F9:85 (1594)
- F5:85 (2660)
- GE:102 (1828)
- F7:85 (2308)
- S10:86 (1725)
- R6:72 (824)
- F6:85 (1712)
- S6:98 (2401)
- F10:85 (4066)
- F13:85 (688)
- F4:85 (18740)
- F2:85 (2518)
- S1:69 (2974)
- R5:68 (798)
- S5:90 (11109)
- N3:81 (4818)
- FI:85 (41245)
- F12:85 (247)
- F3:85 (18371)
- R3:42 (690)
- N4:83 (7382)
170543 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .60
Chi-square: 46398
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.05
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G6:95 (496)
- GE:105 (1845)
- G3:95 (748)
- G7:95 (1550)
- G2:95 (4748)
- G4:95 (2049)
- F15:186 (382)
- G1:95 (2641)
- G5:95 (993)
- GE2:102 (3969)
- GE3:100 (1202)
20623 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .60
Chi-square: 5604
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:86 (823)
- F13:86 (687)
- G6:97 (502)
- GE2:106 (3999)
- F15:86 (387)
- F9:86 (1599)
- S6:101 (2398)
- F6:86 (1730)
- R7:127 (1017)
- G7:97 (1537)
- S3:118 (2281)
- S4:117 (2947)
- F12:86 (246)
- N2:92 (4277)
- S2:123 (4852)
- G4:97 (2072)
- G2:97 (4785)
- G5:97 (1007)
- F5:86 (2668)
- S9:87 (2123)
- F1:86 (2449)
- N1:102 (4517)
- GE:104 (1850)
- S7:99 (2921)
- S11:83 (2412)
- F4:86 (18844)
- F10:86 (4090)
- F8:86 (1693)
- F7:86 (2319)
- S8:91 (2294)
- G1:97 (2677)
- R6:127 (826)
- S1:127 (2989)
- GE3:102 (1218)
- F11:86 (1880)
- F3:86 (18410)
- R5:62 (810)
- G3:97 (750)
- S10:87 (1741)
- F2:86 (2513)
- N3:82 (4826)
- S5:93 (11168)
- S12:85 (3499)
- FI:86 (41439)
- N4:84 (7381)
187453 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.58
Final: -.60
Chi-square: 50591
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .19
g: .04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:136 (4729)
- S8:152 (2267)
- S10:148 (1716)
- S1:42 (2947)
- S4:130 (2901)
- S7:153 (2891)
- S9:147 (2065)
- R5:111 (789)
- S3:133 (2233)
- S6:145 (2360)
- R6:122 (818)
- S5:142 (11017)
- R7:124 (1004)
37737 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.58
Chi-square: 10565
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .18
g: .02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:158 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Final: .59
Chi-square: 64
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .16
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:31 (5948)
- R2:93 (620)
- I:95 (5476)
- R7:125 (1008)
- S3:119 (2280)
- S2:124 (4844)
- S10:89 (1756)
- S7:101 (2923)
- S4:118 (2956)
- S1:128 (2989)
- R5:119 (804)
- S9:89 (2119)
- S8:93 (2322)
- R6:123 (829)
- S5:95 (11172)
- S6:102 (2395)
50441 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Chi-square: 12787
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.01
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:105 (5258)
- 5:30 (2181)
- 8:99 (3789)
- ND:30 (2453)
- 6:31 (4547)
- 7:81 (2820)
- R6:126 (821)
21869 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.58
Chi-square: 5580
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .18
g: -.01
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:167 (1243)
1243 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Chi-square: 317
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:180 (648)
- F1:177 (708)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.57
Final: -.53
Chi-square: 331
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .08
g: .07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:89 (387)
- F14:89 (830)
- F9:89 (1605)
- F8:89 (1707)
- F13:89 (678)
- S7:100 (2945)
- G1:98 (2658)
- ND:105 (2451)
- 5:102 (2184)
- GE2:108 (3979)
- F2:89 (2544)
- S8:92 (2317)
- S4:121 (2974)
- S2:127 (4831)
- N1:103 (4545)
- S3:122 (2296)
- GE:108 (1861)
- G7:98 (1554)
- F4:89 (18908)
- N2:93 (4287)
- G4:98 (2067)
- F10:89 (4090)
- R6:128 (825)
- 9:110 (5301)
- F1:89 (2456)
- F5:89 (2677)
- F7:89 (2334)
- G6:98 (500)
- F11:89 (1874)
- F3:89 (18428)
- G5:98 (1008)
- G3:98 (740)
- G2:98 (4792)
- S5:96 (11228)
- S6:103 (2400)
- F6:89 (1726)
- R1:35 (581)
- GE3:104 (1210)
- S10:88 (1760)
- S9:88 (2108)
- 6:130 (4540)
- N3:85 (4849)
- S11:84 (2421)
- 8:103 (3806)
- 7:83 (2852)
- S12:86 (3523)
- F12:89 (248)
- S1:131 (2997)
- R7:129 (1028)
- II:48 (1494)
- FI:89 (41492)
- N4:87 (7407)
210303 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.57
Final: -.59
Chi-square: 54772
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .20
g: .03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:189 (646)
- F1:186 (708)
1354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.57
Final: -.54
Chi-square: 324
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .08
g: .07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:168 (1272)
1272 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.56
Chi-square: 326
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:155 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .57
Chi-square: 60
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .08
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:184 (376)
- GE:109 (1847)
2223 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.56
Final: -.58
Chi-square: 541
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.10
g: .08
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:161 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.56
Final: -.56
Chi-square: 59
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.10
g: .11
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:44 (4417)
- 9:57 (4981)
- II:55 (1409)
- S1:45 (2776)
- R7:45 (946)
- R3:23 (642)
- 8:51 (3606)
- R4:19 (1547)
- 7:44 (2688)
- 6:73 (4214)
- S7:159 (2742)
- R2:54 (570)
- III:50 (5460)
35998 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.55
Chi-square: 8764
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .17
g: -.02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:121 (1017)
- GE:107 (1862)
- I:85 (5476)
- F7:88 (2332)
- S3:115 (2294)
- F10:88 (4118)
- F8:88 (1715)
- S4:115 (2978)
- S8:7 (2328)
- S9:6 (2123)
- F9:88 (1609)
- N1:5 (4548)
- N2:4 (4295)
- S2:120 (4871)
- F12:88 (248)
- F5:88 (2684)
- S10:6 (1751)
- S11:5 (2426)
- F4:88 (18910)
- F11:88 (1870)
- S12:5 (3517)
- F14:88 (831)
- F6:88 (1728)
- S1:121 (3023)
- F13:88 (692)
- F3:88 (18460)
- F2:88 (2539)
- N3:84 (4854)
- F1:88 (2458)
- F15:88 (386)
- S7:27 (2933)
- FI:88 (41749)
- S6:29 (2405)
- S5:21 (11210)
- N4:86 (7394)
173634 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .58
Chi-square: 42421
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1443. As a teenager, did you often talk about your special interests whether others seemed to be interested or not? (.73)
- 678. Do people often tell you that you keep going on and on about the same thing? (.56)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.53)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.47)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.46)
- 1441. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate when you are tired, frustrated or when you act naturally? (.46)
- 1400. EQ - I can easily tell if someone else is interested or bored with what I am saying. (-.44)
- 1386. Is it hard for you to see why some things upset people so much? (.45)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.44)
- 1394. EQ - I am very blunt, which some people take to be rudeness, even though this is unintentional. (.44)
- 1432. Can you easily tell if someone is interested or bored with what you are saying? (-.42)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.43)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.43)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.43)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.43)
17 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- ND:125 (2299)
- S2:129 (4601)
- S8:55 (2199)
- S3:124 (2152)
- S7:62 (2830)
- S1:134 (2786)
- R7:140 (960)
- S4:122 (2810)
- S10:53 (1653)
- 7:117 (2696)
- 6:76 (4369)
- 8:129 (3609)
- S6:104 (2339)
- S9:55 (1999)
- S5:97 (10824)
- 5:64 (2086)
- R2:146 (578)
50790 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.55
Chi-square: 12293
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .18
g: .02
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:169 (1245)
1245 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.55
Chi-square: 292
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:163 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.55
Final: -.55
Chi-square: 58
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.10
g: .08
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:26 (2192)
- 6:28 (4555)
- 9:104 (5279)
- 8:96 (3815)
- ND:48 (2416)
- 7:78 (2837)
21094 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.55
Chi-square: 4855
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .18
g: -.01
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:132 (2390)
- 6:22 (4541)
- 8:97 (3796)
- 9:103 (5285)
- 5:24 (2188)
- 7:72 (2863)
- R3:50 (681)
- R1:33 (568)
22312 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.55
Chi-square: 5060
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .19
g: .04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:185 (1778)
- S3:171 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .57
Chi-square: 588
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:100 (579)
- I:87 (5476)
- III:33 (5951)
- R2:98 (625)
12631 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Chi-square: 3184
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.12
g: -.16
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:90 (239)
- G3:99 (724)
- F7:90 (2298)
- N1:105 (4510)
- F1:90 (2425)
- F6:90 (1711)
- N2:94 (4248)
- R6:133 (809)
- F15:90 (379)
- G7:99 (1531)
- F11:90 (1851)
- F4:90 (18667)
- F9:90 (1599)
- F10:90 (4050)
- F8:90 (1672)
- G4:99 (2042)
- F5:90 (2639)
- GE:110 (1827)
- G5:99 (990)
- F14:90 (825)
- G2:99 (4718)
- R5:112 (796)
- F3:90 (18224)
- G1:99 (2637)
- F2:90 (2496)
- F13:90 (680)
- G6:99 (499)
- GE2:109 (3963)
- N3:86 (4797)
- FI:90 (41243)
- GE3:105 (1201)
- N4:88 (7366)
143656 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.53
Final: -.55
Chi-square: 32051
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .18
g: .01
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:170 (1241)
1241 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.53
Chi-square: 270
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:184 (647)
- F1:181 (710)
1357 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.52
Final: -.51
Chi-square: 292
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .09
g: .05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:182 (386)
386 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.52
Final: -.52
Chi-square: 86
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .15
g: .15
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:158 (1945)
- S4:41 (2907)
- S3:42 (2239)
- S7:63 (2894)
- S6:60 (2384)
- S5:51 (11090)
23459 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.52
Chi-square: 4946
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.00
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:173 (643)
- F1:170 (710)
1353 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .52
Chi-square: 302
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.07
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:179 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.51
Final: -.51
Chi-square: 54
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 10, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.11
g: .13
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:157 (1923)
1923 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.51
Chi-square: 417
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:41 (2162)
- ND:40 (2374)
4536 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.51
Chi-square: 931
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .17
g: -.00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:168 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .52
Chi-square: 49
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.09
g: .15
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.51
Chi-square: 166
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .17
g: -.04
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:200 (2399)
- S9:208 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .52
Chi-square: 309
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:142 (348)
- F13:142 (619)
- F14:142 (745)
- F2:142 (2306)
- F10:142 (3719)
- F4:142 (17093)
- F7:142 (2093)
- F12:142 (219)
- F6:142 (1556)
- N2:147 (3942)
- F11:142 (1691)
- F9:142 (1448)
- F3:142 (16795)
- N3:134 (4493)
- F1:142 (2223)
- N1:188 (4213)
- F8:142 (1539)
- F5:142 (2419)
- FI:142 (39665)
- S10:155 (1552)
- N4:63 (6840)
115518 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .54
Chi-square: 23138
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.06
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:170 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .51
Chi-square: 48
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .11
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:185 (373)
373 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.50
Final: -.50
Chi-square: 75
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .13
g: .16
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:17 (639)
- 5:36 (2123)
- ND:51 (2321)
- 7:116 (2727)
- R6:131 (776)
- GE2:110 (3769)
- 6:33 (4407)
- R2:107 (593)
- 8:122 (3602)
- F10:141 (3812)
- S10:142 (1654)
- F7:141 (2187)
- R4:7 (1598)
- S11:133 (2283)
- F9:141 (1488)
- F5:141 (2518)
- F6:141 (1625)
- G3:100 (700)
- F15:141 (360)
- R7:131 (950)
- G2:100 (4527)
- F2:141 (2335)
- S4:72 (2794)
- F13:141 (639)
- G1:100 (2516)
- G5:100 (948)
- S3:74 (2148)
- GE3:106 (1132)
- F8:141 (1619)
- G7:100 (1442)
- GE:111 (1766)
- N1:167 (4335)
- N2:145 (4003)
- S2:79 (4547)
- F4:141 (17834)
- S9:140 (2013)
- F12:141 (232)
- F3:141 (17486)
- F11:141 (1772)
- S12:134 (3311)
- F1:141 (2303)
- F14:141 (774)
- N3:132 (4572)
- S1:83 (2811)
- G6:100 (468)
- S7:138 (2808)
- G4:100 (1989)
- S8:141 (2188)
- FI:141 (38870)
- S5:122 (10781)
- S6:133 (2325)
- N4:133 (7037)
- R5:126 (761)
195218 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .52
Chi-square: 38567
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 646. AQ - Other people frequently tell me that what I've said is impolite, even though I think it is polite. (.42)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.41)
- 1438. Do others often misunderstand you when you act naturally? (.41)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.41)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.40)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.40)
- 745. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others? (.40)
- 130. Do others often misunderstand you? (.40)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.39)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.39)
- 1441. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate when you are tired, frustrated or when you act naturally? (.39)
- 1379. EQ - People often tell me that I went too far in driving my point home in a discussion. (.38)
- 584. Do you enjoy watching or playing with water? (.38)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.37)
- 1437. As a teenager, did you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (.37)
Quiz versions
- F12:184 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Final: -.49
Chi-square: 56
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 14, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.15
g: .04
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:36 (4512)
- N1:107 (4441)
- 5:38 (2123)
- R2:103 (609)
- ND:49 (2393)
- R1:20 (571)
- R3:22 (658)
- R4:18 (1637)
16944 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Chi-square: 3388
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.01
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R6:139 (791)
- ND:44 (2404)
3195 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Chi-square: 590
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:84 (3985)
- F13:145 (688)
- G1:101 (2660)
- S11:134 (2415)
- F7:145 (2322)
- G4:101 (2065)
- F2:145 (2507)
- F11:145 (1885)
- F4:145 (18835)
- F6:145 (1725)
- GE3:81 (1211)
- F3:145 (18420)
- N2:148 (4265)
- FI:145 (41716)
- F10:145 (4101)
- F5:145 (2664)
- S12:137 (3485)
- R7:92 (1025)
- R6:93 (825)
- F8:145 (1702)
- GE:85 (1871)
- G2:101 (4781)
- F1:145 (2451)
- F9:145 (1594)
- G7:101 (1539)
- N3:135 (4847)
- S8:145 (2313)
- R3:40 (694)
- F14:145 (821)
- G5:101 (1011)
- N1:170 (4505)
- S9:142 (2108)
- G3:101 (754)
- S4:79 (2953)
- R4:32 (1693)
- S3:81 (2278)
- S10:144 (1743)
- S7:145 (2929)
- S2:87 (4827)
- F15:145 (387)
- II:40 (1497)
- G6:101 (499)
- N4:135 (7407)
- S5:134 (11190)
- S6:141 (2403)
- S1:95 (2999)
- F12:145 (243)
- R5:86 (801)
- R2:115 (620)
192259 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .52
Chi-square: 37002
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:130 (4794)
- S4:124 (2922)
- S1:135 (2970)
- S11:87 (2407)
- R7:147 (1003)
- S3:125 (2262)
- N2:97 (4265)
- S8:94 (2301)
- S9:90 (2109)
- S6:105 (2398)
- N1:109 (4507)
- S10:92 (1736)
- S7:102 (2927)
- S12:89 (3489)
- S5:98 (11177)
51267 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Chi-square: 10100
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .17
g: .02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:192 (710)
- R4:195 (648)
1358 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .50
Chi-square: 254
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.04
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:133 (4854)
- S1:137 (2995)
- R7:148 (1026)
8875 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Chi-square: 1743
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .17
g: .04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:185 (707)
- R4:188 (643)
1350 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .52
Chi-square: 264
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:159 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .49
Chi-square: 46
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.10
g: .03
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:133 (2364)
- 5:31 (2143)
- 6:30 (4431)
- 9:109 (5144)
- 8:100 (3731)
- 7:80 (2753)
- R7:142 (980)
21546 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.48
Chi-square: 4052
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .15
g: .03
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R6:55 (664)
- R2:69 (514)
- S10:91 (1409)
- S11:86 (1917)
- S7:163 (2444)
- S9:34 (1682)
- N2:96 (3450)
- S8:57 (1873)
- N1:108 (3688)
- N3:143 (3503)
- ND:110 (1983)
- S12:88 (2796)
- N4:142 (4957)
30880 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.47
Chi-square: 5518
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:186 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.47
Final: -.47
Chi-square: 44
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.12
g: .08
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:34 (1658)
- R2:33 (627)
- R1:29 (585)
- R3:41 (687)
3557 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 644
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:172 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.47
Final: -.47
Chi-square: 43
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.12
g: .08
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:165 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.47
Final: -.47
Chi-square: 43
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.09
g: .16
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R6:54 (849)
- S4:50 (3003)
- F13:92 (695)
- R2:101 (632)
- F12:92 (248)
- G7:102 (1559)
- S7:65 (2942)
- S2:53 (4891)
- F9:92 (1624)
- G2:102 (4840)
- G3:102 (757)
- S9:57 (2130)
- F14:92 (832)
- F11:92 (1896)
- G4:102 (2078)
- S10:54 (1766)
- N2:53 (4333)
- F2:92 (2552)
- GE3:108 (1224)
- S11:51 (2467)
- S8:59 (2323)
- F6:92 (1738)
- F8:92 (1712)
- R1:34 (593)
- F7:92 (2341)
- N1:63 (4576)
- GE:113 (1886)
- S12:51 (3556)
- G1:102 (2691)
- S3:51 (2306)
- G5:102 (1013)
- F4:92 (19030)
- F10:92 (4141)
- F1:92 (2473)
- R3:49 (703)
- F5:92 (2695)
- R4:39 (1711)
- S6:65 (2417)
- R7:52 (1031)
- G6:102 (506)
- F15:92 (386)
- S5:59 (11259)
- GE2:112 (4026)
- F3:92 (18541)
- S1:54 (3033)
- N3:88 (4863)
- FI:92 (42114)
- N4:90 (7433)
192415 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.46
Final: -.48
Chi-square: 34063
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .14
g: .00
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:175 (2278)
2278 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 363
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.02
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:93 (795)
- F10:93 (3900)
- FI:93 (38278)
- F15:93 (370)
- G4:103 (1979)
- GE:114 (1762)
- R3:26 (657)
- GE2:113 (3829)
- F11:93 (1788)
- F2:93 (2390)
- R4:22 (1579)
- F13:93 (666)
- F8:93 (1629)
- G3:103 (715)
- F7:93 (2239)
- F4:93 (18038)
- G5:103 (961)
- F3:93 (17641)
- G7:103 (1463)
- GE3:109 (1155)
- F6:93 (1672)
- G1:103 (2513)
- G2:103 (4519)
- F1:93 (2351)
- F5:93 (2533)
- F9:93 (1525)
- F12:93 (238)
- G6:103 (475)
117660 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .45
Chi-square: 19237
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .01
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:181 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .46
Chi-square: 38
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .13
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:183 (378)
378 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.44
Final: -.44
Chi-square: 61
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .18
g: .15
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.43
Final: -.43
Chi-square: 72
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .20
g: .03
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:205 (440)
- F7:197 (2399)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 192
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:153 (2608)
2608 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 376
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.03
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:177 (2399)
- S9:185 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 262
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.06
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:171 (2399)
- S9:179 (442)
2841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 196
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.06
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:42 (2474)
- 5:40 (2218)
4692 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.43
Chi-square: 799
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .16
g: .08
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:188 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.41
Final: -.41
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 13, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.14
g: .05
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:92 (5476)
- II:71 (1491)
- F12:95 (242)
- F7:95 (2333)
- ND:43 (2458)
- F6:95 (1726)
- F5:95 (2648)
- FI:95 (41219)
- F4:95 (18780)
- F3:95 (18369)
- F13:95 (682)
- F1:95 (2416)
- GE:116 (1847)
- F10:95 (4067)
- N3:89 (4808)
- F14:95 (818)
- F11:95 (1877)
- F8:95 (1694)
- F2:95 (2507)
- F9:95 (1597)
- F15:95 (380)
- N2:98 (4257)
- N1:106 (4529)
- N4:91 (7355)
133576 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .41
Chi-square: 18194
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.00
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1447. Are you naturally so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone should be? (.78)
- 95. Is being honest so natural to you that you often don't notice - or care - if others may find your remarks inappropriate, hurtful or rude? (.54)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.46)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.44)
- 222. Do you miss dishonesty and hidden agendas? (.43)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.41)
- 99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs? (.41)
- 226. Are you often surprised what people's motives are ? (.40)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.40)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.40)
- 1357. Attwood - Are you a "social unsung hero" with trusting optimism: frequent victim of social weaknesses of others, while steadfast in the belief of the possibility of genuine friendship? (.39)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.38)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.37)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.37)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.37)
25 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.40
Final: -.40
Chi-square: 114
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G2:104 (4760)
- G7:104 (1524)
- G4:104 (2065)
- GE:171 (1255)
- GE3:110 (1203)
- G5:104 (999)
- G3:104 (752)
- G6:104 (503)
- GE2:114 (3981)
- G1:104 (2662)
19704 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .41
Chi-square: 2483
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.04
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:198 (709)
- R4:201 (647)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.39
Final: -.42
Chi-square: 172
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .06
g: .03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .40
Chi-square: 93
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Chi-square: 92
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 9
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .16
g: .05
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Final: -.37
Chi-square: 53
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .18
g: .13
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .38
Chi-square: 82
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:161 (2615)
2615 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .37
Chi-square: 287
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.05
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .37
Chi-square: 84
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 77
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:134 (2437)
- R5:139 (809)
3246 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.34
Chi-square: 288
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .10
g: .00
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.33
Final: -.33
Chi-square: 45
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .17
g: .13
introvert: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:111 (2375)
2375 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.33
Chi-square: 199
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .11
g: .01
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:182 (668)
668 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.33
Final: -.33
Chi-square: 58
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.09
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:18 (1444)
1444 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 125
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:51 (685)
- R4:40 (1644)
2329 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.32
Chi-square: 220
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .09
g: .10
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:183 (954)
- F2:249 (736)
1690 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .33
Chi-square: 109
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.32
Final: -.32
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .16
g: .17
