Stim results

Talking to yourself (1975): When thinking (832)
Singing to yourself (1540): When happy (951)
Biting lip, cheek or tongue (1143): When thinking (353), When anxious (301), When nervous (245)
Bouncing leg/foot (1133): To release excess energy (280), When restless (272), When bored (245), When anxious (232), When thinking (219), When excited (191)
Clicking a pen (1126): When thinking (443), When bored (440)
Fiddling with things (1068): When bored (465)
Pacing (1061): When thinking (364), When anxious (226)
Humming (1029): When happy (394), When thinking (240)
Watching a spinning, blinking or glittering object (1018): When bored (373), It's pleasurable (265), When thinking (246)
Biting, peeling or picking cuticle or fingertip (996): When bored (402)
Tapping fingers (937): When bored (381), When thinking (288)
Picking skin and scabs (925): When bored (412)
Doodling (918): When bored (661)
Peeling skin flakes, including from lips (915): When bored (329), Other (211)
Grinding teeth (821): When stressed (250), When anxious (208)
Picking nose (805): When bored (386), Other (338)
Tapping pen or other object (781): When thinking (341), When bored (273)
Biting nails (755): When bored (222), When anxious (184), When nervous (174), When stressed (149)
Pressing eyes (754): When stressed (200), When distressed (122), When thinking (120), When overwhelmed (120)
Rocking back-&-forth (749): To calm myself (145), For comfort (125), When thinking (105), When overwhelmed (92), When overstimulated (88)
Digging fingernails under each other, into skin or other things (682): When bored (169), When anxious (119)
Whistling (662): When happy (351)
Cracking joints (646): When bored (193), It's pleasurable (174), Other (130)
Wiggling toes or feet (641): When bored (150), When restless (146), When thinking (134), When relaxed (126), To release excess energy (108), When anxious (94), Other (90)
Chewing or sucking on pencil, toothpick or other object (640): When thinking (401)
Spinning an object (598): When bored (325)
Rolling eyes (594): When frustrated (211)
Twirling hair (584): When bored (234), When thinking (208)
Clenching and unclenching fists (569): When angry (199)
Sucking lip (559): When thinking (282)
Twisting hands/fingers (525): When anxious (137), When nervous (126), When bored (104)
Rubbing hands together (482): When anxious (153), When nervous (129), When excited (128)
Rubbing arms or thighs (474): For comfort (124), When anxious (109), When nervous (90)
Pulling hairs from head, face or body (460): When bored (196)
Flapping hands (373): When excited (141)
Clicking teeth (367): When thinking (107), When anxious (74)
Walking on toes (366): Other (156), For fun (106)
Rocking side-to-side (363): When bored (62), To release excess energy (58), When thinking (57), When excited (56), To calm myself (51), For comfort (47), When relaxed (43)
Sticking tounge out (313): When thinking (111), For fun (77), When happy (71)
Spinning in circles (284): For fun (131), When happy (88)
Tapping ears (278): When thinking (91)
Chewing or sucking on strands of hair or beard (270): When bored (116), When thinking (97)
Clapping hands (223): When excited (178), When happy (137)
Sucking thumb (173): For comfort (59), To calm myself (40)
Rocking up and down (140): When excited (34), When happy (29), To release excess energy (29), When restless (27), To calm myself (25), When bored (22), Other (21)

When bored (3139): Doodling (661), Fiddling with things (465), Clicking a pen (440), Picking skin and scabs (412), Biting, peeling or picking cuticle or fingertip (402)
When thinking (3011): Clicking a pen (443), Talking to yourself (832), Chewing or sucking on pencil, toothpick or other object (401), Pacing (364), Biting lip, cheek or tongue (353), Doodling (351), Tapping pen or other object (341), Tapping fingers (288), Sucking lip (282)
When anxious (1993): Biting lip, cheek or tongue (301), Bouncing leg/foot (232), Pacing (226), Biting, peeling or picking cuticle or fingertip (218), Fiddling with things (209), Grinding teeth (208), Biting nails (184)
