Between question correlations

382. Do you have odd teeth; e.g. teeth that are crooked or bigger than usual; gaps; overlaps; underbite etc.? (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
191. Do you have a larger head (or hat size) than normal? (Aspie-score correlation: .23)
193. Do you have loose joints that have dislocated? (Aspie-score correlation: .25)
510. Do you have difficulties imitating & timing the movements of others, e.g. when learning new dance steps or in gym class? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
214. Are you the last one to finish manual tasks? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
111. Did you perceive practical classes like handi-work or gymnasics as hard in school? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
509. Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
46. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
207. Do you have difficulty with throwing and catching a ball? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
61. Do you feel tortured by clothes tags, clothes that are too tight in certain places or are made in the 'wrong' material? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
60. Are you sensitive to heat, cold, wind and/or changes in air-pressure, humidity etc? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
55. Do recently heard phrases, tunes or rhythms tend to stick and repeat themselves in your head? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
502. Do you have extra sensitive hearing? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
174. Do you have unusual eating patterns? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
101. Do you have an unusual sensitivity to pain? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
448. Do you have a fascination for slowly flowing water? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
63. If you have to be touched, do you prefer it to be firmly rather than lightly? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
57. Do you have a very acute sense of smell and/or taste? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
385. Do you instinctively become frightened by the sound of a motor-bike? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
178. Do you squint now or have done in the past? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
102. Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
160. Do you feel an urge to peel flakes off yourself and / or others? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
383. Do you tend to shut one or both of your eyes in strong sun-light? (Aspie-score correlation: .46)
332. Do you have food intolerances? (Aspie-score correlation: .38)
175. Do you prefer cold weather over warm weather? (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
159. Do you have an intense dislike for the military? (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
498. Are you naturally nocturnal, i.e. do you tend to be most alert at night? (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
26. Do you tend to get so absorbed in your projects that you forget everything else (e.g. eating, sleeping, taking a shower, other people)? (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
20. Do you focus on one interest at a time and become an expert on that subject? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
23. Do you have unconventional, often unique ways of solving problems? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
5. Do you take an interest in, and remember, details that others do not seem to notice? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
499. Have you been called a 'know-it-all' because you feel compelled to correct people with accurate facts? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
493. Do you tend to be more blunt and straightforward than others? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
99. Do you have high morals and a tendency to stand up for your ideals and beliefs even if they are contrary to general consensus, or if it means social or economical disadvantages? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
19. Are you very gifted in one or more areas? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
300. Do you take on too much because it is easier than having to explain to others how to do it? (Aspie-score correlation: .36)
515. Do you find it hard to focus on or learn things you are not interested in? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
319. Do you find it difficult to taking notes in lectures? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
143. Are you easily distracted and/or bored? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
165. Do you find it easy to organize your daily life? (Aspie-score correlation: -.32)
119. Do you sometimes flip letters? (Aspie-score correlation: .39)
294. Do you often forget were you put things? (Aspie-score correlation: .38)
91. Do you have more difficulties than others of the same age when it comes to making friendships and getting into relationships? (Aspie-score correlation: .69)
487. Do you find it difficult to figure out how to behave in various situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .73)
66. Do you get exceedingly tired after socializing, and need to regenerate alone? (Aspie-score correlation: .66)
151. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream and / or considered odd? (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
398. Do you dislike eye-contact? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
81. Do you tend to feel get nervous, shy, confused and/or like you don't fit in, in various social situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
500. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to visualize the place you're going to or rehearse possible scenarios in your mind so as to prepare yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
98. Do you find social chitchat difficult, tiresome and/or a waste of time? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
365. Do you find it easier to communicate online than in real life? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
507. Do you dislike being touched or hugged unless you're prepared or have asked for it? (Aspie-score correlation: .62)
454. Do you prefer to do things on your own even if you could use others work or expertice? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