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:193 (645)
- F1:190 (708)
1353 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.30
Final: -.19
Chi-square: 80
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .08
g: .04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:166 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .30
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .06
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:142 (5313)
5313 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.29
Chi-square: 353
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.09
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:180 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .29
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .06
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .29
Chi-square: 49
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:203 (647)
- F1:200 (711)
1358 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.27
Final: -.21
Chi-square: 73
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .08
g: .04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .28
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.06
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:135 (4559)
- ND:46 (2423)
6982 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.27
Chi-square: 437
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:112 (4590)
- R1:22 (593)
5183 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Chi-square: 318
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:182 (998)
- F2:229 (739)
1737 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Final: .26
Chi-square: 69
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:173 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.24
Final: -.24
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.08
g: .04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.24
Chi-square: 56
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.23
Chi-square: 38
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 13
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .21
g: .04
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 32
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:171 (708)
- R4:174 (648)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .24
Chi-square: 54
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:189 (4456)
4456 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.19
Chi-square: 142
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.12
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .18
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .00
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:185 (985)
- F2:264 (741)
1726 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .17
Chi-square: 33
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:182 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 10, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.11
g: .07
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:184 (980)
- F2:259 (741)
1721 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: .05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:167 (1316)
1316 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Chi-square: 32
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:180 (1002)
- F2:174 (741)
1743 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 20
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: .02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:169 (1303)
1303 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Chi-square: 31
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:166 (1325)
1325 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Chi-square: 30
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .01
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:163 (1404)
1404 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Chi-square: 53
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:180 (708)
- R4:183 (647)
1355 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 36
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.02
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:164 (1369)
1369 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Chi-square: 29
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:171 (1282)
1282 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:158 (710)
- R4:161 (647)
1357 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Final: -.09
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:165 (1349)
1349 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Chi-square: 48
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:162 (1462)
1462 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:168 (1315)
1315 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Chi-square: 34
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:61 (5900)
5900 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 69
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 11
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .15
Neurotypical: .26
g: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:170 (1293)
1293 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:181 (1001)
- F2:179 (741)
1742 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.02
Final: -.02
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.01
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:105 (731)
- GE2:77 (3937)
- G4:105 (2048)
- S6:118 (2391)
- S11:117 (2374)
- S8:124 (2282)
- S9:122 (2073)
- S5:131 (11066)
- N1:153 (4475)
- S7:121 (2888)
- G7:105 (1511)
- S12:123 (3452)
- G1:105 (2644)
- GE:76 (1826)
- G2:105 (4711)
- S4:141 (2914)
- G6:105 (497)
- S10:125 (1713)
- G5:105 (989)
- GE3:74 (1200)
55722 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Final: .53
Chi-square: 12270
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:90 (2349)
- R7:104 (976)
- F13:96 (673)
- F15:96 (362)
- F14:96 (795)
- R4:70 (1621)
- S3:97 (2209)
- GE2:115 (3877)
- S4:97 (2889)
- F5:96 (2592)
- G3:106 (723)
- F9:96 (1542)
- G1:106 (2587)
- R6:103 (821)
- F8:96 (1653)
- G4:106 (2017)
- S9:93 (2071)
- F7:96 (2238)
- N2:101 (4171)
- S10:96 (1699)
- F3:96 (17958)
- F10:96 (3954)
- N1:113 (4392)
- GE:117 (1813)
- GE3:111 (1183)
- S1:104 (2887)
- FI:96 (40455)
- G5:106 (975)
- S12:92 (3410)
- F4:96 (18335)
- F6:96 (1677)
- N3:91 (4688)
- G7:106 (1493)
- S8:96 (2250)
- F2:96 (2445)
- G2:106 (4667)
- S2:101 (4678)
- S7:1 (2853)
- R3:91 (661)
- F1:96 (2362)
- G6:106 (496)
- S6:1 (2344)
- S5:129 (10936)
- F11:96 (1826)
- R5:100 (777)
- N4:93 (7220)
- F12:96 (238)
184838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .52
Chi-square: 36527
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G3:107 (732)
- F9:97 (1558)
- R2:16 (603)
- GE2:116 (3892)
- R7:91 (986)
- R6:87 (796)
- G1:107 (2584)
- G5:107 (976)
- S3:79 (2184)
- F4:97 (18359)
- F10:97 (3946)
- F7:97 (2233)
- G4:107 (2009)
- N1:114 (4422)
- N2:102 (4152)
- F1:97 (2374)
- S4:77 (2857)
- F8:97 (1640)
- F3:97 (17988)
- S7:2 (2863)
- FI:97 (40519)
- F5:97 (2571)
- F2:97 (2442)
- S9:94 (2038)
- S12:93 (3399)
- GE:118 (1796)
- S1:91 (2867)
- S11:91 (2341)
- F13:97 (663)
- N3:92 (4711)
- G6:107 (496)
- 9:135 (5154)
- G7:107 (1480)
- F11:97 (1832)
- S6:2 (2345)
- F6:97 (1701)
- S2:85 (4682)
- 8:143 (3739)
- GE3:112 (1177)
- S10:97 (1699)
- G2:107 (4659)
- F14:97 (791)
- S8:97 (2236)
- S5:133 (10982)
- F15:97 (369)
- N4:94 (7213)
- R5:83 (769)
- F12:97 (238)
192063 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .49
Chi-square: 33390
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 124
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.10
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 105
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.12
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:92 (662)
- R4:69 (1626)
2288 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 366
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:97 (1681)
1681 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 250
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:140 (2942)
2942 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 470
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .12
introvert: -.14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:71 (1653)
1653 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 240
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: -.14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Chi-square: 97
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.12
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:98 (380)
- G3:108 (741)
- F9:98 (1573)
- R4:150 (1683)
- G4:108 (2034)
- FI:98 (40386)
- GE2:117 (3932)
- G1:108 (2622)
- S10:98 (1702)
- S9:95 (2063)
- S11:92 (2370)
- N2:103 (4194)
- F5:98 (2615)
- G2:108 (4702)
- F8:98 (1670)
- S7:3 (2902)
- F3:98 (18202)
- F4:98 (18578)
- F7:98 (2287)
- S8:98 (2299)
- F2:98 (2483)
- G7:108 (1514)
- GE:119 (1834)
- S12:94 (3446)
- G5:108 (994)
- N1:115 (4484)
- F6:98 (1690)
- F10:98 (4024)
- F11:98 (1852)
- F14:98 (813)
- S6:6 (2369)
- F13:98 (680)
- GE3:113 (1204)
- N3:93 (4769)
- 9:98 (5270)
- S5:148 (11094)
- F1:98 (2402)
- F12:98 (239)
- N4:95 (7359)
- 8:134 (3806)
- G6:108 (497)
179758 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .40
Chi-square: 20198
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.07
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F8:99 (1697)
- S8:101 (2297)
- G3:109 (738)
- S11:94 (2409)
- G5:109 (1003)
- F6:99 (1718)
- F9:99 (1591)
- GE2:118 (3991)
- GE:120 (1849)
- F15:99 (385)
- S12:96 (3499)
- F10:99 (4077)
- N1:117 (4511)
- F3:99 (18340)
- F5:99 (2652)
- F1:99 (2421)
- G1:109 (2662)
- F2:99 (2507)
- G6:109 (499)
- F11:99 (1881)
- N2:104 (4251)
- N3:94 (4804)
- F7:99 (2305)
- F14:99 (823)
- G4:109 (2063)
- F4:99 (18762)
- G7:109 (1527)
- G2:109 (4758)
- FI:99 (41595)
- S9:97 (2097)
- S10:100 (1731)
- F13:99 (690)
- S6:4 (2384)
- N4:96 (7376)
- GE3:114 (1202)
- S7:5 (2904)
- S5:169 (11117)
- F12:99 (243)
171359 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .38
Chi-square: 17899
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:161 (673)
- S11:38 (2371)
- N1:47 (4464)
- F9:38 (1567)
- N3:36 (4741)
- F7:38 (2270)
- F10:38 (4008)
- FI:38 (40393)
- F2:38 (2465)
- F3:38 (18064)
- F6:38 (1691)
- F5:38 (2623)
- S12:38 (3441)
- F13:38 (674)
- F4:38 (18515)
- N2:41 (4183)
- F1:38 (2405)
- F8:38 (1655)
- F14:164 (815)
- N4:37 (7250)
- F11:38 (1817)
- F12:38 (237)
126322 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 12449
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 614. Are you or have you been hyperactive? (.92)
- 418. Have you been hyperactive most of your life? (.76)
- 963. ADD - History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. (.47)
- 615. Do you tend to be restless? (.47)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.46)
- 980. ADD - Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie (.42)
- 968. ADD - Short attention span, unless very interested in something (.40)
- 979. ADD - Has to be moving in order to think (.38)
- 965. ADD - History of frequent behavior problems in school (mostly for males) (.38)
- 978. ADD - Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness (.37)
- 969. ADD - Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused) (.36)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.35)
- 1321. Do you act wild and crazy? (.34)
- 1329. NEO - Act without thinking (.34)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.33)
63 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 9:138 (5234)
5234 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 531
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .12
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:145 (681)
- R4:120 (1673)
- R2:163 (612)
- R6:96 (818)
- R5:92 (793)
- S5:145 (11044)
- R1:111 (570)
16191 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Chi-square: 1334
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.09
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:90 (678)
- GE2:120 (3874)
- F13:100 (664)
- S11:93 (2362)
- G7:111 (1493)
- F7:100 (2251)
- S9:96 (2062)
- S8:99 (2243)
- G5:111 (969)
- N1:116 (4467)
- F5:100 (2593)
- F4:100 (18421)
- G4:111 (2010)
- F9:100 (1554)
- N2:105 (4137)
- G1:111 (2576)
- F6:100 (1676)
- F14:100 (798)
- FI:100 (40689)
- F1:100 (2376)
- F8:100 (1655)
- S7:4 (2862)
- F2:100 (2462)
- G3:111 (723)
- F3:100 (17971)
- N3:95 (4733)
- F15:100 (380)
- F10:100 (3982)
- GE:122 (1817)
- G2:111 (4660)
- S12:95 (3406)
- S5:144 (10947)
- GE3:116 (1192)
- F11:100 (1816)
- N4:97 (7227)
- S10:99 (1700)
- S6:5 (2337)
- G6:111 (493)
- F12:100 (235)
168491 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .35
Chi-square: 15415
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:148 (1625)
- R6:97 (783)
- S5:146 (10910)
- R5:94 (758)
14076 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 1231
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.12
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:194 (4467)
4467 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 376
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.16
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:149 (1676)
- R2:89 (621)
- 8:133 (3828)
- S5:149 (11139)
- 9:94 (5266)
- R1:117 (575)
23105 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 1466
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:149 (2844)
2844 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 245
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .14
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:48 (4460)
- ND:153 (2363)
6823 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 635
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:151 (11158)
- R3:94 (683)
11841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 911
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.12
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:143 (3544)
3544 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 272
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .00
g: .16
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F3:151 (13356)
13356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .32
Chi-square: 997
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.18
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:164 (597)
- ND:131 (2294)
2891 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 203
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:160 (247)
247 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 21
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:163 (2662)
2662 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 191
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:112 (2024)
- F7:101 (2265)
- G7:112 (1505)
- S8:100 (2256)
- S11:95 (2364)
- F15:101 (372)
- F13:101 (670)
- F2:101 (2447)
- S6:7 (2366)
- G5:112 (970)
- N1:118 (4435)
- S7:6 (2873)
- G3:112 (738)
- N2:106 (4137)
- G1:112 (2612)
- F5:101 (2592)
- F9:101 (1547)
- F14:101 (799)
- S9:98 (2047)
- F8:101 (1648)
- F4:101 (18411)
- S5:168 (11115)
- S10:101 (1694)
- F11:101 (1827)
- N3:96 (4720)
- GE2:121 (3946)
- F3:101 (18061)
- F1:101 (2371)
- FI:101 (40908)
- S12:97 (3438)
- GE:123 (1812)
- F6:101 (1686)
- GE3:117 (1196)
- N4:98 (7302)
- F10:101 (3999)
- G2:112 (4652)
- F12:101 (235)
- G6:112 (494)
168534 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 11803
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.07
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:151 (1647)
- S5:152 (11073)
- 6:146 (4469)
17189 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 1198
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.06
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:170 (10857)
- S6:3 (2305)
13162 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 855
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.14
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:153 (1710)
1710 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 102
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 605. Are you a computer geek? (.33)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.28)
- 384. Do you have a fascination for caves? (.26)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.25)
- 438. Do you sometimes have an urge to climb? (.24)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.24)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.24)
- 660. AQ - I don't particularly enjoy reading fiction. (-.23)
- 582. Do you enjoy watching a spinning or blinking object? (.23)
- 151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream or considered odd? (.23)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.22)
- 97. Are you usually unaware of/disinterested in what is currently in vogue? (.22)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.22)
- 680. AQ - I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants). (.22)
- 439. Do you sometimes have an urge to jump over things? (.22)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- G7:160 (1489)
1489 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .27
Chi-square: 78
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .05
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S7:181 (2874)
2874 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Chi-square: 147
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .15
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:95 (684)
- S5:154 (11012)
11696 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Chi-square: 522
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.12
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:145 (1533)
- S5:150 (10552)
12085 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Chi-square: 538
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.05
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:167 (11104)
11104 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 484
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.09
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:129 (567)
- S5:153 (11093)
11660 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 432
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.10
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:159 (10670)
- R1:130 (551)
11221 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 285
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.14
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:19 (5227)
- 8:15 (3731)
8958 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Chi-square: 210
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .09
g: .09
introvert: -.14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:100 (6002)
- S5:158 (11275)
17277 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 246
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .12
g: .01
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:174 (2603)
2603 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 16
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:16 (3744)
- S5:160 (10814)
14558 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.08
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:41 (794)
- S5:157 (10996)
11790 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Chi-square: 211
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.11
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:139 (5232)
5232 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: .04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:7 (5048)
- S5:162 (10612)
15660 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 94
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .06
g: .01
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:171 (10676)
10676 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:163 (11002)
- 8:19 (3777)
14779 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Chi-square: 23
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:146 (5239)
5239 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Chi-square: 20
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .09
g: .19
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Chi-square: 25
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .07
g: .05
introvert: -.21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:122 (3989)
- G3:113 (741)
- G6:113 (503)
- G4:113 (2060)
- F15:102 (380)
- F9:102 (1587)
- G1:113 (2657)
- N1:119 (4505)
- S11:141 (2393)
- N2:107 (4265)
- F6:102 (1714)
- FI:102 (41364)
- F3:102 (18355)
- F14:102 (821)
- G5:113 (999)
- F4:102 (18803)
- F5:102 (2665)
- F11:102 (1878)
- F13:102 (689)
- GE:124 (1854)
- F8:102 (1687)
- S12:98 (3505)
- F2:102 (2512)
- N3:97 (4811)
- G7:113 (1530)
- F1:102 (2427)
- F7:102 (2319)
- F10:102 (4064)
- GE3:118 (1214)
- G2:113 (4760)
- N4:99 (7386)
- F12:102 (244)
148681 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .59
Chi-square: 40764
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.00
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:74 (1015)
- GE2:123 (3948)
- G6:114 (490)
- F12:103 (246)
- R2:142 (611)
- R6:74 (813)
- G5:114 (1005)
- F11:103 (1849)
- G3:114 (734)
- F3:103 (18151)
- F14:103 (812)
- F4:103 (18570)
- G7:114 (1502)
- 8:20 (3850)
- S11:130 (2383)
- F9:103 (1573)
- S2:71 (4776)
- S3:67 (2249)
- N3:98 (4785)
- FI:103 (41116)
- S1:73 (2946)
- F10:103 (4028)
- F8:103 (1660)
- S7:7 (2887)
- R5:71 (794)
- F2:103 (2506)
- F5:103 (2644)
- G4:114 (2052)
- F13:103 (681)
- N1:120 (4451)
- GE3:119 (1192)
- F1:103 (2413)
- G2:114 (4696)
- F6:103 (1704)
- S12:99 (3470)
- G1:114 (2607)
- N2:108 (4232)
- S8:103 (2288)
- S9:100 (2070)
- S4:65 (2903)
- S10:103 (1714)
- S6:8 (2378)
- GE:125 (1816)
- F7:103 (2273)
- S5:1 (11085)
- F15:103 (382)
- N4:100 (7329)
189679 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .58
Chi-square: 48477
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.02
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:124 (4009)
- G3:115 (754)
- G5:115 (1006)
- F13:104 (692)
- FI:104 (41898)
- N1:121 (4549)
- F8:104 (1697)
- F3:104 (18501)
- F6:104 (1732)
- F10:104 (4092)
- G4:115 (2081)
- F1:104 (2454)
- F11:104 (1883)
- F4:104 (18882)
- G6:115 (505)
- F9:104 (1601)
- G1:115 (2674)
- N3:99 (4829)
- S12:100 (3529)
- GE:126 (1867)
- S11:144 (2420)
- G7:115 (1546)
- N4:101 (7434)
- N2:109 (4274)
- F2:104 (2539)
- F15:104 (386)
- GE3:120 (1221)
- F7:104 (2337)
- F5:104 (2682)
- F14:104 (824)
- G2:115 (4806)
- F12:104 (246)
149950 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .52
Chi-square: 32201
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:125 (3717)
- F9:105 (1475)
- F6:105 (1593)
- G5:116 (930)
- G7:116 (1415)
- F4:105 (17431)
- F11:105 (1737)
- S8:23 (2136)
- F5:105 (2442)
- S9:23 (1917)
- G3:116 (691)
- G4:116 (1945)
- G1:116 (2474)
- G2:116 (4393)
- F7:105 (2125)
- GE:127 (1730)
- N1:122 (4252)
- F3:105 (17150)
- F10:105 (3777)
- F1:105 (2275)
- S10:22 (1572)
- F13:105 (639)
- G6:116 (462)
- F14:105 (772)
- GE3:121 (1114)
- S11:96 (2265)
- F15:105 (353)
- F2:105 (2324)
- F8:105 (1561)
- S12:101 (3269)
- S6:45 (2232)
- S3:29 (2101)
- 6:106 (4340)
- N2:110 (4007)
- FI:105 (39617)
- S7:44 (2716)
- R7:25 (960)
- R5:31 (726)
- S5:37 (10553)
- R6:28 (777)
- 7:34 (2705)
- S2:29 (4454)
- N4:102 (6923)
- S4:29 (2740)
- 8:42 (3623)
- N3:100 (4547)
- S1:30 (2775)
- 5:94 (2089)
- F12:105 (219)
- ND:163 (2288)
190328 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .54
Chi-square: 35702
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .00
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:102 (3514)
- N2:111 (4287)
- N1:123 (4539)
- S11:147 (2420)
14760 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 2312
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .05
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:160 (4226)
- S10:178 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .45
Chi-square: 730
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .11
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:213 (2399)
- S9:221 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .44
Chi-square: 254
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:126 (1713)
- R3:150 (704)
- 6:103 (4598)
- 8:38 (3908)
- 9:43 (5418)
- 7:32 (2911)
- 5:90 (2230)
- R2:42 (634)
- ND:141 (2460)
24576 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 3055
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.08
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:107 (823)
- F11:107 (1872)
- F15:107 (382)
- FI:107 (41501)
- F9:107 (1594)
- F13:107 (681)
- F10:107 (4080)
- GE2:126 (3983)
- G4:117 (2050)
- G5:117 (1002)
- G6:117 (507)
- F3:107 (18393)
- F4:107 (18825)
- G3:117 (747)
- GE3:122 (1215)
- S12:103 (3494)
- F6:107 (1724)
- G2:117 (4772)
- S11:145 (2414)
- F2:107 (2509)
- G7:117 (1535)
- G1:117 (2648)
- F12:107 (241)
- N1:124 (4535)
- N2:112 (4270)
- GE:128 (1851)
- F5:107 (2658)
- N4:103 (7401)
- F8:107 (1692)
- F1:107 (2436)
- N3:101 (4829)
- F7:107 (2319)
148983 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .38
Chi-square: 16967
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.02
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:104 (4287)
- 5:88 (2063)
- ND:160 (2297)
8647 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 914
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.15
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:127 (4021)
- G3:118 (760)
- G6:118 (512)
- F13:106 (694)
- G4:118 (2084)
- F1:106 (2461)
- G5:118 (1011)
- F15:106 (388)
- F14:106 (834)
- FI:106 (42098)
- F4:106 (18976)
- G1:118 (2695)
- F11:106 (1897)
- G7:118 (1557)
- F6:106 (1730)
- F9:106 (1615)
- 9:42 (5404)
- N1:125 (4556)
- F3:106 (18549)
- N4:104 (7466)
- N2:113 (4330)
- 7:30 (2899)
- 6:102 (4578)
- F2:106 (2539)
- F5:106 (2683)
- 8:37 (3909)
- G2:118 (4822)
- GE3:123 (1226)
- F10:106 (4124)
- GE:129 (1873)
- F7:106 (2346)
- N3:102 (4849)
- 5:86 (2222)
- F8:106 (1710)
- ND:157 (2450)
- F12:106 (244)
166112 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .38
Chi-square: 18396
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.04
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:214 (2399)
- S9:222 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .39
Chi-square: 212
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.06
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:168 (4226)
- S10:186 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .39
Chi-square: 517
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .13
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:107 (4295)
- 7:35 (2726)
- 8:41 (3699)
- 5:93 (2095)
- 9:46 (4999)
- ND:162 (2326)
20140 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 1956
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.11
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:212 (2399)
- S9:220 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .38
Chi-square: 158
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.34
Chi-square: 80
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .12
g: .01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:166 (4226)
- S10:184 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .36
Chi-square: 437
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .13
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:47 (5476)
- S9:120 (2135)
- III:17 (5988)
- S8:122 (2327)
- S11:97 (2438)
- S10:123 (1762)
- S7:175 (2939)
23065 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 1913
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1056. DYSLEXIA - Do you find difficulty in telling left from right? (.74)
- 1080. Do you mix up digits in numbers like 95 and 59? (.35)