When restless (1651): Bouncing leg/foot (272), Clicking a pen (233), Tapping fingers (206), Fiddling with things (202), Pacing (182)
Other (1539): Picking nose (338), Peeling skin flakes, including from lips (211)
When nervous (1480): Biting lip, cheek or tongue (245), Fiddling with things (211), Biting, peeling or picking cuticle or fingertip (194), Biting nails (174), Bouncing leg/foot (165)
When stressed (1430): Grinding teeth (250), Pressing eyes (200), Biting lip, cheek or tongue (185)
It's pleasurable (1235): Watching a spinning, blinking or glittering object (265), Picking skin and scabs (193), Singing to yourself (175), Cracking joints (174)
To release excess energy (1180): Bouncing leg/foot (280), Singing to yourself (173)
When happy (1156): Singing to yourself (951)
For comfort (1101): Picking nose (153), Rocking back-&-forth (125), Rubbing arms or thighs (124), Singing to yourself (115), Peeling skin flakes, including from lips (111), Watching a spinning, blinking or glittering object (109), Picking skin and scabs (102), Cracking joints (100), Humming (96)
To calm myself (1066): Watching a spinning, blinking or glittering object (161), Rocking back-&-forth (145), Singing to yourself (110), Humming (110)
When excited (1057): Singing to yourself (238), Bouncing leg/foot (191), Clapping hands (178), Pacing (153)
For fun (1029): Singing to yourself (324), Watching a spinning, blinking or glittering object (205)
When relaxed (947): Singing to yourself (308), Humming (225)
To concentrate (862): Doodling (100), Chewing or sucking on pencil, toothpick or other object (98), Clicking a pen (89), Pacing (76), Biting lip, cheek or tongue (75), Pressing eyes (74), Tapping pen or other object (70), Sucking lip (64), Humming (63), Watching a spinning, blinking or glittering object (62), Bouncing leg/foot (60)
When distressed (798): Pressing eyes (122), Grinding teeth (116), Biting lip, cheek or tongue (115), Pacing (108), Biting, peeling or picking cuticle or fingertip (101), Rocking back-&-forth (82), Clenching and unclenching fists (78), Biting nails (74)
When overstimulated (773): Pressing eyes (100), Bouncing leg/foot (97), Rocking back-&-forth (88), Watching a spinning, blinking or glittering object (81), Flapping hands (73), Pacing (69)
When worried (747): Biting lip, cheek or tongue (130), Pacing (97), Sucking lip (91), Biting nails (90), Biting, peeling or picking cuticle or fingertip (82)
When frustrated (698): Rolling eyes (211)
When concentrated (683): Chewing or sucking on pencil, toothpick or other object (111), Biting lip, cheek or tongue (106), Sucking lip (76), Clicking a pen (70)
When overwhelmed (681): Pressing eyes (120), Rocking back-&-forth (92), Grinding teeth (84)
When indecisive (636): Biting lip, cheek or tongue (70), Sucking lip (56), Clicking a pen (56), Tapping fingers (54), Tapping pen or other object (51), Pacing (46)
When angry (494): Clenching and unclenching fists (199), Grinding teeth (124)
When in physical or emotional pain (466): Pressing eyes (107), Rocking back-&-forth (86), Digging fingernails under each other, into skin or other things (64)
When upset (448): Rolling eyes (66), Grinding teeth (60), Clenching and unclenching fists (59), Digging fingernails under each other, into skin or other things (48), Pacing (45), Rocking back-&-forth (43), Biting lip, cheek or tongue (41)
When confused (437): Biting lip, cheek or tongue (48), Rolling eyes (46), Pressing eyes (44), Sucking lip (35), Doodling (28)
When depressed (340): Rocking back-&-forth (55), Picking skin and scabs (54), Pressing eyes (52), Singing to yourself (46), Biting, peeling or picking cuticle or fingertip (42)
When sad (248): Singing to yourself (81), Rocking back-&-forth (61)
When you like somebody (138): Twirling hair (37), Sticking tounge out (33), Singing to yourself (28)
When disappointed (132): Rolling eyes (62)
When you dislike somebody (120): Rolling eyes (121)