134. Do you find the usual courting behavior natural? (Aspie-score correlation: -.54)
71. Do you mostly prefer to play/work/do things on your own - in your own way and at your own pace? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
258. Are you comfortable in social situations and with new people? (Aspie-score correlation: -.51)
67. Are you more of an observer than one who participates in life - being a detached observer ? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
219. Do you lose interest in what others have to say? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
97. Are you usually unaware of/disinterested in what is currently in vogue? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
421. Do you dislike it when people turn up at your home uninvited? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
291. Are you good at party games? (Aspie-score correlation: -.49)
243. Do you welcome a surprise, even if it means being taken off task? (Aspie-score correlation: -.50)
492. If asked to describe yourself, would you do so in a detached way, as if you were describing someone else? (Aspie-score correlation: .49)
33. Do you prefer the company of those older than yourself to that of your peers? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
282. Are your views typical of your peer group? (Aspie-score correlation: -.46)
236. Do you like having other involved in your pursuits? (Aspie-score correlation: -.46)
125. Do you enjoy being in a big crowd, such as a football game? (Aspie-score correlation: -.45)
149. Do your friends mean more to you than hobbies and interests? (Aspie-score correlation: -.46)
265. Do you judge a potential mate as most anybody else would? (Aspie-score correlation: -.49)
305. Are you relaxed most anywhere, anytime? (Aspie-score correlation: -.44)
378. Do you get annoyed when people drop by to visit you? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
489. Have you had difficulties fitting into expected gender stereotypes, perhaps having interests and behaviors that are atypical for your gender? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
326. Do you remember rules of a game but not enjoy playing? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
139. Are you asexual? (Aspie-score correlation: .32)
367. Is a large social network important for you? (Aspie-score correlation: -.39)
153. Do you enjoy gossip? (Aspie-score correlation: -.33)
345. Do you talk to put others at ease even when you really have nothing to say? (Aspie-score correlation: -.28)
403. Have you been accused of staring? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
402. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
532. Do you do any of the following in order to calm yourself when excited, overwhelmed or overstimulated: rocking; flapping hands; tapping ears; pressing eyes? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
405. Do you tap your fingers? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
230. Do you blink or roll your eyes? (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
401. Do you talk to yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: .45)
444. Do your hands shake? (Aspie-score correlation: .39)
530. Do you do any of the following when anxious: twisting hands or fingers; rubbing hands, arms or thighs; biting lip, cheek or tongue? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
414. Do you chew on things? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
535. Do you grind your teeth when stressed or anxious? (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
528. Do you do any of the following when you're thinking, restless or bored: pacing; bouncing leg or foot; tapping fingers, pen or other object; doodling; fiddling with object e.g clicking pen; chewing on something? (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
438. Do you have an urge to climb? (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
83. In conversations, do you have trouble with things like timing and reciprocity? (Aspie-score correlation: .73)
88. Do you have difficulties interpreting body language and/or facial expressions and figuring out what people feel and want, unless they tell you? (Aspie-score correlation: .73)
115. Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion? (Aspie-score correlation: .66)
95. Is being honest so natural to you that you often don't notice - or care - if others may find your remarks inappropriate, hurtful or rude? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
226. Are you often surprised what people's motives are ? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
43. Do you have an odd posture, gait and/or difficulties sitting/standing erect? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
129. Do you have difficulty summarizing and reporting conversations or describing events? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
18. Do you have a monotonous voice and/or difficulty adjusting volume and speed when you talk? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
87. Do you have difficulties understanding figures of speech, parodies, allegories, irony etc? (Aspie-score correlation: .57)
359. Do you have an odd posture or gait? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
54. Do you have problems distinguishing voices from background noise, or from other voices? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
495. Do you find it easy to describe your feelings? (Aspie-score correlation: -.52)
89. Do you have problems recognizing faces out of their usual context (e.g. your doctor at the supermarket without his white robe)? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
225. Are you intuitive about what people need from you? (Aspie-score correlation: -.49)
15. Do you have a habit of repeating your own or others' last words, internally or out loud (echolalia)? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
17. Do you use stock phrases or phrases borrowed from other situations or people? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
443. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed? (Aspie-score correlation: .66)
227. Have you taken initiative only to find out it was not wanted? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
73. Do you dislike shaking hands? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