- 1024. ADD - Switches around numbers, letters or words (.32)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.31)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.30)
- 35. Do you have a need for comfort items like a blanket, stuffed animals etc? (.30)
- 1068. DYSLEXIA - When using the telephone, do you tend to get the numbers mixed up when you dial? (.29)
- 45. Do you have poor gross motor skills (= clumsiness)? (.28)
- 41. Do you self-stimulate ("stim") when bored, restless, nervous or upset, e.g. by bouncing a leg, tapping your fingers, biting your nails, waving your hands, rocking your body etc? (.28)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.27)
- 1057. DYSLEXIA - Is map reading or finding your way to a strange place confusing? (.27)
- 1025. ADD - Turn words around in conversations (.27)
- 59. Do you have to be particular about what you eat and/or how it is combined on the plate in order to be able to eat? (.27)
- 1075. DYSLEXIA - When you were at school, did you find it hard to learn your multiplication tables? (.27)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.27)
19 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F7:215 (2399)
- S9:223 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .34
Chi-square: 125
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:160 (633)
- R1:107 (592)
1225 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 108
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.01
introvert: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:167 (4226)
- S10:185 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .32
Chi-square: 355
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .13
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:109 (4519)
- N1:126 (4546)
- 7:38 (2876)
- ND:161 (2428)
- 5:95 (2199)
16568 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 1136
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.14
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:161 (4226)
- S10:179 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .31
Chi-square: 332
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .14
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:169 (4226)
- S10:187 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .31
Chi-square: 331
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .15
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:172 (2360)
2360 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 139
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.15
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:152 (4226)
- S10:170 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .30
Chi-square: 297
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .11
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:142 (2430)
2430 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 137
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.10
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:163 (4226)
- S10:181 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .28
Chi-square: 283
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .15
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:177 (1921)
- GE:34 (1839)
- GE3:32 (1204)
- GE2:34 (3958)
8922 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Final: -.28
Chi-square: 396
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .04
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:154 (4226)
- S10:172 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .27
Chi-square: 235
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .12
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:149 (2400)
2400 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 146
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.01
introvert: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 31
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.06
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 604. Are you good at math? (.30)
- 594. Do you love to make lists, diagrams etc for the fun of it? (.29)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.26)
- 19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (.26)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.25)
- 599. Do you feel an urge to correct people with accurate facts, numbers, spelling, grammar etc., when they get something wrong? (.24)
- 606. Do you tend to do everything worth doing, more perfect than really needed? (.23)
- 595. Do you find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed? (.23)
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.22)
- 227. Have you taken initiative only to find out it was not wanted? (.22)
- 578. Do you dig your fingerlails under the nails on the other hand? (.22)
- 300. Do you take on too much because it is easier to do it yourself than having to explain to others how to do it? (.22)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.21)
- 20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (.21)
- 562. Are you sensitive to heat? (.20)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 6:105 (4572)
- 8:40 (3902)
- 5:89 (2216)
- N1:127 (4584)
- N2:114 (4335)
- 7:33 (2910)
- ND:165 (2438)
- 9:45 (5392)
30349 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 1151
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.08
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:31 (2905)
- R3:167 (700)
- 8:39 (3916)
7521 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 251
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.10
introvert: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:165 (4226)
- S10:183 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .23
Chi-square: 186
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .14
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:151 (4226)
- S10:169 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .24
Chi-square: 189
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .12
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:170 (4226)
- S10:188 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .24
Chi-square: 179
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .14
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:144 (2396)
2396 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 86
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.12
introvert: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:162 (4226)
- S10:180 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .23
Chi-square: 179
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .00
g: .12
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:128 (4525)
- ND:158 (2451)
6976 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Chi-square: 269
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:145 (2349)
- 5:87 (2042)
4391 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.17
Chi-square: 108
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .08
g: .10
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:157 (4226)
- S10:175 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .18
Chi-square: 110
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .13
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:174 (521)
- F10:156 (4226)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 99
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .07
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:164 (4226)
- S10:182 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .14
Chi-square: 62
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .10
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:204 (2507)
- S8:174 (2384)
- S6:181 (2456)
- S11:178 (2509)
- S3:212 (2366)
- S5:173 (11475)
- S1:143 (3123)
- S7:185 (2997)
- S9:238 (2184)
- S10:190 (1805)
- S12:184 (3646)
- S2:142 (5031)
- S4:199 (3069)
- N1:196 (195)
45747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 581
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S8:173 (2384)
- S6:180 (2456)
- S11:177 (2509)
- S9:237 (2184)
- S2:141 (5031)
- ND:203 (2507)
- S7:184 (2997)
- S3:211 (2366)
- S5:172 (11475)
- S4:198 (3069)
- S1:142 (3123)
- N1:195 (285)
- S10:189 (1805)
- S12:183 (3646)
45837 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 524
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:47 (5370)
- ND:143 (2357)
7727 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Chi-square: 123
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.00
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .08
g: .01
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:101 (2421)
2421 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Chi-square: 65
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:146 (2332)
2332 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Chi-square: 41
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:194 (2378)
- 5:91 (2168)
- 9:48 (5286)
9832 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Chi-square: 122
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .08
g: .11
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:167 (2299)
2299 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Chi-square: 25
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .05
g: .11
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: .02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F2:227 (742)
- G5:186 (1003)
1745 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:179 (2430)
- 9:44 (5357)
7787 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .04
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .05
g: .10
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:168 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:37 (2846)
- N1:129 (4499)
- ND:159 (2423)
- 5:96 (2161)
11929 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Chi-square: 63
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .04
g: .12
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:11 (2455)
- II:7 (1515)
- R1:69 (587)
- I:65 (5476)
10033 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .70
Chi-square: 3956
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .63
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.04
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.56)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.54)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.54)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.53)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.52)
Quiz versions
- F13:108 (687)
- G6:119 (500)
- G4:119 (2060)
- GE2:128 (3973)
- F15:108 (377)
- F12:108 (246)
- G5:119 (1006)
- F10:108 (4084)
- F14:108 (826)
- S11:98 (2409)
- G1:119 (2648)
- F5:108 (2668)
- N1:130 (4523)
- F4:108 (18794)
- FI:108 (41489)
- G3:119 (743)
- GE3:124 (1213)
- S9:106 (2102)
- F2:108 (2520)
- GE:130 (1852)
- N2:115 (4269)
- F3:108 (18397)
- S10:109 (1732)
- S7:13 (2904)
- F11:108 (1862)
- F6:108 (1717)
- F7:108 (2312)
- G7:119 (1530)
- F8:108 (1697)
- F1:108 (2442)
- G2:119 (4781)
- S4:139 (2959)
- F9:108 (1597)
- S12:104 (3501)
- S8:109 (2308)
- S6:14 (2386)
- N3:103 (4822)
- S5:8 (11100)
- N4:105 (7372)
174408 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .66
Final: .67
Chi-square: 57544
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.03
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:2 (2205)
- II:5 (1500)
- I:58 (5476)
- III:2 (5930)
15111 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Chi-square: 4659
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .56
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.02
introvert: -.15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:62 (5476)
- II:6 (1503)
6979 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Chi-square: 2284
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.49)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.48)
- 73. Do you dislike shaking hands with strangers? (.48)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.48)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.46)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.46)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.46)
Quiz versions
- F5:173 (2590)
2590 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Final: .62
Chi-square: 762
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .54
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:42 (1718)
- R3:55 (698)
2416 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Chi-square: 675
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.01
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:1 (2223)
- R7:8 (1020)
- S2:6 (4856)
- 8:1 (3884)
- F13:109 (690)
- S1:6 (3009)
- S3:6 (2282)
- I:53 (5476)
- S11:99 (2434)
- F15:109 (384)
- S4:6 (2975)
- F7:109 (2326)
- F6:109 (1720)
- F14:109 (826)
- 9:20 (5398)
- R5:7 (818)
- F10:109 (4100)
- S9:107 (2117)
- III:1 (5944)
- F5:109 (2672)
- F2:109 (2516)
- F4:109 (18885)
- II:1 (1499)
- FI:109 (41781)
- S12:105 (3532)
- 7:1 (2871)
- F11:109 (1881)
- N1:131 (4554)
- F3:109 (18460)
- N2:116 (4309)
- R6:7 (866)
- S10:110 (1754)
- F12:109 (244)
- F9:109 (1618)
- S7:14 (2935)
- F8:109 (1713)
- 6:1 (4584)
- N3:104 (4836)
- F1:109 (2454)
- S8:110 (2326)
- GE:131 (1872)
- S6:15 (2407)
- S5:7 (11203)
- N4:106 (7386)
201640 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Final: .61
Chi-square: 56982
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.01
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 644. AQ - I often notice small sounds when others do not. (.70)
- 502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (.62)
- 1355. Attwood - Do you have acute sensitivity to specific sensory experiences and stimuli (e.g. hearing, touch, vision, and/or smell)? (.61)
- 862. Do you suddenly feel distracted by distant sounds? (.54)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.54)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.53)
- 1040. ADD - Sensitive to touch, clothes, noise and light (.52)
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.46)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.45)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.44)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.44)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.44)
Quiz versions
- F15:110 (384)
- R4:44 (1699)
- R7:130 (1020)
- R1:71 (579)
- G6:120 (507)
- S3:121 (2296)
- S2:126 (4858)
- S1:130 (3012)
- F13:110 (688)
- R3:57 (697)
- F10:110 (4109)
- GE2:130 (3995)
- F2:110 (2534)
- F6:110 (1743)
- F9:110 (1613)
- F11:110 (1880)
- S10:111 (1755)
- F3:110 (18501)
- F4:110 (18946)
- N1:133 (4566)
- S11:100 (2433)
- N2:117 (4291)
- F14:110 (838)
- G7:120 (1549)
- F5:110 (2683)
- FI:110 (41525)
- G4:120 (2080)
- 5:35 (2196)
- G2:120 (4815)
- G5:120 (1007)
- F7:110 (2336)
- S12:106 (3542)
- II:2 (1484)
- F1:110 (2445)
- S9:108 (2129)
- GE:132 (1856)
- G3:120 (757)
- S8:111 (2332)
- S4:119 (2979)
- GE3:125 (1219)
- F8:110 (1706)
- G1:120 (2684)
- R2:100 (623)
- N3:105 (4857)
- I:54 (5476)
- N4:107 (7426)
- 9:107 (5260)
- 6:26 (4564)
- 7:77 (2846)
- 8:98 (3794)
- S7:15 (2929)
- ND:2 (2408)
- S5:9 (11240)
- F12:110 (249)
- S6:16 (2406)
- R6:129 (836)
- R5:129 (812)
219994 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .62
Chi-square: 59890
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:50 (385)
- G6:121 (502)
- G4:121 (2076)
- F11:50 (1870)
- F9:50 (1592)
- GE:133 (1846)
- G2:121 (4797)
- F10:50 (4084)
- F4:50 (18799)
- G3:121 (750)
- G1:121 (2652)
- GE2:131 (3988)
- F1:50 (2436)
- F6:50 (1725)
- F3:50 (18409)
- F13:50 (687)
- F2:50 (2512)
- G5:121 (999)
- F7:50 (2316)
- F14:50 (815)
- G7:121 (1539)
- GE3:126 (1210)
- FI:50 (41693)
- F5:50 (2675)
- F12:50 (245)
- F8:50 (1699)
- N4:157 (5812)
128113 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .58
Chi-square: 32076
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:158 (647)
- F1:155 (711)
1358 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .48
Chi-square: 287
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.04
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G6:122 (497)
- G5:122 (994)
- G3:122 (744)
- G1:122 (2659)
- G4:122 (2058)
- R3:65 (695)
- R4:53 (1701)
- GE2:132 (3981)
- R1:82 (587)
- F12:111 (248)
- G2:122 (4755)
- ND:8 (2464)
- 7:8 (2891)
- 8:7 (3906)
- 5:5 (2229)
- I:61 (5476)
- F4:111 (18977)
- F10:111 (4117)
- F5:111 (2683)
- F14:111 (829)
- F9:111 (1611)
- F2:111 (2529)
- F6:111 (1726)
- S10:112 (1761)
- R6:8 (861)
- S12:107 (3516)
- F3:111 (18536)
- S2:7 (4870)
- G7:122 (1533)
- F7:111 (2339)
- S1:7 (3011)
- R7:9 (1022)
- S8:112 (2313)
- S3:7 (2297)
- S9:109 (2109)
- S4:7 (2986)
- GE3:127 (1203)
- N1:134 (4559)
- R5:8 (825)
- N2:118 (4317)
- S7:16 (2947)
- F8:111 (1710)
- S11:101 (2437)
- F1:111 (2468)
- F13:111 (685)
- III:6 (5942)
- FI:111 (41906)
- S6:17 (2409)
- F11:111 (1872)
- 6:7 (4619)
- R2:10 (638)
- GE:134 (1884)
- N3:106 (4861)
- S5:10 (11199)
- F15:111 (385)
- N4:108 (7423)
219800 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Final: .58
Chi-square: 52776
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.48)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.48)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.46)
- 1355. Attwood - Do you have acute sensitivity to specific sensory experiences and stimuli (e.g. hearing, touch, vision, and/or smell)? (.44)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.42)
- 1040. ADD - Sensitive to touch, clothes, noise and light (.42)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.41)
- 557. Are you easily disturbed by sounds/noises that others make? (.41)
Quiz versions
- F15:112 (371)
- F13:112 (683)
- G3:123 (738)
- GE2:133 (3933)
- F7:112 (2290)
- F9:112 (1576)
- F10:112 (4033)
- G1:123 (2615)
- G4:123 (2041)
- F1:112 (2425)
- F3:112 (18213)
- F4:112 (18618)
- S1:8 (2956)
- S10:113 (1721)
- F5:112 (2639)
- R7:85 (998)
- S4:8 (2912)
- F8:112 (1661)
- GE3:128 (1198)
- GE:135 (1822)
- S11:102 (2376)
- G2:123 (4690)
- F2:112 (2474)
- G5:123 (989)
- S8:142 (2267)
- N1:135 (4463)
- G6:123 (489)
- 5:15 (2158)
- ND:14 (2395)
- S12:108 (3463)
- F6:112 (1715)
- FI:112 (41052)
- S3:8 (2248)
- S2:8 (4724)
- S7:140 (2891)
- S9:110 (2091)
- G7:123 (1514)
- F11:112 (1840)
- 6:11 (4510)
- N2:120 (4212)
- III:18 (5848)
- F14:112 (807)
- S6:135 (2369)
- N3:107 (4773)
- F12:112 (242)
- S5:126 (11061)
- N4:109 (7352)
- I:48 (5476)
203932 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Final: .57
Chi-square: 46806
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Chi-square: 93
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:6 (2196)
- ND:5 (2420)
- 8:8 (3888)
- 7:4 (2831)
- I:60 (5476)
- 6:5 (4528)
- 9:23 (5351)
- R2:11 (634)
- III:4 (5903)
33227 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Chi-square: 7056
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.47)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.46)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.44)
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.43)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.42)
- 502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (.42)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.42)
- 390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (.40)
- 56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (.40)
- 59. Do you have to be particular about what you eat and/or how it is combined on the plate in order to be able to eat? (.39)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.39)
- 389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (.39)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.38)
- 102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields? (.38)
Quiz versions
- R4:43 (1702)
- R3:56 (697)
2399 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Chi-square: 515
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.06
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:113 (242)
- R1:76 (567)
- R4:47 (1679)
- F15:113 (380)
- R7:11 (1005)
- G4:125 (2048)
- F10:113 (4060)
- G6:125 (492)
- G3:125 (735)
- G5:125 (982)
- S2:9 (4761)
- F6:113 (1712)
- G7:125 (1510)
- S1:9 (2959)
- R6:10 (850)
- F13:113 (687)
- F4:113 (18721)
- F7:113 (2303)
- F11:113 (1851)
- GE3:130 (1198)
- G1:125 (2629)
- GE2:134 (3959)
- FI:113 (41051)
- S3:9 (2245)
- F3:113 (18285)
- GE:136 (1835)
- F2:113 (2491)
- F5:113 (2659)
- F9:113 (1589)
- G2:125 (4738)
- S11:103 (2403)
- S12:109 (3462)
- N1:136 (4490)
- F1:113 (2415)
- S10:114 (1726)
- N3:109 (4783)
- S4:9 (2918)
- F14:113 (821)
- S9:111 (2085)
- S8:113 (2282)
- N2:121 (4259)
- S6:18 (2367)
- F8:113 (1675)
- R5:9 (809)
- S7:17 (2907)
- S5:11 (11106)
- N4:110 (7303)
188034 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .52
Chi-square: 37086
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.00
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1040. ADD - Sensitive to touch, clothes, noise and light (.49)
- 56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (.49)
- 391. Do you usually close one eye in strong sun-light? (.48)
- 1355. Attwood - Do you have acute sensitivity to specific sensory experiences and stimuli (e.g. hearing, touch, vision, and/or smell)? (.48)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.46)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.43)
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.42)
- 557. Are you easily disturbed by sounds/noises that others make? (.41)
- 390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (.40)
- 506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (.40)
- 389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (.40)
- 502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (.39)
- 862. Do you suddenly feel distracted by distant sounds? (.39)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.38)
- 644. AQ - I often notice small sounds when others do not. (.38)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R2:13 (624)
- R3:54 (686)
- G5:124 (994)
- G3:124 (736)
- GE2:129 (3950)
- R4:41 (1655)
- R1:70 (572)
- G1:124 (2634)
- G7:124 (1518)
- R5:10 (803)
- G6:124 (501)
- G2:124 (4706)
- G4:124 (2020)
- GE3:129 (1185)
22584 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .49
Chi-square: 4348
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.00
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.62)
- 644. AQ - I often notice small sounds when others do not. (.59)
- 557. Are you easily disturbed by sounds/noises that others make? (.57)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.49)
- 862. Do you suddenly feel distracted by distant sounds? (.47)
- 558. Do you find the sound from a motor-bike, helicopter or tractor painful? (.47)
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.46)
- 389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (.45)
- 390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (.45)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.42)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.41)
- 326. Do you remember rules of a game but not enjoy playing? (.40)
- 503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (.39)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.38)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.38)
2 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R2:15 (601)
- II:10 (1464)
- 8:128 (3709)
- R6:92 (787)
- R5:82 (774)
7335 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 1388
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.12
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.40)
- 174. Do you or others think that you have unusual eating habits? (.39)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.38)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.37)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.37)
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.37)
- 82. Are you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they are clearly spelled out? (.36)
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.35)
- 102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields? (.35)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.35)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.35)
- 303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? (.35)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.35)
Quiz versions
- 8:14 (3797)
- I:56 (5476)
- 5:12 (2185)
- ND:9 (2417)
- II:3 (1486)
- R3:59 (683)
- R4:49 (1618)
- 9:27 (5160)
- 7:9 (2856)
- R1:80 (556)
- 6:9 (4541)
- III:5 (5785)
36560 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 6564
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.03
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (.49)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.45)
- 102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields? (.44)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.42)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.41)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.40)
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.40)
- 506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (.39)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.39)
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.36)
- 558. Do you find the sound from a motor-bike, helicopter or tractor painful? (.36)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.36)
- 502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (.36)
- 636. Can you sense differences in air-pressure (when the weather changes from low-pressure to high-pressure and vice versa)? (.36)
- 433. Do you drop things when your attention is on other things? (.36)
3 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:71 (639)
- G6:126 (468)
- G5:126 (961)
- F9:114 (1528)
- F10:114 (3925)
- GE2:135 (3851)
- GE:137 (1785)
- G4:126 (1978)
- F4:114 (18116)
- F2:114 (2390)
- FI:114 (39470)
- G3:126 (713)
- F13:114 (656)
- G7:126 (1448)
- N3:108 (4657)
- GE3:131 (1168)
- G1:126 (2524)
- F3:114 (17663)
- F5:114 (2553)
- N1:132 (4277)
- F7:114 (2217)
- F11:114 (1820)
- F6:114 (1658)
- F14:114 (799)
- F12:114 (238)
- F1:114 (2327)
- F15:114 (367)
- F8:114 (1640)
- G2:126 (4574)
- N2:119 (4055)
- N4:111 (7150)
137615 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 23575
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:142 (2858)
2858 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 487
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.05
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:55 (1516)
- R2:17 (582)
- 5:14 (2039)
- R3:67 (617)
- I:63 (5476)
- ND:13 (2272)
- R1:84 (512)
- III:7 (5443)
- 9:28 (4978)
23435 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 3924
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .00
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.44)
- 201. Do you dislike touch? (.37)
- 507. Do you dislike being touched or hugged unless you're prepared or have asked for it? (.37)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.36)
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.35)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.35)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.34)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.34)
Quiz versions
- F6:116 (1670)
- F9:116 (1543)
- G6:127 (479)
- GE3:132 (1157)
- F7:116 (2204)
- F4:116 (18036)
- F14:116 (790)
- FI:116 (40413)
- GE2:136 (3825)
- F11:116 (1811)
- G2:127 (4599)
- F10:116 (3936)
- G4:127 (1982)
- G1:127 (2562)
- F5:116 (2530)
- S12:111 (3353)
- F1:116 (2355)
- G3:127 (719)
- F3:116 (17694)
- F2:116 (2416)
- S10:117 (1668)
- N3:112 (4687)
- GE:139 (1781)
- S8:116 (2196)
- S4:148 (2833)
- G7:127 (1446)
- F13:116 (655)
- N2:124 (4088)
- F8:116 (1642)
- N1:139 (4325)
- S9:114 (2002)
- S11:105 (2290)
- F15:116 (368)
- F12:116 (236)
- G5:127 (965)
- S5:14 (10779)
- N4:113 (7203)
- S7:20 (2793)
- S6:21 (2294)
168325 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .48
Chi-square: 27741
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .00
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:81 (565)
- R4:60 (1638)
- R5:13 (796)
2999 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 504
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:137 (3984)
- G4:128 (2063)
- R7:97 (1025)
- G5:128 (1006)
- R2:19 (627)
- F6:115 (1721)
- F2:115 (2519)
- F13:115 (687)
- F5:115 (2670)
- N1:137 (4532)
- S11:104 (2401)
- FI:115 (41722)
- R6:91 (826)
- F10:115 (4088)
- F4:115 (18813)
- F3:115 (18415)
- GE:138 (1854)
- S12:110 (3508)
- F1:115 (2448)
- N2:122 (4299)
- S1:96 (3001)
- S3:82 (2278)
- GE3:133 (1217)
- S2:88 (4830)
- S7:18 (2900)
- S4:80 (2952)
- S8:114 (2318)
- N3:110 (4795)
- 6:147 (4531)
- F8:115 (1695)
- G2:128 (4763)
- S9:112 (2092)
- 7:132 (2853)
- G6:128 (508)
- G3:128 (750)
- S5:13 (11182)
- G1:128 (2662)
- F9:115 (1599)
- G7:128 (1532)
- F12:115 (246)
- S10:115 (1747)
- R5:14 (820)
- F7:115 (2320)
- F11:115 (1883)
- S6:20 (2398)
- N4:112 (7398)
- F14:115 (825)
- F15:115 (382)
195685 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .46
Chi-square: 33251
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.01
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:211 (1778)
- S3:197 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .48
Chi-square: 412
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:13 (967)
- 5:7 (2122)
- R2:18 (605)
- I:57 (5476)
- III:3 (5744)
- ND:4 (2364)
- II:4 (1474)
- 6:4 (4465)
- R6:12 (822)
- R5:15 (792)
24831 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 4012
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.01
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.53)
- 502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (.46)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.46)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.43)
- 634. Are you sensitive to dry air? (.40)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.38)
- 59. Do you have to be particular about what you eat and/or how it is combined on the plate in order to be able to eat? (.38)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.38)
- 506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (.37)
- 56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (.36)
- 503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (.36)
- 102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields? (.36)
- 200. Can you easily hear small sounds? (.35)
- 519. Do you have a hyperactive mind? (.34)
- 596. Do you get frustrated if you can't sit on your favorite seat? (.34)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:61 (669)
- 8:2 (3671)
- R4:51 (1586)
- R1:73 (544)
- 9:22 (5151)
- 7:6 (2768)
14389 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 2341
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:3 (2131)
- 8:3 (3717)
- ND:6 (2311)
- R2:20 (609)
- 7:2 (2783)
- 6:2 (4467)
- R6:14 (808)
- III:24 (5689)
- 9:21 (5236)
- R1:79 (550)
28301 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 4132
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:59 (5476)
- R1:74 (582)
6058 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 1041
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.11
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (.47)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.43)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.39)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.39)
- 39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (.38)
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.38)
- 389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (.38)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.37)
- 37. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes or eat the same food many days in a row? (.36)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.36)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.35)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.35)
- 503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (.35)
- 51. Do you have obsessions or compulsions (repeated irresistible impulses to do certain things)? (.35)
- 73. Do you dislike shaking hands with strangers? (.35)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:68 (686)
- R4:57 (1687)
2373 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 307
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.01
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:17 (2434)
- 5:11 (2204)
- 8:10 (3856)
- 9:24 (5346)
13840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 1799
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.39)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.39)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.37)
- 120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects? (.37)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.36)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.35)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.35)
- 303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? (.34)
- 389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (.33)
- 269. Have you felt different from others for most of your life? (.33)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.32)
- 93. Have you been bullied, abused or taken advantage of? (.31)
- 249. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first? (.31)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.31)
Quiz versions
- R3:70 (681)
- R4:59 (1655)
2336 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 301
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:142 (1522)
- R7:12 (960)
- S1:10 (2807)
- R6:11 (811)
- S2:10 (4526)
- S3:10 (2126)
- R5:12 (771)
- S10:116 (1663)
- N1:140 (4257)
- S11:106 (2248)
- S12:112 (3286)
- S4:10 (2777)
- S9:113 (1980)
- S8:115 (2174)
- S6:19 (2300)
- S7:19 (2818)
- S5:12 (10688)
47714 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 5499
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:117 (373)
- R4:141 (1592)
- GE3:134 (1155)
- F6:117 (1652)
- GE2:138 (3772)
- F14:117 (781)
- F7:117 (2193)
- F2:117 (2396)
- F11:117 (1784)
- F9:117 (1528)
- F1:117 (2323)
- R7:95 (943)
- F4:117 (17910)
- N1:138 (4282)
- FI:117 (39309)
- F3:117 (17527)
- F12:117 (233)
- GE:140 (1751)
- F5:117 (2548)
- F8:117 (1618)
- F10:117 (3875)
- N2:123 (4061)
- F13:117 (653)
- N3:111 (4594)
- N4:114 (7096)
125949 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .43
Chi-square: 16576
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:144 (1527)
- R5:16 (751)
2278 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 304
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:143 (1415)
1415 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 167
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.00
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:60 (676)
- 8:11 (3764)
- R1:75 (548)
- R4:50 (1617)
- 7:5 (2807)
- 9:25 (5252)
14664 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 1717
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:170 (1778)
- S3:156 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .42
Chi-square: 303
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:146 (1511)
1511 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 150
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .02
introvert: -.16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:12 (1353)
- III:9 (5397)
- 5:16 (1870)
- ND:7 (2091)
- 9:29 (4667)
15378 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 1247
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .01
g: .10
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.31)
- 102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields? (.30)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.29)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.29)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.28)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.28)
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.28)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.27)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.27)
- 26. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else? (.27)
- 115. Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion? (.26)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.26)
- 189. Do you consider yourself a very logical person? (.26)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.26)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Chi-square: 63
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.10
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:144 (3771)
3771 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 348
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.15
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Chi-square: 38
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:150 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 50
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:69 (688)
- R4:58 (1689)
2377 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 171
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .00
g: .00
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:144 (3460)
3460 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 251
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .05
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:150 (4579)
- F15:167 (385)
4964 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .26
Chi-square: 319
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.13
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 154
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .00
g: .05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.35)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.26)
- 5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (.26)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.25)
- 103. Do you often use peripheral vision? (.25)
- 102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields? (.24)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.23)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.22)
- 23. Do you or others think that you have unconventional ways of solving problems? (.21)
- 56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (.21)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Chi-square: 339
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:149 (4550)
4550 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Chi-square: 221
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.11
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:206 (1778)
- S3:192 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Final: .27
Chi-square: 145
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:201 (2507)
2507 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 120
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .00
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:148 (4565)
4565 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 187
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.12
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:190 (1778)
- S3:176 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Final: .27
Chi-square: 107
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:205 (2507)
- S6:182 (2456)
- S9:239 (2184)
- S1:144 (3123)
- S8:175 (2384)
- S2:143 (5031)
- S5:174 (11475)
- S7:186 (2997)
- S3:213 (2366)
- S4:200 (3069)
- S10:191 (1805)
39397 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 1730
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1023. ADD - Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work) (.33)
- 1022. ADD - Tendency to worry needlessly and endlessly (.28)
- 1007. ADD - Frequent feeling of demoralization or that things won't work out for you (.28)
- 424. Social phobia (.27)
- 1004. ADD - Sense of impending doom (.26)
- 985. ADD - Impatient, low frustration tolerance (.26)
- 981. ADD - An internal sense of anxiety or nervousness (.25)
- 994. ADD - Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living (.25)
- 1008. ADD - Trouble sustaining friendships or intimate relationships, promiscuity (.24)
- 1009. ADD - Trouble with intimacy (.24)
- 1003. ADD - Chronic problems with self-esteem (.24)
- 974. ADD - Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions (.24)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.23)
- 967. ADD - Family history of ADD, learning problems, mood disorders or substance abuse problems (.23)
- 1040. ADD - Sensitive to touch, clothes, noise and light (.23)
12 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 26
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.08
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:163 (1778)
- S3:149 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .26
Chi-square: 85
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.04
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:150 (4192)
- 9:147 (5015)
9207 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 291
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: .05
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:135 (3783)
- N1:161 (4527)
- S2:152 (4360)
12670 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 293
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.08
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:157 (809)
- N1:141 (4444)
- 7:138 (2836)
8089 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .26
Chi-square: 227
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:197 (1778)
- S3:183 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .20
Chi-square: 60
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.03
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:205 (1778)
- S3:191 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .20
Chi-square: 55
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.02
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:207 (2507)
2507 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 48
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .00
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:153 (1778)
- S3:139 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .18
Chi-square: 50
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.02
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:162 (1778)
- S3:148 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .14
Chi-square: 36
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:162 (770)
- N1:178 (4213)
- R1:78 (534)
5517 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Final: -.16
Chi-square: 68
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .13
g: .01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:180 (1778)
- S3:166 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .13
Chi-square: 26
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R4:156 (647)
- F1:153 (709)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .00
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:118 (692)
- R7:4 (1033)
- GE2:139 (4011)
- F9:118 (1621)
- S8:104 (2328)
- S11:107 (2441)
- G5:129 (1014)
- R1:88 (588)
- G4:129 (2080)
- G3:129 (752)
- S3:1 (2299)
- F3:118 (18536)
- FI:118 (41990)
- F5:118 (2698)
- F1:118 (2461)
- GE:141 (1875)
- S10:104 (1755)
- N2:126 (4310)
- G6:129 (511)
- S2:1 (4876)
- F4:118 (19000)
- F14:118 (826)
- N1:143 (4559)
- F6:118 (1739)
- F10:118 (4125)
- F8:118 (1703)
- S9:101 (2133)
- G1:129 (2686)
- S12:113 (3542)
- F2:118 (2540)
- G2:129 (4817)
- S1:2 (3031)
- F15:118 (387)
- S6:9 (2402)
- S4:1 (2994)
- N4:115 (7441)
- G7:129 (1548)
- F11:118 (1885)
- N3:113 (4874)
- R2:7 (633)
- S5:2 (11229)
- F12:118 (248)
- F7:118 (2338)
- S7:8 (2928)
- GE3:135 (1219)
- R6:4 (858)
189556 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .57
Chi-square: 46899
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .50
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.01
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:15 (4507)
- 5:19 (2146)
- 7:15 (2848)
- 8:22 (3763)
- ND:28 (2355)
- R2:5 (609)
16228 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Chi-square: 3908
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.08
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:45 (5476)
- III:13 (5966)
- S7:172 (2919)
14361 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Chi-square: 3312
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.15
introvert: -.22
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.71)
- 44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination? (.60)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.53)
- 43. Do you have an odd posture, gait and/or difficulties sitting/standing erect? (.50)
- 207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball? (.49)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.48)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.42)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.41)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.41)
- 41. Do you self-stimulate ("stim") when bored, restless, nervous or upset, e.g. by bouncing a leg, tapping your fingers, biting your nails, waving your hands, rocking your body etc? (.40)
Quiz versions
- II:16 (1456)
1456 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Chi-square: 331
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:19 (2462)
- 7:14 (2907)
- 5:17 (2222)
- 6:14 (4629)
- 9:11 (5399)
17619 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Chi-square: 3864
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.10
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:89 (566)
- R3:170 (672)
- R4:134 (1633)
- S3:2 (2255)
- F3:119 (18024)
- N1:144 (4468)
- F1:119 (2392)
- GE3:136 (1188)
- F14:119 (811)
- F10:119 (4031)
- G4:130 (2035)
- F6:119 (1682)
- N2:127 (4195)
- F4:119 (18497)
- G7:130 (1518)
- S2:2 (4750)
- S9:102 (2079)
- F9:119 (1555)
- F11:119 (1847)
- S11:108 (2395)
- S1:1 (2917)
- S12:114 (3432)
- S8:105 (2292)
- R7:133 (1004)
- FI:119 (40852)
- GE2:140 (3910)
- S4:2 (2912)
- GE:142 (1825)
- F2:119 (2463)
- F8:119 (1663)
- G5:130 (976)
- G1:130 (2605)
- F13:119 (684)
- S10:105 (1717)
- F7:119 (2254)
- G2:130 (4689)
- F5:119 (2599)
- F12:119 (244)
- G3:130 (726)
- G6:130 (482)
- N4:116 (7236)
- N3:114 (4723)
- S5:3 (11041)
- R6:134 (819)
- F15:119 (376)
- S6:10 (2351)
- S7:9 (2879)
- R2:4 (629)
186893 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Final: .55
Chi-square: 42493
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .03
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 214. Are you the last one to finish manual tasks? (.50)
- 111. Did you perceive practical classes like handi-work or gymnasics as hard in school? (.43)
- 511. Do you have problems with ball sports? (.43)
- 1028. ADD - Coordination difficulties (.42)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.42)
- 44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination? (.42)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.40)
- 207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball? (.39)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.39)
- 487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (.39)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.39)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.39)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.39)
Quiz versions
- R3:149 (695)
- N2:128 (4273)
- R4:125 (1685)
- R7:134 (1019)
- III:15 (5938)
- F12:120 (244)
- G1:131 (2687)
- G3:131 (754)
- ND:177 (2424)
- I:50 (5476)
- F13:120 (691)
- F9:120 (1597)
- F15:120 (385)
- N1:145 (4527)
- G2:131 (4838)
- GE2:141 (4017)
- R2:148 (622)
- F3:120 (18377)
- S11:109 (2405)
- F1:120 (2443)
- F4:120 (18800)
- 5:84 (2201)
- F8:120 (1704)
- N3:115 (4824)
- F6:120 (1704)
- FI:120 (41746)
- F14:120 (822)
- S12:115 (3515)
- 7:123 (2866)
- S2:23 (4784)
- S8:117 (2298)
- F5:120 (2662)
- R1:96 (576)
- S6:41 (2395)
- 6:99 (4519)
- GE3:137 (1227)
- S5:33 (11195)
- S4:23 (2957)
- F7:120 (2313)
- F10:120 (4089)
- GE:143 (1853)
- S3:23 (2267)
- G7:131 (1559)
- N4:117 (7413)
- G4:131 (2069)
- F2:120 (2518)
- S7:40 (2923)
- S9:115 (2093)
- S1:22 (2976)
- S10:118 (1741)
- F11:120 (1871)
- G5:131 (1009)
- G6:131 (511)
213097 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .52
Final: .52
Chi-square: 42213
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:90 (580)
- N2:125 (4245)
- N1:142 (4516)
9341 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Chi-square: 1805
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.58)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.52)
- 283. Do you enjoy team sports? (-.46)
- 111. Did you perceive practical classes like handi-work or gymnasics as hard in school? (.47)
- 510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (.43)
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.40)
- 497. As a child, was your play more directed towards, for example, sorting, building, investigating or taking things apart than towards social games with other kids? (.39)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.37)
Quiz versions
- R3:173 (699)
- R7:3 (1005)
- S8:106 (2272)
- R4:137 (1665)
- S9:103 (2089)
- S3:3 (2244)
- S12:116 (3457)
- S6:11 (2369)
- R1:94 (569)
- S11:110 (2377)
- S2:3 (4737)
- S4:3 (2919)
- S5:4 (11106)
- S1:3 (2932)
- S7:10 (2877)
- S10:106 (1710)
- R6:3 (830)
45857 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Chi-square: 10154
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (.52)
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.46)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.44)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.42)
- 18. Do you have a monotonous voice and/or difficulty adjusting volume and speed when you talk? (.42)
- 44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination? (.41)
- 416. Do you have difficulty writing by hand? (.41)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.41)
- 511. Do you have problems with ball sports? (.40)
- 84. Do you have difficulties judging unseen limits and other people's personal space unless clearly informed? (.39)
- 550. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, idioms, allegories and a tendency to interpret things literally? (.39)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.39)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.38)
- 119. Do you flip letters when you write? (.37)
- 580. Do you enjoy spinning in circles? (.37)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F7:216 (2399)
- S9:224 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .51
Chi-square: 291
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 521
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.04
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:34 (5959)
- II:22 (1501)
- R7:138 (1014)
- S3:123 (2248)
- F7:121 (2289)
- S10:119 (1741)
- F13:121 (687)
- N1:147 (4502)
- N2:129 (4261)
- GE2:142 (3983)
- F6:121 (1718)
- F12:121 (239)
- G4:132 (2057)
- S2:128 (4796)
- F10:121 (4055)
- 6:39 (4551)
- S11:111 (2395)
- F8:121 (1690)
- S1:132 (2985)
- G2:132 (4764)
- F9:121 (1592)
- G1:132 (2647)
- GE:144 (1851)
- F4:121 (18690)
- G7:132 (1523)
- F5:121 (2651)
- F1:121 (2421)
- F14:121 (819)
- FI:121 (41506)
- F3:121 (18298)
- F15:121 (384)
- F11:121 (1857)
- G3:132 (751)
- S12:118 (3476)
- S9:116 (2100)
- G6:132 (502)
- G5:132 (990)
- F2:121 (2493)
- R6:137 (823)
- S5:130 (11181)
- S8:118 (2287)
- S7:142 (2921)
- S4:123 (2949)
- N4:118 (7361)
- GE3:138 (1200)
- N3:116 (4793)
- S6:137 (2397)
197898 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .50
Chi-square: 36221
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .01
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S8:107 (2316)
- III:12 (5905)
- S9:104 (2106)
- 9:13 (5337)
- I:44 (5476)
- S10:107 (1742)
- S7:174 (2904)
25786 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Chi-square: 5033
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.07
g: -.08
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1028. ADD - Coordination difficulties (.64)
- 45. Do you have poor gross motor skills (= clumsiness)? (.60)
- 207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball? (.54)
- 205. Do you have a tendency to drop things? (.52)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.49)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.47)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.46)
- 213. Are you accident prone? (.44)
- 510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (.42)
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.41)
- 111. Did you perceive practical classes like handi-work or gymnasics as hard in school? (.41)
- 43. Do you have an odd posture, gait and/or difficulties sitting/standing erect? (.41)
- 83. Do you have problems with timing in conversations? (.38)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.37)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.36)
Quiz versions
- R3:171 (696)
- R7:6 (1028)
- 5:18 (2236)
- R4:135 (1686)
- ND:21 (2465)
- 8:21 (3894)
- S1:5 (3012)
- 9:10 (5370)
- S3:5 (2294)
- S2:5 (4874)
- S4:5 (2974)
- 6:13 (4615)
- R2:9 (637)
- S5:6 (11214)
- S7:12 (2929)
- S6:13 (2414)
- R6:6 (855)
- R5:6 (817)
54010 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 9378
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination? (.54)
- 45. Do you have poor gross motor skills (= clumsiness)? (.49)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.49)
- 208. Can you easily handle a ball? (-.47)
- 205. Do you have a tendency to drop things? (.47)
- 204. Do you have difficulty hopping, skipping or riding a bike? (.46)
- 214. Are you the last one to finish manual tasks? (.44)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.44)
- 513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (.43)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.42)
- 111. Did you perceive practical classes like handi-work or gymnasics as hard in school? (.41)
- 941. Do you have good precision when throwing things like darts? (-.40)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.40)
- 510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (.39)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.37)
3 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:169 (698)
- R4:133 (1702)
- R1:87 (585)
- S7:173 (2932)
5917 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 991
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.04
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 45. Do you have poor gross motor skills (= clumsiness)? (.53)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.53)
- 511. Do you have problems with ball sports? (.52)
- 207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball? (.49)
- 513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (.48)
- 44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination? (.47)
- 512. Do you have difficulties with two-handed tasks, e.g. eating with knife & fork, knitting, typing or playing an instrument? (.42)
- 510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (.42)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.39)
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.38)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.35)
Quiz versions
- II:20 (1491)
- S10:108 (1707)
- S12:119 (3487)
- R2:6 (631)
- S11:113 (2386)
- N1:148 (4488)
- S8:108 (2287)
- S9:105 (2055)
- S7:171 (2857)
21389 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Chi-square: 3766
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 214. Are you the last one to finish manual tasks? (.53)
- 511. Do you have problems with ball sports? (.47)
- 107. Were you clumsy as a child? (.46)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.44)