126. Have you had the feeling of playing a game to pretend to be like people around you? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
93. Have you been bullied, abused or taken advantage of in various situations? (Aspie-score correlation: .54)
240. Do you find it very hard to learn things that you are not interested in? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
518. Do you tend to be impatient and impulsive, e.g. having trouble waiting for your turn? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
167. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
473. Is it harder for you than for others to get over a failed relationship? (Aspie-score correlation: .48)
123. Do you expect other people to know your thoughts, experiences and opinions? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
445. Do you apologize constantly? (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
106. Do you often have thoughts of committing suicide? (Aspie-score correlation: .41)
501. Do you self-harm, or have you done so in the past? (Aspie-score correlation: .37)
309. Do your feelings cycle regulary between hopelessness and extremely high confidence? (Aspie-score correlation: .39)
412. Do you self-injure? (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
25. Does it feel vitally important to be left undisturbed to persue your special interests? (Aspie-score correlation: .69)
397. Do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them? (Aspie-score correlation: .63)
360. Does it cause chaos in your body or mind if your plans, environment or daily routines suddenly get changed? (Aspie-score correlation: .67)
249. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
38. Do you need to sit on your favourite seat, go the same route or shop in the same shop every time? (Aspie-score correlation: .65)
37. Do you prefer to wear the same clothes and/or eat the same food every day? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
36. Do you have certain simple & logical routines which you need to follow? (Aspie-score correlation: .61)
39. Do you have very strong attachments to certain objects, e.g. a favourite cup or a favourite towel and really need to have that precise one? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
22. Do you love to collect and organize things, make lists & diagrams etc? (Aspie-score correlation: .51)
436. Do you have a need for symmetry, order and/or precision? (Aspie-score correlation: .50)
35. Do you have a need for comfort items like blankets, stuffed animals etc? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
254. Do you have phobias? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
247. Are you relaxed about whether or not you might have forgotten to do something which normally you would do (locking the door, unplugging an appliance)? (Aspie-score correlation: -.19)
10. Are you punctual, conscientious and perfectionist? (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
137. Do you feel like you were born with the wrong gender? (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
130. Do others often misunderstand you? (Aspie-score correlation: .74)
278. Do you forget you are in a social situation when something gets your attention? (Aspie-score correlation: .69)
3. Do you get confused by verbal instructions - especially several at the same time? (Aspie-score correlation: .68)
77. Do you more easily get very upset over 'minor' things (e.g. losing your favourite pen) than over which others get upset about (e.g. a relative passing away)? (Aspie-score correlation: .69)
6. Do you tend to get so stuck on details that you miss the overall picture? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
27. Do you find it hard to multi-task or shift your attention rapidly from one thing to another and therefore need to finish one task before turning to the next? (Aspie-score correlation: .64)
433. Do you drop things when your attention is on other things? (Aspie-score correlation: .60)
4. Do you need to see, touch or do things yourself in order to remember them? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
133. Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex compared to most others? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
31. Is it harder for you to make it on your own, than it seems to be for most others of your age? (Aspie-score correlation: .59)
279. Can you keep a healthy balance between what you need to do and treating your associates/guests with due attention? (Aspie-score correlation: -.50)
466. Do you rehearse inside your head? (Aspie-score correlation: .58)
50. Do you have poor concept of time? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
516. Are you somewhat of a daydreamer, often lost in your own thoughts? (Aspie-score correlation: .56)
32. Do you have a tendency to be passive and not initiate things yourself? (Aspie-score correlation: .53)
14. Is it difficult or tiresome for you to talk? (Aspie-score correlation: .55)
34. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups? (Aspie-score correlation: .52)
234. Do you stammer when stressed? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
416. Do you have difficulty writing by hand? (Aspie-score correlation: .42)
145. Do you have irregular eating habits that are adapted to what you are doing right now? (Aspie-score correlation: .47)
330. Do you look, feel or act younger than your biological age? (Aspie-score correlation: .44)
229. Do you have difficulties with pronunciation? (Aspie-score correlation: .40)
155. Do you find the norms of hygiene too strict? (Aspie-score correlation: .43)
116. Do you sometimes say "we" instead of "I"? (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
520. Do have difficulties keeping things tidy ? (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
251. Do you see the value in owning one of a kind? (Aspie-score correlation: .30)
241. Do you prefer being told the bottom line rather than having to find your own way there? (Aspie-score correlation: .29)
523. Are you sometimes fearless in situations that can be dangerous? (Aspie-score correlation: .34)
284. Are you trying to slow down at work because you run out of things to do? (Aspie-score correlation: .35)
148. Do you more often get things because you need them than because others have them? (Aspie-score correlation: .28)