- 1028. ADD - Coordination difficulties (.44)
- 510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (.43)
- 207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball? (.41)
- 44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination? (.41)
- 513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (.40)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.38)
- 45. Do you have poor gross motor skills (= clumsiness)? (.38)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.37)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.36)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.36)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.35)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:168 (680)
- R7:5 (1001)
- 5:20 (2206)
- G4:133 (2041)
- G6:133 (492)
- 8:23 (3837)
- R1:95 (572)
- R2:8 (621)
- ND:178 (2412)
- F6:122 (1703)
- F13:122 (685)
- I:46 (5476)
- R4:132 (1650)
- 6:16 (4544)
- S1:4 (2982)
- 7:16 (2864)
- III:14 (5905)
- FI:122 (41302)
- GE:145 (1847)
- F3:122 (18340)
- S8:119 (2287)
- F14:122 (811)
- II:9 (1497)
- G7:133 (1526)
- S9:117 (2095)
- F10:122 (4055)
- G1:133 (2642)
- F4:122 (18688)
- 9:12 (5332)
- S2:4 (4778)
- S3:4 (2276)
- S10:120 (1743)
- S12:117 (3483)
- F7:122 (2290)
- N1:146 (4488)
- R6:5 (842)
- F8:122 (1687)
- N4:119 (7376)
- GE3:139 (1210)
- N2:130 (4254)
- F5:122 (2625)
- F11:122 (1862)
- F2:122 (2500)
- S4:4 (2918)
- S11:112 (2401)
- F15:122 (377)
- G3:133 (745)
- F1:122 (2436)
- G2:133 (4726)
- N3:117 (4785)
- F9:122 (1580)
- G5:133 (990)
- S5:5 (11137)
- S6:12 (2360)
- S7:11 (2904)
- F12:122 (243)
219109 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .48
Chi-square: 38414
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.01
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:174 (694)
- R4:138 (1713)
- 8:26 (3898)
- 7:141 (2891)
- R2:154 (636)
- R1:93 (581)
10413 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Chi-square: 1757
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.41)
- 513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (.41)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.37)
- 512. Do you have difficulties with two-handed tasks, e.g. eating with knife & fork, knitting, typing or playing an instrument? (.36)
- 319. Do you find it difficult to take notes in lectures? (.35)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.34)
- 580. Do you enjoy spinning in circles? (.34)
Quiz versions
- 7:17 (2853)
- 6:18 (4562)
- 9:16 (5335)
- 5:22 (2208)
- 8:24 (3854)
- ND:27 (2427)
21239 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 3319
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.10
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 205. Do you have a tendency to drop things? (.57)
- 44. Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination? (.44)
- 433. Do you drop things when your attention is on other things? (.43)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.38)
- 392. Do you have difficulty catching a ball? (.35)
- 204. Do you have difficulty hopping, skipping or riding a bike? (.35)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.34)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.34)
Quiz versions
- F13:123 (691)
- R3:172 (695)
- G6:134 (509)
- N1:149 (4571)
- GE2:144 (3993)
- GE:146 (1869)
- F9:123 (1612)
- F3:123 (18533)
- F6:123 (1722)
- G3:134 (757)
- N2:131 (4328)
- F15:123 (389)
- N3:118 (4848)
- F8:123 (1714)
- F4:123 (18943)
- FI:123 (42049)
- F10:123 (4112)
- F1:123 (2444)
- R4:136 (1688)
- G4:134 (2062)
- F14:123 (831)
- N4:120 (7433)
- F11:123 (1892)
- GE3:140 (1216)
- F2:123 (2532)
- G5:134 (1007)
- G7:134 (1546)
- F5:123 (2674)
- F7:123 (2341)
- G1:134 (2680)
- G2:134 (4824)
- R1:92 (585)
- F12:123 (244)
147334 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .45
Chi-square: 24046
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 512. Do you have difficulties with two-handed tasks, e.g. eating with knife & fork, knitting, typing or playing an instrument? (.55)
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.52)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.48)
- 207. Do you have difficulties throwing and/or catching a ball? (.43)
- 1028. ADD - Coordination difficulties (.42)
- 416. Do you have difficulty writing by hand? (.41)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.40)
- 349. Dyspraxia (.40)
- 111. Did you perceive practical classes like handi-work or gymnasics as hard in school? (.40)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.36)
- 510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (.35)
- 690. Do you have a good sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (-.34)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.35)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.35)
- 1435. Can you sense if you are intruding, even if the other person doesn’t tell you? (-.33)
Quiz versions
- F12:124 (249)
- F13:124 (691)
- F6:124 (1728)
- G6:135 (503)
- F9:124 (1616)
- GE2:145 (4019)
- G4:135 (2067)
- G3:135 (751)
- G5:135 (1004)
- G7:135 (1544)
- F10:124 (4125)
- F5:124 (2681)
- F4:124 (18955)
- F8:124 (1725)
- F3:124 (18522)
- F11:124 (1888)
- F1:124 (2443)
- F7:124 (2331)
- F14:124 (831)
- S11:143 (2437)
- S12:120 (3521)
- G1:135 (2670)
- G2:135 (4824)
- FI:124 (41832)
- F15:124 (387)
- N2:132 (4312)
- GE3:141 (1215)
- GE:147 (1869)
- N1:150 (4558)
- F2:124 (2540)
- N3:119 (4841)
- N4:121 (7415)
150094 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .45
Chi-square: 22083
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .03
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:28 (5946)
- II:25 (1501)
- I:89 (5476)
- R3:156 (692)
- R2:102 (619)
- ND:45 (2437)
- G3:136 (755)
- G4:136 (2068)
- R4:123 (1694)
- N1:111 (4531)
- F10:94 (4093)
- S6:107 (2402)
- R1:108 (571)
- G5:136 (1007)
- F1:94 (2446)
- F11:94 (1867)
- F3:94 (18402)
- F6:94 (1720)
- GE2:146 (3975)
- S11:114 (2422)
- F9:94 (1589)
- S8:120 (2314)
- N4:92 (7407)
- F7:94 (2313)
- G1:136 (2656)
- G7:136 (1540)
- F4:94 (18826)
- S2:132 (4847)
- FI:94 (41827)
- S5:100 (11213)
- F5:94 (2668)
- S10:121 (1747)
- N2:99 (4282)
- N3:90 (4832)
- GE:115 (1855)
- 6:37 (4598)
- F2:94 (2509)
- S4:126 (2956)
- S12:91 (3516)
- S9:118 (2110)
- G6:136 (507)
- G2:136 (4769)
- S3:127 (2289)
- F8:94 (1692)
- S7:103 (2927)
- F14:94 (818)
- F13:94 (688)
- GE3:142 (1218)
- R7:141 (1026)
- S1:136 (3003)
- F12:94 (245)
- F15:94 (381)
209792 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .43
Chi-square: 31525
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .01
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.42)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.42)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.36)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.36)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.35)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.35)
- 672. AQ - When I talk on the phone, I'm not sure when it's my turn to speak. (.35)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.35)
- 675. AQ - I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face. (-.33)
- 72. Do you have problems with eye-contact? (.34)
- 222. Do you miss dishonesty and hidden agendas? (.33)
- 666. AQ - I find it easy to 'read between the lines' when someone is talking to me. (-.32)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.33)
- 113. Do you find it hard to tell the age of people? (.33)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.32)
9 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 8:25 (3878)
- 6:17 (4620)
- ND:18 (2460)
- 7:18 (2894)
- 5:21 (2216)
16068 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 2058
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.08
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 74
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.10
introvert: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (.55)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.42)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.39)
- 510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (.39)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.36)
- 416. Do you have difficulty writing by hand? (.36)
- 511. Do you have problems with ball sports? (.35)
- 87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (.34)
- 359. Have others told you that you have an odd posture or gait? (.33)
- 514. Do you have a poor sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands? (.32)
- 6. Do you tend to get so stuck on details that you miss the overall picture? (.32)
- 37. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes or eat the same food many days in a row? (.31)
- 31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age? (.30)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.29)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.29)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Chi-square: 97
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .13
g: -.07
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:151 (2114)
- S10:152 (1752)
- S7:178 (2916)
- S8:156 (2314)
- R5:131 (818)
9914 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.37
Chi-square: 1096
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.07
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:18 (3810)
- 9:17 (5295)
9105 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Chi-square: 964
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .15
g: .09
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:137 (990)
- G4:137 (2055)
- R5:2 (792)
- G6:137 (492)
- GE2:147 (3935)
- GE:148 (1819)
- G7:137 (1498)
- G3:137 (735)
- G1:137 (2619)
- G2:137 (4673)
- GE3:143 (1194)
20802 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Final: -.35
Chi-square: 2434
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .00
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Chi-square: 83
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .16
g: -.01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S8:121 (2205)
- S10:122 (1652)
- S7:182 (2776)
- S9:119 (1993)
8626 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Chi-square: 920
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .12
g: .03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:149 (378)
- G6:149 (498)
- R7:146 (1010)
- F12:149 (244)
- S2:140 (4788)
- R6:145 (812)
- S1:139 (2966)
- F7:149 (2293)
- S3:132 (2251)
- R5:132 (800)
- S11:138 (2399)
- G7:149 (1524)
- F14:149 (821)
- F13:149 (679)
- N2:154 (4213)
- F10:149 (4055)
- S4:132 (2930)
- N1:175 (4477)
- G4:149 (2050)
- F6:149 (1713)
- GE:159 (1834)
- G2:149 (4752)
- GE2:158 (3950)
- S10:151 (1727)
- F4:149 (18641)
- G1:149 (2621)
- G5:149 (997)
- F8:149 (1677)
- F3:149 (18230)
- F11:149 (1858)
- S8:155 (2283)
- F9:149 (1587)
- F2:149 (2479)
- FI:149 (41321)
- S7:155 (2882)
- F5:149 (2637)
- GE3:154 (1200)
- S9:150 (2085)
- S12:140 (3478)
- F1:149 (2411)
- G3:149 (734)
- S5:141 (11115)
- N3:140 (4135)
- S6:148 (2372)
- N4:139 (7350)
185257 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Final: -.37
Chi-square: 19505
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .14
g: .01
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:14 (5350)
- ND:23 (2432)
7782 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.35
Chi-square: 785
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .11
g: .04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.35
Chi-square: 80
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .18
g: .05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:5 (813)
- R7:7 (995)
- GE2:143 (3963)
5771 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.34
Chi-square: 526
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .14
g: .07
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.34
Chi-square: 77
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .15
g: .11
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:20 (2325)
2325 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.31
Chi-square: 192
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .09
g: .07
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 413
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.08
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S6:174 (2344)
2344 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Chi-square: 139
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .10
g: .21
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S6:175 (2286)
2286 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Chi-square: 135
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .10
g: .21
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:22 (2440)
2440 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.27
Chi-square: 137
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .09
g: .04
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S6:176 (2217)
2217 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Chi-square: 118
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .10
g: .20
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S7:183 (2882)
2882 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Chi-square: 151
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.01
introvert: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S7:150 (2645)
- S6:178 (2177)
4822 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Chi-square: 242
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .09
g: .08
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:24 (2298)
2298 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Chi-square: 94
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .07
g: .03
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:18 (5429)
- S7:176 (2950)
- 7:136 (2894)
11273 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Chi-square: 355
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .10
g: .02
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:202 (2507)
- S12:185 (3646)
- S11:179 (2509)
- N1:197 (129)
8791 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 184
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:209 (2507)
2507 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 35
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.05
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:183 (4523)
4523 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Chi-square: 68
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.04
introvert: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:25 (2405)
2405 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Chi-square: 67
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .05
g: .10
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:42 (687)
- S2:156 (1961)
- F15:42 (383)
- S11:41 (2420)
- F14:42 (823)
- G7:138 (1552)
- F2:42 (2530)
- GE2:54 (3989)
- S3:31 (2270)
- F10:42 (4072)
- S12:41 (3506)
- S10:43 (1757)
- S4:31 (2959)
- N2:44 (4287)
- F4:42 (18864)
- F6:42 (1730)
- S7:59 (2907)
- F5:42 (2656)
- F11:42 (1867)
- GE3:51 (1209)
- F3:42 (18370)
- G2:138 (4787)
- G1:138 (2656)
- F1:42 (2452)
- F9:42 (1599)
- G5:138 (998)
- F8:42 (1699)
- GE:54 (1858)
- S9:47 (2111)
- FI:42 (41416)
- G3:138 (753)
- F7:42 (2314)
- G6:138 (505)
- N1:51 (4541)
- G4:138 (2072)
- N3:39 (4820)
- S8:50 (2290)
- F12:42 (242)
- S6:48 (2364)
- S5:39 (11057)
- N4:40 (7323)
178656 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .64
Final: .65
Chi-square: 57320
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:117 (688)
- R7:67 (1012)
- G6:139 (508)
- S1:62 (2999)
- GE2:148 (4013)
- 8:138 (3830)
- R5:61 (813)
- R4:118 (1693)
- S2:59 (4861)
- F6:125 (1723)
- GE3:144 (1218)
- S3:55 (2290)
- 9:124 (5362)
- G3:139 (754)
- G2:139 (4817)
- S11:119 (2436)
- F3:125 (18493)
- G4:139 (2077)
- F11:125 (1885)
- F4:125 (18994)
- F8:125 (1719)
- FI:125 (41812)
- F10:125 (4115)
- N2:133 (4315)
- R2:106 (627)
- GE:149 (1867)
- S12:124 (3538)
- F12:125 (246)
- F9:125 (1623)
- F5:125 (2697)
- F13:125 (691)
- G7:139 (1542)
- F7:125 (2355)
- S9:125 (2120)
- G5:139 (1004)
- S10:128 (1758)
- F15:125 (382)
- F1:125 (2458)
- F2:125 (2543)
- S4:54 (2964)
- R6:65 (836)
- G1:139 (2695)
- S8:127 (2334)
- F14:125 (836)
- N1:154 (4564)
- S6:120 (2407)
- N3:120 (4855)
- S7:124 (2935)
- S5:109 (11223)
- N4:122 (7412)
200939 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .63
Final: .63
Chi-square: 61442
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .03
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:36 (1030)
- F13:173 (696)
- R6:36 (859)
- S2:35 (4927)
- S11:120 (2460)
- S1:35 (3034)
- R4:100 (1715)
- S3:35 (2313)
- S12:125 (3572)
- S4:35 (3013)
- N1:155 (4602)
- R3:115 (700)
- S10:129 (1773)
- S8:128 (2338)
- S9:126 (2143)
- S6:121 (2418)
- S7:125 (2949)
- S5:110 (11259)
51801 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .66
Chi-square: 15858
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .06
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:150 (3947)
- F9:127 (1587)
- S12:127 (3486)
- F10:127 (4043)
- G7:141 (1512)
- F5:127 (2656)
- F3:127 (18246)
- F4:127 (18646)
- S8:130 (2283)
- R7:82 (1004)
- GE3:146 (1203)
- F13:127 (675)
- S11:122 (2391)
- G6:141 (499)
- G3:141 (747)
- F6:127 (1711)
- N1:157 (4502)
- F2:127 (2484)
- F11:127 (1845)
- G1:141 (2631)
- G2:141 (4725)
- S9:128 (2084)
- F7:127 (2304)
- G4:141 (2043)
- FI:127 (41430)
- F15:127 (374)
- S6:123 (2388)
- F8:127 (1662)
- S10:131 (1726)
- N2:135 (4242)
- N4:124 (7335)
- GE:151 (1828)
- G5:141 (993)
- S5:112 (11146)
- F12:127 (235)
- S7:127 (2910)
- S3:73 (2268)
- R6:81 (819)
- F1:127 (2407)
- S2:78 (4793)
- N3:122 (4791)
- F14:127 (824)
- S1:78 (2978)
- S4:71 (2935)
- R5:123 (794)
186132 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Final: .61
Chi-square: 50233
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R7:43 (1011)
- R3:148 (687)
- S11:121 (2391)
- F13:126 (661)
- R4:121 (1656)
- S8:129 (2265)
- R2:145 (609)
- N2:134 (4189)
- S2:74 (4724)
- S1:74 (2924)
- GE2:149 (3931)
- F7:126 (2265)
- S3:69 (2243)
- G3:140 (742)
- F10:126 (4026)
- N1:156 (4448)
- F12:126 (245)
- S4:67 (2909)
- F6:126 (1692)
- F1:126 (2407)
- F3:126 (18085)
- F5:126 (2622)
- F15:126 (374)
- I:31 (5476)
- F4:126 (18478)
- GE:150 (1809)
- S12:126 (3455)
- GE3:145 (1193)
- F14:126 (815)
- F8:126 (1662)
- R1:98 (573)
- S10:130 (1714)
- FI:126 (40623)
- F9:126 (1565)
- S9:127 (2069)
- G2:140 (4687)
- N3:121 (4741)
- F2:126 (2488)
- G4:140 (2020)
- S7:126 (2868)
- G5:140 (977)
- S5:111 (11045)
- S6:122 (2354)
- G7:140 (1499)
- G1:140 (2612)
- F11:126 (1829)
- R6:44 (807)
- N4:123 (7243)
- G6:140 (491)
- R5:46 (792)
192991 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .58
Chi-square: 50171
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .03
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Chi-square: 182
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .11
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:94 (5476)
- 7:122 (2864)
- 5:104 (2189)
- 6:132 (4536)
- ND:107 (2452)
17517 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Chi-square: 3875
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .47
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.07
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 95. Is being honest so natural to you that you often don't notice - or care - if others may find your remarks inappropriate, hurtful or rude? (.48)
- 92. Are you so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone is? (.46)
- 85. Do you often talk about your special interests whether others seem to be interested or not? (.43)
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.43)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.43)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.43)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.42)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.42)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.40)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.40)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.40)
- 99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs? (.40)
- 31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age? (.40)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.39)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.39)
1 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:152 (696)
- R7:135 (1025)
- GE:152 (1882)
- R4:119 (1718)
- GE2:151 (4040)
- F6:128 (1746)
- G6:142 (514)
- S2:81 (4905)
- F13:128 (690)
- G1:142 (2703)
- F14:128 (837)
- S8:131 (2338)
- F3:128 (18571)
- GE3:147 (1230)
- F9:128 (1616)
- G2:142 (4843)
- G5:142 (1014)
- F10:128 (4141)
- G7:142 (1559)
- S12:128 (3546)
- F4:128 (19047)
- F8:128 (1720)
- F7:128 (2354)
- G4:142 (2075)
- S11:123 (2455)
- S3:76 (2300)
- II:95 (1510)
- S1:87 (3025)
- R2:113 (628)
- F11:128 (1891)
- F2:128 (2558)
- FI:128 (42093)
- N2:136 (4346)
- III:88 (5971)
- F5:128 (2715)
- S4:74 (2997)
- S10:132 (1770)
- N1:158 (4587)
- S9:129 (2135)
- F1:128 (2458)
- N3:123 (4875)
- S6:124 (2415)
- S5:113 (11266)
- F15:128 (388)
- G3:142 (752)
- N4:125 (7452)
- F12:128 (250)
- S7:128 (2940)
- R6:135 (843)
199430 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .51
Final: .53
Chi-square: 42000
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .04
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .50
Final: .50
Chi-square: 141
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .44
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:219 (2399)
- S9:227 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .51
Chi-square: 308
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE2:152 (3999)
- F15:129 (384)
- S1:92 (3006)
- R7:89 (1027)
- F10:129 (4107)
- G4:143 (2065)
- F14:129 (823)
- R3:180 (694)
- F13:129 (684)
- S2:84 (4833)
- FI:129 (41727)
- G6:143 (501)
- F4:129 (18910)
- GE3:148 (1213)
- F3:129 (18431)
- F5:129 (2682)
- F8:129 (1701)
- F6:129 (1730)
- R5:78 (809)
- G5:143 (1001)
- G3:143 (752)
- G2:143 (4775)
- G1:143 (2673)
- N1:159 (4541)
- R6:83 (828)
- F11:129 (1871)
- F2:129 (2514)
- F9:129 (1612)
- N3:124 (4836)
- F1:129 (2426)
- N4:126 (7359)
- N2:137 (4289)
- F7:129 (2331)
- G7:143 (1541)
- F12:129 (249)
- GE:153 (1883)
154807 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .48
Chi-square: 28829
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .06
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:157 (1554)
1554 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .49
Chi-square: 279
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.17
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:207 (441)
- F7:199 (2399)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .47
Chi-square: 219
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G6:145 (506)
- G3:145 (758)
- G4:145 (2066)
- G5:145 (1014)
- G2:145 (4827)
- GE:155 (1873)
- GE2:154 (4038)
- GE3:150 (1224)
- G1:145 (2686)
- II:66 (1502)
- G7:145 (1558)
- N1:43 (4571)
26623 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .49
Chi-square: 4569
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 518. Do you tend to be impatient and/or impulsive? (.59)
- 143. Are you easily distracted and/or bored? (.49)
- 167. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction? (.41)
- 1163. Do you have mood swings? (.39)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.39)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.38)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.38)
- 361. Do you become frustrated if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.38)
- 1258. Do you yell at people? (.37)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.37)
- 1441. Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate when you are tired, frustrated or when you act naturally? (.36)
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 127
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:196 (2399)
- S9:204 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .48
Chi-square: 199
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:120 (2883)
- 5:71 (2203)
- ND:99 (2454)
- I:93 (5476)
- R3:11 (704)
- 6:82 (4543)
- GE2:153 (4027)
- S3:77 (2300)
- R2:110 (629)
- F15:130 (385)
- R4:15 (1714)
- S11:124 (2449)
- S10:133 (1755)
- R5:133 (809)
- F12:130 (249)
- S12:129 (3565)
- G3:144 (758)
- F6:130 (1741)
- F11:130 (1887)
- F7:130 (2354)
- F13:130 (692)
- F2:130 (2550)
- N1:160 (4571)
- F5:130 (2707)
- S1:88 (3034)
- F3:130 (18566)
- R6:138 (846)
- S8:132 (2311)
- R7:136 (1025)
- S2:82 (4893)
- F14:130 (845)
- GE:154 (1871)
- F10:130 (4123)
- F4:130 (19021)
- R1:10 (586)
- GE3:149 (1219)
- F9:130 (1609)
- G2:144 (4832)
- G1:144 (2691)
- N2:138 (4303)
- S4:75 (2998)
- G6:144 (505)
- F8:130 (1711)
- FI:130 (42036)
- G5:144 (1005)
- N3:125 (4848)
- F1:130 (2461)
- S6:125 (2400)
- G4:144 (2068)
- S9:130 (2136)
- G7:144 (1555)
- S7:129 (2940)
- S5:114 (11272)
- N4:127 (7431)
210546 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .47
Chi-square: 36862
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .00
g: .02
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 90. Do you find it easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals and/or Aspies than with 'ordinary' people? (.42)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.40)
- 91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (.39)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.39)
- 269. Have you felt different from others for most of your life? (.39)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.39)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.38)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.38)
- 69. Do you find yourself more attracted to things, ideas, music, computers, animals, buildings or vehicles than to people and social exchange? (.38)
- 542. Have you had more difficulties than others making friends? (.38)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.38)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.38)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.37)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.37)
- 88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (.37)
19 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F7:220 (2399)
- S9:228 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .47
Final: .49
Chi-square: 223
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:217 (2399)
- S9:225 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .48
Chi-square: 204
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.06
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Final: .45
Chi-square: 120
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Final: .44
Chi-square: 118
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:218 (2399)
- S9:226 (442)
2841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .45
Chi-square: 195
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:192 (2399)
- S9:200 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .43
Chi-square: 172
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:169 (2399)
- S9:177 (439)
2838 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .43
Chi-square: 196
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:140 (3777)
- R2:116 (614)
4391 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 554
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.11
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:12 (699)
- R2:117 (622)
- R4:16 (1714)
- II:15 (1506)
4541 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 544
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.01
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .41
Chi-square: 99
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 868
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.46)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.44)
- 34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups? (.41)
- 31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age? (.40)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.40)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.37)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.37)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.36)
- 32. Do you have a tendency to be passive and not initiate things yourself? (.35)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.33)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.33)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.33)
- 67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life? (.32)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.32)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.32)
5 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F7:206 (2399)
- S9:214 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .42
Chi-square: 187
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.06
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:161 (1743)
1743 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.40
Chi-square: 229
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 10
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .15
g: -.07
introvert: -.10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:157 (701)
- R1:105 (584)
- R2:112 (629)
- R4:131 (1698)
- S11:37 (2452)
- S10:42 (1767)
- S12:37 (3554)
- R7:94 (1030)
- F10:131 (4134)
- S9:24 (2137)
- F4:131 (19010)
- F13:131 (697)
- F1:131 (2475)
- F3:131 (18592)
- S1:29 (3026)
- S8:24 (2332)
- S3:28 (2301)
- F8:131 (1729)
- S2:28 (4890)
- F9:131 (1624)
- F11:131 (1880)
- F5:131 (2697)
- FI:131 (42120)
- R6:86 (838)
- F6:131 (1735)
- F2:131 (2549)
- N2:39 (4312)
- F14:131 (828)
- S7:45 (2944)
- N3:126 (4882)
- S6:46 (2410)
- R5:81 (809)
- S5:38 (11245)
- F7:131 (2353)
- N4:128 (7455)
- S4:28 (2988)
- N1:44 (4581)
- F12:131 (251)
- F15:131 (387)
172626 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .42
Chi-square: 24174
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.00
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .41
Chi-square: 93
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- GE:160 (1820)
- R7:145 (1012)
- S4:131 (2929)
- GE3:155 (1187)
- G7:150 (1510)
- S3:131 (2255)
- S8:157 (2296)
- S2:139 (4802)
- ND:86 (2426)
- 5:112 (2182)
- F8:150 (1670)
- S11:137 (2417)
- G1:150 (2635)
- F12:150 (242)
- G5:150 (985)
- F6:150 (1704)
- S1:100 (2956)
- G2:150 (4718)
- F14:150 (819)
- S12:141 (3486)
- S7:152 (2903)
- F1:150 (2408)
- F11:150 (1844)
- F7:150 (2294)
- N1:176 (4504)
- N2:155 (4210)
- F3:150 (18145)
- F4:150 (18599)
- S10:153 (1730)
- F5:150 (2622)
- F10:150 (4024)
- GE2:159 (3970)
- S9:152 (2088)
- F9:150 (1571)
- S6:147 (2382)
- G4:150 (2043)
- F13:150 (673)
- G6:150 (498)
- S5:140 (11156)
- F2:150 (2482)
- 6:136 (4480)
- FI:150 (41683)
- N3:141 (4134)
- N4:140 (7246)
- G3:150 (741)
- 7:126 (2802)
- F15:150 (378)
195661 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.40
Final: -.40
Chi-square: 26540
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 7
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.00
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 167. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction? (-.59)
- 1383. EQ - In a conversation, I tend to focus on my own thoughts rather than on what my listener might be thinking. (-.41)
- 1444. Do you instinctively know when you are expected to offer an apology? (.37)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (-.34)
- 1438. Do others often misunderstand you when you act naturally? (-.34)
- 1414. EQ - I can usually appreciate the other person’s viewpoint, even if I don’t agree with it. (.35)
- 545. Are you good at teamwork? (.35)
- 686. AQ - I enjoy meeting new people. (.35)
- 1379. EQ - People often tell me that I went too far in driving my point home in a discussion. (-.34)
- 650. AQ - I find social situations easy. (.34)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (-.32)
- 646. AQ - Other people frequently tell me that what I've said is impolite, even though I think it is polite. (-.32)
- 144. Are you impatient and have low frustration tolerance? (-.32)
- 684. AQ - I find it difficult to work out people's intentions. (-.32)
- 1241. NEO - Feel comfortable around people (.33)
33 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R3:121 (690)
- R4:77 (1692)
- R1:68 (578)
- R2:118 (628)
3588 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 445
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:195 (2399)
- S9:203 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .40
Chi-square: 156
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:173 (2399)
- S9:181 (443)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Final: .41
Chi-square: 158
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .39
Chi-square: 92
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .39
Chi-square: 87
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:199 (443)
- F7:191 (2399)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Final: .38
Chi-square: 168
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:210 (2399)
- S9:218 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Final: .38
Chi-square: 137
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:190 (4595)
4595 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 535
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .01
g: .04
introvert: -.14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:193 (2399)
- S9:201 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .38
Chi-square: 124
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.04
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:203 (2399)
- S9:211 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .37
Chi-square: 199
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:194 (2399)
- S9:202 (443)
2842 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Final: .36
Chi-square: 119
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:190 (2399)
- S9:198 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .35
Chi-square: 136
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.03
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:207 (2399)
- S9:215 (441)
2840 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .36
Chi-square: 146
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .35
Chi-square: 74
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:223 (2399)
- S9:231 (442)
2841 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .35
Chi-square: 119
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.33
Final: -.33
Chi-square: 65
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .32
Chi-square: 58
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 34
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.30
Final: -.30
Chi-square: 55
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.30
Final: -.30
Chi-square: 55
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 59
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:179 (11313)
11313 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.29
Chi-square: 714
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .30
Chi-square: 53
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .30
Chi-square: 51
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F7:202 (2399)
- S9:210 (440)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .30
Chi-square: 125
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.06
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:187 (996)
- F2:163 (741)
1737 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .29
Chi-square: 97
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Final: -.28
Chi-square: 52
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:188 (1007)
- F2:199 (738)
1745 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .28
Chi-square: 74
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Final: -.26
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.26
Final: -.26
Chi-square: 61
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:217 (440)
- F7:209 (2399)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .26
Chi-square: 68
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:181 (11248)
11248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Chi-square: 540
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:161 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 46
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:168 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 35
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:165 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 34
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:145 (2886)
2886 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 84
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .07
g: .02
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:148 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 34
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:169 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 32
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:157 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 33
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:171 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 26
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S6:179 (2396)
2396 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 56
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.04
introvert: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:189 (1004)
- F2:214 (739)
1743 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 52
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 20
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:158 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:172 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 24
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 24
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:156 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:170 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Chi-square: 20
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:178 (11475)
11475 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 31
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:153 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 83
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.06
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .40
Chi-square: 84
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .35
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.06
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 81
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.08
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:81 (687)
- R5:103 (797)
- R6:109 (835)
2319 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 237
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.07
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:138 (692)
- R4:113 (1672)
- R6:2 (853)
- R7:2 (1013)
4230 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 422
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 79
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.07
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:24 (621)
- ND:185 (2334)
2955 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Chi-square: 276
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.03
introvert: -.12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:42 (5476)
- R1:38 (558)
6034 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Chi-square: 613
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .06
g: .02
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 112. Do you feel much younger inside than your biological age? (.41)
- 100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (.29)
- 92. Are you so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone is? (.28)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.28)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.28)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.28)
- 43. Do you have an odd posture, gait and/or difficulties sitting/standing erect? (.27)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.27)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.27)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.27)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.26)
- 68. Are you fairly self-absorbed, more interested in yourself than in others and/or an objective observer of yourself? (.26)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.26)
- 62. Do you dislike being touched - especially without prior warning, by the "wrong" person or at the "wrong" time? (.26)
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.26)
5 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 9:2 (5370)
- R2:1 (625)
- 6:124 (4560)
10555 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Chi-square: 750
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:150 (5051)
5051 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Chi-square: 303
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:89 (5941)
- II:100 (1494)
7435 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Chi-square: 462
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:141 (3522)
- 9:1 (4738)
8260 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Chi-square: 377
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.07
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:92 (5632)
- R2:2 (580)
6212 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Chi-square: 297
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .01
g: .05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:77 (539)
- S7:180 (2827)
3366 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 145
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 506. Are you sensitive to weather changes? (.31)
- 112. Do you feel much younger inside than your biological age? (.30)
- 56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (.30)
- 46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (.29)
- 178. Do you squint now or have done in the past? (.28)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.28)
- 511. Do you have problems with ball sports? (.28)
- 503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (.28)
- 509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (.27)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.27)
- 436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (.26)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.26)
- 508. Do you have poor balance, e.g. difficulty riding a bicycle, skating, standing on one leg? (.26)
- 513. Do you have difficulties with activities requiring manual precision, e.g sewing, tying shoe-laces, fastening buttons or handling small objects? (.25)
- 63. If you have to be touched, do you prefer it to be firmly rather than lightly? (.25)
13 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R2:3 (596)
- 9:4 (5208)
- III:94 (5856)
11660 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 530
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:23 (5767)
5767 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 229
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .03
g: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 172
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .04
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.10
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:186 (2399)
2399 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 85
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:140 (2790)
2790 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Chi-square: 92
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:12 (2718)
- 9:3 (5122)
- 6:125 (4470)
- III:90 (5792)
- II:99 (1449)
19551 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 564
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 136
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .02
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:187 (2353)
- 9:6 (5111)
7464 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 190
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:11 (4012)
4012 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 122
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:98 (5267)
5267 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Chi-square: 157
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .04
g: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:182 (2426)
2426 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 62
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .01
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:99 (5660)
5660 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 116
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:97 (1507)
1507 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .05
g: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:188 (2027)
2027 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:22 (5115)
5115 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Chi-square: 73
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:5 (5342)
- III:96 (5938)
11280 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 151
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:25 (5931)
5931 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 80
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:146 (3687)
3687 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 46
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .01
g: .00
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:157 (2371)
2371 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 16
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .06
g: .05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:95 (5956)
5956 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 47
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .03
g: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:184 (1975)
1975 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:91 (5872)
5872 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Chi-square: 39
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:160 (2942)
2942 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .07
g: .10
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- III:97 (5758)
5758 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 29
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:153 (3967)
- III:93 (5970)
- 6:152 (4696)
- 9:152 (5485)
- 7:156 (2942)
23060 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Chi-square: 115
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .06
g: .02
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:98 (1500)
1500 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:152 (3725)
- 7:155 (2713)
- 9:151 (5143)
- 6:151 (4408)
15989 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 35
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .07
g: .03
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:53 (2217)
- 6:56 (4556)
- R1:66 (585)
- 7:84 (2881)
- I:28 (5476)
15715 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .68
Chi-square: 5503
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .59
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 7, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.08
g: -.06
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.59)
- 500. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to visualize the place you're going to or rehearse possible scenarios in your mind so as to prepare yourself? (.54)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.54)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.54)
- 29. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to preparei yourself mentally first? (.53)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.52)
- 303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? (.52)
- 31. Has it been harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of the same age? (.51)
- 281. Do you find preferable/easier to understand & communicate with computers, animals or unusual people? (.50)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.49)
Quiz versions
- F12:154 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .67
Final: .67
Chi-square: 84
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .58
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.12
g: -.02
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:80 (5476)
- 7:146 (2816)
8292 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .62
Chi-square: 2543
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .55
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.03
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 5:73 (2209)
- ND:102 (2465)
- I:75 (5476)
10150 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .61
Chi-square: 3265
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .57
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 14
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .14
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.03
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 40. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed, or if an activity that is important to you gets interrupted? (.53)
- 28. Do you feel stress, panic or have a brain malfunction in unfamiliar or demanding situations? (.52)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.52)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.49)
- 303. Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? (.48)
- 77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over things which others get upset about? (.46)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.45)
- 70. Do you dislike or have difficulty with team sports and other group endeavours? (.44)
- 76. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others (e.g. banging your head in the wall, or being unable to show anything at all)? (.44)
Quiz versions
- R3:7 (698)
- S2:70 (4770)
- R6:38 (826)
- S1:71 (2965)
- R7:41 (1012)
- R4:12 (1666)
11937 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .60
Chi-square: 3336
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.00
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:151 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.59
Final: -.59
Chi-square: 67
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .52
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .13
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .59
Final: .59
Chi-square: 205
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .53
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:14 (693)
- R2:109 (615)
- F9:138 (1557)
- F10:138 (4013)
- F7:138 (2253)
- S4:69 (2936)
- S11:131 (2370)
- F5:138 (2614)
- F6:138 (1690)
- F3:138 (18040)
- R4:8 (1688)
- S9:137 (2077)
- F2:138 (2447)
- F1:138 (2402)
- FI:138 (40940)
- F4:138 (18531)
- S8:139 (2273)
- II:46 (1476)
- 8:65 (3794)
- S12:133 (3415)
- S3:71 (2233)
- R5:69 (788)
- F14:138 (803)
- F11:138 (1841)
- S10:140 (1716)
- N1:166 (4436)
- F13:138 (666)
- S1:81 (2943)
- F15:138 (380)
- N3:130 (4759)
- N2:143 (4216)
- S5:121 (11101)
- F8:138 (1666)
- S2:76 (4753)
- S6:132 (2376)
- S7:136 (2881)
- N4:131 (7219)
- R6:73 (817)
- R7:75 (997)
- F12:138 (234)
172649 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .58
Final: .59
Chi-square: 45011
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .51
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .00
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:157 (1992)
1992 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .57
Final: .57
Chi-square: 488
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:116 (2426)
- S8:123 (2314)
- S6:117 (2394)
- S5:125 (11183)
- S12:122 (3527)
- S7:120 (2922)
- S4:143 (2969)
- N1:152 (4550)
- S10:124 (1750)
- S9:121 (2119)
36154 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .56
Chi-square: 8585
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:115 (2365)
- S9:123 (2081)
- S12:121 (3443)
- S7:122 (2852)
- S10:126 (1698)
- N1:151 (4439)
- S8:125 (2268)
- S4:142 (2883)
- S6:116 (2351)
- S5:128 (11017)
35397 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .55
Chi-square: 8270
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .48
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .00
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- I:33 (5476)
- R2:64 (618)
- R1:6 (562)
6656 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .54
Chi-square: 1622
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .49
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:156 (2662)
2662 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .53
Final: .53
Chi-square: 543
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .45
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .02
g: .15
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:171 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.49
Final: -.49
Chi-square: 53
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .46
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 12, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.13
g: -.01
introvert: -.14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:172 (828)
828 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .49
Final: .49
Chi-square: 151
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .43
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:144 (634)
- F9:144 (1500)
- F10:144 (3841)
- F6:144 (1619)
- F2:144 (2346)
- F7:144 (2194)
- F15:144 (350)
- F8:144 (1590)
- F4:144 (17771)
- F3:144 (17323)
- F5:144 (2518)
- F14:144 (776)
- F11:144 (1760)
- F1:144 (2274)
- F12:144 (230)
- R1:28 (538)
- R2:63 (571)
- N4:154 (5560)
- FI:144 (38398)
101793 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .48
Final: .55
Chi-square: 17675
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .42
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:192 (1778)
- S3:178 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Final: .48
Chi-square: 396
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .41
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.05
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:41 (1733)
- S9:155 (2078)
3811 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .46
Chi-square: 607
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .40
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:21 (1493)
- R1:2 (581)
2074 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .45
Chi-square: 303
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:153 (2022)
2022 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .44
Chi-square: 295
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .38
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .12
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:21 (466)
- ND:10 (1848)
- III:10 (4255)
- 5:9 (1632)
- II:11 (1155)
- 9:26 (4006)
- G4:192 (1595)
- R6:13 (570)
- 6:10 (3692)
19219 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .43
Chi-square: 2901
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .39
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: .02
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 565. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure? (.44)
- 56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (.44)
- 477. Do you have psychic abilities? (.42)
- 389. Do you have a very acute sense of smell? (.40)
- 390. Do you have a very acute sense of taste? (.39)
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.39)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.38)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.38)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.38)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.37)
- 632. Are you affected negatively by high air humidity combined with hot weather? (.37)
- 502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (.37)
- 1740. Do you think that living beings are connected in a mysterious way? (.36)
- 57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (.36)
- 503. Are your eyes extra sensitive to stong light and glare? (.36)
11 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F6:182 (1778)
- S3:168 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Final: .46
Chi-square: 336
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:23 (632)
- 6:145 (4509)
5141 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .43
Chi-square: 666
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:180 (1847)
1847 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Final: .42
Chi-square: 250
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.07
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:137 (690)
- R4:112 (1663)
- R2:156 (621)
- 8:6 (3831)
- 5:103 (2177)
- R7:1 (1015)
- S2:90 (4792)
- S1:98 (2970)
- ND:183 (2412)
- 9:129 (5290)
- 7:7 (2849)
- S3:83 (2253)
- 6:129 (4520)
- S4:82 (2936)
- S9:145 (2096)
- R6:1 (843)
- S8:149 (2290)
- R5:1 (802)
- S7:147 (2898)
- S5:136 (11115)
- S6:142 (2362)
60425 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .42
Chi-square: 6895
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.00
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:132 (616)
- N2:149 (4255)
- N1:171 (4529)
- ND:91 (2430)
11830 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Chi-square: 1514
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 718. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations? (.44)
- 360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (.38)
- 253. Do you have contamination fears of germs, dirt, etc? (.37)
- 601. Do you feel stressed in unfamiliar situations? (.35)
- 443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (.33)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.33)
- 466. Do you rehearse inside your head? (.33)
- 532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (.32)
- 501. Do you self-harm, or have you done so in the past? (.31)
- 866. Do you feel that people are watching you? (.31)
- 530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue? (.31)
- 39. Do you have strong attachments to certain favorite objects? (.31)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.30)
- 35. Do you have a need for comfort items like a blanket, stuffed animals etc? (.30)
- 120. Do you sometimes get very emotional about simple objects? (.30)
Quiz versions
- F13:177 (619)
619 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .41
Final: .41
Chi-square: 79
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 744
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .37
Quiz scoring
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.38)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.36)
- 96. Once you understand how someone feels, do you usually want to express you sympathy, help or cheer that person up if he or she is in distress? (.35)
- 58. Do you feel strongly attracted to, or appalled by, certain tastes, smells, sounds, colours, shapes, textures or materials? (.35)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.34)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.34)
- 66. Do you get very tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (.33)
- 93. Have you been bullied, abused or taken advantage of? (.32)
- 100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (.32)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.32)
- 61. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch? (.32)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.32)
- 92. Are you so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone is? (.32)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.31)
- 56. Do you feel uncomfortable in fluorescent light? (.31)
6 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- S4:144 (2976)
2976 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 377
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .36
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.07
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S4:146 (2876)
2876 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .39
Chi-square: 335
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .34
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .12
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N2:150 (4327)
- N1:185 (4578)
- N3:136 (4877)
13782 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .38
Chi-square: 1360
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .01
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:152 (1833)
1833 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Final: .37
Chi-square: 199
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .33
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.03
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:159 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .37
Chi-square: 83
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:136 (2229)
- 7:125 (2669)
- 6:133 (4201)
- 5:108 (2026)
11125 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.36
Chi-square: 1170
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .32
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .12
g: .01
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R2:41 (590)
- II:35 (1451)
- R3:165 (670)
- R5:138 (790)
3501 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 310
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.06
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:150 (3845)
3845 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .36
Chi-square: 374
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.08
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:215 (1778)
- S3:201 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .35
Final: .37
Chi-square: 233
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .31
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:182 (1816)
1816 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .34
Final: .34
Chi-square: 158
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .30
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.07
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:154 (1778)
- S3:140 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Final: .35
Chi-square: 208
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R3:72 (682)
- R2:25 (626)
- III:21 (5868)
7176 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .33
Chi-square: 597
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .00
g: .06
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:159 (1537)
1537 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .32
Chi-square: 124
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.05
g: .00
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:210 (1778)
- S3:196 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .35
Chi-square: 195
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:224 (1778)
- S3:210 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .36
Chi-square: 192
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.03
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S10:173 (521)
- F10:155 (4226)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Final: .32
Chi-square: 375
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .10
introvert: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 45
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.05
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:157 (2057)
- N1:172 (4486)
6543 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .32
Chi-square: 478
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .01
g: .02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 959. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were much more talkative than usual? (.64)
- 1164. Has there ever been a period of time when you were much more social or outgoing than usual; for example, you telephoned friends in the middle of the night? (.57)
- 957. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you did things that were unusual for you? (.52)
- 958. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and you were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments? (.37)
- 306. Do you have regular periods of high activity interspaced with periods of lower activity? (.35)
- 362. Have you experienced stronger than normal attachments to certain people? (.31)
- 1020. ADD - Frequent search for high stimulation (bungee jumping, gambling, race track, high stress jobs, ER doctors, doing many things at once, etc.) (.31)
- 982. ADD - Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending) (.31)
- 960. Has there been a period of time when you were not your usual self and spending money got you or your family into trouble? (.30)
- 1163. Do you have mood swings? (.28)
- 623. Are you prone to getting depressions? (.28)
- 1023. ADD - Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work) (.27)
- 986. ADD - A prisoner of the moment (.26)
- 745. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others? (.26)
- 614. Are you or have you been hyperactive? (.26)
23 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- R4:171 (647)
- F1:168 (709)
1356 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .29
Chi-square: 111
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .29
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.03
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:168 (1778)
- S3:154 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .34
Chi-square: 181
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:214 (1778)
- S3:200 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .33
Chi-square: 181
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:120 (2400)
2400 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Chi-square: 170
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:169 (1778)
- S3:155 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .35
Chi-square: 179
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.05
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:203 (1778)
- S3:189 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .34
Chi-square: 171
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:159 (1891)
1891 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .31
Final: .31
Chi-square: 138
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .27
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .01
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F14:175 (812)
- F15:164 (378)
1190 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .30
Chi-square: 82
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.02
g: -.02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:162 (2849)
2849 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.29
Chi-square: 216
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:185 (1923)
1923 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .30
Final: .30
Chi-square: 130
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.11
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:172 (2479)
2479 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .29
Chi-square: 159
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.11
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:90 (2457)
2457 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Chi-square: 155
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.05
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 254. Do you have phobias? (.37)
- 38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (.27)
- 252. Do you crave order in your home and work environments? (.25)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.25)
- 36. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow? (.23)
- 249. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first? (.23)
- 352. OCD (.22)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.22)
- 201. Do you dislike touch? (.21)
Quiz versions
- F5:155 (2597)
2597 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .29
Chi-square: 179
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .26
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .05
g: .08
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Final: -.28
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:81 (2392)
- R2:133 (614)
3006 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Chi-square: 164
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .08
g: .01
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.28
Final: -.28
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .29
Chi-square: 44
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.02
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:213 (1778)
- S3:199 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .29
Final: .32
Chi-square: 149
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .28
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:198 (1778)
- S3:184 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .32
Chi-square: 145
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:159 (1778)
- S3:145 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .28
Final: .31
Chi-square: 150
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.06
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:177 (1778)
- S3:163 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .29
Chi-square: 133
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.06
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:195 (1778)
- S3:181 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .31
Chi-square: 145
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:209 (1778)
- S3:195 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .27
Final: .30
Chi-square: 130
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Final: -.25
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:151 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Chi-square: 72
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:137 (3752)
- G4:193 (2008)
- S2:153 (4262)
10022 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .26
Final: .25
Chi-square: 476
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.09
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.25
Final: -.25
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .25
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .29
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:80 (1495)
1495 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Chi-square: 74
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .03
g: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:171 (1778)
- S3:157 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .28
Chi-square: 119
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:184 (1958)
1958 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .25
Final: .25
Chi-square: 93
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .22
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.12
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:164 (659)
- R5:143 (753)
1412 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Final: .30
Chi-square: 83
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .24
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .03
g: .04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:137 (5375)
- S7:177 (2945)
8320 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Chi-square: 354
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.10
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:164 (987)
- G4:174 (2017)
3004 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Final: .24
Chi-square: 130
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .06
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:151 (1778)
- S3:137 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .24
Final: .27
Chi-square: 109
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.23
Final: -.23
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .23
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 8
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .16
g: .06
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:173 (2023)
2023 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 84
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: .17
g: .11
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:166 (965)
- G4:176 (1975)
2940 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .23
Chi-square: 122
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .06
introvert: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:208 (2507)
2507 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 112
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .01
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .23
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .22
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:171 (2417)
2417 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 93
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .04
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:155 (1486)
1486 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Final: .23
Chi-square: 67
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.15
introvert: -.15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:152 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 57
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:150 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .23
Chi-square: 59
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.22
Final: -.22
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .22
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:162 (952)
- G4:170 (1941)
2893 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 110
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .01
g: .15
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:177 (2187)
2187 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 80
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:167 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 51
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:178 (1778)
- S3:164 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .24
Chi-square: 99
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.04
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:162 (440)
- F7:154 (2399)
2839 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 59
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:145 (5233)
5233 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Chi-square: 186
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .00
g: .01
introvert: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:153 (1880)
1880 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.21
Final: -.21
Chi-square: 69
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F10:158 (4226)
- S10:176 (521)
4747 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 177
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .06
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:186 (1953)
1953 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .22
Final: .22
Chi-square: 71
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.22
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:151 (1967)
1967 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.21
Final: -.21
Chi-square: 71
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .12
g: -.03
introvert: -.16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:192 (2359)
2359 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Chi-square: 92
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .20
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.09
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:194 (1778)
- S3:180 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .25
Chi-square: 89
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.06
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:187 (1778)
- S3:173 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .21
Final: .24
Chi-square: 85
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.03
introvert: -.06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.20
Final: -.20
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:85 (1492)
1492 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 48
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:193 (978)
- F2:183 (740)
1718 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Final: .20
Chi-square: 45
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: .04
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Final: .20
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.19
Final: -.19
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 187
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 13
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 79. Are you sometimes so empathic that you feel other peoples' or animals' feelings as your own? (.35)
- 94. Do you get surprised and disappointed when people are unfriendly and don't seem to understand or accept you as you are? (.34)
- 99. Do you have strong sense of ethics and a tendency to stand up for your ideals & beliefs? (.31)
- 93. Have you been bullied, abused or taken advantage of? (.28)
- 92. Are you so honest and sincere yourself that you assume everyone is? (.28)
- 55. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head? (.27)
- 81. Do you tend to feel nervous, shy, confused or left out in social situations? (.25)
- 75. Do you easily get frustrated and upset when you are stressed, tired, hungry, interrupted, questioned, over-stimulated, or when things don't go as you had anticipated? (.25)
- 100. Do you have values & views that are either very old-fashioned or way ahead of their time? (.25)
- 71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (.24)
- 30. Do you feel a lot safer if you have a trusted companion with you? (.22)
- 60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (.21)
- 80. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations, yet fearless in situations which may actually be dangerous? (.21)
- 65. Are you easily overexcited, stressed and overwhelmed by things like noise, crowds, clutter, patterns, flicker and movement? (.21)
- 53. Do you notice small sounds that others don't, or feel pained by loud or irritating noise? (.21)
4 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- 8:136 (3847)
3847 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 177
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .21
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .06
g: .04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.19
Final: -.19
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.19
Final: -.19
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:19 (1455)
1455 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .20
Chi-square: 43
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:162 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F3:152 (11052)
11052 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .19
Chi-square: 307
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.06
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .19
Chi-square: 5
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .19
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Final: -.18
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .27
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Final: -.18
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:165 (2812)
2812 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Chi-square: 98
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.18
Final: -.18
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .19
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .19
Final: .19
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:181 (1778)
- S3:167 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .19
Chi-square: 58
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.03
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.17
Chi-square: 16
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .18
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:172 (1778)
- S3:158 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .19
Chi-square: 62
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.02
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .18
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:151 (2609)
2609 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .18
Final: .18
Chi-square: 91
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .17
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.16
Final: -.16
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S9:158 (1974)
1974 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 45
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .00
g: .02
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:151 (1663)
- S11:150 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .18
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.01
g: .04
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1086. TS - Do you involuntarily repeat or imitate observed movements of others (echopraxia)? (.36)
- 1089. TS - Do you have complex motor tics (eg facial grimaces, pulling cloth, touching people or objects, obscene gesturing or gyrating movements)? (.34)
- 1090. TS - Do you have complex vocal tics (eg talking to yourself, using socially meaningless sentences)? (.32)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.32)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.29)
- 1088. TS - Do you repeat or echo your own spoken words (stuttering, palilalia)? (.29)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.27)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.27)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.26)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.25)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.24)
- 1087. TS - Do you repeat vocalizations made by others (echolalia)? (.24)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.24)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.23)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.22)
8 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.16
Final: -.16
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:149 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Chi-square: 23
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.16
Final: -.16
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .17
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:160 (1778)
- S3:146 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .17
Final: .19
Chi-square: 61
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.05
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:28 (1449)
1449 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Chi-square: 41
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .08
g: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Final: -.15
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Final: -.15
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.04
g: .02
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:159 (897)
- G4:165 (1806)
2703 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 55
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .02
g: .08
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Final: -.15
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .16
Final: .16
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Final: -.15
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .25
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.15
Final: -.15
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:152 (2581)
2581 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 54
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R1:50 (530)
- 7:144 (2653)
3183 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Chi-square: 53
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .04
g: .05
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:156 (1736)
1736 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 12
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: -.10
g: .09
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 12
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 2, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.03
g: -.07
introvert: -.08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:160 (1972)
1972 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 38
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.20
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:191 (2022)
- II:13 (1454)
- S2:151 (4312)
7788 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .16
Chi-square: 136
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.08
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.14
Final: -.14
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .15
Final: .15
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:176 (2539)
2539 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 39
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.10
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Chi-square: 16
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:171 (1923)
- G5:163 (944)
2867 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.17
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:169 (980)
- G4:179 (2021)
3001 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 83
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .17
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .03
g: .05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:154 (2942)
2942 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Chi-square: 69
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .03
g: .08
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:172 (1663)
- S11:171 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .15
Chi-square: 29
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.50)
- 1094. TS - Do you have five or more motor tic types in the list above? (.49)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.49)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.45)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.44)
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.43)
- 1107. TS - If you have tics, do they cause distress? (.41)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.41)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.41)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.41)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.40)
- 1095. TS - Do you have three or more vocal tic types in the list above? (.40)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.38)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.36)
- 1092. TS - If you have tics, do the wax and wane? (.34)
2 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:191 (1007)
- F2:165 (743)
1750 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 21
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .26
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:187 (248)
248 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.13
Final: -.13
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .16
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 9, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.10
g: .07
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .14
Final: .14
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:172 (1874)
1874 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .06
g: .08
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:166 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Chi-square: 33
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 12
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:173 (1663)
- S11:172 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .15
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 1, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.02
g: .07
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
- 1097. TS - If you have tics, have they varied with some tics disappearing and new tics appearing over time? (.50)
- 1105. TS - Do you have frequent tics (more than one per minute at times)? (.46)
- 1109. TS - Have you had tics for a duration of two or more years (.45)
- 1104. TS - If you have tics, do a mention or sight of a specific tic induce it (suggestible)? (.45)
- 1100. TS - If you have tics, do you attempt to suppress them? (.43)
- 1098. TS - If you have tics, do you have them even if you are not in a stressful situation? (.42)
- 1103. TS - If you have tics, do you sense relief after you had them? (.42)
- 1106. TS - Do you have orchestrated sequences of tics? (.41)
- 1096. TS - If you have motor tics, do they affect multiple body locations? (.41)
- 1101. TS - If you have tics and you try to suppress them, do they become worse (rebound effect)? (.41)
- 1093. TS - If you have tics, did they begin above shoulders (.40)
- 1102. TS - If you have tics, can you sense their coming beforehand (premonitory sensation)? (.39)
- 1091. TS - Did you have tics before the age of twelve? (.38)
- 1110. TS - Have your tics been confirmed by one or more reliable observers? (.38)
- 1108. TS - If you have tics, have you sought treatment or diagnosis? (.38)
10 question(s) not listed
Quiz versions
- F12:156 (246)
246 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 16
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .25
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 6, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: -.07
g: .06
introvert: -.11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:170 (2788)
2788 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 57
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 21
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:151 (3967)
3967 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 129
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .18
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .15
Neurotypical: .08
g: .08
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: -.01
g: -.11
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:161 (2863)
- S1:148 (1315)
4178 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Chi-square: 149
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.12
Final: -.12
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.04
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:206 (2507)
- S8:176 (2384)
- S6:183 (2456)
- S9:240 (2184)
- S5:175 (11475)
- S7:187 (2997)
- S1:145 (3123)
- S3:214 (2366)
- S2:144 (5031)
- S10:192 (1805)
- S4:201 (3069)
39397 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 561
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:159 (2524)
2524 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Final: .13
Chi-square: 41
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .05
g: .07
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N1:193 (3563)
3563 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .13
Chi-square: 43
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.11
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S5:180 (11287)
11287 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Chi-square: 143
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F6:189 (1778)
- S3:175 (616)
2394 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .15
Chi-square: 29
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: -.02
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:199 (2366)
2366 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 28
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .01
g: .04
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Final: -.11
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:152 (1546)
1546 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 20
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 9
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: -.12
g: -.21
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Final: -.11
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Final: -.11
Chi-square: 5
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Final: -.11
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.11
Final: -.11
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 5
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .15
g: .01
introvert: -.16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:115 (4479)
4479 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Chi-square: 60
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .12
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .03
g: .14
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .12
Final: .12
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:203 (1001)
- F2:262 (739)
1740 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .05
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:155 (1720)
1720 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 8
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: -.12
g: -.01
introvert: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:190 (1951)
1951 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:160 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:183 (2042)
2042 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 21
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.10
Final: -.10
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .11
Final: .11
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:181 (1342)
1342 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.001
Cramer's phi: .11
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.06
introvert: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Final: -.09
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Final: -.09
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:140 (5354)
5354 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:176 (239)
239 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Chi-square: 2
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Final: -.09
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:169 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F13:176 (684)
- F15:178 (379)
1063 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .13
g: .05
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.09
Final: -.09
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F3:153 (12981)
12981 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 92
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:169 (1903)
1903 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Final: .10
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .02
g: .27
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:160 (1901)
1901 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .10
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S1:153 (1392)
1392 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F11:176 (1828)
1828 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.08
Final: -.08
Chi-square: 42
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .15
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 5
Neurotypical score: NO 8, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: -.09
g: .01
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S1:156 (1391)
1391 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Chi-square: 37
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:168 (1764)
1764 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.26
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:189 (2005)
2005 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.28
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:201 (1002)
- F2:235 (741)
1743 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: .03
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .09
Final: .09
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:153 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:155 (735)
- G4:161 (1565)
2300 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Final: .08
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: .01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:158 (2371)
2371 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .07
g: .06
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:204 (954)
- F2:263 (741)
1695 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Final: .08
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 16, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.17
g: -.03
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Final: .08
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.07
Final: -.07
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .21
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .08
Final: .08
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:156 (836)
- G4:162 (1754)
2590 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 12
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: .01
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F9:174 (1663)
- S11:173 (239)
1902 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .08
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:190 (998)
- F2:158 (741)
1739 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:157 (802)
- G4:163 (1704)
2506 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: -.01
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:199 (1002)
- F2:219 (741)
1743 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.00
g: .06
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 5
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:188 (2066)
2066 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .04
Neurotypical: .05
g: -.24
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:17 (1315)
1315 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .14
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 6
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .19
g: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Chi-square: 2
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .24
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:177 (1900)
- G5:167 (929)
2829 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 22
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.02
introvert: -.00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:165 (941)
- G4:175 (1952)
2893 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.01
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 2
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .08
Neurotypical: .10
g: -.02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.06
Final: -.06
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F2:218 (741)
- G5:198 (986)
1727 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Final: .07
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: .00
g: -.01
introvert: .01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .07
Chi-square: 12
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Final: -.05
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:147 (4396)
4396 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 2
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Final: -.05
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:167 (2805)
2805 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 33
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:152 (983)
- G4:155 (2024)
3007 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 28
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.05
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Final: -.05
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:159 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Chi-square: 11
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Final: -.05
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G4:167 (1921)
- G5:161 (945)
2866 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Final: -.05
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.05
Final: -.05
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .23
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .06
Final: .06
Chi-square: 2
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 6
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: -.06
g: -.11
introvert: -.05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F1:164 (711)
- R4:167 (648)
1359 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Final: -.05
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 4
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .06
g: .01
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:154 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Final: -.04
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:194 (992)
- F2:185 (740)
1732 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 12
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.02
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Final: -.04
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Final: -.04
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S11:148 (2321)
2321 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Chi-square: 41
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .13
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .08
g: .07
introvert: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:160 (898)
- G4:166 (1875)
2773 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:153 (964)
- G4:156 (1958)
2922 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Chi-square: 15
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:196 (999)
- F2:197 (742)
1741 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:26 (2386)
2386 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .04
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .03
g: .04
introvert: -.02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .05
Final: .05
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .18
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Final: -.04
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Final: -.04
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F12:174 (249)
249 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.04
Final: -.04
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 5, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: -.06
g: .09
introvert: -.03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Final: -.03
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S6:177 (2367)
2367 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .04
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 4
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .06
g: .10
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Final: -.03
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:163 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 5
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Final: -.03
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.005
Cramer's phi: .28
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Final: -.03
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:166 (2806)
2806 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:149 (4589)
4589 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F15:181 (386)
386 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 3, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .01
Neurotypical: -.04
g: -.17
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:200 (1003)
- F2:225 (739)
1742 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 17
p < 0.0005
Cramer's phi: .10
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .01
g: .06
introvert: .02
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:205 (960)
- F2:268 (738)
1698 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Final: -.03
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:151 (1551)
1551 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 10
Neurotypical score: NO 11, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: -.12
g: -.24
introvert: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 6:144 (4497)
- I:2 (5461)
9958 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.03
Chi-square: 27
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .11
g: .08
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .10
Neurotypical: .07
g: .09
introvert: -.07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 9:153 (5485)
5485 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .03
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .16
Neurotypical: .09
g: -.08
introvert: -.13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .04
Final: .04
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .19
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:134 (2895)
2895 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.02
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .03
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .05
Neurotypical: .04
g: .05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Final: .03
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Final: .03
Chi-square: 6
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .17
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:148 (4630)
4630 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G7:153 (1549)
1549 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Final: .03
Chi-square: 14
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .09
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 11
Neurotypical score: NO 14, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .11
Neurotypical: -.15
g: -.15
introvert: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Final: .03
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.02
Final: -.02
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- N3:164 (1331)
1331 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Chi-square: 5
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S12:151 (1594)
1594 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.02
Chi-square: 18
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Final: .03
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F5:157 (2557)
2557 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .03
Final: .03
Chi-square: 13
p < 0.002
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 7
Neurotypical score: NO 4, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: -.05
g: -.05
introvert: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:192 (1011)
- F2:170 (742)
1753 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .04
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .02
g: -.04
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- II:53 (1370)
1370 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .06
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 3
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .12
Neurotypical: .15
g: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 4
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 7:135 (2892)
2892 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Chi-square: 3
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Final: -.01
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Final: -.01
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .16
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- F2:208 (740)
- G5:197 (977)
1717 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Final: -.01
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .05
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:154 (971)
- G4:158 (1967)
2938 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 32
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:202 (883)
- F2:238 (736)
1619 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Final: .02
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .03
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:195 (1013)
- F2:195 (742)
1755 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: -.01
Final: -.01
Chi-square: 9
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- S2:168 (2795)
2795 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .02
Chi-square: 36
p < 0.0002
Cramer's phi: .11
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .13
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:151 (983)
- G4:154 (2008)
2991 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .04
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .03
Neurotypical: .04
g: -.05
introvert: .00
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 7
p < 0.1
Cramer's phi: .15
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- 8:145 (3806)
3806 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Chi-square: 8
p < 0.05
Cramer's phi: .05
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 2
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .09
Neurotypical: .07
g: -.01
introvert: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:168 (1006)
- G4:178 (2070)
3076 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .08
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .13
Neurotypical: .14
g: -.02
introvert: -.04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .07
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .12
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 2
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .08
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .01
Final: .01
Chi-square: 3
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .06
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- ND:175 (2404)
- N4:156 (5761)
8165 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Chi-square: 40
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 1
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .07
Neurotypical: .06
g: -.11
introvert: -.01
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- R5:89 (726)
- S7:179 (2714)
3440 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Chi-square: 19
p < 0.0001
Cramer's phi: .07
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 3
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 0
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .06
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.02
introvert: .04
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 5
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .20
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 10
p < 0.02
Cramer's phi: .14
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
- G5:170 (1012)
- G4:187 (2077)
3089 answers
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 4
p < 0.2
Cramer's phi: .04
Quiz scoring
Aspie score: NO 0, YES 0
Neurotypical score: NO 0, YES 1
Factor loadings from principal components analysis
Aspie: .02
Neurotypical: .03
g: -.13
introvert: -.09
Correlated groups
Correlated questions
Quiz versions
Comparisons between people that score high on Aspie-score and people that score high on neurotypical score
Pearson's r
All: .00
Final: .00
Chi-square: 1
p < ---
Cramer's phi: .10
Correlated groups
Correlated questions